#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ##################################################### # # Utility subroutines that can be used to manage xCAT data object # definitions. # # ##################################################### package xCAT::DBobjUtils; use xCAT::NodeRange; use xCAT::Schema; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::Utils; use xCAT::MsgUtils; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getObjectsOfType Get a list of data objects of the given type. Arguments: Returns: undef @objlist - list of objects of this type Globals: Error: Example: Comments: @objlist = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getObjectsOfType($type); =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getObjectsOfType { my ($class, $type) = @_; my @objlist; # special case for site table if ($type eq 'site') { push(@objlist, 'clustersite'); return @objlist; } if ($::saveObjList{$type}) { @objlist = @{$::saveObjList{$type}}; } else { # get the key for this type object # ex. for "network" type the key is "netname" # get the data type spec from Schema.pm my $datatype = $xCAT::Schema::defspec{$type}; # get the key for this type object # ex. for "network" type the key is "netname" my $objkey = $datatype->{'objkey'}; my $table; my $tabkey; foreach $this_attr (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { my $attr = $this_attr->{attr_name}; if ($attr eq $objkey) { # get the table & key for to lookup # get the actual attr name to use in the table # - may be different then the attr name used for the object. ($table, $tabkey) = split('\.', $this_attr->{tabentry}); } } # get the whole table and add each entry in the objkey column # to the list of objects. my @TableRowArray = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable($table); foreach (@TableRowArray) { push(@objlist, $_->{$tabkey}); } @{$::saveObjList{$type}} = @objlist; } return @objlist; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getobjdefs Get object definitions from the DB. Arguments: Returns: undef - error hash ref - $objecthash{objectname}{attrname} = value Globals: Error: Example: To use create hash for objectname and object type ex. $objhash{$obj} = $type; - then call as follows: %myhash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%objhash); Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getobjdefs { my ($class, $hash_ref) = @_; my %objhash; %typehash = %$hash_ref; @::foundTableList = (); foreach my $objname (sort (keys %typehash)) { # need a special case for the site table - for now !!!!! if ($typehash{$objname} eq 'site') { my @TableRowArray = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable('site'); if (defined(@TableRowArray)) { my $foundinfo = 0; foreach (@TableRowArray) { if ($_->{key}) { $foundinfo++; $objhash{$objname}{$_->{key}} = $_->{value}; } } if ($foundinfo) { $objhash{$objname}{'objtype'} = 'site'; } } else { my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] ="Could not read the \'$objname\' object from the \'site\' table.\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); } next; } # see if we saved this from a previous call if ($::saveObjHash{$objname}) { # use the one we saved $objhash{$objname} = $::saveObjHash{$objname}; } else { # get data from DB $type = $typehash{$objname}; # add the type to the hash for each object $objhash{$objname}{'objtype'} = $type; # get the object type decription from Schema.pm my $datatype = $xCAT::Schema::defspec{$type}; # get the key to look for, for this object type my $objkey = $datatype->{'objkey'}; # get a list of valid attr names # for this type object foreach my $entry (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { push(@{$attrlist{$type}}, $entry->{'attr_name'}); } # go through the list of valid attrs foreach $this_attr (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { my $ent; my $attr = $this_attr->{attr_name}; # skip the key attr ??? if ($attr eq $objkey) { next; } # get table lookup info from Schema.pm # !!!! some tables depend on the value of certain attrs # we need to look up attrs in the correct order or we will # not be able to determine what tables to look # in for some attrs. if (exists($this_attr->{only_if})) { my ($check_attr, $check_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{only_if}); # if the object value is not the value we need # to match then try the next only_if value next if ( !($objhash{$objname}{$check_attr} =~ /\b$check_value\b/) ); } # OK - get the info needed to access the DB table # - i.e. table name, key name, attr names # need the actual table attr name corresponding # to the object attr name # ex. noderes.nfsdir my ($tab, $tabattr) = split('\.', $this_attr->{tabentry}); # ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node' ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry}); # ex. 'nodelist', 'node' ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key); # ex. 