#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # ############################################################################################################################################# # # This script will be used to run xCAT daily regression # # Usage:xCATreg - Run xCAT daily regression # xCATreg [-?|-h] # xCATreg [-b branch][-m MN][-f configure file][-a][-V] # # -?/-h: help information for the xCATreg usage. # -b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. You can use 2.7, 2.8,master.The default value is master. # -m: when -m is specified, the regression will be done the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file. # -f :specify the configuration file,default value is /xCATreg/regresson.conf # -a: when -a is specified, run the regression even there is no code updates # -V: log and message in verbose mode # # Example usage: # ./xCATreg Run regressoins on master branch and on all platforms in configuration file # ./xCATreg -b 2.8 -m slesmn -f /root/regressoin.conf -a Run regression on 2.8 branch on slesmn even when there is no code updates. # ############################################################################################################################################# use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Term::ANSIColor; use Time::Local; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; my %confhash; my $rootdir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/tools/autotest"; my $needhelp = 0; my $branch = 0; my $rhppc64configfile = "$rootdir/default.conf"; my $configfile = "/regression/rhppc64/default.conf"; my $MN = undef; my $management_node = undef; my $CN = undef; my $output = undef; my $verbose_mode = 0; my $updates_regression = 0; my $send_msg = 0; my $res = 0; my $string1 = undef; my $resultdir = "$rootdir/result"; mkdir $resultdir unless -d $resultdir; my $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`; my %rhppc64config=(); my %slesppc64config=(); my %rhx8664config=(); my %slesx8664config=(); my %rhppc64mnconfig=(); my $fullinst=0; my $dsklsinst=0; my $bundlerun=1; my $stateliteinst=0; my $snfullinst=0; my $dsklscnsninst=0; my $fullcnsninst=0; my $statelitecnsninst=0; my %confkeys; my %results; my %mns; ####################################### # usage for arguments ####################################### sub usage { print "Usage:xCATreg - Run xcat autotest test cases.\n Explanation for the options: -b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. The default value is master.\n -m: when -m is specified, run regression on the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file.\n -f: specify the configuration file location.\n -U: when -U is specified, only code updates can trigger the regression.\n -V: log and message in verbose mode.\n -e: <email_addr> send the test result to email_addr\n"; print " xCATreg [-?|-h]\n"; print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node][-V][-e] install mn \n"; print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node ] [-U][-V][-e] if code updates there will be regression.\n"; print "\n"; return; } ####################################### # config for rhppc64env ####################################### sub config_rhppc64 { send_msg("******************************"); send_msg("Reading Configure"); send_msg("******************************"); #if(!(-e $configfile)){ #send_msg("Warning: The xCAT test Configure file doesn't exist!"); #send_msg("Warning: The xCAT test Configure file doesn't exist!"); #return 0; #} my $type = ""; my $sub_type = undef; # The string after $type_ # Script--> # Script_Prev # Script_Post # Table---> # Table_xxxxx # Object--> # Object_xxxx # System----> # Custom----> my $name = undef; my $attr = undef; my $value = undef; my $c = 0; my $cmd = undef; my $mgt_name = undef; open(FILE, "$configfile") or die "can't to open $configfile"; while(my $line = <FILE>) { $line = &trim($line); next if(length($line) == 0); #Table name can not contain "_" if($line =~ /\[\s*(\w+)\_(\w+)\s*\]/) { $type = $1; $sub_type = $2; $name = undef; $c = 0; }elsif($line =~ /\[\s*rhppc64System|Custom\s*\]/){ $type = "rhppc64Varible"; }elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Table") { ##TABLE BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) { $attr = $1; $value = $2; if($name&&($rhppc64config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){ $rhppc64config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{$attr}=$value; } else { $name = $value; $rhppc64config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$attr; } } }elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Object") { ##OBJECT BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) { $attr = $1; $value = $2; #print "rhppc64node attr is $attr\n"; #print "rhppc64node value is $value\n"; if($attr eq "Name"){ $name = $value; } elsif(!defined($name)){ print "Please give name for Object\n"; close FILE; return 1; } else { $rhppc64config{object}{$sub_type}{$name}{$attr}=$value; } } }elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Script") { ##SCRIPT_BLOCK## if($sub_type eq "Prev") { $rhppc64config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line; $c = $c + 1; } elsif ($sub_type eq "rhppc64Post") { $rhppc64config{script_post}->[$c] = $line; $c = $c + 1; } } elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Varible") { ##NODE_BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) { $rhppc64config{var}{$1} = $2; print "var $1,$2\n"; } } } if(exists $rhppc64config{object}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}}){ foreach my $name (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}{$type}}){ send_msg("OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type"); &runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>default.conf"); &runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>default.conf"); #print "$name,TYPE:$type \n"; foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}}){ send_msg(" $attr = $rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};"); &runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>default.conf"); } } } } if(exists $rhppc64config{table}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}}){ send_msg("TABLE:$type"); &runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>default.conf"); #&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf"); #&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf"); #&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf"); foreach my $name (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}{$type}}){ send_msg(" $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name"); &runcmd( " echo $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>default.conf"); foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}}){ if($attr ne '__KEY__'){ send_msg(" $attr = $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}"); &runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>default.conf"); } } send_msg("\n"); } } } if(exists $rhppc64config{script_prev}){ send_msg("Script_Prev:"); foreach $cmd (@{$rhppc64config{script_prev}}){ send_msg(" $cmd"); } } if(exists $rhppc64config{script_post}){ send_msg("Script_Post:"); foreach $cmd (@{$rhppc64config{script_post}}){ send_msg(" $cmd"); } } if (exists $rhppc64config{var}){ #my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN}; #my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP}; #&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts"); #print "MN is $MN\n";} send_msg("Varible:"); &runcmd( " echo [System]>>default.conf"); foreach my $varname (keys %{$rhppc64config{var}}){ send_msg(" $varname = $rhppc64config{var}{$varname}"); &runcmd( " echo $varname=$rhppc64config{var}{$varname}>>default.conf"); #print "var is $rhppc64config{var}\n"; } } close FILE; return 0; } ####################################### # git update ####################################### sub git_update { send_msg("begin to do git update"); my $gitup; $gitup="/tmp/gitup"; #Do checkout in git repo #$res = system("cd $confkeys{srcdir}"); #if ($res !=0) { # send_msg("no source code directory,exit"); # # exit; #} $res = system("git checkout $branch"); if ($res != 0){ send_msg("git checkout failed"); exit 1; } $res = system("git pull >$gitup"); if ($res != 0){ send_msg("git pull failed"); exit 1; } $res = system("grep 'Already up-to-date' $gitup"); if (($res == 0)&&( $updates_regression == 1)) { send_msg("code is already at latest version. exit regresson\n"); exit 1; } return 0; } ####################################### # copy code ####################################### sub copy_code { my $mn = shift; my $codedir = $confhash{srcdir}; send_msg("src code directory is $confhash{srcdir}"); ##will modify to $rhppc64config{var}{MNIP} #my $mn = $management_node; #send_msg("mn is $mn"); #install dep for buildlocal send_msg("begin to install build required packages on mn $mn"); $res = system("xdsh $mn yum install -y rpm-build perl-Time-HiRes perl-DBI createrepo"); #need to copy /etc/hosts to mn send_msg("copy /etc/hosts to mn $mn"); system("scp /etc/hosts $mn:/etc"); send_msg("begin to copy code to $mn"); $res = system("scp -r $codedir root\@$mn:/"); if ($res != 0){ send_msg("code copy failed $mn"); exit 1; } return 0; } ####################### # build xcat ####################### sub build_xcat { my $mn = shift; #for temp usage send_msg("========= began build xcat on mn ========"); #will changed /code/xcat-core to $confkeys{srcdir} $res = system("xdsh $mn /xcat-core/buildlocal.sh CURDIR=/xcat-core"); if ($res != 0){ send_msg("build failed on mn $mn"); exit 1; } send_msg("====================build done============================"); sleep 20; return 0; } ####################################### # config mn ####################################### sub config_mn { my $mn = shift; send_msg("begin read configuration file for mn"); mkdir $resultdir unless -d $resultdir; $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`; my @osname = &runcmd("uname -a"); #if ( $osname [0] =~ /^Linux\s*/ && -f "/etc/redhat-release" && $osname [0] =~ /ppc64/){ #print "ppc64 redhat env\n"; #$os="rhels6.4"; #$arch="ppc64"; #print "os is $os,arch is $arch\n"; $res = &config_rhppc64(); if ($res) { send_msg("CONFIGURE MN returns error, exit"); exit 1; } #} send_msg("step 6 : reading mn configuration done====="); return 0; } ####################################### # install xcat and init rhppc64 env ####################################### sub init { my $mn = shift; if (exists $rhppc64config{var}){ #my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN}; my $MN=$mn; my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP}; my $CN=$rhppc64config{var}{CN}; my $CNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{CNIP}; my $SN=$rhppc64config{var}{SN}; my $SNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{SNIP}; my $SNCN=$rhppc64config{var}{SNCN}; my $SNCNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{SNCNIP}; my $HMC=$rhppc64config{var}{HMC}; my $HMCIP=$rhppc64config{var}{HMCIP}; my $MOUNTIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MOUNTIP}; my $DOMAIN=$rhppc64config{var}{DOMAIN}; my $nodedir=$rhppc64config{var}{nodedir}; system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint"); print "--prepareing redhat iso file.......