#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_plugin::kvm;
  $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::GlobalDef;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::VMCommon;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;

use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Usage;
use XML::LibXML; #now that we are in the business of modifying xml data, need something capable of preserving more of the XML structure
#TODO: convert all uses of XML::Simple to LibXML?  Using both seems wasteful in a way..
use XML::Simple qw(XMLout);
use Thread qw(yield);
use xCAT::Utils qw/genpassword/;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils;
use strict;
#use warnings;
my $use_xhrm=0; #xCAT Hypervisor Resource Manager, to satisfy networking and storage prerequisites, default to not using it for the moment
my $imgfmt='raw'; #use raw format by default
my $clonemethod='qemu-img'; #use qemu-img command
my %vm_comm_pids;
my %offlinehyps;
my %hypstats;
my %offlinevms;
my $parser;
my @destblacklist;
my $updatetable; #when a function is performing per-node operations, it can queue up a table update by populating parts of this hash
my $confdata; #a reference to serve as a common pointer betweer VMCommon functions and this plugin
my $libvirtsupport;
$libvirtsupport = eval { 
    require Sys::Virt; 
    if (Sys::Virt->VERSION < "0.2.0") {

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use IO::Select;
use IO::Handle;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep);
use xCAT::DBobjUtils;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;

my %runningstates;
my $vmmaxp=64;
my $mactab;
my %usedmacs;
my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX";
my $callback;
my $requester; #used to track the user

sub handled_commands {
  #unless ($libvirtsupport) {
  #    return {};
  return {
    rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    mkvm => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    clonevm => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    chvm => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    rmvm => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    rinv => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
    rmigrate => 'nodehm:mgt',
    getcons => 'nodehm:mgt',
    #rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt',
    #rinv => 'nodehm:mgt',
    getrvidparms => 'nodehm:mgt',
    lsvm => 'hypervisor:type',
    rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt',
    revacuate => 'hypervisor:type',
    vmstatenotify => 'hypervisor:type',
    #rspreset => 'nodehm:mgt',
    #rspconfig => 'nodehm:mgt',
    #rbootseq => 'nodehm:mgt',
    #reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt',

my $hypconn;
my $hyp;
my $doreq;
my %hyphash;
my $node;
my $vmtab;

sub get_path_for_pool {
    my $poolobj =shift;
    my $poolxml = $poolobj->get_xml_description();
    my $pooldom = $parser->parse_string($poolxml);
    my @paths = $pooldom->findnodes("/pool/target/path/text()");
    if (scalar @paths != 1) {
        return undef;
    return $paths[0]->data;
sub build_pool_xml {
    my $url = shift;
    my $pooldesc;
    my $name=$url;
    $name=~ s!nfs://!nfs_!;
    $name=~ s!dir://!dir_!;
    $name=~ s!lvm://!lvm_!;
    $name =~ s/\//_/g; #though libvirt considers / kosher, sometimes it wants to create a local xml file using name for filename...
    if ($url =~ /^dir:/) { #directory style..
	my $path=$url;
	$path =~ s/dir:\/\///g;
	return "<pool type=\"dir\"><name>$name</name><target><path>$path</path></target></pool>";
    } elsif ($url =~ /^lvm:\/\//) { #lvm specified
    	my $path = $url;
	$path =~ s/^lvm:\/\///;
	$path =~ s/:(.*)\z//;
	my $volumes = $1;
	my $mount = "/dev/$path";
	my $xml = '<pool type="logical"><name>'.$path.'</name><target><path>'.$mount.'</path></target>';
	if ($volumes) {
		$xml .= "<source>";
		my @vols = split /,/,$volumes;
		foreach (@vols) {
			$xml .= '<device path="'.$_.'"/>';
		$xml .= "</source>";
	$xml .= "</pool>";
	return $xml;
    my $mounthost = shift;
    unless ($mounthost) { $mounthost = $hyp; }
    my $pool;
    my $host = $url;
    $host =~ s/.*:\/\///;
    $host =~ s/(\/.*)//;
    my $srcpath = $1;
    my $uuid = xCAT::Utils::genUUID(url=>$url);
#first, we make a pool desc that won't have slashes in them
    $pooldesc = '<pool type="netfs">';
    $pooldesc .= '<name>'.$name.'</name>';
    $pooldesc .= '<uuid>'.$uuid.'</uuid>>';
    $pooldesc .= '<source>';
    $pooldesc .= '<host name="'.$host.'"/>';
    $pooldesc .= '<dir path="'.$srcpath.'"/>';
    $pooldesc .= '</source>';
    $pooldesc .= '<target><path>/var/lib/xcat/pools/'.$uuid.'</path></target></pool>';
    #turns out we can 'define', then 'build', then 'create' on the poolobj instead of 'create', to get mkdir -p like function
    #system("ssh $mounthost mkdir -p /var/lib/xcat/pools/$uuid"); #ok, so not *technically* just building XML, but here is the cheapest
                                                            #place to know uuid...  And yes, we must be allowed to ssh in
                                                            #libvirt just isn't capable enough for this sort of usage
    return $pooldesc;

sub get_storage_pool_by_url {
    my $url = shift;
    my $virtconn = shift;
    my $mounthost = shift;
    unless ($virtconn) { $virtconn = $hypconn; }
    my @currpools = $virtconn->list_storage_pools();
    push @currpools,$virtconn->list_defined_storage_pools();
    my $poolobj;
    my $pool;
    foreach my $poolo (@currpools) {
        $poolobj = $poolo;
        $pool = $parser->parse_string($poolobj->get_xml_description()); #XMLin($poolobj->get_xml_description());
        if ($url =~ /^nfs:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)$/) { #check the essence of the pool rather than the name
            my $host=$1;
            my $path=$2;
            unless ($pool->findnodes("/pool")->[0]->getAttribute("type") eq "netfs") {
            #ok, it is netfs, now check source..
            my $checkhost = $pool->findnodes("/pool/source/host")->[0]->getAttribute("name");
            my $checkpath = $pool->findnodes("/pool/source/dir")->[0]->getAttribute("path");
            if ($checkhost eq $host and $checkpath eq $path) { #TODO: check name resolution to see if they match really even if not strictly the same
        } elsif ($url =~ /^dir:\/\/(.*)\z/) {  #a directory, simple enough
	    my $path = $1;
            unless ($path =~ /^\//) {
		$path = '/'.$path;
	    $path =~ s/\/\z//; #delete trailing / if table specifies, a perfectly understable 'mistake'
	    my $checkpath = $pool->findnodes("/pool/target/path/text()")->[0]->data;
	    if ($checkpath eq $path) {
	} elsif ($url =~ /^lvm:\/\/([^:]*)/) { #lvm volume group....
	    my $vgname = $1;
	    my $checkname = $pool->findnodes("/pool/name/text()")->[0]->data;
	    if ($checkname eq $vgname) {
        } elsif ($pool->findnodes('/pool/name/text()')->[0]->data eq $url) { #$pool->{name} eq $url) {
        $pool = undef;
    if ($pool) { 
        my $inf=$poolobj->get_info();
        if ($inf->{state} == 0) { #Sys::Virt::StoragePool::STATE_INACTIVE) { #if pool is currently inactive, bring it up
	eval { #we *try* to do this, but various things may interfere.
		#this is basically to make sure the list of contents is up to date
        return $poolobj; 
    $poolobj = $virtconn->define_storage_pool(build_pool_xml($url,$mounthost));
    eval { #wrap in eval, not likely to fail here, but calling it at all may be superfluous anyway
    return $poolobj;

sub get_multiple_paths_by_url {
    my %args =@_;
    my $url = $args{url};
    my $node = $args{node};
    my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($url);
    unless ($poolobj) { die "Cound not get storage pool for $url"; }
    eval { #refresh() can 'die' if cloning in progress, accept stale data then
    	$poolobj->refresh(); #if volumes change on nfs storage, libvirt is too dumb to notice
    my @volobjs = $poolobj->list_volumes();
    my %paths;
    foreach (@volobjs) {
        if ($_->get_name() =~ /^$node\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)$/) {
            $paths{$_->get_path()} = {device=>$1,format=>$2};
        } elsif ($_->get_name() =~ /^$node\.([^\.]*)$/) {
             $paths{$_->get_path()} = {device=>$1,format=>'raw'}; 
             #this requires any current user of qcow2 to migrate, unfortunate to escape
             #a vulnerability where raw user could write malicious qcow2 to header
             #and use that to get at files on the hypervisor os with escalated privilege
    return \%paths;
sub get_filepath_by_url { #at the end of the day, the libvirt storage api gives the following capability:
                          #mount, limited ls, and qemu-img
                          #it does not frontend mkdir, and does not abstract away any nitty-gritty detail, you must know:
                          #the real mountpoint, and the real full path to storage
                          #in addition to this, subdirectories are not allowed, and certain extra metadata must be created
                          #not a big fan compared to ssh and run the commands myself, but it's the most straightforward path
                          #to avoid ssh for users who dislike that style access
    my %args = @_;
    my $url = $args{url};
    my $dev = $args{dev};
    my $create = $args{create};
    my $force = $args{force};
    my $format = $args{format};
    if ($url =~ /^lvm:/) {
	$format = 'raw';
    unless ($format) {
        $format = 'qcow2';
    #print "url=$url, dev=$dev,create=$create, force=$force, format=$format\n";
    #ok, now that we have the pool, we need the storage volume from the pool for the node/dev
    my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($url);
    unless ($poolobj) { die "Could not get storage pool for $url"; }
    eval { #make a refresh attempt non-fatal to fail, since cloning can block it
    	$poolobj->refresh(); #if volumes change on nfs storage, libvirt is too dumb to notice
    my @volobjs = $poolobj->list_volumes();
    my $desiredname = $node.'.'.$dev.'.'.$format;
    #print "desiredname=$desiredname, volobjs=@volobjs\n";
    foreach (@volobjs) {
        if ($_->get_name() eq $desiredname) {
            if ($create) {
                if ($force) { #must destroy the storage
                } else {
                    die "Path already exists";
            } else {
                return $_->get_path();
    if ($create) { 
        if ($create =~ /^clone=(.*)$/) {
            my $src = $1;
            my $fmt='raw';
            if ($src =~ /\.qcow2$/) {
            my $vol = $poolobj->create_volume("<volume><name>".$desiredname."</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>100</capacity><backingStore><path>$src</path><format type='$fmt'/></backingStore></volume>");
            #ok, this is simply hinting, not the real deal, so to speak
            #  1)  sys::virt complains if capacity isn't defined.  We say '100', knowing full well it will be promptly ignored down the code.  This is aggravating
            #      and warrants recheck with the RHEL6 stack
            #  2) create_volume with backingStore is how we do the clone from master (i.e. a thin clone, a la qemu-img create)
            #     note how backing store is full path, allowing cross-pool clones
            #  3) clone_volume is the way to invoke qemu-img convert (i.e. to 'promote' and flatten a vm image to a standalone duplicate volume
            #     incidentally, promote to master will be relatively expensive compared to the converse operation, as expected
            #     will have to verify as it is investigated whether this can successfully cross pools (hope so)
            #  4) qemu-img was so much more transparent and easy to figure out than this
            #  additionally, when mastering a powered down node, we should rebase the node to be a cow clone of the master it just spawned
        } else {
            my $vol = $poolobj->create_volume("<volume><name>".$desiredname."</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".getUnits($create,"G",1)."</capacity><allocation>0</allocation></volume>");
            if ($vol) { return $vol->get_path(); }
    } else {
        return undef;

