#!/bin/sh # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #(C)IBM Corp # This script adds xCAT specific setup to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and ssh_config file # It calls getcredentials.awk to get from the xcatmaster ssh host keys from the # /etc/xcat/hostkeys directory and puts in /etc/ssh on the node the following keys # ssh_host_dsa_key,ssh_host_rsa_key # It calls getcredentials.awk to get from the xcatmaster root ssh keys from the # ~/.ssh directory on the xcatmaster and put in ~/.ssh on the node the following keys: # If site.enablesshbetweennodes is yes # id.rsa # # if on the Management Node, exit if [ -e /etc/xCATMN ]; then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "remoteshell:Running on the Management Node , exiting " exit 0 fi # if -p input, do special PCM setup if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [ $1 = "-p" ]; then SETUPFORPCM=1 fi fi # Linux or if AIX call aixremoteshell -d if [ "$(uname -s)" = "AIX" ]; then ./aixremoteshell -d 2>&1 logger -t xcat -p local4.info "Install: On AIX , remoteshell calling aixremoteshell -d " exit 0 fi master=$MASTER # are we using xcat flow control useflowcontrol=0 if [ "$USEFLOWCONTROL" = "YES" ] || [ "$USEFLOWCONTROL" = "yes" ] || [ "$USEFLOWCONTROL" = "1" ]; then useflowcontrol=1 fi if [ -r /etc/ssh/sshd_config ] then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "remoteshell: setup /etc/ssh/sshd_config and ssh_config" cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.ORIG #delete all occurance of the attribute and then add xCAT settings sed -i '/X11Forwarding /'d /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "X11Forwarding yes" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i '/KeyRegenerationInterval /'d /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "KeyRegenerationInterval 0" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i '/MaxStartups /'d /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "MaxStartups 1024" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/^\s*\(PermitRootLogin\s*\).*/\1yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config if [ "$SETUPFORPCM" = "1" ];then sed -i '/PasswordAuthentication /'d /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "PasswordAuthentication yes" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config fi fi if [ -r /etc/ssh/ssh_config ] then sed -i '/StrictHostKeyChecking /'d /etc/ssh/ssh_config echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config fi xcatpost="xcatpost" if [ -d /xcatpost/_ssh ] then logger -p local4.info -t xcat "Install: setup root .ssh" cd /xcatpost/_ssh mkdir -p /root/.ssh cp -f * /root/.ssh cd - >/dev/null chmod 700 /root/.ssh chmod 600 /root/.ssh/* fi if [ ! -x /usr/bin/openssl ]; then logger -t xcat -p local4.err "Install: /usr/bin/openssl is not executable." exit 0 fi allowcred.awk & CREDPID=$! sleep 1 if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest received response return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk ssh_dsa_hostkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}xcatresponse>|</{0,1}serverdone>' | sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /tmp/ssh_dsa_hostkey #check the message is an error or not grep -E '<error>' /tmp/ssh_dsa_hostkey if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #the message received is the data cat /tmp/ssh_dsa_hostkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}errorcode>|/{0,1}data>|</{0,1}content>|</{0,1}desc>' >/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: getting ssh_host_dsa_key" MAX_RETRIES=10 RETRY=0 MYCONT=`cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key` while [ -z "$MYCONT" ]; do # not using flow control , need to sleep if [ $useflowcontrol = "0" ]; then let SLI=$RANDOM%10 let SLI=SLI+10 sleep $SLI fi RETRY=$(($RETRY+1)) if [ $RETRY -eq $MAX_RETRIES ] then break fi if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk ssh_dsa_hostkey | grep -v '<'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key MYCONT=`cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key` done chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key if ! grep "PRIVATE KEY" /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key else ssh-keygen -y -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key > /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub chmod 644 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub chown root /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub fi else #the message received is an error, so parse it ERR_MSG=`sed -n 's%.*<error>\(.*\)</error>.*%\1%p' /tmp/ssh_dsa_hostkey` logger -t xCAT -p local4.err Error: $ERR_MSG fi rm /tmp/ssh_dsa_hostkey if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk ssh_rsa_hostkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}xcatresponse>|</{0,1}serverdone>' | sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /tmp/ssh_rsa_hostkey #check whether the message is an error or not grep -E '<error>' /tmp/ssh_rsa_hostkey if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #the message received is the data we request cat /tmp/ssh_rsa_hostkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}errorcode>|/{0,1}data>|</{0,1}content>|</{0,1}desc>' >/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key logger -t xCAT -p local4.info ssh_rsa_hostkey MYCONT=`cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key` MAX_RETRIES=10 RETRY=0 while [ -z "$MYCONT" ]; do # not using flow control , need to sleep if [ $useflowcontrol = "0" ]; then let SLI=$RANDOM%10 let SLI=SLI+10 sleep $SLI fi RETRY=$(($RETRY+1)) if [ $RETRY -eq $MAX_RETRIES ] then break fi if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk ssh_rsa_hostkey | grep -v '<'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key MYCONT=`cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key` done chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key if ! grep "PRIVATE KEY" /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key else ssh-keygen -y -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key > /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub chmod 644 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub chown root /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub fi else #This is an error message ERR_MSG=`sed -n 's%.