#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # Sample xCAT post script for configuring eth1 based on eth0 settings and # some conventions. # This scripts works for both diskfull installs, diskless boots on AIX or Linux. # the nic is passed as the only argument. All other required attributes are # passed in as environment variables. These are set in mypostscript.tmpl as follows: # # NICNODE - the name of the node minus the NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES # NICIPS - the ip address for this nic # NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES - the suffix to combine with the NICNODE for the hostname # NICTYPES - for configeth - this must be ethernet # NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS - parsed in confignics to invoke this script if set. (not used here) # NICNETWORKS - the network this nic is attached to. Must also verify this network is # set in the networks table. # use strict; use Socket; my $nic = shift(@ARGV); my $nicips = $ENV{NICIPS}; my $nicnetworks = $ENV{NICNETWORKS}; my $nichostnamesuffixes = $ENV{NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES}; my $nicnetworks = $ENV{NICNETWORKS}; my $nicnode = $ENV{NICNODE}; my $suffix = ''; my $netmask = ''; my $ipaddr = ''; my $nic_num = ''; my $subnet = ''; system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: NIC: $nic.'"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: NICNETWORKS: $nicnetworks.'"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: NICIPS: $nicips.'"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES: $nichostnamesuffixes.'"); # Set these 2 variables appropriately for your cluster # get netmask from the NICNETWORKS env varr: eth0:1_0_0_0-255_255_0_0,eth1:1_1_0_0-255_255_0_0. foreach my $networks (split(/,/,$nicnetworks)) { my @network = split(/:/,$networks); if (@network[0] eq $nic) { @network[1] =~ s/_/./g; my @net_info = split(/-/,@network[1]); $subnet = @net_info[0]; $netmask = @net_info[1]; } } # get ipaddress from $nicips: eth0:,eth1: foreach my $ips (split(/,/,$nicips)) { my @ip = split(/:/,$ips); if (@ip[0] eq $nic ) { $ipaddr = @ip[1]; } } # get nic suffix to create hostname: eth0:-eth0,eth1:-eth1 foreach my $suffixes (split(/,/,$nichostnamesuffixes)) { my @nic_suffix = split(/:/,$suffixes); if (@nic_suffix[0] eq $nic ) { $suffix = @nic_suffix[1]; } } # the complete NIC (i.e. eth0, en1) is passed in as an argument. # Check it is correct for the OS. # aix form is en1. linux is eth1. #if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { # $nic = ; #} else { # $nic = "eth$nic_num"; #} # Usually do not have to set this... my $gateway; #$gateway = ''; my $hostname = "$nicnode$suffix"; #my $ip = &getipaddr($hostname); #if (!$ip) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot resolve $hostname.'"); exit 1; } if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { if ($ipaddr =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { runcmd("chdev -l '$nic' -a netaddr=$ipaddr -a netmask=$netmask -a state='up'"); # } else { #ipv6 # runcmd("autoconf6 -6i en$nic_num"); } } elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /sles|suse/i)) || (-f "/etc/SuSE-release")) { # Write the info to the ifcfg file my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network"; if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'"); exit 1; } # Not sure what is really REQUIRED from below -- copied the eth file from # the system print FILE "BOOTPROTO=\'static\'\n"; print FILE "BROADCAST=\'\'\n"; print FILE "ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=\'\'\n"; print FILE "IPADDR=\'".$ipaddr."\'\n"; print FILE "MTU=\'\'\n"; print FILE "NAME=\'\'\n"; print FILE "NETMASK=\'".$netmask."\'\n"; print FILE "NETWORK=\'".$subnet."\'\n"; print FILE "REMOTE_IPADDR=\'\'\n"; print FILE "STARTMODE=\'onboot\'\n"; print FILE "UNIQUE=\'\'\n"; print FILE "USERCONTROL=\'no\'\n"; print FILE "_nm_name=\'static-0\'\n"; close FILE; runcmd("ifup $nic"); } else { # Write the info to the ifcfg file my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"; if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'"); exit 1; } print FILE "DEVICE=$nic\n"; print FILE "BOOTPROTO=none\n"; print FILE "IPADDR=$ipaddr\n"; print FILE "NETMASK=$netmask\n"; if (defined($gateway)) { print FILE "GATEWAY=$gateway\n"; } print FILE "ONBOOT=yes\n"; close FILE; runcmd("$dir/ifup $nic"); } system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'configeth: successfully configured $nic.'"); exit 0; sub runcmd { my $cmd = shift @_; $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; my @output = `$cmd`; my $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: command $cmd failed with rc $rc: " . join('',@output) . "'"); my $errout= "configeth: command $cmd failed with rc $rc."; echo $errout; exit $rc; } } #$master=$ENV{MASTER}; #if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { } #elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /fedora/i)) || (-f "/etc/fedora-release")) { } #elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /sles|suse/i)) || (-f "/etc/SuSE-release")) { } #$result=`grep "^SYSLOG_DAEMON=" $sysconfig 2>&1`; #`logger -t xcat "Install: syslog setup"`; # Take primary node name, add "-eth1" for linux and "-en1" for AIX and # then reverse resolve to get what ip should be sub getipaddr() { my ($iporhost) = @_; my $socket6support = eval { require Socket6 }; if (($iporhost =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) || ($iporhost =~ /:/)) { #pass in an ip and only want an ip?? return $iporhost; } if ($socket6support) # the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo supports both IPv4 and IPv6 { my ($family, $socket, $protocol, $ip, $name) = Socket6::getaddrinfo($iporhost,0); if ($ip) { return (Socket6::getnameinfo($ip, Socket6::NI_NUMERICHOST()))[0]; } return undef; } else { return inet_ntoa(inet_aton($iporhost)) } }