'attr', 'node' ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value); # # Get the attr values from the DB tables # if ($lookup_attr eq 'node') { my $thistable; my $needtocommit = 0; if ($::gettableref{$lookup_table}) { # if we already opened this table use the reference $thistable = $::gettableref{$lookup_table}; } else { # open the table $thistable = xCAT::Table->new( $lookup_table, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 ); if (!$thistable) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not get the \'$thistable\' table."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); return undef; } # look up attr values my $ent; $ent = $thistable->getNodeAttribs($objname, [$tabattr]); # create object hash $objhash{$objname}{$attr} # - if the return is a reference and the # attr val is defined if (ref($ent) and defined $ent->{$tabattr}) { $objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $ent->{$tabattr}; } $thistable->commit; # $::gettableref{$lookup_table} = $thistable; } } else { # look up attr values my @rows = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable($lookup_table); if (defined(@rows)) { foreach (@rows) { if ($_->{$lookup_attr} eq $objname) { $objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $_->{$tabattr}; } } } else { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not read the \'$lookup_table\' table from the xCAT database."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); return undef; } } } $::saveObjHash{$objname} = $objhash{$objname}; } } return %objhash; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getDBtable Get a DB table, cache it , & return list of rows from the table. Arguments: Returns: undef - error @rows - of table Globals: Error: Example: call as follows my @TableRowArray= xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable($tablename); Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getDBtable { my ($class, $table) = @_; my @rows = []; # save this table info - in case this subr gets called multiple times #if (exists($::TableHash{$table})) { if (grep(/^$table$/, @::foundTableList)) { # already have this @rows = @{$::TableHash{$table}}; } else { # need to get info from DB my $thistable = xCAT::Table->new($table, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0); if (!$thistable) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not get the \'$table\' table."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); return undef; } @rows = $thistable->getTable; # !!!! this routine returns rows even if the table is empty!!!!!! # keep track of the fact that we checked this table # - even if it's empty! push(@::foundTableList, $thistable->{tabname}); @{$::TableHash{$table}} = @rows; $thistable->commit; } if (defined(@rows)) { return @rows; } else { return undef; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setobjdefs Set the object definitions in the DB. - Handles the Schema lookup and updating the DB tables. Arguments: Returns: 1 - error 0 - OK Globals: Error: Example: To use: -create hash for objectname and object type ex. $objhash{$object}{$attribute} = value; -then call as follows: if (xCAT::DBobjUtils->setobjdefs(\%objhash) != 0) Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setobjdefs { my ($class, $hash_ref) = @_; my %objhash = %$hash_ref; my %settableref; my $ret = 0; foreach my $objname (keys %objhash) { # get attr=val that are set in the DB ?? my $type = $objhash{$objname}{objtype}; # handle the site table as a special case !!!!! if ($type eq 'site') { # if plus or minus then need to know current settings my %DBhash; $DBhash{$objname} = $type; my %DBattrvals; %DBattrvals = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%DBhash); # open the table $thistable = xCAT::Table->new('site', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0); if (!$thistable) { my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not set the \'$thistable\' table."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); return 1; } foreach my $attr (keys %{$objhash{$objname}}) { if ($attr eq 'objtype') { next; } $keyhash{key} = $attr; my $val; if ($::plus_option) { # add new to existing - at the end - comma separated if (defined($DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr})) { $val = "$DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr},$objhash{$objname}{$attr}"; } else { $val = "$objhash{$objname}{$attr}"; } } elsif ($::minus_option) { # remove the specified list of values from the current # attr values. if ($DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr}) { # get the list of attrs to remove @currentList = split(/,/, $DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr}); @minusList = split(/,/, $objhash{$objname}{$attr}); # make a new list without the one specified my $first = 1; my $newlist; foreach my $i (sort @currentList) { chomp $i; if (!grep(/^$i$/, @minusList)) { # set new groups list for node if (!$first) { $newlist .= ","; } $newlist .