#!/usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use lib "../imgutils"; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd qw(realpath); use File::Temp qw/mkdtemp/; use imgutils; #use strict; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); my $prinic; #TODO be flexible on node primary nic my $othernics; #TODO be flexible on node primary nic my $netdriver; my @yumdirs; my $arch; my %libhash; my @filestoadd; my $profile; my $osver; my $pathtofiles=dirname($0); my $fullpath=realpath($pathtofiles); my $name = basename($0); my $onlyinitrd=0; if ($name =~ /geninitrd/) { $onlyinitrd=1; } my $rootlimit; my $tmplimit; my $installroot = "/install"; my $kernelver = ""; #`uname -r`; my $basekernelver; # = $kernelver; my $customdir=$fullpath; $customdir =~ s/.*share\/xcat/$installroot\/custom/; my $imagename; my $pkglist; my $srcdir; my $destdir; my $srcdir_otherpkgs; my $otherpkglist; my $postinstall_filename; my $rootimg_dir; my $mode; my $permission; #the permission works only for statelite mode currently sub xdie { system("rm -rf /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$"); die @_; } #-- fetch current version form CVS (overwrite locally changed versions) # if (opendir(CVS,"$pathtofiles/CVS")){ # close CVS; # my $cvsout = qx/cd $pathtofiles; cvs update -C 2>&1/; # chomp $cvsout; # if ( $cvsout ne "cvs update: Updating ." ) { # print "Difference of local copy from CVS detected\n"; # print $cvsout,"\n"; # print "Trying to re-run $name\n"; # print("$pathtofiles/$name ",join(" ",@ARGV),"\n"); # exec("$pathtofiles/$name",@ARGV); # } # } $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { xdie "Interrupted" }; GetOptions( 'a=s' => \$arch, 'p=s' => \$profile, 'o=s' => \$osver, 'n=s' => \$netdriver, 'i=s' => \$prinic, 'r=s' => \$othernics, 'l=s' => \$rootlimit, 't=s' => \$tmplimit, 'k=s' => \$kernelver, 'm=s' => \$mode, #provide options for the mode of "genimage" 'permission=s' => \$permission ); if (@ARGV > 0) { $imagename=$ARGV[0]; if ($arch or $osver or $profile) { print "-o, -p and -a options are not allowed when a image name is specified.\n"; exit 1; } #load the module in memory eval {require("$::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT/Table.pm")}; if ($@) { print $@; exit 1; } #get the info from the osimage and linux my $osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1); if (!$osimagetab) { print "The osimage table cannot be opened.\n"; exit 1; } my $linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1); if (!$linuximagetab) { print "The linuximage table cannot be opened.\n"; exit 1; } (my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod'); if (!$ref) { print "Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the osimage table.\n"; exit 1; } (my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'postinstall', 'rootimgdir'); if (!$ref1) { print "Cannot find $imagename from the linuximage table\n"; exit 1; } $osver=$ref->{'osvers'}; $arch=$ref->{'osarch'}; $profile=$ref->{'profile'}; my $provmethod=$ref->{'provmethod'}; unless ($osver and $arch and $profile and $provmethod) { print"osimage.osvers, osimage.osarch, osimage.profile and osimage.provmethod must be specified for the image $imagename in the database.\n"; exit 1; } if ($provmethod ne 'netboot') { print "\'$imagename\' cannot be used to build diskless image. Make sure osimage.provmethod is 'netboot'."; exit 1; } if (! $ref1->{'pkglist'}) { print"A .pkglist file must be specified for image \'$imagename\' in the linuximage table.\n"; exit 0; } $pkglist =$ref1->{'pkglist'}; $srcdir=$ref1->{'pkgdir'}; if ($srcdir) { $srcdir="$srcdir/1"; } $srcdir_otherpkgs=$ref1->{'otherpkgdir'}; $otherpkglist=$ref1->{'otherpkglist'}; $postinstall_filename=$ref1->{'postinstall'}; $destdir=$ref1->{'rootimgdir'}; } if ($mode eq "statelite") { if (!$permission) { $permission = "755"; } } if (!$arch) { $arch = `uname -m`; chomp($arch); if ($arch =~ /i.86$/) { $arch = "x86"; } } if (!$srcdir) { $srcdir="$installroot/$osver/$arch/1"; } if (!$srcdir_otherpkgs) { $srcdir_otherpkgs = "$installroot/post/otherpkgs/$osver/$arch"; } if (!$destdir) { $destdir="$installroot/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile"; } $rootimg_dir="$destdir/rootimg"; unless ($osver and $profile and $netdriver and $prinic) { print 'Usage: genimage -i -n [-r ] -k -o -p -a [-m [--permission ]]'."\n"; print ' genimage -i -n [-r ] -k '."\n"; print ' --permission only works when "-m statelite" is set'."\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " genimage -i eth0 -n tg3 -o centos5.1 -p compute\n"; print " genimage -i eth0 -r eth1,eth2 -n tg3,bnx2 -o centos5.1 -p compute\n"; print " genimage -i eth0 -n tg3,bnx2 -o centos5.1 -p compute -m statelite\n"; print " genimage -i eth0 -n tg3,bnx2 -o centos5.1 -p compute -m statelite --permission 777\n"; print " genimage -i eth0 -ntg3 myimagename\n"; exit 1; } my @ndrivers; foreach (split /,/,$netdriver) { unless (/\.ko$/) { s/$/.ko/; } if (/^$/) { next; } # Do not include qeth module here # This module is included later on if (!