## beginning of all attributes from the site table #SITE_TABLE_ALL_ATTRIBS_EXPORT# ## end of all attributes from the site table ## One variable: ## There is a complex loglic to get the value of variable, and ## if there is one subroutine in one module, ## mark it as the following syntax. ENABLESSHBETWEENNODES=#Subroutine:xCAT::Template::enablesshbetweennodes:$NODE# export ENABLESSHBETWEENNODES ## tabdump() is used to get all the information in the table ## The only could be non-"node key" table and two keys table, such as networks, passwd. ## And also couldn't be log related tables. ## The site table is used so frequent that the couldn't be the site table. ## And if the key is the node, you should use #TABLE...# instead of tabdump(). ## And each attribute=value pair will be delimited by "||". ## We may put special characters in the comments attribute. ## So the comments attribute will be put as the last in the list, ## and the parsing should be more carefull. tabdump(networks) NODE=$NODE export NODE ## nfsserver,installnic,primarynic,routenames from the noderes tab NFSSERVER=#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:nfsserver# export NFSSERVER INSTALLNIC=#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:installnic# export INSTALLNIC PRIMARYNIC=#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:primarynic# export PRIMARYNIC MASTER=#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:xcatmaster# export MASTER NODEROUTENAMES=#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:routenames# export NODEROUTENAMES ## examples: ## NFSSERVER= ## export NFSSERVER ## INSTALLNIC=mac ## export INSTALLNIC ## PRIMARYNIC=mac ## export PRIMARYNIC ## The number of the variables is uncertain. In some case, it will be blank. ## Complex logic ## The syntax will be #FLAG#. #ROUTES_VARS_EXPORT# ## The details will be as follows or blank. ## NODEROUTENAMES=$NODE_routenames ## export NODEROUTENAMES ## ... ## osver, arch, profile export OSVER=#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:os# export OSVER ARCH=#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:arch# export ARCH PROFILE=#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:profile# export PROFILE PROVMETHOD=#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:provmethod# export PROVMETHOD PATH=`dirname $0`:$PATH export PATH NODESETSTATE=#Subroutine:xCAT::Postage::getnodesetstate:$NODE# export NODESETSTATE UPDATENODE=0 export UPDATENODE NTYPE=$NTYPE export NTYPE MACADDRESS=#TABLE:mac:$NODE:mac# export MACADDRESS ## vlan related items. It may not be configured by the users. #VLAN_VARS_EXPORT# ## the details of VLAN_VARS_EXPORT will be looked like: ## VMNODE='YES' ## export VMNODE ## VLANID=vlan1... ## export VLANID ## VLANHOSTNAME=.. ## .. ## get monitoring server and other configuration data for monitoring setup on nodes #MONITORING_VARS_EXPORT# ## the details will be looked like as follows ## MONSERVER= ## export MONSERVER ## MONMASTER= ## export MONMASTER ## get the osimage related variables, such as ospkgdir, ospkgs ... #OSIMAGE_VARS_EXPORT# ## examples: ## OSPKGDIR=/install/rhels6.2/ppc64 ## export OSPKGDIR ## OSPKGS='bash,nfs-utils,openssl,dhclient,kernel,openssh-server,openssh-clients,busybox,wget,rsyslog,dash,vim-minimal,ntp,rsyslog,rpm,rsync,ppc64-utils,iputils,dracut,dracut-network,e2fsprogs,bc,lsvpd,irqbalance,procps,yum' ## export OSPKGS ## get the diskless networks information. There may be no information. #NETWORK_FOR_DISKLESS_EXPORT# ## examples of NETWORK_FOR_DISKLESS_EXPORT ## the details will be looked like: ## NETMASK= ## export NETMASK ## GATEWAY= ## # NIC related attributes for the node for confignics postscript NICNODE=#TABLE:nics:$NODE:node# export NICNODE NICIPS="#TABLE:nics:$NODE:nicips#" export NICIPS NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES="#TABLE:nics:$NODE:nichostnamesuffixes#" export NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES NICTYPES="#TABLE:nics:$NODE:nictypes#" export NICTYPES NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS="#TABLE:nics:$NODE:niccustomscripts#" export NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS NICNETWORKS="#TABLE:nics:$NODE:nicnetworks#" export NICNETWORKS #NICCOMMENTS=#TABLE:nics:$NODE:comments# #export NICCOMMENTS ## ## Notice: The following flag postscripts-start-here could not be deleted from the template!!! # postscripts-start-here #INCLUDE_POSTSCRIPTS_LIST# ## Notice: The following flag postscripts-end-here could not be deleted from the template!!! # postscripts-end-here ## Notice: The following flag postbootscripts-start-here could not be deleted from the template!!! # postbootscripts-start-here #INCLUDE_POSTBOOTSCRIPTS_LIST# ## Notice: The following flag postbootscripts-end-here could not be deleted from the template!!! # postbootscripts-end-here