sub nodesockopen {
   my $node = shift;
   my $port = shift;
   unless ($node) { return 0; }
   my $socket;
   my $addr = gethostbyname($node);
   my $sin = sockaddr_in($port,$addr);
   my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
   socket($socket,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) || return 0;
   connect($socket,$sin) || return 0;
   return 1;

sub waitforack {
    my $sock = shift;
    my $select = new IO::Select;
    my $str;
    if ($select->can_read(60)) { # Continue after 10 seconds, even if not acked...
        if ($str = <$sock>) {
        } else {
           $select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data

sub reconfigvm {
    my $xml = shift;
    my $domdesc = $parser->parse_string($xml);
    my @bootdevs = $domdesc->findnodes("/domain/os/boot");
    my $curroffset = $domdesc->findnodes("/domain/clock")->[0]->getAttribute("offset");
    my $newoffset;
    my $needfixin=0;
    if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{clockoffset})) {
        #If user requested a specific behavior, give it
	$newoffset = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{clockoffset};
    } else {
        #Otherwise, only do local time for things that look MS
        if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os}) and $confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os} =~ /win.*/) {
	    $newoffset = 'localtime';
        } else { #For everyone else, utc is preferred generally
	    $newoffset = 'utc';
    if ($curroffset ne $newoffset) {
    my @oldbootdevs;
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
	foreach ($domdesc->findnodes("/domain/currentMemory/text()")) {
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder}) {
        my @expectedorder = split(/[:,]/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder});
        foreach (@expectedorder) { #this loop will check for changes and fix 'n' and 'net'
            my $currdev = shift @bootdevs;
            if ("net" eq $_ or "n" eq $_) {
                $_ = "network";
            unless ($currdev and $currdev->getAttribute("dev") eq $_) {
            if ($currdev) {
                push @oldbootdevs,$currdev;
        if (scalar(@bootdevs)) {
            push @oldbootdevs,@bootdevs;
        unless ($needfixin) { return 0; }
        #ok, we need to remove all 'boot' nodes from current xml, and put in new ones in the order we like
        foreach (@oldbootdevs) {
        #now to add what we want...
        my $osnode = $domdesc->findnodes("/domain/os")->[0];
        foreach (@expectedorder) {
            my $fragment = $parser->parse_balanced_chunk('<boot dev="'.$_.'"/>');
    if ($needfixin) {
        return $domdesc->toString();
    } else { return 0; }

sub build_oshash {
    my %rethash;
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder}) {
        my $bootorder = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder};
        my @bootdevs = split(/[:,]/,$bootorder);
        my $bootnum = 0;
        foreach (@bootdevs) {
            if ("net" eq $_ or "n" eq $_) {
            } else {
    } else {
    return \%rethash;

sub build_diskstruct {
    print "build_diskstruct called\n";
    my $cdloc=shift;
    my @returns=();
    my $currdev;
    my @suffixes=('a','b','d'..'zzz');
    my $suffidx=0;
    if ($cdloc) {
        my $cdhash;
        if ($cdloc =~ /^\/dev/) {
        } else {
        push @returns,$cdhash;
    } else { #give the VM an empty optical drive, to allow chvm live attach/remove
      my $cdhash;
      push @returns,$cdhash;

    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
        my $disklocs=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
        my @locations=split /\|/,$disklocs; 
        foreach my $disk (@locations) {
            #Setting default values of a virtual disk backed by a file at hd*.
            my $diskhash;
            $disk =~ s/=(.*)//;
            my $model = $1;
            unless ($model) {
                #if not defined, model will stay undefined like above
                $model = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storagemodel};
                unless ($model) { $model = 'ide'; } #if still not defined, ide
            my $prefix='hd';
            if ($model eq 'virtio') {
            } elsif ($model eq 'scsi') {
            $diskhash->{type} = 'file';
            $diskhash->{device} = 'disk';
            $diskhash->{target}->{dev} = $prefix.$suffixes[$suffidx];
            $diskhash->{target}->{bus} = $model;

            my @disk_parts = split(/,/, $disk);
            #Find host file and determine if it is a file or a block device.
            if (substr($disk_parts[0], 0, 4) eq 'phy:') {
                $diskhash->{source}->{dev} = substr($disk_parts[0], 4);
            } elsif ($disk_parts[0] =~ m/^nfs:\/\/(.*)$/ or $disk_parts[0] =~ m/^dir:\/\/(.*)$/ or $disk_parts[0] =~ m/^lvm:\/\/(.*)$/) {
                my %disks = %{get_multiple_paths_by_url(url=>$disk_parts[0],node=>$node)};
                unless (keys %disks) {
                    die "Unable to find any persistent disks at ".$disk_parts[0];
                foreach (keys %disks) {
                    my $tdiskhash;
                    $tdiskhash->{driver}->{cache}="none"; #in this scenario, making a brand new vm, there is not much the hypervisor cache can do for us that the 
								#guest cannot do for itself
                    $tdiskhash->{target}->{dev} = $disks{$_}->{device};
                    if ($disks{$_} =~ /^vd/) {
                        $tdiskhash->{target}->{bus} = 'virtio';
                    } elsif ($disks{$_} =~ /^hd/) {
                        $tdiskhash->{target}->{bus} = 'ide';
                    } elsif ($disks{$_} =~ /^sd/) {
                        $tdiskhash->{target}->{bus} = 'scsi';
                    push @returns,$tdiskhash;

                next; #nfs:// skips the other stuff
                #$diskhash->{source}->{file} = get_filepath_by_url(url=>$disk_parts[0],dev=>$diskhash->{target}->{dev}); #"/var/lib/xcat/vmnt/nfs_".$1."/$node/".$diskhash->{target}->{dev};
            } else { #currently, this would be a bare file to slap in as a disk
                $diskhash->{source}->{file} = $disk_parts[0];

            #See if there are any other options. If not, increment suffidx because the already determined device node was used.
            #evidently, we support specificying explicitly how to target the system..
            if (@disk_parts gt 1) {
                my @disk_opts = split(/:/, $disk_parts[1]);
                if ($disk_opts[0] ne '') {
                    $diskhash->{target}->{dev} = $disk_opts[0];
                } else {
                if ($disk_opts[1] eq 'cdrom') {
            } else {

            push @returns,$diskhash;
    return \@returns;
sub getNodeUUID {
    my $node = shift;
    my $uuid;
    if ($confdata->{vpd}->{$node}->[0] and $confdata->{vpd}->{$node}->[0]->{uuid}) {
	$uuid = $confdata->{vpd}->{$node}->[0]->{uuid};
	$uuid =~ s/^(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
        return $uuid;
    if ($confdata->{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac}) { #a uuidv1 is possible, generate that for absolute uniqueness guarantee
        my $mac = $confdata->{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac};
        $mac =~ s/\|.*//;
        $mac =~ s/!.*//;
    } else {
    $uuid = $updatetable->{vpd}->{$node}->{uuid};
    $uuid =~ s/^(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
    return $uuid;

sub build_nicstruct {
    my $rethash;
    my $node = shift;
    my @nics=();
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) {
        @nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
    my @macs=xCAT::VMCommon::getMacAddresses($confdata,$node,scalar @nics);
    my @rethashes;
    foreach (@macs) {
        my $rethash;
        my $nic = shift @nics;
        my $type = 'e1000'; #better default fake nic than rtl8139, relevant to most
        unless ($nic) {
            last; #Don't want to have multiple vnics tied to the same switch
        $nic =~ s/.*://; #the detail of how the bridge was built is of no
                        #interest to this segment of code
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nicmodel}) {
            $type = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nicmodel};
        if ($nic =~ /=/) {
            ($nic,$type) = split /=/,$nic,2;
        push @rethashes,$rethash;
    return \@rethashes;
sub getUnits {
    my $amount = shift;
    my $defunit = shift;
    my $divisor=shift;
    unless ($divisor) {
        $divisor = 1;
    if ($amount =~ /(\D)$/) { #If unitless, add unit
        chop $amount;
    if ($defunit =~ /k/i) {
        return $amount*1024/$divisor;
    } elsif ($defunit =~ /m/i) {
        return $amount*1048576/$divisor;
    } elsif ($defunit =~ /g/i) {
        return $amount*1073741824/$divisor;

sub build_xmldesc {
    my $node = shift;
    my %args=@_;
    my $cdloc=$args{cd};
    my %xtree=();
    $xtree{os} = build_oshash();
    if ($args{memory}) {
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
    } elsif (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
    } else {
    if ($args{cpus}) {
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
    } elsif (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
    } else {
    if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{clockoffset})) {
        #If user requested a specific behavior, give it
    } else {
        #Otherwise, only do local time for things that look MS
        if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os}) and $confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os} =~ /win.*/) {
        } else { #For everyone else, utc is preferred generally