($_ =~ m/qeth/i)) { push @ndrivers, $_; } } unless (grep /af_packet/,@ndrivers) { unshift(@ndrivers,"af_packet.ko"); } if($mode eq "statelite") { push @ndrivers, "sunrpc.ko"; push @ndrivers, "lockd.ko"; push @ndrivers, "nfs_acl.ko"; push @ndrivers, "fscache.ko"; push @ndrivers, "auth_rpcgss.ko"; push @ndrivers, "exportfs.ko"; push @ndrivers, "nfsd.ko"; push @ndrivers, "nfs.ko"; # Additional modules needed on s390x if ($arch eq "s390x") { push @ndrivers, "qdio.ko"; push @ndrivers, "ccwgroup.ko"; # af_packet is already included above # push @ndrivers, "af_packet.ko"; push @ndrivers, "qeth.ko"; push @ndrivers, "qeth_l2.ko"; push @ndrivers, "qeth_l3.ko"; } } my $osver_host; if(`grep VERSION /etc/SuSE-release` =~ /VERSION = (\d+)/) { $osver_host=$1; } else { $osver_host=11; } unless ($onlyinitrd) { if (!$imagename) { $otherpkglist=imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $customdir, "otherpkgs.pkglist"); if (!$otherpkglist) { $otherpkglist=imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $pathtofiles, "otherpkgs.pkglist"); } } my %extra_hash=(); if ($otherpkglist) { %extra_hash=imgutils::get_package_names($otherpkglist); } mkpath "$rootimg_dir/etc"; mkpath "$rootimg_dir/dev"; #system "mount -o bind /dev $rootimg_dir/dev"; if( ! -e "$rootimg_dir/dev/zero") { system "mknod $rootimg_dir/dev/zero c 1 5"; } if( ! -e "$rootimg_dir/dev/null") { system "mknod $rootimg_dir/dev/null c 1 3"; #that's neccessary for SLES11 } open($fd,">>","$rootimg_dir/etc/fstab"); print $fd "#Dummy fstab for rpm postscripts to see\n"; close($fd); if($osver_host == 11) {#zypper in SLES11 is different if(-e "$rootimg_dir/etc/zypp/repos.d/$osver.repo") { system("rm -rf $rootimg_dir/etc/zypp/repos.d/$osver.repo"); } system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir ar file:$srcdir $osver"); }else { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir sa file:$srcdir"); } #remove the old repository for extra packages my $result=`zypper -R $rootimg_dir sl |grep otherpkg|cut -f2 -d '|'|tr "\n" " "`; if ($result =~ /\S/) { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir sd $result"); } #add the new repository for extra packages my %extrapkgnames; if($osver_host == 11) { #SLES11 if(-e "$rootimg_dir/etc/zypp/repos.d/otherpkg.repo") { system("rm -rf $rootimg_dir/etc/zypp/repos.d/otherpkg.repo"); } } my $index=1; my $pass; foreach $pass (sort (keys(%extra_hash))) { foreach (keys(%{$extra_hash{$pass}})) { if (($_ eq "PRE_REMOVE") || ($_ eq "POST_REMOVE")) { next;} my $whole_path="$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_"; if (-r "$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_/repodata/repomd.xml") { if($osver_host == 11) { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir ar file:$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_ otherpkg$index"); }else { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir sa file:$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_"); } } else { if($osver_host == 11) { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir ar -t Plaindir file:$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_ otherpkg$index"); }else { system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir sa -t Plaindir file:$srcdir_otherpkgs/$_"); } } $index++; my $pa=$extra_hash{$pass}{$_}; $extrapkgnames{$pass} .= " " . join(' ', @$pa); } } #-- add custom repositories to the image #TODO: should we add the support to otherpkgs for this? we have too many list files and it seems only SLES supports this my $repolist; $repolist = imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $customdir, "repolist"); if(!$repolist) { $repolist = imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $pathtofiles, "repolist"); } if ( -r "$repolist") { print "Reading custom repositories\n"; open($repoconfig,"<","$repolist"); while (<$repoconfig>) { chomp; next if /^\s*#/; my ($repotype,$repourl,$repoalias) = split m/\|/; system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir ar $repourl $repoalias"); } } # Refresh the zypper cache in case there is still old data out there system("zypper -R $rootimg_dir refresh"); #my $yumcmd = "yum -y -c /tmp/genimage.$$.yum.conf --installroot=$rootimg_dir --disablerepo=* "; #$yumcmd .= "install "; #mkpath("$rootimg_dir/var/lib/yum"); my $yumcmd; if($osver =~ /sles11/ && $osver_host == 11) { $yumcmd = "zypper -R $rootimg_dir install -l "; #add -l for SLES11 }else { $yumcmd = "zypper -R $rootimg_dir install "; } #install packages from pkglist file my $pkgnames; if (!$imagename) { $pkglist=imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $customdir, "pkglist"); if (!$pkglist) { $pkglist=imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $pathtofiles, "pkglist"); } } if (!$pkglist) { print "Unable to find package list for $profile!"; exit 1; } my %pkg_hash=imgutils::get_package_names($pkglist); my $index=1; foreach $pass (sort (keys(%pkg_hash))) { $pkgnames = ""; foreach (keys(%{$pkg_hash{$pass}})) { if (($_ eq "PRE_REMOVE") || ($_ eq "POST_REMOVE")) { next;} my $pa=$pkg_hash{$pass}{$_}; $pkgnames .