function hashencode(){ local str_map="$1" echo `echo $str_map | sed 's/\./xDOTx/g' | sed 's/:/xCOLONx/g' | sed 's/,/:xCOMMAx/g'` } function hashset(){ local str_hashname="hash${1}${2}" local str_value=$3 str_hashname=$(hashencode $str_hashname) eval "${str_hashname}='${str_value}'" } function hashget(){ local str_hashname="hash${1}${2}" str_hashname=$(hashencode $str_hashname) eval echo "\$${str_hashname}" } function debianpreconf(){ #create the config sub dir if [ ! -d "/etc/network/interfaces.d" ];then mkdir -p "/etc/network/interfaces.d" fi #search xcat flag grep '#XCAT_CONFIG' /etc/network/interfaces if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return fi #back up the old interface configure if [ ! -e "/etc/network/interfaces.bak" ];then mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak fi #create the new config file echo "#XCAT_CONFIG" > /etc/network/interfaces echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" >> /etc/network/interfaces local str_conf_file='' #read the backfile cat /etc/network/interfaces.bak | while read str_line do if [ ! "$str_line" ];then continue fi local str_first_char=${str_line:0:1} if [ $str_first_char = '#' ];then continue fi local str_conf_type=`echo $str_line | cut -d" " -f1` if [ $str_conf_type = 'auto' -o $str_conf_type = 'allow-hotplug' ];then str_line=${str_line#$str_conf_type} for str_nic_name in $str_line; do echo "$str_conf_type $str_nic_name" > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/$str_nic_name" done elif [ $str_conf_type = 'iface' -o $str_conf_type = 'mapping' ];then #find out the nic name, should think about the eth0:1 str_nic_name=`echo $str_line | cut -d" " -f 2 | cut -d":" -f 1` str_conf_file="/etc/network/interfaces.d/$str_nic_name" if [ ! -e $str_conf_file ];then echo "auto $str_nic_name" > $str_conf_file fi #write lines into the conffile echo $str_line >> $str_conf_file else echo $str_line >> $str_conf_file fi done } #tranfer the netmask to prefix for ipv4 function v4mask2prefix(){ local num_bits=0 local old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'.' local array_num_temp=($1) IFS=$old_ifs for num_dec in ${array_num_temp[@]} do case $num_dec in 255) let num_bits+=8;; 254) let num_bits+=7;; 252) let num_bits+=6;; 248) let num_bits+=5;; 240) let num_bits+=4;; 224) let num_bits+=3;; 192) let num_bits+=2;; 128) let num_bits+=1;; 0) ;; *) echo "Error: $dec is not recognised"; exit 1 esac done echo "$num_bits" } function v4prefix2mask(){ local a=$1 local b=0 local num_index=1 local str_temp='' local str_mask='' while [[ $num_index -le 4 ]] do if [ $a -ge 8 ];then b=8 a=$((a-8)) else b=$a a=0 fi case $b in 0) str_temp="0";; 1) str_temp="128";; 2) str_temp="192";; 3) str_temp="224";; 4) str_temp="240";; 5) str_temp="248";; 6) str_temp="252";; 7) str_temp="254";; 8) str_temp="255";; esac str_mask=$str_mask$str_temp"." num_index=$((num_index+1)) done str_mask=`echo $str_mask | sed 's/.$//'` echo "$str_mask" } function v4calcbcase(){ local str_mask=$2 echo $str_mask | grep '\.' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then str_mask=$(v4prefix2mask $str_mask) fi local str_bcast='' local str_temp='' local str_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'.' local array_ip=($1) local array_mask=($str_mask) IFS=$str_ifs if [ ${#array_ip[*]} -ne 4 -o ${#array_mask[*]} -ne 4 ];then echo "" return fi for index in {0..3} do str_temp=`echo $[ ${array_ip[$index]}|(${array_mask[$index]} ^ 255) ]` str_bcast=$str_bcast$str_temp"." done str_bcast=`echo $str_bcast | sed 's/.$//'` echo "$str_bcast" } function v4calcnet(){ local str_mask=$2 echo $str_mask | grep '\.' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then str_mask=$(v4prefix2mask $str_mask) fi local str_net='' local str_temp='' local str_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'.' local array_ip=($1) local array_mask=($str_mask) IFS=$str_ifs for index in {0..3} do str_temp=`echo $[ ${array_ip[$index]}&${array_mask[$index]} ]` str_net=$str_net$str_temp"." done str_net=`echo $str_net | sed 's/.$//'` echo "$str_net" } function v6expand(){ local str_v6address=$1 str_v6address=${str_v6address%%/*} echo "$str_v6address" | grep '::' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "$str_v6address" return fi local num_colon=`echo "$str_v6address" | grep -o ':' | wc -l` local num_omit=$((7-num_colon)) local str_temp=0 local num_index=1 while [ $num_index -le $num_omit ];do str_temp=$str_temp":0" num_index=$((num_index+1)) done str_v6address=`echo $str_v6address | sed "s/::/:$str_temp:/" | sed 's/^:/0:/' | sed 's/:$/:0/'` echo "$str_v6address" } function v6prefix2mask(){ local num_v6prefix=$1 num_v6prefix=`echo $num_v6prefix | sed 's:/::g'` if [ $num_v6prefix -gt 128 ];then $num_v6prefix=128 fi if [ $num_v6prefix -le 0 ];then $num_v6prefix=1 fi local num_i=1 local str_mask='' while [ $num_i -le 8 ];do if [ $num_v6prefix -ge 16 ];then str_mask=$str_mask"ffff:" num_v6prefix=$((num_v6prefix-16)) elif [ $num_v6prefix -eq 0 ];then str_mask=$str_mask"0:" else local str_temp=$(((65535>>$num_v6prefix)^65535)) str_temp=`echo "$str_temp"|awk '{printf("%x\n",$0)}'` str_mask=$str_mask"$str_temp:" num_v6prefix=0 fi num_i=$((num_i+1)) done str_mask=`echo $str_mask | sed 's/.