# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::hosts; use strict; use warnings; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::NetworkUtils; use Data::Dumper; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl ':flock'; my @hosts; #Hold /etc/hosts data to be written back my $LONGNAME; my $OTHERNAMESFIRST; my $ADDNAMES; my $MACTOLINKLOCAL; my %usage=( makehosts => "Usage: makehosts <noderange> [-d] [-n] [-l] [-a] [-o] [-m]\n makehosts -h", ); sub handled_commands { return { makehosts => "hosts", } } sub delnode { my $node = shift; my $ip = shift; unless ($node and $ip) { return; } #bail if requested to do something that could zap /etc/hosts badly my $othernames = shift; my $domain = shift; my $idx=0; while ($idx <= $#hosts) { if (($ip and $hosts[$idx] =~ /^${ip}\s/) or $hosts[$idx] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+${node}[\s\.r]/) { $hosts[$idx]=""; } $idx++; } } sub addnode { my $node = shift; my $ip = shift; unless ($node and $ip) { return; } #bail if requested to do something that could zap /etc/hosts badly my $othernames = shift; my $domain = shift; my $idx=0; my $foundone=0; while ($idx <= $#hosts) { if ($hosts[$idx] =~ /^${ip}\s/ or $hosts[$idx] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+${node}[\s\.r]/) { if ($foundone) { $hosts[$idx]=""; } else { $hosts[$idx]=build_line($ip, $node, $domain, $othernames); } $foundone=1; } $idx++; } if ($foundone) { return;} my $line=build_line($ip, $node, $domain, $othernames); push @hosts, $line; } sub build_line { my $ip=shift; my $node=shift; my $domain=shift; my $othernames=shift; my @o_names=(); my @n_names=(); if (defined $othernames) { @o_names=split(/,| /, $othernames); } my $longname; foreach (@o_names) { if (($_ eq $node) || ( $domain && ($_ eq "$node.$domain"))) { $longname="$node.$domain"; $_=""; } elsif ( $_ =~ /\./) { if (!$longname) { $longname=$_; $_=""; } } elsif ($ADDNAMES) { unshift(@n_names,"$_.$domain"); } } unshift(@o_names,@n_names); if ($node =~ m/\.$domain$/i) { $longname = $node; $node =~ s/\.$domain$//; } elsif ($domain && !$longname) { $longname="$node.$domain"; } $othernames=join(' ', @o_names); if ($LONGNAME) { return "$ip $longname $node $othernames\n"; } elsif ($OTHERNAMESFIRST) { return "$ip $othernames $longname $node\n"; } else { return "$ip $node $longname $othernames\n"; } } sub addotherinterfaces { my $node = shift; my $otherinterfaces = shift; my $domain = shift; my @itf_pairs=split(/,/, $otherinterfaces); foreach (@itf_pairs) { my ($itf,$ip)=split(/:/, $_); if ($itf =~ /^-/ ) { $itf = $node.$itf }; addnode $itf,$ip,'',$domain; } } sub process_request { Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling") ; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase=0; Getopt::Long::Configure("no_pass_through"); my $req = shift; my $callback = shift; my $HELP; my $REMOVE; my $DELNODE; # parse the options if ($req && $req->{arg}) {@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};} else { @ARGV = (); } # print "argv=@ARGV\n"; if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$HELP, 'n' => \$REMOVE, 'd' => \$DELNODE, 'o|othernamesfirst' => \$OTHERNAMESFIRST, 'a|adddomaintohostnames' => \$ADDNAMES, 'm|mactolinklocal' => \$MACTOLINKLOCAL, 'l|longnamefirst' => \$LONGNAME,)) { $callback->({data=>$usage{makehosts}}); return; } # display the usage if -h if ($HELP) { $callback->({data=>$usage{makehosts}}); return; } my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts'); my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); my $domain; my $lockh; if ($sitetab) { my $dent = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'domain'},'value'); if ($dent and $dent->{value}) { $domain=$dent->{value}; } } @hosts = (); if ($REMOVE) { if (-e "/etc/hosts") { my $bakname = "/etc/hosts.xcatbak"; rename("/etc/hosts",$bakname); # add the localhost entry if trying to create the /etc/hosts from scratch if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { push @hosts, " loopback localhost\n"; } else { push @hosts, " localhost\n"; } } } else { if (-e "/etc/hosts") { my $bakname = "/etc/hosts.xcatbak"; copy("/etc/hosts",$bakname); } open($lockh,">","/tmp/xcat/hostsfile.lock"); flock($lockh,LOCK_EX); my $rconf; open($rconf,"/etc/hosts"); # Read file into memory if ($rconf) { while (<$rconf>) { push @hosts,$_; } close($rconf); } } if ($req->{node}) { if ($MACTOLINKLOCAL) { my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac"); my $machash = $mactab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},['mac']); foreach my $node (keys %{$machash}) { my $mac = $machash->{$node}->[0]->{mac}; if (!$mac) { next; } my $linklocal = xCAT::NetworkUtils->linklocaladdr($mac); if ($DELNODE) { delnode $node,$linklocal,$node,$domain; } else { addnode $node,$linklocal,$node,$domain; } } } else { my $hostscache = $hoststab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(ip node hostnames otherinterfaces)]); foreach(@{$req->{node}}) { my $ref = $hostscache->{$_}->[0]; #$hoststab->getNodeAttribs($_,[qw(ip node hostnames otherinterfaces)]); if ($DELNODE) { delnode $ref->{node},$ref->{ip},$ref->{hostnames},$domain; } else { addnode $ref->{node},$ref->{ip},$ref->{hostnames},$domain; if (defined($ref->{otherinterfaces})){ addotherinterfaces $ref->{node},$ref->{otherinterfaces},$domain; } } } #end foreach } # end else } else { if ($DELNODE) { return; } my @hostents = $hoststab->getAllNodeAttribs(['ip','node','hostnames','otherinterfaces']); foreach (@hostents) { addnode $_->{node},$_->{ip},$_->{hostnames},$domain; if (defined($_->{otherinterfaces})){ addotherinterfaces $_->{node},$_->{otherinterfaces},$domain; } } } writeout(); if ($lockh) { flock($lockh,LOCK_UN); } } sub writeout { my $targ; open($targ,'>',"/etc/hosts"); foreach (@hosts) { print $targ $_; } close($targ) } 1;