= " " . join(' ', @$pa); } print "$yumcmd $pkgnames\n"; my $rc = system("$yumcmd $pkgnames"); $rc = $rc >> 8; if (($rc) && ($rc != '104')) { print "zypper invocation failed with rc: $rc\n"; exit 1; } } foreach $pass (sort (keys(%extra_hash))) { #remove the packages that are specified in the otherpkgs.list files with leading '-' my $yumcmd_remove= "zypper -R $rootimg_dir remove "; if (exists ($extra_hash{$pass}{'PRE_REMOVE'})) { my $pa=$extra_hash{$pass}{'PRE_REMOVE'}; my $rm_packges= join(' ', @$pa); if ($rm_packges) { $rc = system("$yumcmd_remove $rm_packges"); } } #add extra packages in the list if ($extrapkgnames{$pass}) { print "$yumcmd $extrapkgnames{$pass}\n"; $rc = system("$yumcmd $extrapkgnames{$pass}"); $rc = $rc >> 8; if (($rc) && ($rc != '104')) { print "zypper invocation failed with rc: $rc\n"; exit 1; } } #remove the packages that are specified in the otherpkgs.list files with leading '--' if (exists ($extra_hash{$pass}{'POST_REMOVE'})) { my $pa=$extra_hash{$pass}{'POST_REMOVE'}; my $rm_packges= join(' ', @$pa); if ($rm_packges) { $rc = system("$yumcmd_remove $rm_packges"); } } } # run zypper update to update any installed rpms # needed when running genimage again after updating software in repositories my $yumcmd_update = "zypper -R $rootimg_dir update "; $rc = system("$yumcmd_update"); # ignore any return code postscripts(); #run 'postscripts' } unlink "/tmp/genimage.$$.yum.conf"; #-- run postinstall script if (!$imagename) { $postinstall_filename= imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $customdir, "postinstall"); if (!$postinstall_filename) { $postinstall_filename= imgutils::get_profile_def_filename($osver, $profile, $arch, $pathtofiles, "postinstall"); } } if (($postinstall_filename) && (-x $postinstall_filename)) { #print "postinstall_filename=$postinstall_filename\n"; my $rc = system($postinstall_filename, $rootimg_dir,$osver,$arch,$profile); if($rc) { print "postinstall script failed\n"; exit 1; } } if($mode eq "statelite") { mkpath "$rootimg_dir/.statelite"; # create place for NFS mounts; mkpath "$rootimg_dir/root/.ssh"; # create place for NFS mounts for ssh; # this script will get the directories; unless( -r "$pathtofiles/../add-on/statelite/rc.statelite") { print "Can't find $pathtofiles/../add-on/statelite/rc.statelite!\n"; exit; } system("cp $pathtofiles/../add-on/statelite/rc.statelite $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/statelite"); # the dhcp client information stores in the directory "/var/lib/dhcpcd/" unless(-l "$rootimg_dir/var/lib/dhcpcd") { mkpath "$rootimg_dir/var/lib/dhcpcd/"; system("touch $rootimg_dir/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-$prinic.info"); } # which is different from the Redhat family } #some rpms mounts the imageroot/proc on the /proc, need to release it, #otherwise got kernal panic when installing #sometimes, the proc fs is not mounted, so one warning/error message will display, #and I add one check point here. my $MFD; open MFD, "/proc/mounts"; my @lines = ; close MFD; my $ret = grep m{$rootimg_dir/proc}, @lines; if($ret > 0) { system("umount -l $rootimg_dir/proc"); } #Default to the first kernel found in the install image if nothing specified explicitly. #A more accurate guess than whatever the image build server happens to be running #If specified, that takes precedence. #if image has one, that is used #if all else fails, resort to uname -r like this script did before my @KVERS= <$rootimg_dir/boot/vmlinu[xz]-*>; # The kernel name is different on s390x, e.g. image- if ($arch eq "s390x") { @KVERS = <$rootimg_dir/boot/image-*>; } #as I know, s390x is using image-* as its kernel name unless (scalar(@KVERS)) { @KVERS=<$rootimg_dir/boot/image-*>; } foreach (@KVERS) { s/vmlinu.-//; s/image-//; } unless (scalar(@KVERS)) { @KVERS= <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/*>; } if (scalar(@KVERS)) { foreach my $kver (@KVERS) { if ($kver !~ m/.gz$/) { $basekernelver = basename($kver); last; } } } unless ($basekernelver) { $basekernelver = `uname -r`; } # Extract the base kernel if ($arch eq "s390x") { $basekernelver =~ s/image-//g; } chomp($basekernelver); if ($kernelver) { # if the kernelver is specified by "-k", # the kernel file should be in /boot # the moudles should be in /lib/modules/$kernelver if ( -e "/boot/vmlinux-$kernelver") { copy("/boot/vmlinux-$kernelver", "$rootimg_dir/boot/"); }elsif ( -e "/boot/vmlinuz-$kernelver") { copy("/boot/vmlinuz-$kernelver", "$rootimg_dir/boot/"); }elsif ( -e "/boot/image-$kernelver") { copy("/boot/image-$kernelver", "$rootimg_dir/boot/"); }else { xdie("couldn't find the kernel file matched $kernelver in /boot"); } if ( -e "/lib/modules/$kernelver" ) { copy("/lib/modules/$kernelver", "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/"); } else { xdie("couldn't find /lib/modules/$kernelver"); } } else { $kernelver=$basekernelver; } # Load driver update disk, and copy them to the root image my @dd_drivers = &load_dd(); # Push the drivers into the @ndrivers base on the order my @new_order = (); foreach my $dd (@dd_drivers) { unless (grep { $_ eq $dd} @ndrivers) { push @new_order, $dd; } print "Added driver $dd from driver update disk.