#!/usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################### # This script is used for rest-api automation test # Flags are used for test input: # -m method. Should be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE # -r resource # -t token # -h host # -u user # -p passwd # -P port (BC) # -d data # -c cert # -n hostname # Flags are used for check output: # -o expected output # -O logical operator # # Expected result format is '{ANY:{ANY:content}}' # These steps are used to explain how to scan result # step 1. go through to see if content can be found # step 2. compare content if found # options are used as followed: # == returns 0 if found and equal, returns 1 if not found or found but not equal # != returns 0 if found, returns 1 if not found # =~ returns 0 if match, returns 1 if not match # !=~ returns 0 if not match, returns 1 if match ################################################################################ BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use strict; my $help; my $method; my $token; my $resource; my $host; my $user; my $passwd; my $port; my $data; my $cert; my $hostname; my $output; my $loperator; my $debug; my $defaulthash; my $defaulthttpresult = 0; my $outputfile = "/tmp/testrestapiresult"; if ( !GetOptions("h|?" => \$help, "m=s" => \$method, "t=s" => \$token, "r=s" => \$resource, "h=s" => \$host, "u=s" => \$user, "p=s" => \$passwd, "P=s" => \$port, "d=s" => \$data, "c=s" => \$cert, "n=s" => \$hostname, "o=s" => \$output, "O=s" => \$loperator, "debug" => \$debug, ) ) { &usage; exit 1; } ############################################################## # check result ############################################################## if ($output) { if ($method or $resource) { &usage; exit 1; } my $res = check_result($output,$loperator,$outputfile); print_debug( "check result runs with $output and $loperator, result is $res\n" ); exit $res; } ############################################################## # return help ############################################################## if ($help) { &usage; exit 0; } ############################################################## # Give default values for optional vars. ############################################################### my $rootdir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/tools/autotest"; my $resultdir = "$rootdir/result"; my $logfile = "$rootdir/result/restapitest.log"; #/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/restapitest.log my $cert1 = "/root/ca-cert.pem"; # get token my $gettoken = `curl -X POST -k '' -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"userName":"root","password":"cluster"}' 2>/dev/null`; my $reshash = parse_json($gettoken); my $token1 = $$reshash{token}{id}; # get hostname unless ($hostname) { $hostname = `hostname`; chomp($hostname); } # keey default test result for save my $res = run_restapi($method, $resource, $data, "", $port, "", "root", "cluster"); $defaulthash = parse_json($res); $defaulthttpresult = check_errcode(); # debug info print_debug( "get token $token1. \n" ); print_debug( "get hostname $hostname.\n"); print_debug( "default result is $res. \n" ); print_debug( "default resulthash is: \n" ); print_debug($defaulthash); print_debug( "default errcode is $defaulthttpresult \n" ); #################################################### # Begin to run test cases #################################################### my @users = ("root","wsuser", $user); my @passwds = ("cluster","cluster", $passwd); my @tokens = ("", $token1, $token); my @certs = ("", $cert1, $cert); unless ($host) { $host = ""; } log_me("**************begin restapi test***************"); my $i = 0; for my $u (@users) { next unless($u); my $p = $passwds[$i]; $i++; for my $t (@tokens) { for my $c (@certs){ my $res = run_restapi($method, $resource, $data, $c, $port, $host, $u, $p, $t); if($res){ my $reshash = parse_json($res); print_debug("parse curl result and got:\n"); print_debug($reshash); if (%$reshash != %$defaulthash) { log_me("restapi test cases run different result"); print_debug( "restapi test cases run different result with $method, $resource, $data, $c, $port, $host, $u, $p, $t\n" ); exit 1; } } my $errcode = check_errcode(); print_debug("get curl error code: $errcode\n"); if ($errcode != $defaulthttpresult) { log_me("restapi test cases run different errcode"); print_debug( "restapi test cases run different error code with $method, $resource, $data, $c, $port, $host, $u, $p, $t\n" ); exit 1; } } } } exit $defaulthttpresult; ################################################ # begin subroutine ################################################ ########## # usage # ########## sub usage { print "Usage:testrestapi - Run xcat test cases.\n"; print " testrestapi [-?|-h]\n"; print " testrestapi [-m method] [-r resource] [-t tocken]\n"; print " [-h host] [-P port][-u user] [-p passwd]\n"; print " [-d data] [-c cert] [-n hostname]\n"; print " [-o expect_output] [-O logical_operator] \n"; print " [--debug]\n"; print "\n"; return; } ############### # record log # ############### sub log_me { my $msg = shift; open (LOG, ">>$logfile") or return 1; my $date = `date`; print LOG "$date\: $msg\n"; } ##################### # print debug infor # ##################### sub print_debug { my $msg = shift; return 0 unless($debug); if(ref($msg) eq 'HASH') { print Dumper($msg); } elsif( ref($msg) eq 'ARRAY') { print Dumper($msg); } else { print "$msg"; } } ######################### # run rest-api command # ######################### sub run_restapi { my ($m,$r,$d,$c,$p,$h,$u,$a,$t) = @_; my $cmd = "curl"; $cmd .= " -X $m"; unless ($c) { $cmd .= " -k "; }else { $cmd .