#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Term::ANSIColor; use Time::Local; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; my $rootdir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/tools/autotest"; my $needhelp = 0; my $configfile = "$rootdir/default.conf"; my $bundle_list = undef; my $case_list = undef; my $cmd_list = undef; my $needshow = 0; my $restore = 0; my $ret = 0; if ( !GetOptions("h|?" => \$needhelp, "f=s" => \$configfile, "b=s" => \$bundle_list, "t=s" => \$case_list, "c=s" => \$cmd_list, "l" => \$needshow, "restore"=>\$restore) ) { &usage; exit 1; } if ($needhelp) { &usage; exit 0; } #load case to $cases # key type #$cases[x](x>0): hash # name string # os:AIX/Linux string # arch:ppc64/x386 string # hcp:hmc/mm/bmc/fsp string # cmd: array # check: array my @cases=(); if($needshow){ &loadcase; exit 0; } my $resultdir = "$rootdir/result"; #Create result directory mkdir $resultdir unless -d $resultdir; # create a log my $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`; open(LOG, ">$resultdir/xcattest.log.$timestamp") or die "Can't open logfile for writing: $!"; &log_this("xCAT automated test started at " . scalar(localtime())); open(LOG_ERR, ">$resultdir/failedcases.$timestamp") or die "Can't open error logfile for writing: $!"; #read config file #config{object}{type}{name}{attr} #config{table}{name}{entry}{key} #config{script_prev}->[] #config{script_post}->[] #config{var}{varname} my %config=(); $ret = &getConfig; if($ret != 0){ goto EXIT; } $ret = &init; if($ret != 0){ goto EXIT; } #loading and check cases $ret = &loadcase; if($ret != 0){ goto EXIT; } #run case &runcase; EXIT: if($restore){ &uninit; } &log_this("\nxCAT automated test finished at " . scalar(localtime())); &log_this("Please check results in the $resultdir, \nand see $resultdir/failedcases.$timestamp file for failed cases.\nsee $resultdir/performance.report.$timestamp file for time consumption"); close(LOG); close(LOG_ERR); my $reportfile="$resultdir/performance.report.$timestamp"; my $tmpreport="$resultdir/xcattest.log.$timestamp"; &getreport($tmpreport,$reportfile); exit 0; # end main # # logger # sub log_this { if($needshow){ return; } print LOG join("\n", @_), "\n"; my $msg = join("\n", @_); if ($msg =~ /\[Pass\]/) { print color("green"), "$msg\n", color("reset"); } elsif ($msg =~ /\[Failed\]/) { print color("red"), "$msg\n", color("reset"); } else { print "$msg\n"; } } sub log_error { print LOG_ERR join("\n", @_), "\n"; } sub getConfig { log_this("******************************"); log_this("Reading Configure"); log_this("******************************"); if(!(-e $configfile)){ log_this("Warning: The xCAT test Configure file doesn't exist!"); return 0; } my $type = undef; #Script_Prev,Script_Post,Table,Object,System,Custom my $sub_type = undef; # The string after $type_ # Script--> # Script_Prev # Script_Post # Table---> # Table_xxxxx # Object--> # Object_xxxx # System----> # Custom----> my $name = undef; my $attr = undef; my $value = undef; my $c = 0; my $cmd = undef; my $mgt_name = undef; open(FILE, "$configfile") or die "can't to open $configfile"; while(my $line = <FILE>) { $line = &trim($line); next if(length($line) == 0); #Table name can not contain "_" if($line =~ /\[\s*(\w+)\_(\w+)\s*\]/) { $type = $1; $sub_type = $2; $name = undef; $c = 0; }elsif($line =~ /\[\s*System|Custom\s*\]/){ $type = "Varible"; }elsif ($type eq "Table") { ##TABLE BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) { $attr = $1; $value = $2; if($name&&($config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){ $config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{$attr}=$value; } else { $name = $value; $config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$attr; } } }elsif ($type eq "Object") { ##OBJECT BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) { $attr = $1; $value = $2; if($attr eq "Name"){ $name = $value; } elsif(!defined($name)){ print "Please give name for Object\n"; close FILE; return 1; } else { $config{object}{$sub_type}{$name}{$attr}=$value; } } }elsif ($type eq "Script") { ##SCRIPT_BLOCK## if($sub_type eq "Prev") { $config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line; $c = $c + 1; } elsif ($sub_type eq "Post") { $config{script_post}->[$c] = $line; $c = $c + 1; } } elsif ($type eq "Varible") { ##NODE_BLOCK## if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) { $config{var}{$1} = $2; } } } if(exists $config{object}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$config{object}}){ foreach my $name (keys %{$config{object}{$type}}){ log_this("OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type"); foreach my $attr (keys %{$config{object}{$type}{$name}}){ log_this(" $attr = $config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};"); } } } } if(exists $config{table}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$config{table}}){ log_this("TABLE:$type"); foreach my $name (keys %{$config{table}{$type}}){ log_this(" $config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name"); foreach my $attr (keys %{$config{table}{$type}{$name}}){ if($attr ne '__KEY__'){ log_this(" $attr = $config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}"); } } log_this("\n"); } } } if(exists $config{script_prev}){ log_this("Script_Prev:"); foreach $cmd (@{$config{script_prev}}){ log_this(" $cmd"); } } if(exists $config{script_post}){ log_this("Script_Post:"); foreach $cmd (@{$config{script_post}}){ log_this(" $cmd"); } } if(exists $config{var}){ log_this("Varible:"); foreach my $varname (keys %{$config{var}}){ log_this(" $varname = $config{var}{$varname}"); } } close FILE; return 0; } sub init { if($restore){ log_this("******************************"); log_this("Backup current xCAT database"); log_this("******************************"); &runcmd("mkdir -p /tmp/xCATdbbackup"); &runcmd("dumpxCATdb -p /tmp/xCATdbbackup"); if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ &log_this("Fail to backup xCAT database"); &runcmd("rm -rf /tmp/xCATdbbackup"); $restore = 0; return 1; } } log_this("******************************"); log_this("Initialize xCAT test evironment"); log_this("******************************"); my $cmd = undef; foreach $cmd (@{$config{script_prev}}){ log_this("$cmd"); &runcmd($cmd); if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ &log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); return 1; } } if(exists $config{object}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$config{object}}){ foreach my $name (keys %{$config{object}{$type}}){ $cmd = "chdef -t $type -o $name"; foreach my $attr (keys %{$config{object}{$type}{$name}}){ $cmd = $cmd." $attr=$config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}"; } log_this($cmd); runcmd($cmd); if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); return 1; } } } } if(exists $config{table}){ foreach my $type (keys %{$config{table}}){ foreach my $name (keys %{$config{table}{$type}}){ $cmd = "chtab $config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name"; foreach my $attr (keys %{$config{table}{$type}{$name}}){ if($attr ne '__KEY__'){ $cmd = $cmd." $type.