\n"; } @ndrivers = (@new_order, @ndrivers); open($moddeps,"<","$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/modules.dep"); my @moddeps = <$moddeps>; my @checkdeps = @ndrivers; while (scalar @checkdeps) { my $driver = pop @checkdeps; my @lines = grep /\/$driver:/,@moddeps; foreach (@lines) { chomp; s/.*://; s/^\s*//; my @deps = split /\s+/,$_; my $dep; foreach $dep (@deps) { $dep =~ s/.*\///; unless (grep { $_ eq $dep } @ndrivers) { #only add if not added unshift (@checkdeps,$dep); #recursively check dependencies unshift (@ndrivers,$dep); print "Added $dep as an autodetected depedency\n"; } } } } close($moddeps); mkinitrd(); sub getlibs { my $file = shift; my $liblist = `chroot $rootimg_dir ldd $file`; my @libs = split/\n/,$liblist; my @return; foreach (@libs) { unless (/=>/) { (my $wjnk, my $lib,my $jnk) = split /\s+/,$_,3; $lib =~ s/^\///; $libhash{$lib}=1; next; } (my $temp1,my $temp2) = split />/,$_,2; (my $whitespace,$temp1,$temp2) = split /\s+/,$temp2,4; unless ($temp1 =~ /\//) { next; } $temp1 =~ s/^\///; $libhash{$temp1}=1; } } sub mkinitrd { mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/bin"); if(-r "$rootimg_dir/boot/vmlinux-$kernelver") { # SLES use vmlinux-* as its name copy("$rootimg_dir/boot/vmlinux-$kernelver","$destdir/kernel"); } elsif(-r "$rootimg_dir/boot/vmlinuz-$kernelver") { # OpenSuSE maight use vmlinuz-* as its name copy("$rootimg_dir/boot/vmlinuz-$kernelver","$destdir/kernel"); } elsif(-r "$rootimg_dir/boot/image-$kernelver") { # SLES on s390x use image-* as its name copy("$rootimg_dir/boot/image-$kernelver","$destdir/kernel"); } else { xdie("Cannot find suitable kernel file for $kernelver"); } symlink("bin","/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/sbin"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/usr/bin"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/usr/sbin"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/usr/lib"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/usr/lib64"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/firmware"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/tmp"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/var/run"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib64/firmware"); # if($osver =~ /sles/ && $arch eq "ppc64") {#SLES for Power6&7 # mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib64/power6"); # mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib64/power7"); # } mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/power6");#SLES10 mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/power7");#SLES10 mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/mkinitrd/bin"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/proc"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/sys"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/dev/mapper"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/sysroot"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/etc/ld.so.conf.d"); mkpath("/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/var/lib/dhcpcd"); my $inifile; open($inifile,">","/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/init"); print $inifile "#!/bin/bash\n"; # copied from genimage for rh # add some functions print $inifile < <\\ \\____/ | \\ | /__/\\_ \\\\______ /\\____|__ /____| \\/ \\/ \\/ ' echo -e "\$RESET" } EOS1 print $inifile "mount -t proc /proc /proc\n"; print $inifile "mount -t sysfs /sys /sys\n"; print $inifile "mount -o mode=0755 -t tmpfs /dev /dev\n"; print $inifile "mkdir /dev/pts\n"; print $inifile "mount -t devpts -o gid=5,mode=620 /dev/pts /dev/pts\n"; print $inifile "mkdir /dev/shm\n"; print $inifile "mkdir /dev/mapper\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/random c 1 8\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/urandom c 1 9\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/null c 1 3\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/zero c 1 5\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/systty c 4 0\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty c 5 0\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/console c 5 1\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/ptmx c 5 2\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/rtc c 10 135\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty0 c 4 0\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty1 c 4 1\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty2 c 4 2\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty3 c 4 3\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty4 c 4 4\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty5 