    #use content to force xml simple to not make model the 'name' of video
    if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidmodel})) {
      my $model = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidmodel};
      my $vram = '8192';
      if ($model eq 'qxl') { $vram = 65536; } #surprise, spice blows up with less vram than this after version 0.6 and up
      $xtree{devices}->{video}= [ { 'content'=>'','model'=> {type=>$model,vram=>$vram}}];
    } else {
      $xtree{devices}->{video}= [ { 'content'=>'','model'=> {type=>'vga',vram=>8192}}];
    if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidproto})) {
    } else {
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidpassword}) {
    } else {
    return XMLout(\%xtree,RootName=>"domain");

sub refresh_vm {
    my $dom = shift;

    my $newxml=$dom->get_xml_description();
    $newxml = XMLin($newxml);
    my $vidport=$newxml->{devices}->{graphics}->{port};
    my $vidproto=$newxml->{devices}->{graphics}->{type};
    my $stty=$newxml->{devices}->{console}->{tty};
    return {vidport=>$vidport,textconsole=>$stty,vidproto=>$vidproto};

sub getcons {
    my $node = shift();
    my $type = shift();
    my $dom;
    eval {
     $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    unless ($dom) {
        return 1,"Unable to query running VM";
    my $consdata=refresh_vm($dom);
    my $hyper=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host};

    if ($type eq "text") {
        my $serialspeed;
        if ($confdata->{nodehm}) {
        my $sconsparms = {node=>[{name=>[$node]}]};
        return (0,$sconsparms);
    } elsif ($type eq "vid") {
      my $domxml = $dom->get_xml_description();
      my $parseddom = $parser->parse_string($domxml);
      my ($graphicsnode) = $parseddom->findnodes("//graphics");
      my $tpasswd; 
      if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidpassword}) {
      } else {
      my $validto=POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",gmtime(time()+60));
	#$dom->update_device("<graphics type='".$consdata->{vidproto}."' passwd='$tpasswd' passwdValidTo='$validto' autoport='yes'/>");
	return $consdata;
        #return (0,{$consdata->{vidproto}.'@'.$hyper.":".$consdata->{vidport}); #$consdata->{vncport});
sub getrvidparms {
    my $node=shift;
    my $location = getcons($node,"vid");
    unless (ref $location) {
       return (1,"Error: Unable to determine rvid destination for $node (appears VM is off)");
        my @output = (
      "method: kvm"
    foreach (keys %$location) {
      push @output,$_.":".$location->{$_};
    return 0,@output;

my %cached_noderanges;
sub pick_target {
    my $node = shift;
    my $addmemory = shift;
    my $target;
    my $mostfreememory=undef;
    my $currentfreememory;
    my $candidates= $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{migrationdest};
    my $currhyp=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host};
#caching strategy is implicit on whether $addmemory is passed.
    unless ($candidates) {
        return undef;
    my @fosterhyps; #noderange is relatively expensive, and generally we only will have a few distinct noderange descriptions to contend with in a mass adoption, so cache eache one for reuse across pick_target() calls
    if (defined $cached_noderanges{$candidates}) {
	@fosterhyps = @{$cached_noderanges{$candidates}};
    } else {
	@fosterhyps = noderange($candidates);
        $cached_noderanges{$candidates} = \@fosterhyps;
    foreach (@fosterhyps) {
        my $targconn;
        my $cand=$_;
        if ($_ eq $currhyp) { next; } #skip current node
        if ($offlinehyps{$_}) { next }; #skip already offlined nodes
        if (grep { "$_" eq $cand } @destblacklist) { next; } #skip blacklisted destinations
        if ($addmemory and defined $hypstats{$_}->{freememory}) { #only used cache results when addmemory suggests caching can make sense
        } else {
            if (not nodesockopen($_,22)) { $offlinehyps{$_}=1; next; } #skip unusable destinations
                eval {  #Sys::Virt has bugs that cause it to die out in weird ways some times, contain it here
                    $targconn = Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc");
                unless ($targconn) {
                    eval {  #Sys::Virt has bugs that cause it to die out in weird ways some times, contain it here
                        $targconn = Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1");
            unless ($targconn) { next; } #skip unreachable destinations
            foreach ($targconn->list_domains()) {
                if ($_->get_name() eq 'Domain-0') { next; } #Dom0 memory usage is elastic, we are interested in HVM DomU memory, which is inelastic
                $currentfreememory -= $_->get_info()->{memory};
        if ($addmemory and $addmemory->{$_}) {
            $currentfreememory -= $addmemory->{$_};
        if (not defined ($mostfreememory)) {
        } elsif ($currentfreememory > $mostfreememory) {
    return $target;

sub migrate {
    $node = shift();
    my @args=@_;
    my $targ;
    foreach (@args) {
	if (/^-/) { next; }
	$targ = $_;
    if ($offlinevms{$node}) {
        return power("on");
#TODO: currently, we completely serialize migration events.  Some IO fabrics can facilitate concurrent migrations
#One trivial example is an ethernet port aggregation where a single conversation may likely be unable to utilize all the links
#because traffic is balanced by a mac address hashing algorithim, but talking to several hypervisors would have
#distinct peers that can be balanced more effectively.
#The downside is that migration is sufficiently slow that a lot can change in the intervening time on a target hypervisor, but
#this should not be an issue if:
#xCAT is the only path a configuration is using to make changes in the virtualization stack
#xCAT implements a global semaphore mechanism that this plugin can use to assure migration targets do not change by our own hand..
#failing that.. flock.
    unless ($targ) {
        $targ = pick_target($node);
    unless ($targ) {
        return (1,"Unable to identify a suitable target host for guest $node");
    if ($use_xhrm) {
    my $prevhyp;
    my $target = "qemu+ssh://root@".$targ."/system?no_tty=1";
    my $currhyp="qemu+ssh://root@";
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host}) {
    } else {
        return (1,"Unable to find current location of $node");
    if ($currhyp eq $target) {
        return (0,"Guest is already on host $targ");
    my $srchypconn;
    my $desthypconn;
    unless ($offlinehyps{$prevhyp} or nodesockopen($prevhyp,22)) {
    my $srcnetcatadd="&netcat=nc";
    unless ($offlinehyps{$prevhyp}) {
        eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs
            $srchypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$prevhyp."/system?no_tty=1$srcnetcatadd");
        unless ($srchypconn) {
            eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs
                $srchypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$prevhyp."/system?no_tty=1");
    unless ($srchypconn) {
        if (grep { $_ eq '-f' } @args) {
      		unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); }
	        return (0,"migrated to $targ");
        } else {
	        return (1,"Unable to reach $prevhyp to perform operation of $node, use nodech to change vm.host if certain of no split-brain possibility exists (or use -f on rmigrate)");
    unless ($offlinehyps{$targ} or nodesockopen($targ,22)) {
    my $destnetcatadd="&netcat=nc";
    unless ($offlinehyps{$targ}) {
        eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs
            $desthypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>$target.$destnetcatadd);
        unless ($desthypconn) {
            eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs
                $desthypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>$target);
    unless ($desthypconn) {
        return (1,"Unable to reach $targ to perform operation of $node, destination unusable.");
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} and $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} =~ /^nfs:/) {
        #first, assure master is in place
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{master}) {
            my $vmmastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster',-create=>0);
            my $masterent;
            if ($vmmastertab) {
            if ($masterent and $masterent->{storage}) {
                 foreach (split /,/,$masterent->{storage}) {
        my $urls =  $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} and $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
        foreach (split /,/,$urls) {
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'udp');
    my $ipa=inet_aton($node);
    my $pa;
    if ($ipa) {
        $pa=sockaddr_in(7,$ipa); #UDP echo service, not needed to be actually
    #serviced, we just want to trigger MAC move in the switch forwarding dbs
    my $nomadomain;
    eval { 
        $nomadomain = $srchypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    unless ($nomadomain) {
      	unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); }
        return (0,"migrated to $targ");
        #return (1,"Unable to find $node on $prevhyp, vm.host may be incorrect or a split-brain condition, such as libvirt forgetting a guest due to restart or bug.");
    my $newdom;
    my $errstr;
    eval {
    if ($@) { $errstr = $@; }
#TODO: If it looks like it failed to migrate, ensure the guest exists only in one place
    if ($errstr) { 
        return (1,"Failed migration of $node from $prevhyp to $targ: $errstr");
    unless ($newdom) {
        return (1,"Failed migration from $prevhyp to $targ");
    if ($ipa) {
        system("arp -d $node"); #Make ethernet fabric take note of change
        send($sock,"dummy",0,$pa);  #UDP packet to force forwarding table update in switches, ideally a garp happened, but just in case...
    #BTW, this should all be moot since the underlying kvm seems good about gratuitous traffic, but it shouldn't hurt anything
    #The migration seems tohave suceeded, but to be sure...
    if ($desthypconn->get_domain_by_name($node)) {
        #$updatetable->{vm}->{$node}->{host} = $targ;
      	unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); }
        return (0,"migrated to $targ");
    } else { #This *should* not be possible
        return (1,"Failed migration from $prevhyp to $targ, despite normal looking run...");

sub getpowstate {
    my $dom = shift;
    my $vmstat;
    if ($dom) {
        $vmstat = $dom->get_info;
    if ($vmstat and $runningstates{$vmstat->{state}}) {
        return "on";
    } else {
        return "off";

sub xhrm_satisfy {
    my $node = shift;
    my $hyp = shift;
    my $rc=0;
    my @nics=();
    my @storage=();
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) {
        @nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
    $rc |=system("scp $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/scripts/xHRM $hyp:/usr/bin");

    foreach (@nics) {
        s/=.*//; #this code cares not about the model of virtual nic
        my $nic=$_;
	my $vlanip;
	my $netmask;
	my $subnet;
        my $vlan;
        my $interface;
	if ($nic =~ /^vl([\d]+)$/) {
	    my $nwtab=xCAT::Table->new("networks", -create =>0);
	    if ($nwtab) {
		my $sent = $nwtab->getAttribs({vlanid=>"$vlan"},'net','mask');
		if ($sent and ($sent->{net})) {
		if (($subnet) && ($netmask)) {
		    my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new("hosts", -create => 0);
		    if ($hoststab) {
			my $tmp = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs($hyp, ['otherinterfaces']);
			if (defined($tmp) && ($tmp) && $tmp->{otherinterfaces})
			    my $otherinterfaces = $tmp->{otherinterfaces};
			    my @itf_pairs=split(/,/, $otherinterfaces);
			    foreach (@itf_pairs) {
				my ($name,$vip)=split(/:/, $_);
				if(xCAT::NetworkUtils->ishostinsubnet($vip, $netmask, $subnet)) {

