=head1 NAME B<pbstop> - Monitors your cluster in a terminal window. =head1 SYNOPSIS B<pbstop> [B<-h>|B<--help> B<pbstop> [B<columns>] [B<-s> seconds] [B<-m> numcpus] [options] [@host ...] =head1 DESCRIPTION Cluster Monitoring tool. Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 University of Southern California garrick@usc.edu http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~garrick/perl-PBS grep FIXME `which pbstop` if you want to help out =head1 OPTIONS B<-h> Display usage message. B<-s> seconds between refreshes B<-c> number of columns to display in the grid B<-m> max number of cpus in a node before it gets its own grid B<-u> show only a user's jobs B<-C> toggle colorization B<-S> toggle state summary display B<-G> toggle grid display B<-Q> toggle queue display B<-t> toggle showing queued jobs in queue display B<-[0-9]...> cpu numbers for grid display B<-J> toggle jobs in grid display B<-V> print version and exit =head1 RETURN VALUE =head1 EXAMPLES =head1 FILES /opt/torque/x86_64/bin/pbstop =head1 NOTES