= " --cacert $c"; } if($t){ $cmd .= " -H X-Auth-Token:$t "; } if($t or $c){ $cmd .= " 'https://$hostname"; } else { $cmd .= " 'https://$h"; } if ($p) { $cmd .= ":$p"; } $cmd .= "/xcatws"; $cmd .= "$r?"; unless($t){ $cmd .= "userName=$u&password=$a'"; }else { $cmd .= "'"; } if($d) { $cmd .= " -H Content-Type:application/json --data '$d'"; } $cmd .= " -D /tmp/err.log"; log_me("Begin to run restapi test with $cmd"); my $res = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`; print_debug("run curl: $cmd\n"); print_debug("result is $res\n"); if (!open (RESULT, ">$outputfile")) { log_me("wirte outputfile error"); } print RESULT $res; close RESULT; return $res; } ############################ # transfer json into hash # ############################ sub parse_json { my $input = shift; my %hash; if ($input =~ /:/) { # for those who look like: # {"networks":[{"mgtifname":"eth1","mask":""},{"mgtifname":"eth1","mask":""}]} if ($input =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/s) { my $content = $1; print "[:] content is $content \n" if($debug); parse_json($content); } # for those who look like # {"clustersite":{"domain":"cluster.com","master":""}} elsif ($input =~ /^\s*{(.*)}\s*$/s) { my $content = $1; print "{} content is $content \n" if($debug); parse_json($content); } # for those who look like # "domain":"cluster.com","master":"" elsif ($input =~ /,/ and !($input =~ /}/)) { my @contents = split /,/, $input; my @reval; # record result foreach my $t (@contents) { print ", content is $t \n" if($debug); my $re = parse_json($t); push @reval, $re; } # merge hash foreach my $t (@reval) { if(ref($t) =~ "HASH") { foreach my $k (keys %$t){ $hash{$k} = $$t{$k}; } } } return \%hash; } # for those who look like: # "clustersite":{"domain":"cluster.com","master":""} # "domain":"cluster.com" elsif ($input =~ /\"(\S+?)\":(.+)/s) { my $key = $1; my $value = $2; if ($value =~ /{/) { # "clustersite":{"domain":"cluster.com","master":""} print "{ content is $value \n" if($debug); $hash{$key} = parse_json($value, $key); return \%hash; } else { # "domain":"cluster.com" $value =~ /\"(\S+)\"/; $hash{$key} = $1; return \%hash; } } } # for those who look like # ["","","",""] else { if ($input =~ /^\[(.*)\]/s) { my $content = $1; print "[] content is $content \n" if($debug); my @all = split /,/, $content; foreach my $n (@all) { $n =~ /\"(.*)\"/; $hash{$1} = "restapiarray"; } return \%hash; } } } ############################ # check curl running code # ############################ sub check_errcode { if(!open (ERRLOG, "){ if (/HTTP\/\w*\.*\w* (\w+) (\w+)/) { $num = $1; last; } } close ERRLOG; print_debug("can't get errorcode\n") unless($num); return $num; } ############################ # check curl return result # ############################ sub check_result { my $data = shift; my $opterator = shift; my $output = shift; if ( !open (OUTPUT, "<$output")) { log_me("can't read output file"); return 1; } my $res; while () { $res .= $_; } close OUTPUT; my $expects = transf_hash(parse_json($data)); # one entry my $actuals = transf_hash(parse_json($res)); # serval entries print_debug("expected result is:\n"); print_debug($expects); print_debug("testcase run result is \n"); print_debug($actuals); my $flag = 0; my %flaghash; my $expect = $$expects[0]; # $expect = ANY:ANY:x86_64 my @expectvalue = split /:/, $expect; #@expectvalue = ANY, ANY, x86_64 $flag = 0; foreach my $expval (@expectvalue) { # $expval = ANY foreach my $actual (@$actuals) { # $actual = nodetype:arch:x86_64 if($flaghash{$actual} eq "none"){ next; } my @actualvalue = split /:/, $actual; # @actualvalue = nodetype, arch, x86_64 print_debug("begin to compare $expval and $actualvalue[$flag]"); if(($expval eq "restapiarray" ) and ($actualvalue[$flag] eq "restapiarray")){ next; } if(($expval eq $actualvalue[$flag]) or ($expval eq "ANY")) { #ANY =~ nodetype $flaghash{$actual} = "eq"; } elsif (($actualvalue[$flag] =~ $expval) or ($expval eq "ANY")) { $flaghash{$actual} = "match"; } else { $flaghash{$actual} = "none"; } print_debug(", compare result is $flaghash{$actual}\n"); } $flag++; } print_debug("search result is \n"); print_debug(\%flaghash); if ($opterator eq "!="){ foreach my $val (keys %flaghash) { if ($flaghash{$val} eq "eq") { print_debug("compare result: failed\n"); return 1; # fail } } print_debug("compare result: succeed\n"); return 0; #succeed } if ($opterator eq "=="){ foreach my $val (keys %flaghash) { if ($flaghash{$val} eq "eq") { print_debug("compare result: succeed\n"); return 0; # succeed } } print_debug("compare result: failed\n"); return 1; #fail } if ($opterator eq "=~"){ foreach my $val (keys %flaghash) { if ($flaghash{$val} eq "match") { print_debug("compare result: succeed\n"); return 0; # succeed } } print_debug("compare result: failed\n"); return 1; #fail } if ($opterator eq "!=~"){ foreach my $val (keys %flaghash) { if ($flaghash{$val} eq "match") { print_debug("compare result: failed\n"); return 1; # fail } } print_debug("compare result: succeed\n"); return 0; #succeed } } #################################### # help to transfer hash into array # #################################### sub find_key { my $input = shift; my $en = shift; my $ou = shift; if( ref($input) =~ "HASH") { foreach my $val (keys %$input) { my $tmp = $$en; # keey head $$en .= "$val:"; my $t1 = find_key($$input{$val}, $en, $ou); if ($$en == ""){ $$en = $tmp; #restore head } } } else { $$en .= $input; push @$ou, $$en; $$en = ""; # clear entry; } } ############################ # transfer hash into array # ############################ sub transf_hash { my $input = shift; my $entry; my @array; find_key($input, \$entry, \@array); return \@array; }