$attr=$config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}"; } } log_this($cmd); &runcmd($cmd); if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ &log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); return 1; } } } } if(!exists $config{var}{OS}){ my @output = runcmd("uname"); $config{var}{OS} = $output[0]; log_this("Detecting: OS = $config{var}{OS}"); } if(!exists $config{var}{ARCH}){ if(!exists $config{var}{CN}){ $config{var}{ARCH} = "Unknown"; log_this("No compute node defined,can't get ARCH of compute node"); } else { $config{var}{ARCH} = getnodeattr($config{var}{CN},"arch"); if($config{var}{ARCH} =~ /ppc/){ $config{var}{ARCH} = 'ppc'; }elsif($config{var}{ARCH}=~/86/){ $config{var}{ARCH} = 'x86'; } log_this("Detecting: ARCH = $config{var}{ARCH}"); } } if(!exists $config{var}{HCP}){ if(!exists $config{var}{CN}){ $config{var}{HCP} = "Unknown"; log_this("No compute node defined,can't get HCP TYPE of compute node"); } else { $config{var}{HCP} = getnodeattr($config{var}{CN}, "mgt"); log_this("Detecting: HCP = $config{var}{HCP}"); } } return 0; } sub uninit { log_this("******************************"); log_this("un-initialize xCAT test evironment"); log_this("******************************"); my $cmd = undef;; # if(exists $config{object}){ # foreach my $type (keys %{$config{object}}){ # foreach my $name (keys %{$config{object}{$type}}){ # $cmd = "rmdef -t $type -o $name"; # log_this($cmd); # runcmd($cmd); # if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ # log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); # return 1; # } # } # } # } # if(exists $config{table}){ # foreach my $type (keys %{$config{table}}){ # foreach my $name (keys %{$config{table}{$type}}){ # $cmd = "chtab -d $config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name $type"; # log_this($cmd); # runcmd($cmd); # if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ # log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); # return 1; # } # } # } # } foreach $cmd (@{$config{script_post}}){ log_this($cmd); runcmd($cmd); if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){ log_this("Fail to run $cmd"); return 1; } } &runcmd("restorexCATdb -p /tmp/xCATdbbackup"); &runcmd("rm -rf /tmp/xCATdbbackup"); return 0; } sub loadcase { log_this("******************************"); log_this("loading test cases"); log_this("******************************"); my $casedir = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/testcase"; my @files = (); if($cmd_list){ my @cmds = split /,/,$cmd_list; for my $cmd (@cmds){ push (@files, glob("$casedir/$cmd/*")); } } else { @files = glob("$casedir/*/*"); } my $file; my $line; my $i = 0; my $j = -1; my $z = 0; my $skip = 0; my @caserange = (); my @rightcase = (); my @notrightcase = (); if($bundle_list){ my @bundles = split /,/, $bundle_list; foreach my $bundle (@bundles){ if(!open(FILE, "<$rootdir/bundle/$bundle")){ log_this("can't open $rootdir/bundle/$bundle"); return 1; } while($line=<FILE>){ $line = trim($line); next if(length($line) == 0); push(@caserange, $line); } close(FILE); } } if($case_list){ @caserange = split /,/, $case_list; } foreach $file (@files){ if(!open(FILE, "<$file")){ log_this("can't open $file"); return 1; } while($line=<FILE>){ $line = &trim($line); next if(length($line) == 0); #skip comment lines next if($line =~ /^\s*#/); #TODO: description line is treated as a comment line for now next if($line =~ /^description\s*:/); if($line =~ /^start\s*:\s*([\w-]+)/){ $skip = 0; my $name = $1; if( $caserange[0] && !(grep {/^$name$/} @caserange)){ $skip = 1; next; } $j = -1; $cases[$i]={}; $cases[$i]->{name}=$name; $cases[$i]->{filename}=$file; if(!$needshow){ $cases[$i]->{cmd}=[]; $cases[$i]->{check}=[]; push(@rightcase, $name); }else{ $skip = 1; $i = $i + 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^os\s*:\s*(\w[\w\,]+)/){ next if $skip; $cases[$i]->{os}=$1; if($cases[$i]->{os} !