Available Configurations for $name

"; echo ''; echo ""; //set up the options for the plugin with the name "$name" if($name == "rmcmon") { //node status monitor, RMC events, RMC resources echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } else { //there's only "node status monitoring" is enabled echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
Node/Application Status Monitoring Setting"; insertButtons(array('label'=>'Configure', 'id'=>'rmc_nodestatmon', 'onclick'=>'loadMainPage("monitor/stat_mon.php?name=rmcmon")')); echo "
RMC Events Monitoring Setting"; insertButtons(array('label'=>'Configure', 'id'=>'rmc_event', 'onclick'=>'loadMainPage("monitor/rmc_event_define.php")')); echo "
RMC Resource Monitoring Setting"; insertButtons(array('label'=>'Configure', 'id'=>'rmc_resource', 'onclick'=>'loadMainPage("monitor/rmc_resource_define.php")')); echo "
Node/Application Status Monitoring Setting"; insertButtons(array('label'=>'Configure', 'id'=>$name."_nodestatmon", 'onclick'=>"loadMainPage(\"monitor/stat_mon.php?name=$name\")")); echo "
"; ?>