package xCAT_plugin::dns; use Getopt::Long; use Net::DNS; use xCAT::Table; use Socket; use strict; #This is a rewrite of DNS management using nsupdate rather than direct zone mangling my $callback; sub update_named_conf { my $ctx = shift; } sub get_reverse_zone_for_entity { my $ctx = shift; my $node = shift; my $net; if ($ctx->{hoststab} and $ctx->{hoststab}->{$node} and $ctx->{hoststab}->{$node}->[0]->{ip}) { $node = $ctx->{hoststab}->{$node}->[0]->{ip}; } my $tvar; if ($tvar = inet_aton($node)) { #This is an assignment, we are testing and storing the value in one shot $tvar = unpack("N",$tvar); foreach my $net (keys %{$ctx->{nets}}) { if ($ctx->{nets}->{$net}->{netn} == ($tvar & $ctx->{nets}->{$net}->{mask})) { my $maskstr = unpack("B32",pack("N",$ctx->{nets}->{$net}->{mask})); my $maskcount = ($maskstr =~ tr/1//); $maskcount+=((8-($maskcount%8))%8); #round to the next octet my $newmask = 2**$maskcount -1 << (32 - $maskcount); my $rev = inet_ntoa(pack("N",($tvar & $newmask))); my @zone; my @orig=split /\./,$rev; while ($maskcount) { $maskcount-=8; unshift(@zone,(shift @orig)); } $rev = join('.',@zone); $rev .= '.IN_ADDR.ARPA'; return $rev; } } } } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $ctx = {}; my @nodes; my $hadargs=0; my $allnodes; my $zapfiles; if ($request->{arg}) { $hadargs=1; @ARGV=@{$request->{arg}}; if (!GetOptions( 'a|all' => \$allnodes, 'n|new' => \$zapfiles, )) { sendmsg([1,"TODO: makedns Usage message"]); return; } } if ($request->{node}) { #we have a noderange to process @nodes = @{$request->{node}}; } elsif ($allnodes) { #read all nodelist specified nodes } else { #legacy behavior, read from /etc/hosts sendmsg([1,"TODO: reading from /etc/hosts like old makedns"]); } my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>0); if ($hoststab) { $ctx->{hoststab} = $hoststab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['ip']); } my $networkstab = xCAT::Table->new('networks',-create=>0); unless ($networkstab) { sendmsg([1,'Unable to enumerate networks, try to run makenetworks']); } my @networks = $networkstab->getAllAttribs('net','mask'); foreach (@networks) { my $maskn = unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask})); $ctx->{nets}->{$_->{net}}->{mask} = $maskn; $ctx->{nets}->{$_->{net}}->{netn} = unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{net})); } my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); my $pent = $passtab->getAttribs({key=>'omapi',username=>'xcat_key'},['password']); if ($pent and $pent->{password}) { $ctx->{privkey} = $pent->{password}; } #do not warn/error here yet, if we can't generate or extract, we'll know later my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); my $stab = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'domain'},['value']); unless ($stab and $stab->{value}) { sendmsg([1,"domain not defined in site table"]); return; } $ctx->{domain} = $stab->{value}; $stab = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'forwarders'},['value']); if ($stab and $stab->{value}) { my @forwarders = split /[ ,]/,$stab->{value}; $ctx->{forwarders}=\@forwarders; } $ctx->{domainstotouch}->{$ctx->{domain}}=1; foreach (@nodes) { $ctx->{revzones}->{$_} = get_reverse_zone_for_entity($ctx,$_); $ctx->{domainstotouch}->{$ctx->{revzones}->{$_}}=1; } use Data::Dumper; if (1) { #TODO: function to detect and return 1 if the master server is DNS SOA for all the zones we care about #here, we are examining local files to assure that our key is in named.conf, the zones we care about are there, and that if #active directory is in use, allow the domain controllers to update specific zones $stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'directoryprovider'},['value']); if ($stab and $stab->{value} and $stab->{value} eq 'activedirectory') { $stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'directoryservers'},['value']); if ($stab and $stab->{value} and $stab->{value}) { my @dservers = split /[ ,]/,$stab->{value}; $ctx->{adservers} = \@dservers; } } $stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'dnsupdaters'},['value']); #allow unsecure updates from these if ($stab and $stab->{value} and $stab->{value}) { my @nservers = split /[ ,]/,$stab->{value}; $ctx->{dnsupdaters} = \@nservers; } if ($zapfiles) { #here, we unlink all the existing files to start fresh } #We manipulate local namedconf update_namedconf($ctx); } else { unless ($ctx->{privkey}) { sendmsg([1,"Unable to update DNS due to lack of credentials in passwd to communicate with remote server"]); } } #now we stick to Net::DNS style updates, with TSIG if possible. TODO: kerberized (i.e. Windows) DNS server support, maybe needing to use nsupdate -g.... } sub update_namedconf { my $ctx = shift; my $namedlocation = '/etc/named.conf'; my $nameconf; my @newnamed; my $gotoptions=0; my $gotkey=0; my %didzones; if (-r $namedlocation) { my @currnamed=(); open($nameconf,"<",$namedlocation); @currnamed=<$nameconf>; close($nameconf); my $i = 0; for ($i=0;$i{forwarders} and $line =~ /forwarders {/) { push @newnamed,"\tforwarders \{"; $skip=1; foreach (@{$ctx->{forwarders}}) { push @newnamed,"\t\t".$_."\n"; } } elsif ($skip) { if ($line =~ / };/) { push @newnamed,"\t};"; $skip = 0; } } else { push @newnamed,$line; } $i++; $line = $currnamed[$i]; } while ($line !~ /^\};/); } elsif ($line =~ /^zone "([^"]*)" in \{/) { my $currzone = $1; if ($ctx->{zonestotouch}->{$currzone} or $ctx->{adzones}->{$currzone}) { $didzones{$currzone}=1; push @newnamed,"zone \"$currzone\" in {\n","\ttype master;\n","\tallow-update {\n","\t\tkey xcat_key;\n"; my @list; if ($ctx->{adzones}->{$currzone}) { @list = @{$ctx->{dnsupdaters}}; } else { @list = @{$ctx->{adservers}}; } foreach (@list) { push @newnamed,"\t\t$_\n"; } push @newnamed,"\t};\n","\tfile \"db.$currzone\";\n","};\n"; while ($line !~ /^\};/) { #skip the old file zone $i++; $line = $currnamed[$i]; } $i++; } else { push @newnamed,$line; } } elsif ($line =~ /^key xcat_key/) { $gotkey=1; if ($ctx->{privkey}) { push @newnamed,"key xcat_key {\n","\talgorithm hmac-md5;\n","\tsecret \"".$ctx->{privkey}."\";\n","};\n"; } else { while ($line !~ /^\};/) { #skip the old file zone if ($line =~ /secret \"([^"]*)\"/) { my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new("passwd",-create=>1); $passtab->setAttribs({key=>"omapi",user=>"xcat_key"},{password=>$1}); } $i++; $line = $currnamed[$i]; } } } } } unless ($gotoptions) { push @newnamed,"options {\n","\tdirectory \"/var/named/\";\n"; if ($ctx->{forwarders}) { push @newnamed,"\tforwarders {\n"; foreach (@{$ctx->{forwarders}}) { push @newnamed,"\t\t$_;\n"; } push @newnamed,"\t};\n"; } push @newnamed,"};\n"; open($nameconf,"<",$namedlocation); } unless ($gotkey) { unless ($ctx->{privkey}) { #need to generate one $ctx->{privkey} = encode_base64(genpassword(32)); } push @newnamed,"key xcat_key {\n","\talgorithm hmac-md5;\n","\tsecret \"".$ctx->{privkey}."\";\n","};\n"; } my $zone; foreach $zone (keys %{$ctx->{zonestotouch}}) { if ($didzones{$zone}) { next; } push @newnamed,"zone \"$zone\" in {\n","\ttype master;\n","allow-update {\n","\t\tkey xcat_key;\n"; foreach (@{$ctx->{dnsupdaters}}) { push @newnamed,"\t\t$_\n"; } push @newnamed,"\t};","\tfile \"db.$zone\";\n","};\n"; } foreach $zone (keys %{$ctx->{adzones}}) { if ($didzones{$zone}) { next; } push @newnamed,"zone \"$zone\" in {\n","\ttype master;\n","allow-update {\n","\t\tkey xcat_key;\n"; foreach (@{$ctx->{adservers}}) { push @newnamed,"\t\t$_\n"; } push @newnamed,"\t};","\tfile \"db.$zone\";\n","};\n"; } use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(@newnamed); } my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $key_name = 'xcat_key'; my $key = 'UlpPekE5Zmg0VzBsbTA2alZSRkxWMGRWTDZRckhJaHM='; my $update = Net::DNS::Update->new('xcat.e1350'); $update->push(update => rr_add('foo.xcat.e1350 A')); $update->sign_tsig($key_name,$key); my $reply = $resolver->send($update); use Data::Dumper; process_request({node=>['bmc1','n1','switch1']});