= $i; $first = 0; } } $val = $newlist; } } else { #just set the attr to what was provided! - replace $val = $objhash{$objname}{$attr}; } $updates{value} = $val; $thistable->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates); my ($rc, $str) = $thistable->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates); if (!defined($rc)) { if ($::verbose) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not set the \'$attr\' attribute of the \'$objname\' object in the xCAT database.\n"; $rsp->{data}->[1] = "Error returned is \'$str->errstr\'."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::callback); } $ret = 1; } } $thistable->commit; next; } # get the attr=vals for these objects from the DB - if any # - so we can figure out where to put additional attrs my %DBhash; $DBhash{$objname} = $type; my %DBattrvals; %DBattrvals = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%DBhash); # get the object type decription from Schema.pm my $datatype = $xCAT::Schema::defspec{$type}; # get a list of valid attr names # for this type object my %attrlist; foreach my $entry (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { push(@{$attrlist{$type}}, $entry->{'attr_name'}); } my @attrprovided=(); # check FINALATTRS to see if all the attrs are valid foreach my $attr (keys %{$objhash{$objname}}) { if ($attr eq "objtype") { # objtype not stored in object definition next; } if (!(grep /^$attr$/, @{$attrlist{$type}})) { if ($::verbose) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "\'$attr\' is not a valid attribute for type \'$type\'."; $rsp->{data}->[1] = "Skipping to the next attribute."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::callback); } next; } #ndebug1 push(@attrprovided, $attr); } # we need to figure out what table to # store each attr # And we must do this in the order given in defspec!! my @setattrlist=(); foreach $this_attr (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { my %keyhash; my %updates; my $attr_name = $this_attr->{attr_name}; # if we have a value for this attribute then process it # - otherwise go to the next attr if (defined($objhash{$objname}{$attr_name})) { # check the defspec to see where this attr goes # the table for this attr might depend on the # value of some other attr # need to check the only_if entries to find one where the # other attr value matches what we have # ex. like if I want to set hdwctrlpoint I will have # to match the right value for mgtmethod if (exists($this_attr->{only_if})) { my ($check_attr, $check_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{only_if}); # if my attr value for the attr to check doesn't # match this then try the next one # ex. say I want to set hdwctrlpoint, the table # will depend on the mgtmethod attr - so I need # to find the 'only_if' that matches the value # specified for that attr (ex. mgtmethod=hmc) # need to check the attrs we are setting for the object # as well as the attrs for this object that may be # already set in DB if ( !($objhash{$objname}{$check_attr} =~ /\b$check_value\b/) && !($DBattrvals{$objname}{$check_attr} =~ /\b$check_value\b/) ) { next; } } # get the info needed to write to the DB table # # get the actual attr name to use in the table # - may be different then the attr name used for the object. ($::tab, $::tabattr) = split('\.', $this_attr->{tabentry}); # get the lookup info from defspec in Schema.pm # ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node' ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry}); # ex. 'nodelist', 'node' ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key); # ex. 'attr', 'node' ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value); } else { next; } # # write to the DB table # my $thistable; my $needtocommit = 0; # ex. node= c68m3hvp03 (key in table) $keyhash{$lookup_attr} = $objname; my $val; if ($::plus_option) { # add new to existing - at the end - comma separated if (defined($DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr_name})) { $val = "$DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr_name},$objhash{$objname}{$attr_name}"; } else { $val = "$objhash{$objname}{$attr_name}"; } } elsif ($::minus_option) { # remove the specified list of values from the current # attr values. if ($DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr_name}) { # get the list of attrs to remove @currentList = split(/,/, $DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr_name}); @minusList = split(/,/, $objhash{$objname}{$attr_name}); # make a new list without the one specified my $first = 1; my $newlist; foreach my $i (sort @currentList) { chomp $i; if (!grep(/^$i$/, @minusList)) { # set new groups list for node if (!$first) { $newlist .= ","; } $newlist .= $i; $first = 0; } } $val = $newlist; } } else { #just set the attr to what was provided! - replace $val = $objhash{$objname}{$attr_name}; } # ex. nodetype = osi (attr=val or col = col value) $updates{$::tabattr} = $val; if (ref($::settableref{$lookup_table})) { # if we already opened this table use the reference $thistable = $::settableref{$lookup_table}; } else { # open the table $thistable = xCAT::Table->new( $lookup_table, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 ); if (!