Summary: Install and configuration utilities for IBM HPC products in an xCAT cluster Name: xCAT-IBMhpc Version: %(cat Version) Release: snap%(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M") Epoch: 4 License: EPL Group: Applications/System Source: xCAT-IBMhpc-%(cat Version).tar.gz Packager: IBM Corp. Vendor: IBM Corp. Distribution: %{?_distribution:%{_distribution}}%{!?_distribution:%{_vendor}} Prefix: /opt/xcat BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root %ifnos linux AutoReqProv: no %endif # AIX will build with an arch of "ppc" # also need to fix Requires for AIX %ifos linux BuildArch: noarch #Requires: %endif Requires: perl-xCAT >= %{epoch}:%(cat Version|cut -d. -f 1,2) Requires: xCAT-client >= %{epoch}:%(cat Version|cut -d. -f 1,2) Provides: xCAT-IBMhpc = %{epoch}:%{version} %description xCAT-IBMhpc provides sample installation and configuration scripts for running the IBM HPC software stack in an xCAT cluser. Support for the following IBM products is provided: GPFS, LoadLeveler, Parallel Environment, ESSL and Parallel ESSL libraries, some compilers (vac, xlC, xlf). %prep %setup -q -n xCAT-IBMhpc %build %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/compilers mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/essl mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/gpfs mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/loadl mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe set +x %ifos linux cp -a share/xcat/IBMhpc/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/ chmod -R 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/* %else cp -hpR share/xcat/IBMhpc/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/ chmod -R 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/xcat/IBMhpc/* %endif set -x mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-IBMhpc cp LICENSE.html $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-IBMhpc chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-IBMhpc/* #echo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{prefix} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) #%doc LICENSE.html %{prefix} %changelog %post %preun