#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

# Script to demonstrate how to parse out the event info that comes from a
# Condition that is watching another Condition in a hierarchical cluster environment.
# The condition that is being watched is a batch event. This script will go th the
# node that has the watched condition, get the event batch file. And parse the file
# and then send email to a user with the detailed info of the events in the batch file. 
# The batch file will be then deleted if -d flag is set.

# To use this script, create a Response that invokes this script with user id as the input.
# Then associate the Response with a Condition that is watching Conditions on other
# nodes.  When the Conditions occur, this script will wall the relevant event information.

# This info that is passed into this sample is structured as follows:
#  EMS Condition/Event:
#     ...
#   $ENV{ERRM_RSRC_NAME} -->  SN Condition
#   $ENV{ERRM_VALUE}     -->  SN Event: LastBatchedEventFile
#                              $Saved
#                              $FileName
#                              $Size

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;

my $where = join(' ', @ARGV);
my $delete=0;
if ($where =~ /-d/) {

$where =~ s/-d//;  #remove -d

# Convert Severity and Type environment variables from integers to strings
my @COND_SEVERITY = qw(Informational Warning Critical);
my @TYPE = ('event', 'rearm event');
my $type=$TYPE[$ENV{ERRM_TYPEID }];

# Parse the ERRM_VALUE attribute, which will contain the EventOccurred structured data variable from the Condition class
# The fields in this structured data variable are documented below where we parse them out.
my $event = $ENV{ERRM_VALUE};
$event =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/;              # SD variables have square brackets around them

# This parse the LastEvent
my (                     # split the SD into the following fields:
	$Saved,          # batch file has been saved
	$filename,       # location of the batch file  
	$Size,           # The size of the batch file
   ) = split(/,/, $event);

my $sn_condname=$ENV{ERRM_RSRC_NAME};
my $sn_name=$ENV{ERRM_NODE_NAME}; 

my (                    
	$EventTime,          # Time of event expressed in seconds since 1/1/1970
	$EventTimeMicros,    # Number of microseconds past EventTime
    ) = split(/,/, $ENV{ERRM_TIME});

my $msg;
$msg .= "The following $type occurred:\n";
$msg .= " Event Time:  " . convertTime($EventTime) . "\n";
$msg .= " Condition name:  $ENV{ERRM_COND_NAME}\n";
$msg .= " Severiry: $severity\n";
$msg .= " Condition being monitored:  $sn_condname\n";
$msg .= " Node where the condition was monitored: $sn_name\n";     # do we have to use $ERRM_NODE_NAMELIST here?
$msg .= " SN batch files name: $filename\n";

#copy the batch file from sn to mn
$filename =~ s/"//g;
my $bn=basename($filename);

#printf stderr "ful path :$filename\n";
#printf stderr "base name:$bn\n";

my $dirname="/tmp/batch_process/";
if (! -d $dirname) {

my $cmd;
my $isHMC=0;
if ($filename =~ /\/home\/hscroot\/tmp/) {
    $cmd="scp hscroot\@$sn_name:$filename $dirname/$bn";
else {
    $cmd="scp $sn_name:$filename $dirname/$bn";
my $rc=`$cmd 2>&1`;
if ($? != 0) {
    $msg .= "$rc\n";

#now process the batch file
open(FILE1, "<$dirname/$bn");
readline(FILE1);#skip first 2 lines
my $line1=readline(FILE1);
my @aTemp=split(/=/, $line1);
my $num_events=$aTemp[1];

my $count;
for ($count = 1; $count <= $num_events; $count++) {
    my $content=`sed -n "/Event $count:/,/ERRM_COND_BATCH/ p" $dirname/$bn`;
    my @content_array=split(/\n/, $content);
    pop(@content_array);  #get rid of last line
    shift(@content_array); #get rid of firt line
    my %content_hash=();
    foreach(@content_array) {
    my $event = "Event count: $count\n";
    #$event .= "    Event time: " . $content_hash{ERRM_TIME} . "\n";
    $event .= "    Node where the event occurred: " . $content_hash{ERRM_NODE_NAMELIST} . "\n";
    $event .= "    Resource class: " . $content_hash{ERRM_RSRC_CLASS_PNAME} . "\n";
    $event .= "    Resource name: " . $content_hash{ERRM_RSRC_NAME} . "\n";
    $event .= "    Attribute name: " . $content_hash{ERRM_ATTR_PNAME} . "\n";
    $event .= "    Attribute value: " . $content_hash{ERRM_VALUE} . "\n\n";
    $msg .= $event;
#send the mail out
my $rc = system(qq(echo "$msg" | write $where)) >> 8;

#delete the batch file on the mn
`rm $dirname/$bn`;

#remove the batch file on the sn if needed
if ($delete) {
    if ($isHMC) {
	`ssh -l hscroot $sn_name "rm $filename"`;
    } else {
	`ssh -l root $sn_name "rm $filename"`;

exit $rc;

# convert time string
sub convertTime {
  my ($seconds, $micro) = split(/\./, $_[0]);
  return strftime("%A %D %T", localtime($seconds));