$thistable) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not set the \'$thistable\' table."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); return 1; } # set the attr values in the DB my ($rc, $str) = $thistable->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates); if (!defined($rc)) { if ($::verbose) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not set the \'$attr_name\' attribute of the \'$objname\' object in the xCAT database.\n"; $rsp->{data}->[1] = "Error returned is \'$str->errst r\'."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::callback); } $ret = 1; $thistable->commit; next; } # $::settableref{$lookup_table} = $thistable; push(@setattrlist, $attr_name); $thistable->commit; } } # end - foreach attribute # # check to see if all the attrs got set # # debug: print "attrprovided = @attrprovided, setattrlist = @setattrlist\n"; my @errlist; foreach $a (@attrprovided) { # is this attr was not set then add it to the error list if (!grep(/^$a$/, @setattrlist)) { push(@errlist, $a); $ret = 2; } } if ($ret == 2) { my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not set the following attributes for the \'$objname\' definition in the xCAT database: \'@errlist\'\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback); } } # end - foreach object return $ret; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 rmobjdefs Remove object definitions from the DB. Arguments: Returns: 0 - OK 1 - error Globals: Error: Example: To use create hash for object name and object type ex. $objhash{$obj} = $type; - then call as follows: xCAT::DBobjUtils->rmobjdefs(\%objhash); Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub rmobjdefs { my ($class, $hash_ref) = @_; my %tablehash; %objhash = %$hash_ref; # get the attr=vals for these objects so we know how to # find what tables have to be modified %DBattrvals = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%objhash); foreach my $objname (keys %objhash) { $type = $typehash{$objname}; # special handling for site table if ($type eq 'site') { my $thistable = xCAT::Table->new('site', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0); my %keyhash; foreach my $attr (keys %{$DBattrvals{$objname}}) { # ex. key = attr $keyhash{key} = $attr; $thistable->delEntries(\%keyhash); } $thistable->commit(); next; } # get the object type decription from Schema.pm my $datatype = $xCAT::Schema::defspec{$type}; # go through the list of valid attrs # - need to delete the row with a $key value of $objname from $table # - make a hash containing $delhash{$table}{$key}= $objname foreach my $this_attr (@{$datatype->{'attrs'}}) { my $attr = $this_attr->{attr_name}; #only need to bother with tables that have attrs set for this object if ($DBattrvals{$objname}{$attr}) { # get table lookup info from Schema.pm # might need to check the value of other attrs to figure out # what tables some attrs are in if (exists($this_attr->{only_if})) { my ($check_attr, $check_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{only_if}); # if the object attr value to check is not the value we need # to match then try the next "only_if" value # next if $DBattrvals{$objname}{$check_attr} ne $check_value; next if ( !($DBattrvals{$objname}{$check_attr} =~ /\b$check_value\b/) ); } # get the info needed to access the DB table # ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node' my ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry}); # ex. 'nodelist', 'node' my ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key); # ex. 'attr', 'node' my ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value); # we'll need table name, key name, & object name # put this info in a hash - we'll process it later - below push @{$tablehash{$lookup_table}{$lookup_attr}}, $objname; } } } # now for each table - clear the entry foreach my $table (keys %tablehash) { my %keyhash; my $thistable = xCAT::Table->new($table, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0); # some tables have multiple keys !!?? foreach my $key (keys %{$tablehash{$table}}) { # - may have a list of objects to remove from the table # ex. say key is "node" and table is "nodelist" foreach my $obj (@{$tablehash{$table}{$key}}) { # ex. $keyhash{node}=c68m3hvp01 $keyhash{$key} = $obj; # ex. delete the c68m3hvp01 entry of the node column in the # nodelist table $thistable->delEntries(\%keyhash); } } $thistable->commit(); } return 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 readFileInput Process the command line input piped in from a file. (Support stanza or xml format.) Arguments: Returns: 0 - OK 1 - error Globals: Error: Example: Comments: Set @::fileobjtypes, @::fileobjnames, %::FILEATTRS (i.e.