        #get the nic that vlan tagged 
        my $swtab = xCAT::Table->new("switch", -create => 0);
        if ($swtab) {
	    my $tmp_switch = $swtab->getNodesAttribs([$hyp], ['vlan','interface']);
	    if (defined($tmp_switch) && (exists($tmp_switch->{$hyp}))) { 
	        my $tmp_node_array=$tmp_switch->{$hyp};
	        foreach my $tmp (@$tmp_node_array) {
		    if (exists($tmp->{vlan})) {
		        my $vlans = $tmp->{vlan};
		        foreach my $vlan_tmp (split(',',$vlans)) {
			    if ($vlan_tmp == $vlan) {
		                if (exists($tmp->{interface})) {
        if (($interface) || ($interface =~ /primary/)) {
            $interface =~ s/primary(:)?//g;
	#print "interface=$interface nic=$nic vlanip=$vlanip netmask=$netmask\n";
        if ($interface) {
	    $rc |=system("ssh $hyp xHRM bridgeprereq $interface:$nic $vlanip $netmask");
        } else {
            $rc |=system("ssh $hyp xHRM bridgeprereq $nic $vlanip $netmask");

        #TODO: surprise! there is relatively undocumented libvirt capability for this...
        #./tests/interfaceschemadata/ will have to do in lieu of documentation..
        #note that RHEL6 is where that party starts
        #of course, they don't have a clean 'migrate from normal interface to bridge' capability
        #consequently, would have to have some init script at least pre-bridge it up..
        #even then, may not be able to intelligently modify the bridge remotely, so may still not be feasible for our use..
        #this is sufficiently hard, punting to 2.6 at least..
    return $rc;
sub makedom {
    my $node=shift;
    my $cdloc = shift;
    my $xml = shift;
    my $dom;
    if (not $xml and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node} and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0] and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml}) {
        #we do this to trigger storage prereq fixup
        if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} and ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} =~ /^nfs:/ or $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} =~ /^dir:/ or $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} =~ /^lvm:/)) {
            if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{master}) {
                my $vmmastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster',-create=>0);
                my $masterent;
                if ($vmmastertab) {
                if ($masterent and $masterent->{storage}) {
                     foreach (split /,/,$masterent->{storage}) {
            my $urls =  $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} and $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
            foreach (split /,/,$urls) {
        $xml = $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
        my $newxml = reconfigvm($node,$xml);
        if ($newxml) {
    } elsif (not $xml) {
        $xml = build_xmldesc($node,cd=>$cdloc);
    my $parseddom = $parser->parse_string($xml);
    my ($graphics) = $parseddom->findnodes("//graphics");
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{vidpassword}) {
    } else {
    $xml = $parseddom->toString();
    my $errstr;
    eval { 
	if ($::XCATSITEVALS{persistkvmguests}) {
	} else {
    if ($@) { $errstr = $@; }
    if (ref $errstr) {
       $errstr = ":".$errstr->{message};
    if ($errstr) { return (undef,$errstr); }
    if ($dom) {
    return $dom,undef;

sub createstorage {
#svn rev 6638 held the older vintage of createstorage
    #print "createstorage called\n";
    my $filename=shift;
    my $mastername=shift;
    my $size=shift;
    my $cfginfo = shift;
    my $force = shift;
    #my $diskstruct = shift;
    my $node = $cfginfo->{node};
    my @flags = split /,/,$cfginfo->{virtflags};
    foreach (@flags) {
        if (/^imageformat=(.*)\z/) {
        } elsif (/^clonemethod=(.*)\z/) {
    my $mountpath;
    my $pathappend;

    #for nfs paths and qemu-img, we do the magic locally only for now
    my $basename;
    my $dirname;
    if ($mastername and $size) {
        return 1,"Can not specify both a master to clone and size(s)";
    my $model=$1;
    unless ($model) {
        #if not defined, model will stay undefined like above
        $model = $cfginfo->{storagemodel};
    my $prefix='hd';
    if ($model eq 'scsi') {
    } elsif ($model eq 'virtio') {
    my @suffixes=('a','b','d'..'zzz');
    if ($filename =~ /^nfs:/ or $filename =~ /^dir:/ or $filename =~ /^lvm:/) { #libvirt storage pool to be used for this
        my @sizes = split /,/,$size;
        foreach (@sizes) {
            get_filepath_by_url(url=>$filename,dev=>$prefix.shift(@suffixes),create=>$_, force=>$force);
        oldCreateStorage($filename, $mastername, $size, $cfginfo, $force);
    my $masterserver;
    if ($mastername) { #cloning
    if ($size) {#new volume

sub oldCreateStorage {
    my $filename=shift;
    my $mastername=shift;
    my $size=shift;
    my $cfginfo = shift;
    my $force = shift;
    my $node = $cfginfo->{node};
    my @flags = split /,/,$cfginfo->{virtflags};
    foreach (@flags) {
        if (/^imageformat=(.*)\z/) {
        } elsif (/^clonemethod=(.*)\z/) {
    my $mountpath;
    my $pathappend;
    my $storageserver;
    #for nfs paths and qemu-img, we do the magic locally only for now
    my $basename;
    my $dirname;
    ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse($filename);
    unless ($storageserver) {
        if (-f $filename) {
            unless ($force) {
                return 1,"Storage already exists, delete manually or use --force";
            unlink $filename;
    if ($storageserver and $mastername and $clonemethod eq 'reflink') {
        my $rc=system("ssh $storageserver mkdir -p $dirname");
        if ($rc) {
            return 1,"Unable to manage storage on remote server $storageserver";
    } elsif ($storageserver) {
        my @mounts = `mount`;
        my $foundmount;
        foreach (@mounts) {
          if (/^$storageserver:$mountpath/) {
             s/^.* on (\S*) type nfs.*$/$1/;
             $dirname = $_;
        unless ($foundmount) {
            return 1,"qemu-img cloning requires that the management server have the directory $mountpath from $storageserver mounted";
    } else {
    if ($mastername and $size) {
        return 1,"Can not specify both a master to clone and a size";
    my $masterserver;
    if ($mastername) {
        unless ($mastername =~ /^\// or $mastername =~ /^nfs:/) {
            $mastername = $xCAT_plugin::kvm::masterdir.'/'.$mastername;
        if ($mastername =~ m!nfs://([^/]*)(/.*\z)!) {
            $mastername = $2;
            $masterserver = $1;
        if ($masterserver ne $storageserver) {
            return 1,"Not supporting cloning between $masterserver and $storageserver at this time, for now ensure master images and target VM images are on the same server";
        my $rc;
        if ($clonemethod eq 'qemu-img') {
            my $dirn;
            my $filn;
            ($filn,$dirn) = fileparse($filename);
            $rc=system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $mastername $filename");
        } elsif ($clonemethod eq 'reflink') {
            if ($storageserver) {
                $rc=system("ssh $storageserver cp --reflink $mastername $filename");
            } else {
                $rc=system("cp --reflink $mastername $filename");
        if ($rc) {
            return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename from $mastername";
    if ($size) {
        my $rc = system("qemu-img create -f $imgfmt $filename ".getUnits($size,"g",1024));
        if ($rc) {
            return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename of size $size\n";

sub rinv {
    my $dom;
    eval {
       $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    my $currstate=getpowstate($dom);
    my $currxml;
    if ($currstate eq 'on') {
    } else {
        $currxml  =$confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
    unless ($currxml) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM does not appear to exist"], $callback,$node);
    my $domain=$parser->parse_string($currxml);
    my $uuid = $domain->findnodes('/domain/uuid')->[0]->to_literal;
    $uuid =~ s/^(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("UUID/GUID: $uuid", $callback,$node);
    my $cpus = $domain->findnodes('/domain/vcpu')->[0]->to_literal;
    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("CPUs: $cpus", $callback,$node);
    my $memnode = $domain->findnodes('/domain/currentMemory')->[0];
    my $maxmemnode = $domain->findnodes('/domain/memory')->[0];
    unless ($memnode) {
        $memnode = $maxmemnode;
    if ($memnode) {
        my $mem = $memnode->to_literal;
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Memory: $mem MB", $callback,$node);
    if ($maxmemnode) {
	my $maxmem = $maxmemnode->to_literal;
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Maximum Memory: $maxmem MB", $callback,$node);
sub get_storage_pool_by_volume {
    my $vol = shift;
    my $path=$vol->get_path();
    return get_storage_pool_by_path($path);
sub get_storage_pool_by_path {
#attempts to get pool for a volume, returns false on failure
    my $file = shift;
    my $pool;
    return eval {
        my @currpools = $hypconn->list_storage_pools();
        push @currpools,$hypconn->list_defined_storage_pools();
        foreach $pool (@currpools) {
            my $parsedpool = $parser->parse_string($pool->get_xml_description());
            my $currpath = $parsedpool->findnodes("/pool/target/path/text()")->[0]->data;
            if ($currpath eq $file or $file =~ /^$currpath\/[^\/]*$/) {
                return $pool;
        return undef;
        # $pool = $hypconn->get_storage_pool_by_uuid($pooluuid);

sub invstorage {
    my $domain = shift;
    my @disks = $domain->findnodes('/domain/devices/disk');
    my $disk;
    foreach $disk (@disks) {
        my $name = $disk->findnodes('./target')->[0]->getAttribute("dev");
        my $xref = "";
        my $addr =  $disk->findnodes('./address')->[0];
        if ($addr) {
            if ($name =~ /^vd/) {
                $xref = " (v".$addr->getAttribute("bus").":".$addr->getAttribute('slot').".".$addr->getAttribute("function").")";
                $xref =~ s/0x//g;
            } else {
                $xref = " (d".$addr->getAttribute("controller").":".$addr->getAttribute("bus").":".$addr->getAttribute("unit").")";