$//'` echo "$str_mask" } function v6calcnet(){ local str_v6ip=$(v6expand $1) local str_v6mask=$2 local str_v6net='' echo "$str_v6maks " | grep ':' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then str_v6mask=$(v6prefix2mask $str_v6mask) fi local str_old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$':' local array_ip=($str_v6ip) local array_mask=($str_v6mask) IFS=$str_old_ifs for num_i in {0..7} do str_temp=$(( 0x${array_ip[$num_i]} & 0x${array_mask[$num_i]} )) str_temp=`echo $str_temp | awk '{printf("%x\n",$0)}'` str_v6net=$str_v6net$str_temp":" done str_v6net=`echo $str_v6net | sed 's/.$//'` echo "$str_v6net" } function servicemap { local svcname=$1 local svcmgrtype=$2 local svclistname= INIT_dhcp="dhcpd isc-dhcp-server"; SYSTEMD_dhcp="dhcpd.service"; INIT_nfs="nfsserver nfs nfs-kernel-server"; SYSTEMD_nfs="nfs-server.service"; INIT_named="named bind9"; SYSTEMD_named="named.service"; INIT_syslog="syslog syslogd rsyslog"; SYSTEMD_syslog="rsyslog.service"; INIT_firewall="iptables firewalld SuSEfirewall2_setup"; SYSTEMD_firewall="firewalld.service"; INIT_http="apache2 httpd"; SYSTEMD_http="httpd.service"; local path= local retdefault=$svcname local svcvar=${svcname//[-.]/_} if [ "$svcmgrtype" = "0" ];then svclistname=INIT_$svcvar path="/etc/init.d/" elif [ "$svcmgrtype" = "1" ];then svclistname=SYSTEMD_$svcvar retdefault=$svcname.service path="/usr/lib/systemd/system/" fi local svclist=$(eval echo \$$svclistname) if [ -z "$svclist" ];then svclist="$retdefault" fi for name in `echo $svclist` do if [ -e "$path$name" ];then echo $name break fi done } function startservice { local svcname=$1 local cmd= local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then cmd="systemctl start $svcunit" elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then cmd="service $svcd start"; fi if [ -z "$cmd" ];then return 127 fi eval $cmd } function stopservice { local svcname=$1 local cmd= local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then cmd="systemctl stop $svcunit" elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then cmd="service $svcd stop"; fi if [ -z "$cmd" ];then return 127 fi eval $cmd } function restartservice { local svcname=$1 local cmd= local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then cmd="systemctl restart $svcunit" elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then cmd="service $svcd restart"; fi if [ -z "$cmd" ];then return 127 fi eval $cmd } function checkservicestatus { local svcname=$1 local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` local output= local retcode=3 if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then output=$(systemctl show --property=ActiveState $svcunit|awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if echo $output|grep -E -i "^active$";then retcode=0 elif echo $output|grep -E -i "^inactive$";then retcode=1 elif echo $output|grep -E -i "^failed$";then retcode=2 fi elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then output=$(service $svcd status) retcode=$? echo $output # if echo $output|grep -E -i "(stopped|not running)";then # retcode=1 # elif echo $output|grep -E -i "running";then # retcode=0 # fi else retcode=127 fi return $retcode } function enableservice { local svcname=$1 local cmd= local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then cmd="systemctl enable $svcunit" elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then command -v chkconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then cmd="chkconfig $svcd on"; else command -v update-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then cmd="update-rc.d $svcd defaults" fi fi fi if [ -z "$cmd" ];then return 127 fi eval $cmd } function disableservice { local svcname=$1 local cmd= local svcunit=`servicemap $svcname 1` local svcd=`servicemap $svcname 0` if [ -n "$svcunit" ];then cmd="systemctl disable $svcunit" elif [ -n "$svcd" ];then command -v chkconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then cmd="chkconfig $svcd off"; else command -v update-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then cmd="update-rc.d -f $svcd remove" fi fi fi if [ -z "$cmd" ];then return 127 fi eval $cmd }