#!/bin/bash # IBM(c) 2014 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # Test driver for xcatws.cgi, pass 3 arguments to it: user, password, noderange # This test driver will create to dummy nodes, wstest1 and wstest2, so make sure those # names don't conflict with your nodes on this MN. # You also have to pass in a noderange of 2 real system x nodes that can be used # to test some of the r cmds, xdsh, xdcp, nodestat. user=$1 pw=$2 nr=$3 if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "Usage: chkrc " exit fi format='format=json&pretty=1' ctype='-H Content-Type:application/json' function chkrc { rc=$? { set +x; } 2>/dev/null if [[ $1 == "not" ]]; then if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Test failed!" exit fi else if [[ $rc -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Test failed!" exit fi fi echo '' set -x } # pcregrep -M 'abc.*(\n|.)*efg' test.txt #todo: add a test case for every api call that is documented set -x # clean up from last time curl -# -X DELETE -k "$user&password=$pw" >/dev/null; echo '' # create test nodes curl -# -X POST -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" $ctype --data '{"groups":"wstest","netboot":"xnba"}' \ | grep -q '2 object definitions have been created'; chkrc # list all nodes and make sure they are in the list curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | pcregrep -qM '"wstest1",\n\s*"wstest2"'; chkrc # list all node's group and netboot attributes curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&field=groups&field=netboot" \ | grep -qE '"nodename":"wstest1".*"groups":"wstest"'; chkrc # list all attributes of all nodes curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&field=ALL" \ | grep -qE '"nodename":"wstest1".*"groups":"wstest"'; chkrc # list the noderange and make sure they are in the list curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | pcregrep -qM '"wstest1",\n\s*"wstest2"'; chkrc # list all node's group and netboot attributes curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&field=groups&field=netboot" \ | grep -qE '"nodename":"wstest1".*"groups":"wstest"'; chkrc # list all attributes of all nodes curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&field=ALL" \ | grep -qE '"nodename":"wstest1".*"groups":"wstest"'; chkrc # change some attributes curl -# -X PUT -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" $ctype --data '{"room":"222","netboot":"pxe"}' \ | grep -q '2 object definitions have been created or modified'; chkrc # verify they got the new values curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&field=room&field=netboot" \ | grep -qE '"nodename":"wstest1".*"room":"222"'; chkrc # delete the nodes curl -# -X DELETE -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | grep -q '2 object definitions have been removed'; chkrc # list all nodes and make sure they are not in the list curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | pcregrep -qM '"wstest1",\n\s*"wstest2"'; chkrc not # list the power state of the noderange curl -# -X GET -k "$nr/power?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | grep -q '"power":"on"'; chkrc # list the nodestat state of the noderange curl -# -X GET -k "$nr/status?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | grep -q '":"sshd"'; chkrc # list the node inventory of the noderange curl -# -X GET -k "$nr/inventory?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | grep -q '"Board manufacturer":"IBM"'; chkrc # list the node vitals of the noderange curl -# -X GET -k "$nr/vitals?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" \ | grep -q '"Cooling Fault":"false"'; chkrc # list the node energy settings of the noderange curl -# -X GET -k "$nr/energy?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format&field=cappingstatus&field=cappingmaxmin" \ | grep -q '"cappingstatus":"off"'; chkrc # run a cmd on the noderange curl -# -X POST -k "$nr/dsh?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" $ctype --data '{"command":"pwd"}' \ | grep -q '"/root"'; chkrc # copy a file to the noderange curl -# -X POST -k "$nr/dcp?userName=$user&password=$pw&$format" $ctype --data '{"source":"/root/.bashrc","target":"/tmp/"}' \ | grep -q '"errorcode":"0"'; chkrc # test the table calls #curl -# -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" exit #curl -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" #curl -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" #curl -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format&field=osvers" #curl -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format" #curl -X GET -k "$user&password=$pw&$format&field=osvers" #todo: remove when these test cases are in xcatws-test.pl #./xcatws-test.pl -u "$user&password=$pw" -m GET #./xcatws-test.pl -u "$user&password=$pw" -m PUT "nodepos.room=foo"