=head1 NAME B - It adds or removes nodes for the vlan. =head1 SYNOPSIS B I B<-n> I [B<-c> I] [B<-V>|B<--verbose>] B [B<-h>|B<--help>] B [B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 DESCRIPTION The B command adds a list of xCAT images into the OpenStack cloud. Under the cover, it creates a fake image and registers the fake image into OpenStack with command B. It sets the property in the image to indicate that this is an xCAT image and also stores the original xCAT image name in the property for further reference. The xCAT image names can be listed using B command. =head1 Parameters I a comma separated xCAT images names. =head1 OPTIONS =over 10 =item B<-n> a comma separated new image names in the OpenStack. If omitted, the default is the original xCAT image nanme. =item B<-c> the node name of the OpenStack controller. This node must be an xCAT managed node. =item B<-h|--help> Display usage message. =item B<-v|--version> The Command Version. =item B<-V|--verbose> Verbose output. =back =head1 RETURN VALUE 0 The command completed successfully. 1 An error has occurred. =head1 EXAMPLES =over 3 =item 1. To register xCAT image rhels6.3-x86_64-install-compute into OpenStack. opsaddimage rhels6.3-x86_64-install-compute -c sv2 =back =head1 FILES /opt/xcat/bin/opsaddimage =head1 SEE ALSO L