- $::FILEATTRS{objname}{attr}=val) =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub readFileInput { my ($class, $filedata) = @_; my $objectname; @::fileobjnames = (); my @lines = split /\n/, $filedata; my $header = @lines[0]; # to do #if ($header =~//) { # do stanza file parsing # } elsis ($header =~//) { # do XML parsing #} my $look_for_colon = 1; # start with first line that has a colon foreach $l (@lines) { # skip blank and comment lines next if ($l =~ /^\s*$/ || $l =~ /^\s*#/); # see if it's a stanza name if (grep(/:\s*$/, $l)) { $look_for_colon = 0; # ok - we have a colon ($objectname, $junk1, $junk2) = split(/:/, $l); # check for second : or = sign # if $junk2 is defined then there was a second : if (defined($junk2) || grep(/=/, $junk)) { # error - invalid header $line in node definition file # skipping to next node stanza # Skipping to the next valid header. $look_for_colon++; next; } $objectname =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $objectname =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace # could have different default stanzas for different object types if ($objectname =~ /default/) { ($junk, $objtype) = split(/-/, $objectname); if ($objtype) { $objectname = 'default'; } next; } push(@::fileobjnames, $objectname); } elsif (($l =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/) && (!$look_for_colon)) { $attr = $1; $val = $2; $attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; # remove spaces and quotes so createnode won't get upset $val =~ s/^\s*"\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*"\s*$//; if ($objectname eq "default") { # set the default for this attribute $::defAttrs{$objtype}{$attr} = $val; } else { # set the value in the hash for this object $::FILEATTRS{$objectname}{$attr} = $val; # if the attr being set is "objtype" then check # to see if we have any defaults set for this type # the objtype should be the first etntry in each stanza # so after we set the defaults they will be overwritten # by any values that appear in the rest of the stanza if ($attr eq 'objtype') { push(@::fileobjtypes, $val); # $val will be the object type ex. site, node etc. foreach my $a (keys %{$::defAttrs{$val}}) { # set the default values for this object hash $::FILEATTRS{$objectname}{$a} = $::defAttrs{$val}{$a}; } } } } else { # error - invalid line in node definition file $look_for_colon++; } } # end while - go to next line return 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getGroupMembers Get the list of members for the specified group. Arguments: Returns: undef - error $members - comma-separated list of group members Globals: Error: Example: To use: - create hash for objectname and and attr values (need group name (object), and grouptype & members attr values at a minimum.) ex. $objhash{$obj}{$attr} = value; - then call as follows: xCAT::DBobjUtils->getGroupMembers($objectname, \%objhash); Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getGroupMembers { my ($class, $objectname, $hash_ref) = @_; my $members; my %objhash = %$hash_ref; if ($objhash{$objectname}{'grouptype'} eq 'static') { my $table = "nodelist"; my @TableRowArray = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable($table); my $first = 1; foreach (@TableRowArray) { # if find the group name in the "groups" attr value then add the # node name to the member list #if ($_->{'groups'} =~ /$objectname/) @nodeGroupList = split(',', $_->{'groups'}); if (grep(/^$objectname$/, @nodeGroupList)) { chomp($_->{'node'}); if (!$first) { $members .= ","; } $members .= $_->{'node'}; $first = 0; } } } elsif ($objhash{$objectname}{'grouptype'} eq 'dynamic') { # find all nodes that satisfy the criteria specified in "wherevals" # value my %whereHash; # remove spaces and quotes so createnode won't get upset #$val =~ s/^\s*"\s*//; #$val =~ s/\s*"\s*$//; my @tmpWhereList = split(',', $objhash{$objectname}{'wherevals'}); foreach my $w (@tmpWhereList) { my ($a, $v) = $w =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\s*=\s*(\S*.*)$/; if (!defined($a) || !defined($v)) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "The \'-w\' option has an incorrect attr=val pair - \'$w\'."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::callback); next; } $whereHash{$a} = $v; } # see what nodes have these attr=values # get a list of all nodes my @tmplist = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getObjectsOfType('node'); # create a hash of obj names and types foreach my $n (@tmplist) { $tmphash{$n} = 'node'; } # get all the attrs for these nodes my %myhash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%tmphash); my $first = 1; foreach my $objname (keys %myhash) { # all the "where" attrs must match the object attrs my $addlist = 1; foreach my $testattr (keys %whereHash) { if ($myhash{$objname}{$testattr} ne $::WhereHash{$testattr}) { # don't disply $addlist = 0; break; } } if ($addlist) { chomp($objname); if (!$first) { $members .= ","; } $members .= $objname; $first = 0; } } } return $members; } 1;