~ /$config{var}{OS}/){ push(@notrightcase, $cases[$i]->{name}); pop(@rightcase); $skip = 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^arch\s*:\s*(\w[\w\,]+)/){ next if $skip; $cases[$i]->{arch}=$1; if($cases[$i]->{arch} !~ /$config{var}{ARCH}/){ push(@notrightcase, $cases[$i]->{name}); pop(@rightcase); $skip = 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^hcp\s*:\s*(\w[\w\,]+)/){ next if $skip; $cases[$i]->{hcp}=$1; if($cases[$i]->{hcp} !~ /$config{var}{HCP}/){ push(@notrightcase, $cases[$i]->{name}); pop(@rightcase); $skip = 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^type\s*:\s*(\w[\w\,-]+)/){ next if $skip; $cases[$i]->{type}=$1; if($cases[$i]->{type} !~ /$config{var}{TYPE}/){ push(@notrightcase, $cases[$i]->{name}); pop(@rightcase); $skip = 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^cmd\s*:\s*([\$\w].+)/){ next if $skip; $j = $j + 1; $z = 0; $cases[$i]->{cmd}->[$j]=&getvar($1); if($cases[$i]->{cmd}->[$j] eq ''){ close(FILE); return 1; } }elsif($line =~ /^check\s*:\s*(\w.+)/){ next if $skip; $cases[$i]->{check}->[$j][$z] = &getvar($1); if($cases[$i]->{check}->[$j][$z] eq ''){ close(FILE); return 1; } $z = $z + 1; }elsif($line =~ /^end/){ next if $skip; $i = $i + 1; } } close(FILE); } if($needshow){ foreach my $case (@cases){ print "$case->{name}\n"; } return 0; } log_this("To run:", @rightcase); log_this("Not to run:", @notrightcase); return 0; } sub getnodeattr { my ($node, $attr) = @_; my @output = runcmd("lsdef -t node -o $node -i $attr"); if($::RUNCMD_RC){ return "Unknown"; }else{ foreach my $output1 (@output){ if($output1 =~ /$attr=(\w.+)/){ return $1; } } } return "Unknown"; } sub gettablevalue { my($keyname, $key, $colname, $table) = @_; my @output = runcmd("gettab $keyname=$key $table\.$colname"); return $output[0]; } #to remove space and comment sub trim { my $str = shift @_; if($str){ # $str =~ s/\#/__wellnumber__/g; $str =~ s/^\s+|#.+|\s+$//g; # $str =~ s/__wellnumber__/#/g; } return $str; } sub getvar { my $str = shift @_; while($str =~ /\$\$(\w+)/){ my $varname = $1; if(exists ($config{var}{$varname})){ $str =~ s/\$\$$varname/$config{var}{$varname}/g; } else { log_this("Error:can't get varible $varname"); return ''; } } return $str; } sub getfunc { my $str = shift @_; my $func = undef; my @para = (); my $parameter = undef; my $value = undef; while($str =~ /__(\w+)\(([\s\,\w\$]*)\)__/){ $func = $1; $parameter = $2; @para = split /\s*,\s*/, trim($parameter); if($func eq "GETNODEATTR"){ $value= getnodeattr(@para); if($value eq "Unknown"){ $value = ''; } }elsif($func eq "INC"){ $value = $para[0] + 1; }elsif($func eq "GETTABLEVALUE"){ $value= gettablevalue(@para); } $str =~ s/__$func\($parameter\)__/$value/g; } return $str; } sub runcase { log_this("******************************"); log_this("Start to run test cases"); log_this("******************************"); my @output = (); my $rc = 0; my $j = 0; my $z = 0; my $lvalue = undef; my $rvalue = undef; my $op = undef; my $failed = 0; my $total = 0; my $failnum = 0; foreach my $case (@cases){ my @record = (); $failed = 0; $j = 0; $total = $total + 1; my $now1=timelocal(localtime()); my $time1=gmtime $now1; log_this("------START:$$case{name}::Time:$time1------"); push @record, "------START:$$case{name}::Time:$time1------"; push @record, "FILENAME:$$case{filename}"; foreach my $cmd (@{$$case{cmd}}){ $cmd = getfunc($cmd); #by my $runstart=timelocal(localtime()); log_this("\nRUN:$cmd"); push(@record, "\nRUN:$cmd"); @output = &runcmd($cmd); $rc = $::RUNCMD_RC; #by my $runstop=timelocal(localtime()); my $diffduration=$runstop-$runstart; log_this("\n[$cmd] Running Time:$diffduration sec"); push(@record,("\n[$cmd] Running Time:$diffduration sec")); log_this("RETURN: rc = $rc","OUTPUT:",@output); push(@record,("RETURN rc = $rc","OUTPUT:",@output)); foreach my $check (@{$$case{check}->[$j]}){ if($failed){ last; } if($check =~ /rc\s*([=!]