# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::networks; use xCAT::Table; use Data::Dumper; use Sys::Syslog; use Socket; sub handled_commands { return { makenetworks => "networks", } } sub preprocess_request { my $req = shift; my $cb = shift; if ($req->{_xcatdest}) { return [$req]; } #exit if preprocessed my @requests = ({%$req}); #first element is local instance my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); (my $ent) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'xcatservers'},'value'); $sitetab->close; if ($ent and $ent->{value}) { foreach (split /,/,$ent->{value}) { if (thishostisnot($_)) { my $reqcopy = {%$req}; $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $_; push @requests,$reqcopy; } } } return \@requests; } sub thishostisnot { my $comparison = shift; my @ips = split /\n/,`/sbin/ip addr`; my $comp=inet_aton($comparison); foreach (@ips) { if (/^\s*inet/) { my @ents = split(/\s+/); my $ip=$ents[2]; $ip =~ s/\/.*//; if (inet_aton($ip) eq $comp) { return 0; } #print Dumper(inet_aton($ip)); } } return 1; } sub process_request { my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new('networks',-create=>1,-autocommit=>0); my @rtable = split /\n/,`/bin/netstat -rn`; open($rconf,"/etc/resolv.conf"); my @nameservers; if ($rconf) { my @rcont; while (<$rconf>) { push @rcont,$_; } close($rconf); foreach (grep /nameserver/,@rcont) { my $line = $_; my @pair; $line =~ s/#.*//; @pair = split(/\s+/,$line); push @nameservers,$pair[1]; } } splice @rtable,0,2; foreach (@rtable) { #should be the lines to think about, do something with U, and something else with UG my $net; my $mask; my $mgtifname; my $gw; my @ent = split /\s+/,$_; if ($ent[3] eq 'U') { $net = $ent[0]; $mask = $ent[2]; $mgtifname = $ent[7]; $nettab->setAttribs({'net'=>$net},{'mask'=>$mask,'mgtifname'=>$mgtifname}); my $tent = $nettab->getAttribs({'net'=>$net},'nameservers'); unless ($tent and $tent->{nameservers}) { my $text = join ',',@nameservers; $nettab->setAttribs({'net'=>$net},{nameservers=>$text}); } unless ($tent and $tent->{tftpserver}) { my $netdev=$ent[7]; my @netlines = split/\n/,`/sbin/ip addr show dev $netdev`; foreach (grep /\s*inet\b/,@netlines) { my @row = split(/\s+/,$_); my $ipaddr = $row[2]; $ipaddr =~ s/\/.*//; my @maska=split(/\./,$mask); my @ipa=split(/\./,$ipaddr); my @neta=split(/\./,$net); my $isme=1; foreach (0..3) { my $oct = (0+$maska[$_]) & ($ipa[$_]+0); unless ($oct == $neta[$_]) { $isme=0; last; } } if ($isme) { $nettab->setAttribs({'net'=>$net},{tftpserver=>$ipaddr}); last; } } } $nettab->commit; #Nothing much sane to do for the other fields at the moment? } elsif ($ent[3] eq 'UG') { #TODO: networks through gateway. and how we might care.. } else { #TODO: anything to do with such entries? } } } 1;