	my @candidatenodes = $disk->findnodes('./source');
	unless (scalar @candidatenodes) {
        my $file = $candidatenodes[0]->getAttribute('file');
        #we'll attempt to map file path to pool name and volume name
        #fallback to just reporting filename if not feasible
        #libvirt lacks a way to lookup a storage pool by path, so we'll only do so if using the 'default' xCAT scheme with uuid in the path
        $file =~ m!/([^/]*)/($node\..*)\z!;
        my $volname=$2;
        my $vollocation=$file;
        eval {
            my $pool = get_storage_pool_by_path($file);
            my $poolname = $pool->get_name();
            $vollocation = "[$poolname] $volname";
        #at least I get to skip the whole pool mess here
        my $vol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($file);
        my $size;
        if ($vol) {
            my %info = %{$vol->get_info()};
            if ($info{allocation} and $info{capacity}) {
                $size = $info{allocation};
                $size = $size/1048576; #convert to MB
                $size = sprintf("%.3f",$size);
                $size .= "/".($info{capacity}/1048576);
                    desc=>"Disk $name$xref",
                    contents=>"$size MB @ $vollocation",
sub invnics {
    my $domain=shift;
    my @nics = $domain->findnodes('/domain/devices/interface');
    my $nic;
    foreach $nic (@nics) {
        my $mac = $nic->findnodes('./mac')->[0]->getAttribute('address');
        my $addr = $nic->findnodes('./address')->[0];
        my $loc;
        if ($addr) {
            my $bus = $addr->getAttribute('bus');
            $bus =~ s/^0x//;
            my $slot = $addr->getAttribute('slot');
            $slot =~ s/^0x//;
            my $function = $addr->getAttribute('function');
            $function =~ s/^0x//;
            $loc=" at $bus:$slot.$function";
                    desc=>"Network adapter$loc",
sub rmvm {
    my $force;
    my $purge;
        'f' => \$force,
        'p' => \$purge,
    my $dom;
    eval {
       $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    my $currstate=getpowstate($dom);
    my $currxml;
    if ($currstate eq 'on') {
        if ($force) {
        } else {
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot rmvm active guest (use -f argument to force)"], $callback,$node);
    } else {
        $currxml  =$confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
    if ($purge and $currxml) {
        my $deadman = $parser->parse_string($currxml);
        my @purgedisks = $deadman->findnodes("/domain/devices/disk/source");
        my $disk;
        foreach $disk (@purgedisks) {
	    my $disktype = $disk->parentNode()->getAttribute("device");
	    if ($disktype eq "cdrom") { next; }
            my $file = $disk->getAttribute("file");
            my $vol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($file);
            if ($vol) {
    eval { #try to fetch the domain by name even after it has been destroyed, if it is still there it needs an 'undefine'
       $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
sub chvm {
    my @addsizes;
    my %resize;
    my $cpucount;
    my @purge;
    my @derefdisks;
    my $memory;
    my $cdrom;
    my $eject;
    require Getopt::Long;
        "cpus=s" => \$cpucount,
        "resize=s%" => \%resize,
    if (@derefdisks) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Detach without purge TODO for kvm"],$callback,$node);
    if (@addsizes and @purge) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Currently adding and purging concurrently is not supported"],$callback,$node);

    my %useddisks;
    my $dom;
    eval {
        $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    my $vmxml;
    if ($dom) {
    } else {
    my $currstate=getpowstate($dom);
    if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
        my $store;
        foreach $store (split /\|/, $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
            $store =~ s/,.*//;
            $store =~ s/=.*//;
            if (($store =~ /^nfs:\/\//) || ($store =~ /^dir:\/\//) || ($store =~ /^lvm:/)) {
                my %disks = %{get_multiple_paths_by_url(url=>$store,node=>$node)};
                foreach (keys %disks) {
    if (@addsizes) { #need to add disks, first identify used devnames
        my @diskstoadd;
        my $location = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
        $location =~ s/.*\|//; #use the rightmost location for making new devices
        $location =~ s/,.*//; #no comma specified parameters are valid
        $location =~ s/=(.*)//; #store model if specified here
        my $model = $1;
        unless ($model) {
            #if not defined, model will stay undefined like above
            $model = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storagemodel}
        my $prefix='hd';
        if ($model eq 'scsi') {
        } elsif ($model eq 'virtio') {
        if ($prefix eq 'hd' and $currstate eq 'on') {
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("VM must be powered off to add IDE drives",$callback,$node);
        my @suffixes;
        if ($prefix eq 'hd') { 
        } else {
        my @newsizes;
        foreach (@addsizes) {
            push @newsizes,split /,/,$_;
        foreach (@newsizes) {
            my $dev;
            do {
                $dev = $prefix.shift(@suffixes);
            } while ($useddisks{$dev});
            #ok, now I need a volume created to attach
            push @diskstoadd,get_filepath_by_url(url=>$location,dev=>$dev,create=>$_);
        #now that the volumes are made, must build xml for each and attempt attach if and only if the VM is live
        foreach (@diskstoadd) {
            my $suffix;
            my $format;
            if (/^[^\.]*\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)/) {
            } elsif (/^[^\.]*\.([^\.]*)/) {
            my $bus;
            if ($suffix =~ /^sd/) {
            } elsif ($suffix =~ /hd/) {
            } elsif ($suffix =~ /vd/) {
	    #when creating a new disk not cloned from anything, disable cache as copy on write content similarity is a lost cause...
            my $xml = "<disk type='file' device='disk'><driver name='qemu' type='$format' cache='none'/><source file='$_'/><target dev='$suffix' bus='$bus'/></disk>";
            if ($currstate eq 'on') { #attempt live attach
              eval {
              if ($@) {
                my $err=$@;
                if ($err =~ /No more available PCI addresses/) {
                    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Exhausted Virtio limits trying to add $_"],$callback,$node);
                } else {
                    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to attach $_ because of ".$err],$callback,$node);
                my $file = $_;
                my $vol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($file);
                if ($vol) {
            } elsif ($confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml}) { 
                my $disknode = $parser->parse_balanced_chunk($xml);
                my $vmdoc = $parser->parse_string($vmxml);
                my $devicesnode = $vmdoc->findnodes("/domain/devices")->[0];
    } elsif (@purge) {
        my $dom;
        eval {
            $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
        my $vmxml;
        if ($dom) {
        } else {
        my $currstate=getpowstate($dom);
        my @disklist=get_disks_by_userspecs(\@purge,$vmxml,'returnmoddedxml');
        my $moddedxml = shift @disklist;
        foreach (@disklist) {
            my $devxml=$_->[0];
            my $file=$_->[1];
            $file =~ m!/([^/]*)/($node\..*)\z!;
            #first, detach the device.
            eval {
            if ($currstate eq 'on') { 
            } else {
            if ($@) {
                xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to remove device"],$callback,$node);
            } else {
                #if that worked, remove the disk..
                my $vol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($file);
                if ($vol) {

    my $newcdxml;
    if ($cdrom) {
      my $cdpath;
      if ($cdrom =~ m!://!) {
	my $url = $cdrom;
	$url =~ s!([^/]+)\z!!;
	my $imagename=$1;
	my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($url);
	unless ($poolobj) { die "Cound not get storage pool for $url"; }
	my $poolxml = $poolobj->get_xml_description(); #yes, I have to XML parse for even this...
	my $parsedpool = $parser->parse_string($poolxml);
	$cdpath = $parsedpool->findnodes("/pool/target/path/text()")->[0]->data;
	$cdpath .= "/".$imagename;
      } else {
	if ($cdrom =~ m!^/dev/!) {
	  die "TODO: device pass through if anyone cares";
	} elsif ($cdrom =~ m!^/!) { #full path... I guess
	} else {
	  die "TODO: relative paths, use client cwd as hint?";
      unless ($cdpath) { die "unable to understand cd path specification"; }
      $newcdxml = "<disk type='file' device='cdrom'><source file='$cdpath'/><target dev='hdc'/><readonly/></disk>";
    } elsif ($eject) {
      $newcdxml = "<disk type='file' device='cdrom'><target dev='hdc'/><readonly/></disk>";
    if ($newcdxml) {
     if ($currstate eq 'on') { 
      } else {
	unless ($vmxml) {
	my $domparsed = $parser->parse_string($vmxml);
	my $candidatenodes=$domparsed->findnodes("//disk[\@device='cdrom']");
	if (scalar (@$candidatenodes) != 1) {
	  die "shouldn't be possible, should only have one cdrom";
	my $newcd=$parser->parse_balanced_chunk($newcdxml);
	my $moddedxml=$domparsed->toString;
	if ($moddedxml) {
      if ($vmxml) {
    if ($cpucount or $memory) {
        if ($currstate eq 'on') {
            if ($cpucount) {xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Hot add of cpus not supported (VM must be powered down to successfuly change)"],$callback,$node); }
            if ($cpucount) {
                #$dom->set_vcpus($cpucount); this didn't work out as well as I hoped..
                #xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Hot add of cpus not supported"],$callback,$node);
            if ($memory) {
		eval {
		if ($@) {
			if ($@ =~ /cannot set memory higher/) {
				xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to increase memory beyond current capacity (requires VM to be powered down to change)"],$callback,$node);
		if ($vmxml) {
        } else { #offline xml edits
            my $parsed=$parser->parse_string($vmxml); #TODO: should only do this once, oh well
            if ($cpucount) {
            if ($memory) {
                my @currmem = $parsed->findnodes("/domain/currentMemory/text()");
                foreach (@currmem) {


sub get_disks_by_userspecs {
    my $specs = shift;
    my $xml = shift;
    my $returnmoddedxml=shift;
    my $struct = XMLin($xml,forcearray=>1);
    my $dominf = $parser->parse_string($xml);
    my @disknodes = $dominf->findnodes('/domain/devices/disk');
    my @returnxmls;
    foreach my $spec (@$specs) {
        my $disknode;
        foreach $disknode (@disknodes) {
            if ($spec =~ /^.d./) { #vda, hdb, sdc, etc, match be equality to target->{dev}
                if ($disknode->findnodes('./target')->[0]->getAttribute("dev") eq $spec) {
                    push @returnxmls,[$disknode->toString(),$disknode->findnodes('./source')->[0]->getAttribute('file')];
                    if ($returnmoddedxml) { 
            } elsif ($spec =~ /^d(.*)/) { #delete by scsi unit number..
                my $loc=$1;
                my $addr = $disknode->findnodes('./address')->[0];
                if ($loc =~ /:/) { #controller, bus, unit
                    my $controller;
                    my $bus;
                    my $unit;
                    ($controller,$bus,$unit) = split /:/,$loc;
                    if (hex($addr->getAttribute('controller')) == hex($controller) and ($addr->getAttribute('bus')) == hex($bus) and ($addr->getAttribute('unit')) == hex($unit)) {
                        push @returnxmls,[$disknode->toString(),$disknode->findnodes('./source')->[0]->getAttribute('file')];
                        if ($returnmoddedxml) { 
                } else { #match just on unit number, not helpful on ide as much generally, but whatever
                    if (hex($addr->getAttribute('unit')) == hex($loc)) {
                        push @returnxmls,[$disknode->toString(),$disknode->findnodes('./source')->[0]->getAttribute('file')];
                        if ($returnmoddedxml) { 
            } elsif ($spec =~ /^v(.*)/) { #virtio pci selector
                my $slot=$1;
                $slot =~ s/^(.*)://; #remove pci bus number (not used for now)
                my $bus=$1;
                $slot =~ s/\.0$//;
                my $addr=$disknode->findnodes('./address')->[0];
                if (hex($addr->getAttribute('slot')) == hex($slot) and hex($addr->getAttribute('bus') == hex($bus))) {
                    push @returnxmls,[$disknode->toString(),$disknode->findnodes('./source')->[0]->getAttribute('file')];
                    if ($returnmoddedxml) { 
            } #other formats TBD
    if ($returnmoddedxml) {#there are list entries to delete
        unshift @returnxmls,$dominf->toString();
    return @returnxmls;