c 4 5\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty6 c 4 6\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty7 c 4 7\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty8 c 4 8\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty9 c 4 9\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty10 c 4 10\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty11 c 4 11\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/tty12 c 4 12\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/ttyS1 c 4 65\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/ttyS2 c 4 66\n"; print $inifile "mknod /dev/ttyS3 c 4 67\n"; foreach (@ndrivers) { print $inifile "insmod /lib/$_\n"; } if($mode eq "statelite") { print $inifile "echo debug: before netstart\n"; print $inifile "# check and see if debug is specified on command line\n"; print $inifile "grep '\(debug\)' /proc/cmdline > /dev/null && export DEBUG=1\n"; } # Start udev on s390x if ($arch eq "s390x") { print $inifile </dev/null && shell mount -t tmpfs rw -o mode=$permission \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs #mount the /root/.ssh, it needs more strict permission in order for ssh work if [ ! -e "\$NEWROOT/root/.ssh" ] then mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/root/.ssh fi mount -t tmpfs -o mode=755 ssh \$NEWROOT/root/.ssh # mount the SNAPSHOT directory here for persistent use. if [ ! -z \$SNAPSHOTSERVER ] then mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/persistent MAXTRIES=5 ITER=0 while ! mount \$SNAPSHOTSERVER:\$SNAPSHOTROOT \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/persistent -o nolock,tcp do ITER=\$(expr \$ITER + 1) if [ "\$ITER" == "\$MAXTRIES" ] then echo "You're dead. rpower \$ME boot to play again." echo "Possible problems: 1. \$SNAPSHOTSERVER is not exporting \$SNAPSHOTROOT ? 2. Is DNS set up? Maybe that's why I can't mount \$SNAPSHOTSERVER." shell exit fi echo -e "\${RED}Hmmm... Can't mount \$SNAPSHOTSERVER:\$SNAPSHOTROOT. \${NORMAL}" RS=`expr \$RANDOM % 20` echo -e "Trying again in \$RS seconds" sleep \$RS done fi grep '\\(shell\\)' /proc/cmdline >/dev/null && shell # have to preserve the initial DHCP request. So we link it. # SLES uses different file to store DHCP info if [ ! -d \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/var/lib/dhcpcd ] then mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/var/lib/dhcpcd fi cp -fp /var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-$prinic.info \${NEWROOT}/\${RWDIR}/tmpfs/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-$prinic.info [ -e /etc/ntp.conf ] && mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/etc && cp /etc/ntp.conf \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/etc/ [ -e /etc/resolv.conf ] && mkdir -p \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/etc && cp /etc/resolv.conf \$NEWROOT/\$RWDIR/tmpfs/etc/ # now that everything is mounted, lets do this # hmmm, apparently I'm checking this twice... so I'd better # be really sure the file is there. while [ ! -e \$NEWROOT/etc/init.d/statelite ] do echo "\$NEWROOT/etc/init.d/statelite does not exist in image!" shell done # do all the mounts: \$NEWROOT/etc/init.d/statelite # give the debug shell just before we go if specified! grep '\(shell\)' /proc/cmdline > /dev/null && shell echo 0x100 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev export keep_old_ip=yes export fastboot=yes export READONLY=yes grep '\\(shell\\)' /proc/cmdline >/dev/null && shell mount -n --bind /dev /sysroot/dev umount /sys umount /proc # sles use the standard utility to chroot if ! exec /usr/bin/chroot \$NEWROOT /sbin/init then echo "" echo -e "\${RED}Couldn't chroot. Something must be wrong with NFS root image.\${RESET}" shell fi exit fi # end NFSROOT/Statelite code if [ "\$NFS" = "1" ]; then echo Setting up nfs with ram overlay. mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0 mkdir -p /ro mkdir -p /rw #NOTE: should prob have max count while [ ! -d /ro/bin ]; do echo mounting \$SERVER:\$ROOTDIR on /ro mount \$SERVER:\$ROOTDIR /ro -r -n -o nolock,rsize=32768,udp,nfsvers=3,timeo=14 ST=`expr \$RANDOM % 5` sleep \$ST done mount -t tmpfs rw /rw mkdir -p /rw/etc mkdir -p /rw/var/lib/dhcpcd mount -t aufs -o dirs=/rw:/ro mergedroot /sysroot mkdir -p /sysroot/ro mkdir -p /sysroot/rw mount --move /ro /sysroot/ro mount --move /rw /sysroot/rw elif [ -r /rootimg.sfs ]; then echo Setting up squashfs with ram overlay. mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0 mkdir -p /ro mkdir -p /rw mount -t squashfs /rootimg.sfs /ro mount -t tmpfs rw /rw mount -t aufs -o dirs=/rw:/ro mergedroot /sysroot mkdir -p /sysroot/ro mkdir -p /sysroot/rw mount --move /ro /sysroot/ro mount --move /rw /sysroot/rw EOMS print $inifile "elif [ -r /rootimg.gz ]; then\n"; print $inifile "echo Setting up RAM-root tmpfs.