+)\s*(\d+)/){ $lvalue = $rc; $op = $1; $rvalue = $2; if((($op eq '!=') && ($lvalue == $rvalue)) ||(($op eq '==') && ($lvalue != $rvalue))){ $failed = 1; } if($failed){ log_this("CHECK:rc $op $rvalue\t[Failed]"); push(@record, "CHECK:rc $op $rvalue\t[Failed]"); last; } else { log_this("CHECK:rc $op $rvalue\t[Pass]"); push(@record, "CHECK:rc $op $rvalue\t[Pass]"); } } elsif ($check =~ /output\s*([=!~]+)\s*(\S.*)/ && $check !~ /output\s*([=!~])\1/){ $lvalue = join ("\n",@output); $op = $1; $rvalue = $2; $rvalue = getfunc($rvalue); if((($op eq '=~' )&&($lvalue !~ /$rvalue/)) ||(($op eq '!~')&&($lvalue =~ /$rvalue/)) ||(($op eq '==')&&($lvalue ne $rvalue)) ||(($op eq '!=')&&($lvalue eq $rvalue))){ $failed = 1; } if($failed){ log_this("CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Failed]"); push(@record, "CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Failed]"); last; } else { log_this("CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Pass]"); push(@record, "CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Pass]"); } } elsif ($check =~ /output\s*~~\s*(\S.*)/){ $op = "~~"; $failed = 1; $rvalue = $1; $rvalue = getfunc($rvalue); my $num; if ($rvalue =~ /(\d+)/) { $num = $1; } $rvalue =~ s/(\d+)//; foreach my $line (@output) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /$rvalue/) { if ($num =~ /^\d+$/) { my $max = $num *1.1; my $min = $num *0.9; $line =~ /.*:.*: (\d+) /; if ($1 < $max && $1 > $min) { $failed = 0; last; } } else { next; } } } if($failed){ log_this("CHECK:output $op $rvalue $num\t[Failed]"); push(@record, "CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Failed]"); last; } else { log_this("CHECK:output $op $rvalue $num\t[Pass]"); push(@record, "CHECK:output $op $rvalue\t[Pass]"); } } } $j = $j + 1; } my $now2=timelocal(localtime()); my $time2=gmtime $now2; my $diff=$now2-$now1; if($failed){ log_this("------END::$$case{name}::Failed::Time:$time2 ::Duration::$diff sec------"); push (@record,"------END::$$case{name}::Failed::Time:$time2 ::Duration::$diff sec------"); } else { log_this("------END::$$case{name}::Passed::Time:$time2 ::Duration::$diff sec------"); push (@record,"------END::$$case{name}::Passed::Time:$time2 ::Duration::$diff sec------"); } if($failed){ $failnum = $failnum + 1; log_error(@record); } } log_this("\n\n"); log_this("------Total: $total , Failed: $failnum------"); } sub runcmd { my ($cmd) = @_; my $rc = 0; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; my $outref = []; @$outref = `$cmd 2>&1`; if ($?) { $rc = $? ; $::RUNCMD_RC = $rc; } chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } sub usage { print "Usage:xcattest - Run xcat test cases.\n"; print " xcattest [-?|-h]\n"; print " xcattest [-f configure file] [-b case bundle list] [--restore]\n"; print " xcattest [-f configure file] [-t case list] [--restore]\n"; print " xcattest [-f configure file] [-c cmd list] [-l] [--restore]\n"; print "\n"; return; } sub getreport { open (INDOC, ">$_[1]") || die ("open STDOUT failed"); print INDOC "Testcase Duration\n"; print INDOC "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; close(INDOC); open (STDOUT, ">>$_[1]") || die ("open STDOUT failed"); open FD,"<$_[0]" or die "$?"; while(<FD>){ if(/Time/){ s/------//g; $_ .= "\n" if /END/; print STDOUT $_; } } close(FD); close(STDOUT); }