#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
  $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use Sys::Syslog;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT_plugin::ipmi;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
use Socket;
use Data::Dumper;
#use strict;

=head1  xcat_traphandler  
=head2   Description
  Script for SNMP trap handling. 

# admin needs to create a mail aliase called alerts
# put "alerts: emailadd,emailaddr.." to /etc/aliases file
# then run newaliases command
my $MAILTO="alerts";

my $message;
my $briefmsg;
my $node1;
my $info;
my $severity_type;
my $severity;
my $appname;
my $id;
my $message1;
my $errsrc;

#get settings
my $EMAIL=0;
my $LOG=0;
my $IGNORE=0;
my $DB=0;
my %hashI=();
my %hashE=();
my %hashL=();
my %hashR=();
my %hashD=(); 
my %hashRUN=();
my %settings=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getPluginSettings("snmpmon");
my $i=$settings{'ignore'};
if ($i) { %hashI =parseSettings($i); }
my $e=$settings{'email'};
if ($e) { %hashE=parseSettings($e); }
my $l=$settings{'log'};
if ($l) { %hashL=parseSettings($l); }
my $d=$settings{'db'};
if ($d) { %hashD=parseSettings($d); }

foreach my $k (keys %settings) {
    if ($k =~ /runcmd(\d*)/) { 
	my $r=$settings{$k};
	my %hashTemp=parseSettings($r);

# read host name
my $host=<STDIN>; 

# read the host ip
my $ip=<STDIN>;

# read uptime
my $uptimeline=<STDIN>;
my  @a=split(/ /, $uptimeline);
my  $oid=shift @a;
my  $value=join(' ', @a);
$message .= "    $oid=$value\n";

# read trapid 
my $trapidline=<STDIN>;
@a=split(/ /, $trapidline);
$oid=shift @a;
$value=join(' ', @a);
$message .= "    $oid=$value\n";
checkWithOid($oid, $value);
#print "I=$IGNORE,E=$EMAIL, L=$LOG, R=$RUNCMD D=$DB\n";
if ($IGNORE) { exit 0;}

#for ipmi traps, the values is: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3183.1.1.0.x or
# RFC1155-SMI::enterprises.3183.1.1.0.x, where x is the ipmi trap id.
my $trapid; 
if ($value =~ /enterprises\.3183\.1\.1\.0\.(.*)/) { $trapid=$1; }

#print "trapid=$trapid\n";

my $holder;
my $begin=1;
my $pair;
my $temp;
while ($temp=<STDIN>) {
  my $temp1=$temp; #save the one with quotes
  $temp1 =~ s/\"//g;
  my $c1=length($temp);
  my $c2=length($temp1);
  if (($c1-$c2)%2 == 0) { 
    if ($begin==1) { # single line
    else { # middle multi-line
      $pair .= " $temp";
  } else { # multi line
    if ($begin==1) {
      $pair=$temp; #start of multi-line 
    } else { 
      $pair .= " $temp";  #end of multi-line
  @a=split(/ /, $pair);
  $oid=shift @a;
  $value=join(' ', @a);
  $value =~ s/^"//;
  $value =~ s/"$//;

  #for BladeCenter MM traps and RSA II traps,  creat a brief message 
  if ($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapAppId|RSASPPALT-MIB::ibmSpTrapAppId/) {
    $briefmsg .= "  App ID: $value\n";  
  elsif ($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapAppType|RSASPPALT-MIB::ibmSpTrapAppType/) {
    $briefmsg .= "  App Alert Type: $value\n";
  elsif ($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapMsgText|RSASPPALT-MIB::ibmSpTrapMsgText/) {
    $briefmsg .= "  Message: $value\n";  
  elsif ($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapBladeName/) {
    my $temp="$value";
    $temp =~ /^\"(.*)\"/;
    if ($1) {
      $briefmsg .= "  Blade Name: $value\n";
  elsif (($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapSourceId/)) {
    $briefmsg .= "  Error Source=$value\n";  
  elsif ($oid =~ /BLADESPPALT-MIB::spTrapPriority|RSASPPALT-MIB::ibmSpTrapPriority/) {
    # Critical Alert(0), Major(1), Non-Critical Alert(2), System Alert(4), 
    # Recovery Alert(8), Informational Only Alert(255)
    if ($value==0) {
      $severity="Critical Alert";
    } elsif ($value==1)  {
      $severity="Major Alert";
    } elsif ($value==2)  {
      $severity="Non-Critical Alert";
    } elsif ($value==4)  {
      $severity="System Alert";
    } elsif ($value==8)  {
      $severity="Recovery Alert";
    } elsif ($value==255)  {
      $severity="Informational Alert";
  elsif ($oid =~ /enterprises\.3183\.1\.1\.1/) { #IPMI PRTs (traps)
    #$node1 =~ s/(-(eth|man)\d+)?(\..*)?$//;

    my $ip1=$ip;
    $ip1 =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;

    # get the host name if it is unknown
    if ($node1 =~/<UNKNOWN>/) {
      my $name = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostname($ip1);
      if ($name) {
        my @shorthost = split(/\./, $node1);