\n"; print "--mount NF ......."; # system ("scp -r /iso/*.iso $MN:/iso"); # system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop /iso/RHEL6.4-20130130.0-Server-ppc64-DVD1.iso /iso/mountpoint"); system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts"); system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf"); print "[OK]\n"; print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n"; system("xdsh $MN rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*"); # $res = system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/"); &repo(); system("scp -r rhel6.4.repo $MN:/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.4.repo"); #system("scp -r default.conf $MN:$rhppc64configfile"); #system("xdsh $MN perl $nodedir/xcatbuild/xcat-core/mklocalrepo.sh"); system("xdsh $MN perl /xcat-dep/rh6/ppc64/mklocalrepo.sh"); print "--install XCAT .......\n"; system("xdsh $MN yum -y install createrepo"); system("xdsh $MN createrepo /xcat-core/build"); system("xdsh $MN cp /xcat-core/build/xCAT-core.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/"); system("xdsh $MN yum clean metadata"); system("xdsh $MN rpm --import /iso/mountpoint/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"); system("xdsh $MN yum -y install perl-xCAT xCAT-client xCAT-server xCAT"); print "--install XCATTEST .......\n"; system("xdsh $MN yum -y install xCAT-test"); system("scp -r default.conf $MN:$rhppc64configfile"); print "--install createrepo .......\n"; #system("xdsh $MN yum -y install createrepo"); system("xdsh $MN yum -y install screen"); system("xdsh $MN yum -y install mysql-server mysql mysql-bench mysql-devel mysql-connector-odbc"); system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /autotest/result"); #system("xdsh $MN sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward=1"); $res = system("xdsh $MN source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh"); #if ($res != 0){ #send_msg("install xCAT failed on rhpmn"); #exit 1; #} send_msg( " rhppc64 env is ready\n"); } return 0; } ####################################### # do test ####################################### sub do_test { my $mn = shift; # step 7.1 Install xcat and init mn send_msg("began to install xCAT and initialize mn"); $res = &init($mn); if ($res != 0){ exit 1; } send_msg("Begin to do test"); $res = &do_test1($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit"); exit 1; } return 0; } ####################################### # run all test ####################################### sub do_test1 { my $mn = shift; #my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN}; my $MN=$mn; my $nodedir=$rhppc64config{var}{nodedir}; print "copy config file "; system("scp -r default.conf $MN:$rhppc64configfile"); print "Start to run diskless installation $MN ...\n"; send_msg("******************************"); send_msg("start diskless test"); send_msg("******************************"); #if($dsklsinst){ # system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_diskless_installation_flat_ppc64"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # exit 1; #} #if($bundlerun){ # print "Start to run the automation test bucket ....\n"; # system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /autotest/result"); # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/bundle/bat.bundle"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); # $output = ("xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp"); # if($output =~ /Total: (\d+) , Failed: (\d+)/){ # send_msg{command}{total} = $1; # send_msg{command}{fail} = $2; # send_msg{command}{timestamp} = $timestamp; # if(send_msg{command}{fail} != 0){ # send_msg{command}{failcase} = "| | | Failed cases:"."\n"; # $output = (xdsh $MN cat /autotest/result/failedcases.$timestamp | grep END); # while($output =~ /END::(\w+)/g){ # send_msg{command}{failcase} = $send_msg{command}{failcase}."| | | ".$1."\n"; # print "$msg{command}{failcase}"; # } # print "$send_msg{command}{failcase}"; # } # } # } #if($stateliteinst){ # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_ppc64"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); # $output = system(" xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp"); # if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){ # if($1 != 0){ # send_msg{linux_statelite_installation_flat}{pass} = 0; # send_msg{linux_statelite_installation_flat}{timestamp} = $timestamp; # } else { # send_msg{linux_statelite_installation_flat}{pass} = 1; # } # } #} #if($fullinst){ system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64"); system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); # $output = xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp; # if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){ # if($1 != 0){ # send_msg{linux_full_installation_flat}{pass} = 0; # send_msg{linux_full_installation_flat}{timestamp} = $timestamp; # } else { # send_msg{linux_full_installation_flat}{pass} = 1; # } # } #} #if($snfullinst){ # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); # $output = xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp; # if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){ # if($1 != 0){ # send_msg{linux_sn_installation_flat}{pass} = 0; # send_msg{linux_sn_installation_flat}{timestamp} = $timestamp; # } else { # send_msg{linux_sn_installation_flat}{pass} = 1; # } # } #} #if($dsklscnsninst){ # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat_x86_vm"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); # if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){ # if($1 != 0){ # send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{pass} = 0; # send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{timestamp} = $timestamp; # } else { # send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{pass} = 1; # } # } #} #if($statelitecnsninst){ # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_statelite_installation_flat_x86_vm"); # system(" xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); #} #if($fullcnsninst){ # system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_full_installation_flat_x86_vm"); # system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/"); # system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current"); #} #system("mkdir -p $nodedir/result"); # system("scp -r $MN:/autotest/result /regression/rhppc64"); } ####################################### # mn_install to install all mn ####################################### sub mn_install { my $osimage="management_1408a"; my $mn="the_name_of_mn"; `nodeset $mn osimage=$osimage`; $output = system("rpower $mn off"); do { sleep 5; $output = system("rpower $mn state"); } while ($output =~ /off/); $output = system("rpower $mn on"); do { sleep 5; $output = system("rpower $mn state"); } while ($output =~ /on/); do { sleep 300; $output = system("xdsh $mn date"); } while ($output =~ /$mn/); } ####################################### # runcmd ####################################### sub runcmd { my ($cmd) = @_; my $rc = 0; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; my $outref = []; @$outref = `$cmd 2>&1`; if ($?) { $rc = $? ; $::RUNCMD_RC = $rc; } chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } ####################################### # trim ####################################### sub trim { my $str = shift @_; if($str){ #$str =~ s/\#/__wellnumber__/g; $str =~ s/^\s+|#.+|\s+$//g; #$str =~ s/__wellnumber__/#/g; } return $str; } ##################################### #repo #################################### sub repo{ my @osname = &runcmd("uname -a"); if ( $osname [0] =~ /^Linux\s*/ && -f "/etc/redhat-release" && $osname [0] =~ /ppc64/){ send_msg ("ppc64 redhat env\n"); my $os="rhels6.4"; my $arch="ppc64"; send_msg ("os is $os,arch is $arch\n"); &runcmd( " echo [rhe-6.4-server]>>rhel6.4.repo"); &runcmd( " echo name=RHEL 6.4 SERVER packages>>rhel6.4.repo"); &runcmd(" echo baseurl=file:///iso/mountpoint/Server/>>rhel6.4.repo"); &runcmd(" echo enabled=1>>rhel6.4.repo"); &runcmd(" echo gpgcheck=1>>rhel6.4.repo"); # system("scp -r rhel6.4.repo $MN:/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.4.repo"); } } ####################################### # send messages ####################################### sub send_msg { my $msg = shift; my $data = `date`; open (LOGFILE, ">> /home/xcatreg.log"); print LOGFILE "$timestamp: $msg.\n"; close LOGFILE; } ####################################### # read_conf ####################################### sub read_conf{ my $keys; if (!open($keys, "<$configfile")) { send_msg("Open configuration file error"); } my $line; while ($line = <$keys>) { if ($line =~ /end/) { last; } if ($line =~ /^\s*log\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{log} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*mailgroup\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{mailgroup} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*srcdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{srcdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*rhpdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{rhpdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*slespdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{slespdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*aixdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{aixdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*rhxdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{rhxdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*slesxdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{slesxdir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*ubuntudir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{ubuntudir} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*xcattestconf\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{xcattestconf} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*rhpmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{rhpmn} = $1; $mns{rhpmn} = $confkeys{rhpmn} if ($confkeys{rhpmn}); } if ($line =~ /^\s*slespmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{slespmn} = $1; $mns{slespmn} = $confkeys{slespmn} if ($confkeys{slespmn}); } if ($line =~ /^\s*aixmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{aixmn} = $1; $mns{aixmn} = $confkeys{aixmn}if ($confkeys{aixmn}); } if ($line =~ /^\s*rhxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{rhxmn} = $1; $mns{rhxmn} = $confkeys{rhxmn}if ($confkeys{rhxmn}); } if ($line =~ /^\s*slesxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{slesxmn} = $1; $mns{slesxmn} = $confkeys{slesxmn} if ($confkeys{slesxmn}); } if ($line =~ /^\s*ubuntumn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) { $confkeys{ubuntumn} = $1; $mns{ubuntumn} = $confkeys{ubuntumn} if ($confkeys{ubuntumn}); } } send_msg("finish reading global vars"); return %confkeys; } ####################################### # pro_result ####################################### sub pro_result{ return 0; } ############################################################### # Mainfunction ############################################################### ####################################### # step 0. Parse input arguments ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running step 0..............."); if ( !GetOptions("h|?" => \$needhelp, "f=s" => \$configfile, "b=s" => \$branch, "m=s" => \$management_node, "V" => \$verbose_mode, "U" => \$updates_regression, "e=s" => \$send_msg) ) { &usage; send_msg("PARSE ARGUMENTS returns error, exit"); exit 1; } if ($needhelp) { &usage; exit 0; } # begin to find which mn should be used if ($management_node) { my @all; if ($management_node =~ /,/) { @all = split /,/, $management_node; } else { push @all, $management_node; } foreach my $mn (@all) { foreach my $k (keys %confkeys) { if ($confkeys{$k} eq $mn) { $mns{$k} = $mn; send_msg("specify mn $mn"); } } } } ####################################### # step 1. Read configuration files ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running read_conf..............."); %confhash = read_conf(); unless (%confhash) { send_msg("READ CONF returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 2. git update ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running git_update..............."); $res = git_update(); if ($res) { send_msg("GIT UPDATE returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # begin child process, until return log ####################################### unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug. pipe CREAD,PWRITE; foreach my $m (keys %mns) { my $mn = $mns{$m}; my $pid = fork(); if ( !defined($pid) ) { send_msg("Fork error: $!"); exit 1; } elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { # child process close CREAD; ####################################### # step 3. Install MNs, ####################################### #send_msg("\n\n\n== Running mn_install..............."); #$res = mn_install(); #if ($res) { # send_msg("INSTALL MNS returns error, exit"); # exit 1; #} ####################################### # step 4. Copy code to MNs ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running copy_code..............."); # $res = copy_code($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("COPY CODE returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 5. Build xcat code in MNs ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running build_xcat..............."); # $res = build_xcat($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("BUILD XCAT returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 6. Read xCAT MN's configuration ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running config_mn..............."); $res = config_mn($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("CONFIGURE MN returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 7. Genrate local configuration file for xcattest # Do test # Write log ####################################### exit 1; send_msg("\n\n\n== Running do_test..............."); $res = do_test($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit"); exit 1; } syswrite PWRITE,"$mn succeed\n"; exit 0; } # end of child process } # end of foreach close PWRITE; my $time = time(); while (1) { while(<CREAD>){ chomp; my $result = $_; if ($result =~ /(\w*) succeed/){ $results{$1} = 1; } } last if((keys %results) == keys %mns); last if(time() - $time > 28800); #wait 8 hours at most } } else { foreach my $m (keys %mns) { my $mn = $mns{$m}; ####################################### # step 3. Install MNs, ####################################### #send_msg("\n\n\n== Running mn_install..............."); #$res = mn_install(); #if ($res) { # send_msg("INSTALL MNS returns error, exit"); # exit 1; #} ####################################### # step 4. Copy code to MNs ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running copy_code..............."); # $res = copy_code($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("COPY CODE returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 5. Build xcat code in MNs ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running build_xcat..............."); # $res = build_xcat($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("BUILD XCAT returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 6. Read xCAT MN's configuration ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running config_mn..............."); $res = config_mn($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("CONFIGURE MN returns error, exit"); exit 1; } ####################################### # step 7. Genrate local configuration file for xcattest # Do test # Write log ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running do_test..............."); $res = do_test($mn); if ($res) { send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit"); exit 1; } }# end of foreach mn, begin parent process }# end of debug ####################################### # step 8. process result ####################################### send_msg("\n\n\n== Running pro_result..............."); $res = pro_result(); if ($res) { send_msg("PROCESS RESULT returns error, exit"); exit 1; } exit 0;