sub promote_vm_to_master {
    my %args=@_;
    my $target=$args{target};
    my $force=$args{force};
    my $detach=$args{detach};
    if ($target !~ m!://!) { #if not a url, use same place as source
        my $sourcedir = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
        $sourcedir =~ s/=.*//;
        $sourcedir =~ s/,.*//;
        $sourcedir =~ s!/\z!!;
        $target = $sourcedir."/".$target;
    unless ($target =~ /^nfs:\/\//) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM plugin only has nfs://<server>/<path>/<mastername> support for cloning at this moment"], $callback,$node);
    my $dom;
    eval {
     $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    if ($dom and not $force) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM shut be shut down before attempting to clone (-f to copy unclean disks)"], $callback,$node);
    my $xml;
    if ($dom) {
        $xml = $dom->get_xml_description();
        $detach=1; #can't rebase if vm is on
    } else {
        $xml = $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
    unless ($xml) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM must be created before it can be cloned"], $callback,$node);
    my $parsedxml = $parser->parse_string($xml);
    my($tmpnod) = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/uuid/text()');
    if ($tmpnod) {
        $tmpnod->setData("none"); #get rid of the VM specific uuid

    $target =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)\z!;
    my $directory=$1;
    my $mastername=$2;

    ($tmpnod) = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/name/text()');
    if ($tmpnod) {
        $tmpnod->setData($mastername); #name the xml whatever the master name is to be
    foreach ($parsedxml->findnodes("/domain/devices/interface/mac")) { #clear all mac addresses 
        if ($_->hasAttribute("address")) { $_->setAttribute("address"=>''); }
    my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($directory);
    unless ($poolobj) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $directory from hypervisor"], $callback,$node);
    #arguments validated, on with our lives
#firrder of business, calculate all the image names to be created and ensure none will conflict.
    my @disks = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/devices/disk/source');
    my %volclonemap;
    foreach (@disks) {
        my $filename = $_->getAttribute('file');
        my $volname = $filename;
        $volname =~ s!.*/!!; #perl is greedy by default
        $volname =~ s/^$node/$mastername/;
        my $novol;
        eval { #use two evals, there is a chance the pool has a task blocking refresh like long-running clone.... libvirt should do better IMO, oh well
        eval {
            $novol = $poolobj->get_volume_by_name($volname);
        if ($novol) {
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$volname already exists in target storage pool"], $callback,$node);
        my $sourcevol;
        eval {
            $sourcevol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($filename);
        unless ($sourcevol) {
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to access $filename to clone"], $callback,$node);
        $filename = get_path_for_pool($poolobj);
        $filename =~ s!/\z!!;
        $filename .= '/'.$volname;
    foreach (keys %volclonemap) {
        my $sourcevol = $volclonemap{$_}->[0];
        my $targname = $volclonemap{$_}->[1];
        my $format;
        $targname =~ /([^\.]*)$/;
        my $newvol;
        my %sourceinfo = %{$sourcevol->get_info()};
        my $targxml = "<volume><name>$targname</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity></volume>";
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning ".$sourcevol->get_name()." (currently is ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." MB and has a capacity of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
        eval {
            $newvol =$poolobj->clone_volume($targxml,$sourcevol);
        if ($newvol) {
            %sourceinfo = %{$newvol->get_info()};
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." complete (clone uses ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." for a disk size of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
            unless ($detach) {
                my $rebasepath = $sourcevol->get_path();
                my $rebasename = $sourcevol->get_name();
                my $rebasepool = get_storage_pool_by_volume($sourcevol);
                unless ($rebasepool) {
                    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Skipping rebase of $rebasename, unable to find correct storage pool"],$callback,$node);
                xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebasing $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
                my $newbasexml="<volume><name>$rebasename</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity><backingStore><path>".$newvol->get_path()."</path><format type='$format'/></backingStore></volume>";
                my $newbasevol;
                eval {
                    $newbasevol = $rebasepool->create_volume($newbasexml);
                if ($newbasevol) {
                    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebased $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
                } else {
                    xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Critical failure, rebasing process failed halfway through, source VM trashed"],$callback,$node);
        } else {
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." failed due to ". $@],$callback,$node);
    my $mastertabentry={};
    foreach (qw/os arch profile/) {
        if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
    foreach (qw/storagemodel nics/) {
        if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
    unless ($detach) {
    $updatetable->{kvm_masterdata}->{$mastername}->{xml} = $parsedxml->toString();
sub clonevm {
    shift; #throw away node
    my $target;
    my $base;
    my $detach;
    my $force;
        'f' => \$force,
        'b=s' => \$base,
        't=s' => \$target,
        'd' => \$detach,
    if ($base and $target) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot specify both base (-b) and target (-t)"], $callback,$node);
    if ($target) { #we need to take a single vm and create a master out of it
        return promote_vm_to_master(target=>$target,force=>$force,detach=>$detach);
    } elsif ($base) {
        return clone_vm_from_master(base=>$base,detach=>$detach);

sub clone_vm_from_master {
    my %args = @_;
    my $base=$args{base};
    my $detach=$args{detach};
    my $vmmastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster',-create=>0);
    my $kvmmastertab = xCAT::Table->new('kvm_masterdata',-create=>0);
    unless ($vmmastertab and $kvmmastertab) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"No KVM master images in tables"], $callback,$node);
    my $mastername=$base;
    $mastername=~s!.*/!!; #shouldn't be needed, as storage is in there, but just in case
    my $masteref=$vmmastertab->getAttribs({name=>$mastername},[qw/os arch profile storage storagemodel nics/]);
    my $kvmmasteref=$kvmmastertab->getAttribs({name=>$mastername},['xml']);
    unless ($masteref and $kvmmasteref) {
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM master $mastername not found in tables"], $callback,$node);
    my $newnodexml = $parser->parse_string($kvmmasteref->{xml});
    $newnodexml->findnodes("/domain/name/text()")->[0]->setData($node); #set name correctly
    my $uuid=getNodeUUID($node);
    $newnodexml->findnodes("/domain/uuid/text()")->[0]->setData($uuid); #put in correct uuid
    #set up mac addresses and such right...
    #ok, now the fun part, storage...
    my $disk;
    if ($masteref->{storage}) {
        foreach (split /,/,$masteref->{storage}) {
    my $url;
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
        unless ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage} =~ /^nfs:/) {
            die "not implemented";
        $url = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
    } else {
        $url = $masteref->{storage};
    if ($masteref->{storagemodel} and not $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storagemodel}) {
    $url =~ s/,.*//;
    my $destinationpool = get_storage_pool_by_url($url);
    foreach $disk ($newnodexml->findnodes("/domain/devices/disk")) {
	my ($source) = ($disk->findnodes("./source"));
	unless ($source) { next; } #most likely an empty cdrom
        my $srcfilename = $source->getAttribute("file");
        my $filename = $srcfilename;
        $filename =~ s/^.*$mastername/$node/;
        $filename =~ m!\.([^\.]*)\z!;
        my $format=$1;
        my $newvol;
        if ($detach) {
            my $sourcevol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($srcfilename);
            my %sourceinfo = %{$sourcevol->get_info()};
            my $targxml = "<volume><name>$filename</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity></volume>";
            xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning ".$sourcevol->get_name()." (currently is ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." MB and has a capacity of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
            eval {
             $newvol =$destinationpool->clone_volume($targxml,$sourcevol);
	    if ($@) {
		if ($@ =~ /already exists/) {
                        return 1,"Storage creation request conflicts with existing file(s)";
		} else {
                        return 1,"Unknown issue $@";
        } else {
            my $sourcevol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($srcfilename);
            my %sourceinfo = %{$sourcevol->get_info()};
            my $newbasexml="<volume><name>$filename</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity><backingStore><path>$srcfilename</path><format type='$format'/></backingStore></volume>";
	    eval {
           $newvol = $destinationpool->create_volume($newbasexml);
	    if ($@) {
		if ($@ =~ /already in use/) {
                        return 1,"Storage creation request conflicts with existing file(s)";
		} else {
                        return 1,"Unknown issue $@";
        my $newfilename=$newvol->get_path();
	if (not $detach) {  #if we are a copied image, enable writethrough cache in order to reduce trips out to disk
		 #but if the format is not qcow2, still leave it at 'none'
		my $type = $disk->findnodes("./driver")->[0]->getAttribute("type");
		if ($type eq "qcow2") { $disk->findnodes("./driver")->[0]->setAttribute("cache"=>"writethrough"); }
    my $textxml=$newnodexml->toString();


