#!/usr/bin/env perl # This script is used to flash the mics on the host. # This script is run by xdsh from MN/SN to the host # parameters # -m xcatmaster # -p the path of the mic configuration file. Generally, it's /tftpboot/xcat/miccfg/micflash.hostname use strict; use IO::Socket; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; # enable the autoflush of stdout select STDOUT; $| = 1; my $tmppath = "/tmp/mictmp"; my $logpath = "/var/log/xcat/"; my $logfile = "$logpath/flash.log"; my $micmnt = "/var/mpss/mnt"; my $flashpath = "$micmnt/usr/share/mpss/flash"; if (! -d "$flashpath") { $flashpath = "/usr/share/mpss/flash"; } mkpath $tmppath; mkpath $micmnt; #open the log file open (LOG, ">>$logfile") or die "Error: cannot open $logfile\n"; print LOG "\n\n====================================================\nStart mic flashing: ".`date`."\n"; my ($master, $cfgpath); GetOptions ('m=s'=>\$master, 'p=s'=>\$cfgpath); unless ($master && $cfgpath) { outputmsg("Error: the -m master and -p path arguments must be specified for configmic.\n", 1); } # get the correct host name for the host my ($nodename, $nodename_short); my $masterip = `getent hosts $master | awk {'print \$1'}`; if ($masterip) { chomp($masterip); my $myip = `ip route get $masterip| head -n 1 | sed 's/^.*src//g' | awk {'print \$1'}`; if ($myip) { my $myipinfo =`getent hosts $myip`; if ($myipinfo && $myipinfo =~ /([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/) { my $n1 = $2; my $n2 = $3; if (length($n1) > length($n2)) { $nodename_short = $n2; } else { $nodename = $n1; } } elsif ($myipinfo && $myipinfo =~ /([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/) { $nodename_short = $2; } } } unless ($nodename) { $nodename = `hostname`; chomp($nodename); } unless ($nodename_short) { $nodename_short = `hostname -s`; chomp($nodename_short); } # download the mic configuration file from master my $cmd = "wget -N --waitretry=10 --random-wait -T 60 http://$master/$cfgpath/micflash.$nodename_short -P $tmppath"; my ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd); if ($rc) { $cmd = "wget -N --waitretry=10 --random-wait -T 60 http://$master/$cfgpath/micflash.$nodename -P $tmppath"; runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to download mic configuration file from $master\n", 3); } unless (-r "$tmppath/micflash.$nodename") { runsyscmd ("Error: cannot get the mic configuration file from http://$master/$cfgpath/micflash.$nodename\n", 4); } # parse the configuration file unless (open (CFGFILE, "<$tmppath/micflash.$nodename")) { runsyscmd ("Error: cannot open $tmppath/micflash.$nodename\n", 5); } # the configureation file should have the following format #miclist=mic0 #0:name=host1-mic0 #imgpath=/install/mpss3.new my %miccfg; my $miclist; my $ospath; while (<CFGFILE>) { if (/(\d+):(.*)/) { my $deviceid = $1; my @params = split (/\|/, $2); foreach (@params) { my ($n, $v) = split (/=/, $_); $miccfg{$deviceid}{$n} = $v; } } elsif (/^miclist=(.*)/) { $miclist = $1; } elsif (/^imgpath=(.*)/) { $ospath= $1; } } close (CFGFILE); $miclist =~ s/,/ /g; # add the mount entry for mounting of root fs from master to /etc/fstab # e.g. mount $master:/install/mpss3 /var/mpss/mnt $cmd = "grep \'$master:$ospath \' $micmnt /etc/fstab "; ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd); if ($rc) { # not found the exact mount entry $cmd = "grep $micmnt /etc/fstab"; ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd); if (!$rc) { # found the mount to $micmnt with another master or directory, remove the entry and umount it my $trans = $micmnt; $trans =~ s/\//\\\//g; $cmd = "sed \"/$trans/d\" /etc/fstab > $tmppath/fstab.tmp"; runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to configure fstab.\n", 6); copy ("$tmppath/fstab.tmp", "/etc/fstab"); $cmd = "umount -l -f $micmnt"; runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to run umount -l -f $micmnt\n", 7); } $cmd = "echo \"$master:$ospath $micmnt nfs timeo=14,intr 1 2\" >>/etc/fstab"; runsyscmd ($cmd); $cmd = "mount -a"; runsyscmd ($cmd); } # make sure the remote flash directory is accessable unless (-d "$flashpath") { outputmsg("Error: cannot access the $flashpath.\n", 8); } # start to flash the mic # # # # reset the mic to ready stat $cmd = "micctrl -r -w $miclist"; ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to reset mic.\n", 100); my $micidlist; foreach my $micid (keys %miccfg) { unless (grep /mic$micid: ready/, @$output) { outputmsg("MICMSG:$miccfg{$micid}{'name'}: Error: failed to reset mic to ready stat.\n", 100); } $micidlist .= ",$micid"; } $micidlist =~ s/^,//; # do the flash $cmd = "micflash -update $flashpath -device $micidlist"; ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd); # generate the output messages foreach (@$output) { foreach my $line (split /\n/, $_) { if ($line =~ /^mic(\d+):/) { $line =~ s/^mic(\d+):/MICMSG:$miccfg{$1}{'name'}:/; } print $line."\n"; } } print LOG "\nFinish the mic flashing: ".`date`."====================================================\n"; close (LOG); exit 0; # run command sub runsyscmd { my $cmd = shift; my $errmsg = shift; my $rc = shift; print LOG "---------------------------------------------\n"; print LOG "Run command: $cmd\n"; if (!($cmd =~ /2>&1$/)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } my @output = `$cmd`; my $errcode = 0; if ($?) { $errcode = $? >> 8; } foreach (@output) { print LOG $_; } print LOG "---------------------------------------------\n"; if ($rc && $errcode) { outputmsg($errmsg, $rc); exit $rc; } return ($errcode, \@output); } # display the output message sub outputmsg{ my $msg = shift; my $rc =shift; print LOG $msg; print $msg; if ($rc) { exit $rc; } }