<?php # cat client-key.pem client-cert.pem ca.pem >>certchain.pem $version = "0.1"; #$cert = ".xcat/client-cred.pem"; $msg; $xcathost = "localhost"; $port = "3001"; #if(! file_exists($cert)){ # echo "$cert does not exist. Please run xcatwebsetup first"; #} $xcatcmds = array( "rpower" => array("on","off","reset","stat","state","boot","off","cycle"), "rvitals" => array("all","temp","wattage","voltage","fanspeed","power","leds","state"), "reventlog" => array("all", "clear"), "rinv" => array("all", "model", "serial", "vpd", "mprom", "deviceid", "uuid", "guid", "firm", "bios", "diag", "mprom", "sprom", "mparom", "mac", "mtm"), "resetboot" => array("net", "hd", "cd", "def", "stat") ); #function to enable password storage to split between cookie and session variable function xorcrypt($data,$key) { $datalen=strlen($data); $keylen=strlen($key); for ($i=0;$i<$datalen;$i++) { $data[$i]=chr(ord($data[$i])^ord($key[$i])); } return $data; } function getpassword() { if (isset($GLOBALS['xcatauthsecret'])) { $cryptext=$GLOBALS['xcatauthsecret']; } else if (isset($_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"])) { $cryptext = $_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"]; } else { return false; } return xorcrypt($_SESSION["secretkey"],base64_decode($cryptext)); } #remembers the password, splitting knowledge between server and client side #persistant storage #Caller should regenerate session id when contemplating a new user/password, #to preclude session fixation, though fixation is limited without the secret. function setpassword($password) { $randlen=strlen($password); $key=getrandchars($randlen); $cryptext=xorcrypt($password,$key); $cryptext=base64_encode($cryptext); #non-ascii chars, base64 it #Not bothering with explicit expiration, as time sync would be too hairy #should go away when browser closes. Any timeout will be handled server #side. If the session id invalidates and the one-time key discarded, #the cookie contents are worthless anyway #nevertheless, when logout happens, cookie should be reaped setcookie("xcatauthsecret",$cryptext); $GLOBALS["xcatauthsecret"]=$cryptext; #May need it sooner, prefer globals $_SESSION["secretkey"]=$key; } function getrandchars($length) { $charset='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*'; $charsize=strlen($charset); srand(); $chars=''; for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) { $num=rand()%$charsize; $chars=$chars.substr($charset,$num,1); } return $chars; } #functions for editing tables function savexCATchanges($file, $tab){ $request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>'); $request->addChild('command','tabrestore'); $fh = fopen($file, 'r') or die("can't open $file"); while(!feof($fh)){ $line = fgets($fh,4096); if(empty($line)){ continue; } $line = str_replace("\"\"", "",$line); $line = str_replace("\"", """,$line); $request->addChild('data', $line); } fclose($fh); $request->addChild('table',$tab); $resp = submit_request($request, 1); # 0 means it didn't work return($resp); } function splitTableFields($arr){ $fields = array(); $fields = explode(',', $arr); $rf = array(); # now we have to do damage control for fields that look like this: # "idplx15","idplx,ipmi,compute,all",,, $inc = ''; foreach($fields as $f){ #if(ereg("\"[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\:\!\| ]+\"", $f)){ if(ereg("\"[^\"]+\"", $f)){ $rf[] = $f; continue; } #if(ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\. ]+\"", $f)){ if(ereg("[^\"]+\"", $f)){ $inc .= ",$f"; $rf[] = $inc; $inc = ''; continue; } #if(ereg("\"[a-zA-Z0-9\-\. ]+", $f)){ if(ereg("\"[^\"]+", $f)){ $inc .= $f; continue; } #if(ereg("[a-zA-Z0-9\-\. ]+", $f)){ if(ereg("[a-zA-Z0-9\-\. ]+", $f)){ $inc .