sub fixup_clone_network {
    my %args = @_;
    my $newnodexml = $args{xmlinprogress};
    my $mastername=$args{mastername};
    my $masteref=$args{mastertableentry};
    my $kvmmasteref=$args{kvmmastertableentry};
    unless (ref ($confdata->{vm}->{$node})) {
    unless ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) { #if no nic configuration yet, take the one stored in the master
    my @nics;
    if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) { #could still be empty if it came from master that way
        @nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
    my @nicsinmaster = $newnodexml->findnodes("/domain/devices/interface");
    if (scalar @nicsinmaster > scalar @nics) { #we don't have enough places to attach nics to..
        xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM master $mastername has ".scalar @nicsinmaster." but this vm only has ".scalar @nics." defined"], $callback,$node);
    my $nicstruct;
    my @macs=xCAT::VMCommon::getMacAddresses($confdata,$node,scalar @nics);
    foreach $nicstruct (@nicsinmaster) {
        my $bridge = shift @nics;
        $bridge =~ s/.*://;
        $bridge =~ s/=.*//;
        $nicstruct->findnodes("./mac")->[0]->setAttribute("address"=>shift @macs);
    my $nic;
    my $deviceroot=$newnodexml->findnodes("/domain/devices")->[0];
    foreach $nic (@nics) { #need more xml to throw at it..
        my $type = 'e1000'; #better default fake nic than rtl8139, relevant to most
        $nic =~ s/.*://; #the detail of how the bridge was built is of no
                        #interest to this segment of code
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nicmodel}) {
            $type = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nicmodel};
        if ($nic =~ /=/) {
            ($nic,$type) = split /=/,$nic,2;
        my $xmlsnippet = "<interface type='bridge'><mac address='".(shift @macs)."'/><source bridge='".$nic."'/><model type='$type'/></interface>";
        my $chunk = $parser->parse_balanced_chunk($xmlsnippet);
sub mkvm {
 shift; #Throuw away first argument
 my $disksize;
 my $mastername;
 my $force=0;
 require Getopt::Long;
 my $memory;
 my $cpucount;
    "cpus=s" => \$cpucount,
 if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
    my $diskname=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
    if ($diskname =~ /^phy:/) { #in this case, mkvm should have no argumens
        if ($mastername or $disksize) {
            return 1,"mkvm management of block device storage not implemented";
    #print "force=$force\n";
       my @return;
    if ($mastername or $disksize) {
	eval {
	@return = createstorage($diskname,$mastername,$disksize,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0],$force);
	if ($@) {
                if ($@ =~ /ath already exists/) {
                        return 1,"Storage creation request conflicts with existing file(s)";
                } else {
                        return 1,"Unknown issue $@";

         unless ($confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node} and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0] and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml}) {
             my $xml;
             $xml = build_xmldesc($node,cpus=>$cpucount,memory=>$memory);
         my $xml;
    if ($confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node} and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0] and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml}) {
    	$xml = $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
    } else { # ($confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node} and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0] and $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml}) {
         $xml = build_xmldesc($node,cpus=>$cpucount,memory=>$memory);
	 if ($::XCATSITEVALS{persistkvmguests}) {
         return @return;
 } else {
     if ($mastername or $disksize) {
         return 1,"Requested initialization of storage, but vm.storage has no value for node";
sub power {
    require Getopt::Long;
    my $cdloc;
    my $subcommand = shift @ARGV;
    my $retstring;
    my $dom;
    eval {
     $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
    if ($subcommand eq "boot") {
        my $currstate=getpowstate($dom);
        $retstring=$currstate." ";
        if ($currstate eq "off") {
        } elsif ($currstate eq "on") {
    my $errstr;
    if ($subcommand eq 'on') {
        unless ($dom) {
            if ($use_xhrm) {
                if (xhrm_satisfy($node,$hyp)) {
			return (1,"Failure satisfying networking and storage requirements on $hyp for $node");
#TODO: here, storage validation is not necessarily performed, consequently, must explicitly do storage validation
#this worked before I started doing the offline xml store because every rpower on tried to rebuild
            ($dom,$errstr) = makedom($node,$cdloc);
            if ($errstr) { return (1,$errstr); }
        } elsif (not $dom->is_active()) {
        } else {
          $retstring .= "$status_noop";
    } elsif ($subcommand eq 'off') {
        if ($dom) {
            my $newxml=$dom->get_xml_description();
	    if ($dom->is_active()) { 
            undef $dom;
        } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; }
    } elsif ($subcommand eq 'softoff') {
        if ($dom) {
            my $newxml=$dom->get_xml_description();
        } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } 
    } elsif ($subcommand eq 'reset') {
        if ($dom) {
            my $oldxml=$dom->get_xml_description();
            my $newxml=reconfigvm($node,$oldxml);
            #This *was* to be clever, but libvirt doesn't even frontend the capability, great...
            unless ($newxml) { $newxml=$oldxml; } #TODO: remove this when the 'else' line can be sanely filled out
            if ($newxml) { #need to destroy and repower..
                undef $dom;
                if ($use_xhrm) {
                ($dom,$errstr) = makedom($node,$cdloc,$newxml);
                if ($errstr) { return (1,$errstr); }
            } else { #no changes, just restart the domain TODO when possible, stupid lack of feature...
        } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } 
    } else { 
        unless ($subcommand =~ /^stat/) {
            return (1,"Unsupported power directive '$subcommand'");

    unless ($retstring =~ /reset/) {
    return (0,$retstring);

sub lsvm {
    my $node = shift;
    my @doms = $hypconn->list_domains();
    my @vms;
    foreach (@doms) {
        push @vms,$_->get_name();
    return (0,@vms);

sub guestcmd {
  $hyp = shift;
  $node = shift;
  my $command = shift;
  my @args = @_;
  my $error;
  if ($command eq "rpower") {
    return power(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "mkvm") {
      return mkvm($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "clonevm") {
      return clonevm($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "chvm") {
      return chvm($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rmvm") {
      return rmvm($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rinv") {
      return rinv($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rmigrate") {
      return migrate($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "getrvidparms") {
      return getrvidparms($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "getcons") {
      return getcons($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "lsvm") {
      return lsvm($node,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rvitals") {
    return vitals(@args);
  } elsif ($command =~ /r[ms]preset/) {
    return resetmp(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") {
    return mpaconfig($mpa,$user,$pass,$node,$slot,@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rbootseq") {
    return bootseq(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "switchblade") {
     return switchblade(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "getmacs") {
    return getmacs(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rinv") {
    return inv(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "reventlog") {
    return eventlog(@args);
  } elsif ($command eq "rscan") {
    return rscan(\@args);
  return (1,"$command not a supported command by kvm method");

sub preprocess_request { 
  my $request = shift;
  if ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$request]; }
  my $callback=shift;
  my @requests;

  my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
  my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
  my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
  my @exargs=($request->{arg});
  if (ref($extrargs)) {

  my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs);
  if ($usage_string) {
    $request = {};

  if (!$noderange) {
    $request = {};
  #print "noderange=@$noderange\n";

  # find service nodes for requested nodes
  # build an individual request for each service node
  my $service  = "xcat";
  my $sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode($noderange, $service, "MN");

  # build each request for each service node

  foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn)
    #print "snkey=$snkey\n";
    my $reqcopy = {%$request};
    $reqcopy->{node} = $sn->{$snkey};
    $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey;
    $reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
    push @requests, $reqcopy;
  return \@requests;
sub adopt {
    my $orphash = shift;
    my $hyphash = shift;
    my %addmemory = ();
    my $node;
    my $target;
    my $vmupdates;
    foreach $node (keys %{$orphash}) {
        unless ($target) {
        if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
        } else {
        delete $orphash->{$node};
    unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); }
    if (keys %{$orphash}) {
        return 0;
    } else { 
        return 1;

sub process_request { 
  $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { 
     foreach (keys %vm_comm_pids) {
        kill 2, $_;
     exit 0;
  unless ($parser) {
      $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  my $request = shift;
  if ($request->{_xcat_authname}->[0]) {
  $callback = shift;
  unless ($libvirtsupport) {
      $libvirtsupport = eval { 
      require Sys::Virt; 
      if (Sys::Virt->VERSION < "0.2.0") {
  unless ($libvirtsupport) { #Still no Sys::Virt module
      $callback->({error=>"Sys::Virt perl module missing or older than 0.2.0, unable to fulfill KVM plugin requirements",errorcode=>[42]});
      return [];
  require Sys::Virt::Domain;
  %runningstates = (&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_NOSTATE=>1,&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_RUNNING=>1,&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_BLOCKED=>1);

  $doreq = shift;
  my $level = shift;
  my $noderange = $request->{node};
  my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
  my @exargs;
  unless ($command) {
     return; #Empty request
  if (ref($request->{arg})) {
    @exargs = @{$request->{arg}};
  } else {
    @exargs = ($request->{arg});
  my $forcemode = 0;
  my %orphans=();
  if ($command eq 'vmstatenotify') {
      unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); }
      my $state = $exargs[0];
      if ($state eq 'vmoff') {
      } elsif ($state eq 'vmon') {
      } elsif ($state eq 'hypshutdown') { #turn this into an evacuate
          my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
          my $appstatus = $nodelisttab->getNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],['appstatus']);
          my @apps =split /,/,$appstatus->{'appstatus'};
          my @newapps;
          foreach (@apps) {
              if ($_ eq 'virtualization') { next; }
              push @newapps,$_;
      } elsif ($state eq 'hypstartup') { #if starting up, check for nodes on this hypervisor and start them up
          my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
          my $appstatus = $nodelisttab->getNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],['appstatus']);
          my @apps =split /,/,$appstatus->{appstatus};
          unless (grep {$_ eq 'virtualization'} @apps) {
              push @apps,'virtualization';
          my @tents = $vmtab->getAttribs({host=>$noderange->[0],power=>'on'},['node']);
          foreach (@tents) {
              push @$noderange,noderange($_->{node});

  if ($command eq 'revacuate') {
      my $newnoderange;
      if (grep { $_ eq '-f' } @exargs) {
      foreach (@$noderange) {
        my $hyp = $_; #I used $_ too much here... sorry
        push @destblacklist,$_;
        if ((not $offlinehyps{$_}) and nodesockopen($_,22)) {
            eval { #Contain bugs that won't be in $@
                $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc");
            unless ($hypconn) { #retry for socat
                eval { #Contain bugs that won't be in $@
                    $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1");
        unless ($hypconn)  {
            if ($forcemode) { #forcemode indicates the hypervisor is probably already dead, and to clear vm.host of all the nodes, and adopt the ones that are supposed to be 'on', power them on
                unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>0); }
                unless ($vmtab) { next; }
                my @vents = $vmtab->getAttribs({host=>$hyp},['node','powerstate']);
                my $vent;
                my $nodestozap;
                foreach $vent (@vents) {
                    my @nodes = noderange($vent->{node});
                    if ($vent->{powerstate} eq 'on') {
                        foreach (@nodes) { 
                            push @$newnoderange,$_;
                    push @$nodestozap,@nodes;
            } else {
                $callback->({node=>[{name=>[$_],error=>["Cannot communicate via libvirt to node"]}]});
        if ($hypconn) {
            foreach ($hypconn->list_domains()) {
                my $guestname = $_->get_name();
                if ($guestname eq 'Domain-0') {
                push @$newnoderange,$guestname;
      $noderange = $newnoderange;
      $command = 'rmigrate';

