#  Used this script while testing the port of xCAT to AIX - might turn it
#	into a real command some day.
#  Just want to save it for future reference - Norm - 4/22/2008
# This script can be used to completely clean up an AIX xCAT management node
#  so that it can be used to do a fresh install.
# It will uninstall the xCAT RPMs and OSS prereq RPMs but doesn't remove
#  the openssh and openssl installp packages.
# It will also remove some additional files/directories that were created by 
#	xCAT.   

 $::XCATDIR = $ENV{'XCATDIR'} ? $ENV{'XCATDIR'} : '/etc/xcat';

print " Removing xCAT RPMs.\n";
`rpm -e xCAT-2.0`;
`rpm -e xCAT-server-2.0`;
`rpm -e xCAT-client-2.0`;
`rpm -e perl-xCAT-2.0`;

print " Removing /install & /etc/xcat.\n";
# rm /install dir
`rm -rf /install`;

# remove /etc/xcat
`rm -rf $::XCATDIR`;

print " Removing SSH keys (/.ssh) and xcatd certificates (/.xcat).\n";
`rm -rf /.ssh`;
`rm -rf /.xcat`;

print " Removing OSS prerequisite software.\n";
`rpm -e fping-2.2b1-1`;
`rpm -e perl-Digest-MD5-2.36-1`;
`rpm -e perl-Net_SSLeay.pm-1.30-1`;
`rpm -e perl-IO-Socket-SSL-1.06-1`;
`rpm -e perl-IO-Stty-.02-1`;
`rpm -e perl-IO-Tty-1.07-1`;
`rpm -e perl-Expect-1.21-1`;
`rpm -e conserver-8.1.16-2`;
`rpm -e perl-DBD-SQLite-1.13-1`;
`rpm -e perl-DBI-1.55-1`;

print " Killing the xcatd processes.\n";
my @xpids = `ps -ef\|grep \"xcatd\"`;
foreach $ps (@xpids)
	$ps =~ s/^\s+//;    # strip any leading spaces
	my ($uid, $pid, $ppid, $desc) = split /\s+/, $ps;
	# if $ps contains "grep" then it's not one of the daemon processes
	if ( $ps !~/grep/)
#      print "pid=$pid\n";
		`/bin/kill -9 $pid`;
exit 0;