= ",$f"; continue; } $rf[] = ""; } return $rf; } function getTabNames() { $xml = docmd('tabdump','',''); $tabs = $xml->xcatresponse->children(); return $tabs; } function getTabHeaders($tab){ $arr = $tab->xcatresponse->children(); $line = $arr[0]; $headers = array(); $headers = explode(',', $line); return $headers; } # get the keys of the hash table. function keysByNodeName($ht) { $nh = array(); foreach($ht->xcatresponse as $v){ $node = (string) $v->node->name; if(!array_key_exists($node, $nh)){ $nh[$node] = array(); } $desc = (string) $v->node->data->desc; $cont = (string) $v->node->data->contents; $nh[$node][$desc] = $cont; } return($nh); } function attributesOfNodes($ht) { $arr = array(); foreach($ht->xcatresponse as $v){ foreach($v->node as $va){ $val = (string) $va->data->desc; if($val == ""){ $val = (string) $va->data->contents; } $arr[] = $val; } } $arr = array_unique($arr); return($arr); } function parseNodeGroups ($groups){ # groups is an array that may have duplicate commas in them. $arr = array(); foreach($groups as $gline){ $newg = explode(',', $gline); foreach($newg as $g){ if(empty($g)){ continue; } if(!array_key_exists($g, $arr)){ $arr[] = $g; } } } return array_unique($arr); } # this is a kluge... should make better data structures. # but too lazy right now... function addNodesToGroups($groups, $node){ $arr = array(); foreach($groups as $g){ $arr[$g] = array(); foreach($node->xcatresponse as $v){ foreach($v->node as $n){ $na = (string) $n->data->contents; $nag = explode(',', $na); foreach($nag as $foo){ if(strcmp($foo,$g) == 0){ $name = (string) $n->name; $arr[$g][] = $name; continue; } } } } } return $arr; } function is_logged() { if (isset($_SESSION["username"]) and !is_bool(getpassword())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function logout() { #clear the secret cookie from browser. #expire cookie a week ago, server time, may not work if client clock way off, but the value will be cleared at least. if (isset($_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"])) { setcookie("xcatauthsecret",'',time()-86400*7); #NOTE: though firefox doesn't seem to zap it dynamically from cookie store in #the client side dialog, firefox does stop submitting the value. The sensitivity of the 'stale' cookie even if compromised #is negligible, as the session id will be invalidated and the one-time-key needed to decrypt the password is destroyed on the server } #expire the sesion cookie if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(),"",time()-86400*7,"/"); } #clear server store of data $_SESSION=array(); session_destroy(); } function docmd($cmd, $nr, $arg){ $request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>'); $usernode=$request->addChild('becomeuser'); $usernode->addChild('username',$_SESSION["username"]); $usernode->addChild('password',getpassword()); $request->addChild('command',$cmd); if(!empty($arg)){ $request->addChild('arg',$arg); } #$request->addChild('noderange', 'all'); if(!empty($nr)){ $request->addChild('noderange',$nr); } #echo $request->asXML(); $nodes = submit_request($request,0); return($nodes); } function submit_request($req, $skipVerify){ global $cert,$port,$xcathost; $fp; $rsp = ''; $pos; $response = ''; $cleanexit=0; $moreresponses=1; $context = stream_context_create(); #array('ssl'=>array('local_cert' => $cert))); if($fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$xcathost.':'.$port,$errno,$errstr,30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context)){ fwrite($fp,$req->asXML()); while($moreresponses and $fp and !feof($fp)){ $currline=fgets($fp); $response .= $currline; $response = preg_replace('/\n/','', $response); #$pattern = "<xcatresponse><serverdone></serverdone></xcatresponse>"; $pattern = "<serverdone>"; $pos = strpos($response,$pattern); if($pos){ $cleanexit = 1; } if ($cleanexit) { $pattern = "</xcatresponse>"; $pos = strpos($currline,$pattern); } if (is_numeric($pos)) { #$response = substr($response, 0, $pos); #var_dump($response); $response = "<xcat>$response</xcat>"; #$response = preg_replace('/<xcatresponse>\s+<\/xcat>/','', $response); #$response .= "</xcat>"; #echo htmlentities($response); $rsp = simplexml_load_string($response,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $moreresponses=0; break; } } fclose($fp); }else{ echo "xCAT Submit request ERROR: $errno - $errstr<br/>\n"; } if(! $cleanexit){ if(!$skipVerify){ echo "Error in xCAT response<br>"; $rsp = 0; } } return $rsp; } ?>