  if ($::XCATSITEVALS{usexhrm}) { $use_xhrm=1; }
  $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm");
  unless ($command eq 'lsvm') { 
  my $kvmdatatab = xCAT::Table->new("kvm_nodedata",-create=>0); #grab any pertinent pre-existing xml
  if ($kvmdatatab) {
      $confdata->{kvmnodedata} = $kvmdatatab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,[qw/xml/]);
  } else {
      $confdata->{kvmnodedata} = {};
  if ($command eq 'mkvm' or ($command eq 'clonevm' and (grep { "$_" eq '-b' } @exargs)) or ($command eq 'rpower' and (grep { "$_" eq "on"  or $_ eq "boot" or $_ eq "reset" } @exargs))) {
      my @dhcpnodes;
      foreach (keys %{$confdata->{dhcpneeded}}) {
        push @dhcpnodes,$_;
        delete $confdata->{dhcpneeded}->{$_};
     unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} and ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^n/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^d/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} eq '0')) {

  if ($command eq 'revacuate' or $command eq 'rmigrate') {
      $vmmaxp=1; #for now throttle concurrent migrations, requires more sophisticated heuristics to ensure sanity
  } else {
      my $tmp;
      if ($::XCATSITEVALS{vmmaxp}) { $vmmaxp=$::XCATSITEVALS{vmmaxp}; }

  my $children = 0;
  $SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while (($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ($vm_comm_pids{$cpid}) { delete $vm_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } } };
  my $inputs = new IO::Select;;
  my $sub_fds = new IO::Select;
  if ($command eq 'lsvm') { #command intended for hypervisors, not guests
      foreach(@$noderange) { $hyphash{$_}->{nodes}->{$_}=1; }
  } else {
      foreach (keys %{$confdata->{vm}}) {
          if ($confdata->{vm}->{$_}->[0]->{host}) {
          } else {
  if (keys %orphans) {
      if ($command eq "rpower") {
          if (grep /^on$/,@exargs or grep /^boot$/,@exargs) {
            unless (adopt(\%orphans,\%hyphash)) {
                $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]});
                return 1;
          } else {
              foreach (keys %orphans) {
      } elsif ($command eq "rmigrate") {
          if ($forcemode) {
            unless (adopt(\%orphans,\%hyphash)) {
                $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]});
                return 1;
          } else {
            $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]});
      } elsif ($command eq "mkvm" or $command eq "clonevm") { #must adopt to create
            unless (adopt(\%orphans,\%hyphash)) {
                $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]});
                return 1;
          #mkvm used to be able to happen devoid of any hypervisor, make a fake hypervisor entry to allow this to occur
          #commenting that out for now
#          foreach (keys %orphans) {
#              $hyphash{'!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!'}->{nodes}->{$_}=1;
#          }
      } else {
          $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]});
  if ($command eq "rbeacon") {
      my %req=();
      $req{node}=[keys %hyphash];

  #get new node status
  my %oldnodestatus=(); #saves the old node status
  my @allerrornodes=();
  my $check=0;
  my $global_check=1;
  if ($::XCATSITEVALS{nodestatus} =~ /0|n|N/) { $global_check=0; }

  if ($command eq 'rpower') {
    my $subcommand=$exargs[0];
    if (($global_check) && ($subcommand ne 'stat') && ($subcommand ne 'status')) { 
      my @allnodes=@$noderange;

      #save the old status
      my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
      if ($nodelisttab) {
        my $tabdata     = $nodelisttab->getNodesAttribs(\@allnodes, ['node', 'status']);
        foreach my $node (@allnodes)
            my $tmp1 = $tabdata->{$node}->[0];
            if ($tmp1) { 
		if ($tmp1->{status}) { $oldnodestatus{$node}=$tmp1->{status}; }
		else { $oldnodestatus{$node}=""; }
      #print "oldstatus:" . Dumper(\%oldnodestatus);
      #set the new status to the nodelist.status
      my %newnodestatus=(); 
      my $newstat;
      if (($subcommand eq 'off') || ($subcommand eq 'softoff')) { 
	  my $newstat=$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF; 
      } else {
        #get the current nodeset stat
        if (@allnodes>0) {
	  my $nsh={};
          my ($ret, $msg)=xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates(\@allnodes, $nsh);
          if (!$ret) { 
            foreach (keys %$nsh) {
		my $newstat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($_, "rpower");
	  } else {
      #print "newstatus" . Dumper(\%newnodestatus);
      xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%newnodestatus, 1);

  if ($::XCATSITEVALS{masterimgdir}) { $xCAT_plugin::kvm::masterdir=$::XCATSITEVALS{masterimgdir} }

  foreach $hyp (sort (keys %hyphash)) {
    while ($children > $vmmaxp) { 
      my $handlednodes={};
      #update the node status to the nodelist.status table
      if ($check) {
        updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes);
    my $cfd;
    my $pfd;
    socketpair($pfd, $cfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
    my $cpid = xCAT::Utils->xfork;
    unless (defined($cpid)) { die "Fork error"; }
    unless ($cpid) {
    $vm_comm_pids{$cpid} = 1;
    close ($pfd);
  while ($sub_fds->count > 0) { # or $children > 0) { #if count is zero, even if we have live children, we can't possibly get data from them
    my $handlednodes={};
    #update the node status to the nodelist.status table
    if ($check) {
      updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes);
  #while (wait() > -1) { } #keep around just in case we find the absolute need to wait for children to be gone

  #Make sure they get drained, this probably is overkill but shouldn't hurt
  #my $rc=1;
  #while ( $rc>0 ) {
  #  my $handlednodes={};
  #  $rc=forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes);
  #  #update the node status to the nodelist.status table
  #  if ($check) {
  #    updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes);
  #  }

  if ($check) {
      #print "allerrornodes=@allerrornodes\n";
      #revert the status back for there is no-op for the nodes
      my %old=(); 
      foreach my $node (@allerrornodes) {
	  my $stat=$oldnodestatus{$node};
	  if (exists($old{$stat})) {
	      my $pa=$old{$stat};
	      push(@$pa, $node);
	  else {
      xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%old, 1);

sub updateNodeStatus {
  my $handlednodes=shift;
  my $allerrornodes=shift;
  foreach my $node (keys(%$handlednodes)) {
    if ($handlednodes->{$node} == -1) { push(@$allerrornodes, $node); }  

sub forward_data {
  my $callback = shift;
  my $fds = shift;
  my $errornodes=shift;
  my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1);
  my $rfh;
  my $rc = @ready_fds;
  foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) {
    my $data;
    if ($data = <$rfh>) {
      while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) {
        $data .= <$rfh>;
      eval { print $rfh "ACK\n"; }; #ignore failures to send inter-process ack
      my $responses=thaw($data);
      foreach (@$responses) {
        #save the nodes that has errors and the ones that has no-op for use by the node status monitoring
        my $no_op=0;
        if ($_->{node}->[0]->{errorcode}) { $no_op=1; }
        else { 
          my $text=$_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
          #print "data:$text\n";
          if (($text) && ($text =~ /$status_noop/)) {
            #remove the symbols that meant for use by node status
            $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] =~ s/$status_noop//; 
	#print "data:". $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] . "\n";
        if ($no_op) {
          if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=-1; } 
      } else {
          if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=1; } 
    } else {
  yield(); #Try to avoid useless iterations as much as possible
  return $rc;

sub dohyp {
  my $out = shift;
  $hyp = shift;
  my $command=shift;
  my %namedargs=@_;
  my @exargs=@{$namedargs{-args}};
  my $node;
  my $args = \@exargs;
  #$vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm");
  $vmtab = undef;
  unless ($offlinehyps{$hyp} or ($hyp eq '!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!') or nodesockopen($hyp,22)) {

  eval { #Contain Sys::Virt bugs that make $@ useless
    if ($hyp eq '!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!') {  #Fake connection for commands that have a fake hypervisor key
        $hypconn = 1;
    } elsif (not $offlinehyps{$hyp}) { 
        $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$hyp."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc");
  unless ($hypconn or $offlinehyps{$hyp}) {
    eval { #Contain Sys::Virt bugs that make $@ useless
        $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$hyp."/system?no_tty=1");
  unless ($hypconn) {
     my %err=(node=>[]);
     foreach (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) {
        push (@{$err{node}},{name=>[$_],error=>["Cannot communicate via libvirt to $hyp"],errorcode=>[1]});
     print $out freeze([\%err]);
     print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
     if ($command eq 'rmigrate' and grep { $_ eq '-f'  } @$args) {
     foreach (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) {
        push (@{$err{node}},{name=>[$_],error=>["Forcibly relocating VM from $hyp"],errorcode=>[1]});
     	print $out freeze([\%err]);
     	print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
     } else {
     	return 1,"General error establishing libvirt communication";
  foreach $node (sort (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}})) {
    my ($rc,@output) = guestcmd($hyp,$node,$command,@$args); 

    foreach(@output) {
      my %output;
      if (ref($_)) {
          print $out freeze([$_]);
          print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
      (my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2);
      unless ($text) {
      } else {
        $desc =~ s/^\s+//;
        $desc =~ s/\s+$//;
        if ($desc) {
      $text =~ s/^\s+//;
      $text =~ s/\s+$//;
      $output{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = $rc;
      if ($rc == 0) {
      } else {
         $output{node}->[0]->{error} = $text;
      print $out freeze([\%output]);
      print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
  foreach (keys %$updatetable) {
      my $tabhandle = xCAT::Table->new($_,-create=>1);
      my $updates = $updatetable->{$_};
      if ($updates->{'!*XCATNODESTODELETE*!'}) {
          my @delkeys;
          foreach (keys %{$updates->{'!*XCATNODESTODELETE*!'}}) {
              if ($_) { push @delkeys, {node=>$_}; }
          if (@delkeys) {  $tabhandle->delEntries(\@delkeys); }
          delete $updates->{'!*XCATNODESTODELETE*!'};
  #my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes); # = XMLout(\%output,RootName => 'xcatresponse');
  #print $out $msgtoparent; #$node.": $_\n";