Summary: Web Interface for CSM Name: xcat.web Version: 0.1 Release: 7 Group: System Management Copyright: IBM Corp. Packager: IBM Corp. URL: Vendor: IBM Corp. Source0: N/A NoSource: 0 # AutoReqProv: no Requires: httpd %description Provides a browser-based interface for xCAT (extreme Cluster Administration Tool). %files %defattr( 555, root, root, 755 ) /opt/xcat/web/* # %attr( 555, bin, bin ) /usr/libexec/webmin/csm/ %post # Post-install script--------------------------------------------------- if [ "$1" = 1 ] # initial install then # Link to the apache conf file if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then /bin/rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/xcat.conf /bin/ln -s /opt/xcat/web/etc/apache2/conf.d/xcat.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/xcat.conf /etc/init.d/httpd reload else /bin/rm -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/xcat.conf /bin/ln -s /opt/xcat/web/etc/apache2/conf.d/xcat.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/xcat.conf /etc/init.d/apache2 reload fi #cp /etc/webmin/webmin.acl /etc/webmin/webmin.acl.orig #perl -e 'while (<>) { if (/^root:/ && !/\bcsm\b/) {s/$/ csm/;} print $_; }' /etc/webmin/webmin.acl.orig >/etc/webmin/webmin.acl #if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then # kill -1 `cat /var/webmin/` #fi fi if [ "$1" = 1 ] || [ "$1" = 2 ] # initial install, or upgrade and this is the newer rpm then true fi %preun # Pre-uninstall script ------------------------------------------------- if [ "$1" = 0 ] # final rpm being removed then # Remove link to the apache conf file if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then /bin/rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/xcat.conf else /bin/rm -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/xcat.conf fi fi