    #print "node1=$node1\n";
    #node1 is the bmc name, we need the node that bmc connects to to call xCAT
    my $realnode;
    my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
    if (defined($ipmitab)) {
      my @tmp1=$ipmitab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','bmc']);
      if (@tmp1 && (@tmp1 > 0)) {
        foreach(@tmp1) {
          if ($_->{bmc} eq $node1) { $realnode=$_->{node}; last;}
    if ($realnode) {$node1=$realnode;}
    #print "node1=$node1\n";

    # make the vlaue into a hex array for decoding
    $value =~ s/\"//g;
    my @varray=split(/\s+/, $value);
    #print "varray=@varray\n";
    foreach (@varray) { $_=hex($_); }
    my $error = xCAT_plugin::ipmi->decodealert($trapid, $node1, @varray);
    $briefmsg .= $error;
    $message .= "    decodedipmialert=$error\n";

    #severity value from decodealert are: 
    if ($error) {
      my @tempArray=split(/\:/, $error);  
      if ($severity eq "LOG") {#in fact this is called "unspecifiled"
      elsif($severity eq  "INFORMATION") {
      elsif($severity eq  "OK") {
      elsif($severity eq "CRITICAL") {
      elsif($severity eq "NON-RECOVERABLE") {
  $message .= "    $oid=$value\n";

  #check agains the settings 
  $value =~ s/\"//g;  
  checkWithOid($oid, $value);
  #print "I=$IGNORE,E=$EMAIL, L=$LOG, R=$RUNCMD, D=$DB\n";
  if ($IGNORE) { exit 0;} 

if (!$severity_type) { $severity_type="Warning"; }
if ((!$IGNORE) && exists($hashI{$severity_type})) { 
  #print "ignore, exit\n"; 
  exit 0; 
if ((!$EMAIL) && exists($hashE{$severity_type})) { $EMAIL=1; }
if ((!$LOG) && exists($hashL{$severity_type})) { $LOG=1; }
if ((!$DB) && exists($hashD{$severity_type})) { $DB=1; }
foreach my $k (keys %hashRUN) {
    if (($hashRUN{$k} == 0) && exists($hashR{$k}->{$severity_type})) { $hashRUN{$k} = 1; }
#print "I=$IGNORE,E=$EMAIL, L=$LOG, R=$RUNCMD, D=$DB\n";

#email 'alerts' aliase
if ($EMAIL || ((keys(%hashE)==0) && ($severity_type =~/Critical|Warning/))) { 
  #$datetime=sprintf "%2d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mon+1,$mday,$year+1900,$hour,$min,$sec;
  #my $head="SNMP $severity received from $host($ip) on $datetime\n$briefmsg\n";
  my $head="SNMP $severity received from $host($ip)\n$briefmsg\n";
  if ($node1) { $info= getMoreInfo($node1);}
  my $middle="Trap details:\n$message\n";

  #email the full message to the alerts aliase
  my $cmd="echo \'$info$head\n$middle\' \| mail -s \"$severity_type: Cluster SNMP Alert\!\" $MAILTO";

#log to syslog if needed. default is log all
if ($LOG || (keys(%hashL)==0)) {
  my $head="SNMP $severity received from $host($ip).";
  my $body;
  if ($briefmsg) { $body=$briefmsg;} 
  else { $body=$message; }

  openlog("xCATMon Event","","local4");  
  if ($severity_type eq "Informational") {
    syslog("local4|info", "$head\n$body\n");
  } else {
    syslog("local4|err", "$head\n$body\n");

#save to eventlog table in xCAT database
if ($DB) {
  my $head="SNMP $severity received from $host($ip)\n$briefmsg\n";
  if (($node1)&& (!$info)) { $info= getMoreInfo($node1);}
  my $middle="Trap details:\n$message\n";
  my $event={
        eventtype => 'event',
        monitor => 'snmpmon',
        monnode => $host,
        node => $node1? $node1:"",
        application => $appname,
        component => $errsrc ,
        id =>$id,
        severity => $severity_type,
        message => $message1,
        rawdata => "$info$head\n$middle",
  my @a=();
  push(@a, $event);

#run user defined commands if needed.
foreach my $k (keys %hashRUN) {
    if ($hashRUN{$k} == 1) {
	$k =~ /runcmd(\d*)/;
	my $scripts=$settings{"cmds$1"};
	while ($scripts =~ s/^([^,]+)(,)*//) {
	    my $cmd="echo \'host=$host\nip=$ip\n$message\n\' \| $1";

=head3    getMoreInfo
      This function returns the node module/type, serial number, position etc. 
       node-- name of the node.
       A string with node info ready to display.
sub getMoreInfo {
  my $node=shift; 
  my $pos;
  my $vpd; 
  # get module name and serial number from the xCAT DB.
  my $ref;
  my $table=xCAT::Table->new("vpd", -create =>1);
  if ($table) {
    my $ref = $table->getNodeAttribs($node, ['serial', 'mtm']);
    if ($ref) {
      $vpd .= "  Type/Mudule: ";
      if ($ref->{mtm}) { $vpd .= $ref->{mtm};}
      $vpd .= "\n";
      $vpd .= "  Serial Number: ";
      if ($ref->{serial}) { $vpd .= $ref->{serial};}
      $vpd .= "\n";