\n"; if ($rootlimit) { print $inifile " mount -o size=$rootlimit -t tmpfs rootfs /sysroot\n"; } else { print $inifile " mount -t tmpfs rootfs /sysroot\n"; } print $inifile " cd /sysroot\n"; print $inifile " echo -n \"Extracting root filesystem:\"\n"; print $inifile " if [ -x /bin/cpio ]; then\n"; print $inifile " zcat /rootimg.gz |/bin/cpio -idum\n"; print $inifile " else\n"; print $inifile " zcat /rootimg.gz |cpio -idum\n"; print $inifile " fi\n"; print $inifile " echo Done\n"; print $inifile "else\n"; print $inifile " echo -n Failed to download image, panicing in 5...\n"; print $inifile " for i in 4 3 2 1 0; do\n"; print $inifile " /bin/sleep 1\n"; print $inifile " echo -n \$i...\n"; print $inifile " done\n"; print $inifile " echo\n"; print $inifile <"."/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/bin/netstart"); print $inifile "#!/bin/bash\n"; print $inifile "dhcpcd $prinic\n"; #-- Bring other NICs up in /bin/netstart in initrd for NIC failover foreach (split /,/,$othernics) { if (/^$/) { next; } print $inifile "dhcpcd $_\n"; } print $inifile <> /etc/HOSTNAME END close($inifile); chmod(0755,"/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/init"); chmod(0755,"/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/bin/netstart"); @filestoadd=(); foreach (@ndrivers) { if (-f "$customdir/$_") { push @filestoadd,[$_,"lib/$_"]; } elsif (-f "$pathtofiles/$_") { push @filestoadd,[$_,"lib/$_"]; } } if($mode eq "statelite") { foreach ("sbin/ifconfig", "usr/bin/clear", "sbin/mount.nfs","sbin/umount.nfs","bin/hostname","usr/bin/egrep","bin/ln","bin/ls","usr/bin/dirname","usr/bin/expr","usr/bin/chroot","usr/bin/grep","bin/cpio","bin/sleep","bin/mount","bin/umount","sbin/dhcpcd","bin/bash","sbin/insmod","bin/mkdir","bin/mknod","sbin/ip","bin/cat","usr/bin/awk","usr/bin/wget","bin/cp","usr/bin/cpio","usr/bin/zcat","usr/bin/gzip","lib/mkinitrd/bin/run-init","usr/bin/uniq","usr/bin/sed","usr/bin/wc") { getlibs($_); push @filestoadd,$_; } # 'sbin/udevd' and 'sbin/udevadm' needed on s390x if ($arch eq "s390x") { foreach ("sbin/udevd", "sbin/udevadm", "usr/bin/readlink") { getlibs($_); push @filestoadd,$_; } } }else { foreach ("sbin/ifconfig","usr/bin/clear", "usr/bin/grep","bin/cpio","bin/sleep","bin/mount","sbin/dhcpcd","bin/bash","sbin/insmod","bin/mkdir","bin/mknod","sbin/ip","bin/cat","usr/bin/awk","usr/bin/wget","bin/cp","usr/bin/cpio","usr/bin/zcat","usr/bin/gzip","lib/mkinitrd/bin/run-init","usr/bin/uniq","usr/bin/sed") { getlibs($_); push @filestoadd,$_; } } if ($arch =~ /x86_64/) { push @filestoadd,"lib64/libnss_dns.so.2"; } else { push @filestoadd,"lib/libnss_dns.so.2"; } # cross-platfrom support on power6&7 etc # ldd can't handle such one scenario: mn is power6, the target platform is power7 if ($arch =~ /ppc64/) { system("cp -a -r $rootimg_dir/lib64/* /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib64/"); } push @filestoadd,keys %libhash; if($basekernelver ne $kernelver) { system("rm -rf $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$basekernelver"); unless (-d "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver") { if(-d "/lib/modules/$kernelver") { system("cd /lib/modules;cp -r $kernelver $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/"); } else { xdie("Cannot read /lib/modules/$kernelver"); } } } find(\&isnetdriver, <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>); foreach (@filestoadd) { if (ref($_)) { #print "$_->[0], $_->[1]\n"; my $srcpath = "$rootimg_dir/".$_->[0]; if (-f "$customdir/".$_->[0]) { $srcpath="$customdir/".$_->[0]; } elsif (-f "$pathtofiles/".$_->[0]) { $srcpath="$pathtofiles/".$_->[0]; } copy($srcpath,"/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/".$_->[1]); chmod 0755,"/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/".$_->[1]; } else { #print "$_\n"; my $srcpath = "$rootimg_dir/$_"; if (-f "$customdir/$_") { $srcpath = "$customdir/$_"; } elsif (-f "$pathtofiles/$_") { $srcpath = "$pathtofiles/$_"; } copy("$srcpath","/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/$_"); chmod 0755,"/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/".$_; } } # Copy udev libraries on s390x if ($arch eq "s390x") { system("mkdir -p /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/etc/udev"); system("cp -r $rootimg_dir/etc/udev/* /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/etc/udev"); # Copy rules for network adapter my $name = `cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$prinic | grep NAME`; my $nic = ''; if ($name =~ m/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/g) { $nic = $&; } system("cp -r /etc/udev/rules.d/*$nic.rules /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/etc/udev/rules.d"); system("cp -r /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/etc/udev/rules.d"); system("mkdir -p /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/udev"); system("cp -r $rootimg_dir/lib/udev/* /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/lib/udev"); } #copy("$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/*d","/tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/$_"); system("cd /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$/bin/; ln -sf bash sh"); #neccessary for SLES11 system("cd /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$;find .