=head1 Name

psh - parallel remote shell

=head1 B<Synopsis>

B<psh> [B<-i> I<interface>] [B<-f> I<fanout>] [B<-l> I<user>] I<noderange> I<command>

B<psh> {B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>}

=head1 B<Description>

B<psh> is a utility used to run a command across a list of nodes in parallel.

B<ssh> must be set up to allow no prompting for B<psh> to work.


This command does not run through xcatd like most xCAT commands do.
This means you must either run it on the management node, or have a network connection between
your machine and the nodes.

B<psh> arguments need to precede noderange, otherwise, you will get unexpected errors.

=head1 B<Options>

=over 7

=item B<-i> I<interface>

The NIC on the node that psh should communicate with.  For example, if I<interface> is B<eth1>,
then psh will concatenate B<-eth1> to the end of every node name before ssh'ing to it.  This
assumes those host names have been set up to resolve to the IP address of each of the eth1 NICs.

=item B<-f> I<fanout>

Specifies a fanout value for the maximum number of  concur-
rently  executing  remote shell processes. 

=item B<-l> I<user>

Log into the nodes as the specified username.  The default is to use the same username as you
are running the psh command as.

=item B<noderange>

See L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>.

=item B<command>

Command  to  be run in parallel.  If no command is give then B<psh>
enters interactive mode.  In interactive mode a  ">"  prompt  is
displayed.   Any  command entered is executed in parallel to the
nodes in the noderange. Use "exit" or "Ctrl-D" to end the interactive session.

=item B<-h>|B<--help>

Print help.


=head1 B<Environment> B<Variables>

=over 4


Specifies  the fanout value. This variable is overridden by
the B<-f> flag.  Default is 64.


=head1 B<Examples>

=over 3

=item *

Run uptime on 3 nodes:

B<psh> I<node4-node6> I<uptime>

node4: Sun Aug  5 17:42:06 MDT 2001
node5: Sun Aug  5 17:42:06 MDT 2001
node6: Sun Aug  5 17:42:06 MDT 2001

=item *

Run a command on some BladeCenter management modules:

B<psh> I<amm1-amm5> I<'info -T mm[1]'>

=item *

Remove the tmp files on the nodes in the 1st frame:

B<psh> I<rack01> I<'rm -f /tmp/*'>

Notice the use of '' to forward shell expansion.  This is not necessary
in interactive mode.


=head1 B<See> B<Also>

L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<pscp(1)|pscp.1>, L<pping(1)|pping.1>, L<prsync(1)|prsync.1>