=head1 NAME

B<switchblade> - reassign the BladeCenter media tray and/or KVM to the specified blade


B<switchblade> I<MM> {B<list> | B<stat>}

B<switchblade> I<node> {B<media> | B<mt> | B<kvm> | B<video> | B<both>} [I<slot_num>]

B<switchblade> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>]


B<switchblade> assigns the BladeCenter media tray and/or KVM to the specified blade, so that they can be
used with that blade.  If B<list> or B<stat> are specified instead, B<switchblade> will display the current
assignment.  You can either specify a management module or a node (blade) to B<switchblade>.  If the latter,
B<switchblade> will determine the management module of the node.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 7

=item B<list>|B<stat>

Display which blade the media tray and KVM are currently assigned to.

=item B<media>|B<mt>

Assign the media tray to the specified blade.

=item B<kvm>|B<video>

Assign the KVM (video display) to the specified blade.

=item B<both>

Assign both the media tray and the KVM to the specified blade.

=item I<slot_num>

The slot # of the blade that the resources should be assigned to.  If not specified, it will use the slot
# of the node specified.



=over 3

=item 1.

Switch the media tray to be assigned to the blade in slot 4 (assume it is node4):

 switchblade node4 media

Output will be like:

 Media Tray slot: 4


=head1 SEE ALSO