|cpio -H newc -o|gzip -9 -c - > $destdir/initrd.gz"); system("rm -rf /tmp/xcatinitrd.$$"); } sub isyumdir { if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/repodata$/) { my $location = $File::Find::name; $location =~ s/\/repodata$//; push @yumdirs,$location; } } sub isnetdriver { foreach (@ndrivers) { if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$_/) { my $filetoadd = $File::Find::name; $filetoadd =~ s!$rootimg_dir!!; push @filestoadd,[$filetoadd,"lib/$_"]; } } } sub postscripts { # TODO: customized postscripts generic_post(); if($mode eq "statelite") { if( ! -d "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/") { mkdir "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/"; } copy ("$installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost", "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/"); chmod '0755', "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost"; #system("$XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/add-on/statelite/add_passwd $rootimg_dir"); #system("$XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/add-on/statelite/add_ssh $rootimg_dir"); } } sub generic_post { #This function is meant to leave the image in a state approximating a normal install my $cfgfile; if($mode ne "statelite") { unlink("$rootimg_dir/dev/null"); system("mknod $rootimg_dir/dev/null c 1 3"); open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/fstab"); print $cfgfile "devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0\n"; print $cfgfile "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0\n"; print $cfgfile "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n"; print $cfgfile "sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0\n"; if ($tmplimit) { print $cfgfile "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0\n"; print $cfgfile "tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0\n"; } close($cfgfile); } open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/sysconfig/network"); print $cfgfile "NETWORKING=yes\n"; close($cfgfile); open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/resolv.conf"); print $cfgfile "#Dummy resolv.conf to make boot cleaner"; close($cfgfile); open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$prinic"); print $cfgfile "ONBOOT=yes\nBOOTPROTO=dhcp\nDEVICE=$prinic\nSTARTMODE=auto\n"; close($cfgfile); foreach (split /,/,$othernics) { if (/^$/) { next; } open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$_"); print $cfgfile "ONBOOT=yes\nBOOTPROTO=dhcp\nDEVICE=$_\nSTARTMODE=auto\n"; close($cfgfile); } # securetty not needed on s390x if ($arch ne "s390x") { open( $cfgfile, ">>", "$rootimg_dir/etc/securetty" ); print $cfgfile "ttyS0\n"; print $cfgfile "ttyS1\n"; print $cfgfile "console\n"; close($cfgfile); } my @passwd; open($cfgfile,"<","$rootimg_dir/etc/passwd"); @passwd = <$cfgfile>; close($cfgfile); open($cfgfile,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/passwd"); foreach (@passwd) { if (/^root:/) { s/^root:\*/root:x/ } print $cfgfile $_; } close($cfgfile); foreach (<$rootimg_dir/etc/skel/.*>) { if (basename($_) eq '.' or basename($_) eq '..') { next; } copy $_,"$rootimg_dir/root/"; } # gettyset is not found on s390x if ($arch ne "s390x") { open( $cfgfile, ">", "$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/gettyset" ); print $cfgfile "#!/bin/bash\n"; print $cfgfile "### BEGIN INIT INFO\n"; print $cfgfile "# Provides: gettyset\n"; print $cfgfile "# Required-Start: sshd\n"; print $cfgfile "# Required-Stop:\n"; print $cfgfile "# Default-Start: 3\n"; print $cfgfile "# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6\n"; print $cfgfile "# Short-Description: gettyset\n"; print $cfgfile "# Description:\n"; print $cfgfile "### END INIT INFO\n"; print $cfgfile "for i in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do\n"; print $cfgfile ' KEY=`echo $i|cut -d= -f 1`' . "\n"; print $cfgfile " if [ \"\$KEY\" == \"console\" -a \"\$i\" != \"console=tty0\" ]; then\n"; print $cfgfile " VALUE=`echo \$i | cut -d= -f 2`\n"; print $cfgfile " COTTY=`echo \$VALUE|cut -d, -f 1`\n"; print $cfgfile " COSPEED=`echo \$VALUE|cut -d, -f 2|cut -dn -f 1`\n"; print $cfgfile " if echo \$VALUE | grep n8r; then\n"; print $cfgfile " FLOWFLAG=\"-h\"\n"; print $cfgfile " fi\n"; print $cfgfile " echo xco:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty \$FLOWFLAG \$COTTY \$COSPEED xterm >> /etc/inittab\n"; print $cfgfile " init q\n"; print $cfgfile " fi\n"; print $cfgfile "done\n"; print $cfgfile "/etc/init.d/boot.localnet start\n"; close($cfgfile); chmod( 0755, "$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/gettyset" ); } copy("$installroot/postscripts/xcatpostinit", "$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit"); chmod(0755, "$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit"); system("chroot $rootimg_dir insserv gettyset xcatpostinit"); my $rc = system("grep sshd $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/.depend.start"); if ($rc) { system("sed -i '".'s/^\(TARGETS = .