*<error>\(.*\)</error>.*%\1%p' /tmp/ssh_rsa_hostkey` logger -t xCAT -p local4.err Error: $ERR_MSG fi rm /tmp/ssh_rsa_hostkey if [[ $NTYPE = service ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/xcat/hostkeys cp /etc/ssh/ssh* /etc/xcat/hostkeys/. fi umask 0077 # This is where we start getting root ssh keys # This tells credentials.pm where to get the root .ssh keys. If no zone then old path of ~.ssh #rootsshpvtkey=ssh_root_key:$zonename mkdir -p /root/.ssh/ # this is for obtaining non-zone keys rootsshpvtkey=ssh_root_key rootsshpubkey=ssh_root_pub_key if [ $ZONENAME ]; then # This tells credentials.pm where to get the root .ssh keys. If no zone then old path of ~/.ssh zonename=$ZONENAME rootsshpvtkey=ssh_root_key:$zonename rootsshpubkey=ssh_root_pub_key:$zonename logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: gathering root ssh keys for $zonename" fi # always get the id_rsa.pub key for the node and put in authorized_keys if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk $rootsshpubkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}xcatresponse>|</{0,1}serverdone>'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: gathering $rootsshpubkey " #check whether the message is an error or not grep -E '<error>' /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #The message contains the data we request cat /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key | grep -E -v '</{0,1}errorcode>|</{0,1}data>|</{0,1}content>|</{0,1}desc>' > /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # no add to authorized_keys, so the node can ssh to itself cat /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key | grep -E -v '</{0,1}errorcode>|</{0,1}data>|</{0,1}content>|</{0,1}desc>' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys logger -t xCAT -p local4.info ssh_root_pub_key MYCONT=`cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` MAX_RETRIES=10 RETRY=0 while [ -z "$MYCONT" ]; do if [ $useflowcontrol = "0" ]; then let SLI=$RANDOM%10 let SLI=SLI+10 sleep $SLI fi RETRY=$(($RETRY+1)) if [ $RETRY -eq $MAX_RETRIES ] then break fi if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk $rootsshpubkey | grep -v '<'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub getcredentials.awk $rootsshpubkey | grep -v '<'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys MYCONT=`cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` done else #This is an error message ERR_MSG=`sed -n 's%.*<error>\(.*\)</error>.*%\1%p' /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key` logger -t xCAT -p local4.err $rootsshpubkey Error: $ERR_MSG fi rm /tmp/ssh_root_pub_key # if sshbetweennodes is enabled then we get id_rsa ( private key) if [ $ENABLESSHBETWEENNODES = "YES" ]; # want nodes to be able to ssh to each other without password then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:sshbetweennodes is yes" if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk $rootsshpvtkey | grep -E -v '</{0,1}xcatresponse>|</{0,1}serverdone>'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /tmp/ssh_root_key logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: gathering $rootsshpvtkey " #check whether the message is an error or not grep -E '<error>' /tmp/ssh_root_key if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #The message contains the data we request cat /tmp/ssh_root_key | grep -E -v '</{0,1}errorcode>|/{0,1}data>|</{0,1}content>|</{0,1}desc>' > /root/.ssh/id_rsa logger -t xCAT -p local4.info ssh_root_key MYCONT=`cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa` MAX_RETRIES=10 RETRY=0 while [ -z "$MYCONT" ]; do if [ $useflowcontrol = "0" ]; then let SLI=$RANDOM%10 let SLI=SLI+10 sleep $SLI fi RETRY=$(($RETRY+1)) if [ $RETRY -eq $MAX_RETRIES ] then break fi if [ $useflowcontrol = "1" ]; then #first contact daemon xcatflowrequest <server> 3001 logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: sending xcatflowrequest $master 3001" /$xcatpost/xcatflowrequest $master 3001 rc=$? logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell:xcatflowrequest return=$rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "remoteshell: error from xcatflowrequest, will not use flow control" useflowcontrol=0 fi fi getcredentials.awk $rootsshpvtkey | grep -v '<'|sed -e 's/</</' -e 's/>/>/' -e 's/&/&/' -e 's/"/"/' -e "s/'/'/" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa MYCONT=`cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa` done else #This is an error message ERR_MSG=`sed -n 's%.*<error>\(.*\)</error>.*%\1%p' /tmp/ssh_root_key` logger -t xCAT -p local4.err $rootsshpvtkey Error: $ERR_MSG fi rm /tmp/ssh_root_key if ! grep "PRIVATE KEY" /root/.ssh/id_rsa > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then rm /root/.ssh/id_rsa fi # if public key does not exist then generate one from the private key if [ ! -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then if [ -r /root/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -y -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa > /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub logger -t xCAT -p local4.err remoteshell:transfer of the id_rsa.pub key failed. Had to generate a public key. fi fi fi # start up the sshd for syncfiles postscript to do the sync work logger -t xCAT -p local4.info "start up sshd" if [[ $OSVER == ubuntu* || $OSVER == debian* ]] then if [ ! -d /var/run/sshd ] then mkdir /var/run/sshd chmod 0755 /var/run/sshd /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config else service ssh restart fi else service sshd restart fi kill -9 $CREDPID