  # get the info from rinv command if nothing in the vpd table
  if (!$vpd) { 
    my $result=`XCATBYPASS=Y $::XCATROOT/bin/rinv $node all 2>&1 | egrep -i '(model|serial)' | grep -v Univ`; 
    if ($? == 0) {#success
        my @b=split(/\n/, $result);
        foreach (@b) {
          s/^(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)$/$2: $3/; 
	  $vpd .= " $_\n";
  if (!$vpd) {
    $vpd .= "  Type/Mudule: \n";
    $vpd .= "  Serial Number: \n";

  #get the position
  my $table1=xCAT::Table->new("nodepos", -create =>1);
  if ($table1) {
    my $ref1 = $table1->getNodeAttribs($node, ['rack', 'u', 'chassis', 'slot',  'room', 'comments']);
    if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{room})) { $pos .= "  Room: " . $ref1->{room}. "\n"; }
    if(($ref1) && ($ref1->{rack})) { $pos .= "  Rack: ". $ref1->{rack}. "\n";}
    if(($ref1) && ($ref1->{u})) { $pos .= "  Unit: " . $ref1->{u} . "\n"; }
    if(($ref1) && ($ref1->{chassis})) { $pos .= "  Chassis: " . $ref1->{chassis} . "\n";}
    if(($ref1) && ($ref1->{slot})) { $pos .=  "  Slot: " . $ref1->{slot} . "\n";}
    if(($ref1) && ($ref1->{comments})) { $pos .=  "  Comments: " . $ref1->{comments} . "\n";}

    $pos .= "\n";


  if (($pos) || ($vpd)) {
    return "  Node: $node\n$vpd$pos\n";
  return "";

=head3   parseSettings 
      This function takes a setting string which looks like "key1=value1,key2=value2..."
      and returns a hash (key1=>value1, key2=>value2...). 
       setting  the setting string. 
       A hash. 
sub parseSettings {
  my $settings=shift;
  my %ret=();
  while (($settings =~ s/^(Informational|Warning|Critical|All|None)()()(,)*//) ||
         ($settings =~ s/^([^\=]+)(=~)(\"[^\"]+\")(,)*//) || 
         ($settings =~ s/^([^\=]+)(=~)([^\"\,]+)(,)*//) ||
         ($settings =~ s/^([^\=]+)(=)(\"[^\"]+\")(,)*//) || 
         ($settings =~ s/^([^\=]+)(=)([^\"\,]+)(,)*//)) {
    my $val='eq';
    if ($2 eq "=~") { $val='=~';}
    if (exists($ret{$1}{$val})) {
      my $pa=$ret{$1}{$val};
      push(@$pa, $3);
    else {

  #print Dumper(%ret);
  return %ret;

=head3   checkWithOid 
      This function checks the input strings with the setting to see what
      actions need to be done for this event.  
       oid       the oid string
       value     the value string
       none. The variables $EMAIL, $LOG, $IGNORE and $RUNCMD may be changed.
sub checkWithOid {
  my $o=shift;
  my $v=shift;

  sub checking {
    my $hashX=shift;
    my $o=shift;
    my $v=shift;
    if (exists($hashX->{'All'})) { return 1;  }     
    if (exists($hashX->{'None'})) { return 0;  } 
    my @a_oid=split('::', $o);
    my $new_o=$o;
    if (@a_oid == 2) { $new_o=$a_oid[1]; } 
    #print "o=$o, new_o=$new_o v=$v\n"; 

    #check for 'contains'
    if (exists($hashX->{$o})) {
      my $pa= $hashX->{$o}{'=~'};
      foreach(@$pa) {
        if ($v =~ /$_/) {return 1; } 
    if (exists($hashX->{$new_o})) {
      my $pa= $hashX->{$new_o}{'=~'};
      foreach(@$pa) {
        if ($v =~ /$_/) {return 1; } 

    #check for 'equals'
    if (exists($hashX->{$o})) {
      my $pa= $hashX->{$o}{'eq'};
      foreach(@$pa) {
        if ($_ eq $v) { return 1; } 
    if (exists($hashX->{$new_o})) {
      my $pa= $hashX->{$new_o}{'eq'};
      foreach(@$pa) {
        if ($_ eq $v) { return 1; } 

    return 0;
  if ((!$IGNORE) && (keys(%hashI)>0)) {
    $IGNORE=checking(\%hashI, $o, $v);
    if ($IGNORE) { return;}

  if ((!$EMAIL) && (keys(%hashE)>0)) {
    $EMAIL=checking(\%hashE, $o, $v);

  if ((!$LOG) && (keys(%hashL)>0)) {
    $LOG=checking(\%hashL, $o, $v);

  if ((!$DB) && (keys(%hashD)>0)) {
    $DB=checking(\%hashD, $o, $v);

  foreach my $k (keys %hashRUN) {
    if ($hashRUN{$k} == 0) { $hashRUN{$k} = checking($hashR{$k}, $o, $v); }