*\)$/\1 sshd/'."' $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/.depend.start"); system("ln -s ../sshd $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/rc3.d/S20sshd"); } my $rc = system("grep gettyset $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/.depend.start"); if ($rc) { system("sed -i '".'s/^\(TARGETS = .*\)$/\1 gettyset/'."' $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/.depend.start"); system("ln -s ../gettyset $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/rc3.d/S60gettyset"); } } my $driver_name; my $real_path; sub get_path () { if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) { $real_path = $File::Find::name; } } #load the driver update disk, and return the driver names by loading order sub load_dd() { # check the Driver Update Disk images, it can be .img or .iso if (! -d "$installroot/driverdisk/$osver/$arch") { return (); } my @dd_list = `find $installroot/driverdisk/$osver/$arch -type f`; chomp(@dd_list); if (! @dd_list) { return (); } # Create the work space, it should be cleaned at end of genimage my $dd_dir = mkdtemp("/tmp/ddtmpXXXXXXX"); mkpath "$dd_dir/mnt"; mkpath "$dd_dir/mods"; my @dd_drivers = (); #dirver names # Load drivers from each Driver Disk # For multiple dd, if want to make it has order, rename the dd with a number # ahead of the name like 0_xx, 1_xx foreach my $dd (sort(@dd_list)) { my $rc = system ("mount -o loop $dd $dd_dir/mnt"); if ($rc) { print "mount the Driver Disk $dd failed.\n"; next; } mkpath "$dd_dir/full"; # Copy out the drivers opendir(DIR, "$dd_dir/mnt") || die "Cannot open dir $dd_dir/mnt"; while (my $dir = readdir(DIR)) { if ($dir =~ /^\./) { next; } # Every driver update disk can have multiple directories, each directory # has the directory format like /linux/[distribution]/[architechture]-[version]/ # If the directory name is numeric, then it will be used as order to load the # the dirviers inside. # For the directory name which is not numeric, copy them to directory 0. It will be # loaled first. if ($dir !~ /^\d*$/) { mkpath "$dd_dir/full/0"; system ("cp -rf $dd_dir/mnt/$dir $dd_dir/full/0"); } else { system ("cp -rf $dd_dir/mnt/$dir $dd_dir/full/"); } } closedir(DIR); # Get all the kernel modules base on the order of directory name. # The structure of dd: /linux/[distribution]/[architechture]-[version]/ # The supported arch: i386, ia64, ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x sparc or x86_64. my $darch = $arch; if ($darch =~ /^x86$/) { $darch = "i386"; } # If the version is os version. If the os is "sles11.1", the possible os version # could be "sles11.1", "11.1", "11", "sles11" my @distro = ($osver); my $distro1 = $osver; $distro1 =~ s/[^\d]*//; push @distro,$distro1; my $distro2 = $distro1; $distro2 =~ s/\..*//; push @distro,$distro2; my $distro3 = $osver; $distro3 =~ s/\..*//; push @distro,$distro3; opendir (FDIR, "$dd_dir/full") || die "Cannot open dir $dd_dir/full"; my @fulldir = readdir(FDIR); closedir (FDIR); # Create the directory for drivers from driver disk if (! -d "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk") { mkpath "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk"; } # Copy the drivers to the root image and get the driver loading order foreach my $dir (sort(@fulldir)) { if ($dir =~ /^\./) { next; } my $vdir; foreach (@distro) { if (-d "$dd_dir/full/$dir/linux/suse/$darch-$_") { $vdir = "$dd_dir/full/$dir/linux/suse/$darch-$_"; } } if (! $vdir) { next; } # Use the module_order if it has if (-f "$vdir/modules/module.order") { open(ORDER, "<", "$vdir/modules/module.order"); while (my $file = ) { chomp ($file); if (-f "$vdir/modules/$file") { $driver_name = $file; $real_path = ""; find(\&get_path, <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>); if ($real_path eq "") { system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk"); } else { system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $real_path"); } push @dd_drivers, $file; } } } else { opendir (MDIR, "$vdir/modules") || die "Cannot open dir $vdir/modules"; while (my $file = readdir(MDIR)) { if (-f "$vdir/modules/$file" && $file =~ /\.ko/) { $driver_name = $file; $real_path = ""; find(\&get_path, <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>); if ($real_path eq "") { system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk"); } else { system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $real_path"); } push @dd_drivers, $file; } } } } rmtree "$dd_dir/full"; my $rc = system ("umount -f $dd_dir/mnt"); if ($rc) { print "umount the directory $dd_dir/mnt failed\n"; exit 1; } } # Generate the dependency relationship system ("chroot '$rootimg_dir' depmod $kernelver"); # Clean the env rmtree "$dd_dir"; return @dd_drivers; }