#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::Usage; use Getopt::Long; use xCAT::Utils; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::Usage =head2 Package Description xCAT usage module. Some commands such as rpower have different implementations for different hardware. This module holds the usage string for these kind of commands so that the usage can be referenced from different modules. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my %usage = ( "rnetboot" => "Usage: rnetboot [-s net|hd] [-F] [-f] [-V|--verbose] [-m table.colum==expectedstatus] [-m table.colum==expectedstatus...] [-r ] [-t ] rnetboot [ipl= address] rnetboot [-h|--help|-v|--version]", "rpower" => "Usage: rpower [--nodeps] [on|onstandby|off|suspend|reset|stat|state|boot] [-V|--verbose] [-m table.colum==expectedstatus][-m table.colum==expectedstatus...] [-r ] [-t ] rpower [-h|--help|-v|--version] KVM Virtualization specific: rpower [boot] [ -c ] PPC (with IVM or HMC) specific: rpower [--nodeps] [of] [-V|--verbose] PPC (HMC) specific: rpower [onstandby] [-V|--verbose] CEC(using Direct FSP Management) specific: rpower [on|onstandby|off|stat|state|lowpower|resetsp] Frame(using Direct FSP Management) specific: rpower [stat|state|rackstandby|exit_rackstandby|resetsp] LPAR(using Direct FSP Management) specific: rpower [on|off|reset|stat|state|boot|of|sms] Blade(using Direct FSP Management) specific: rpower [on|off|cycle|state] Blade(using AMM) specific: rpower [cycle|softoff] [-V|--verbose] zVM specific: rpower noderange [on|off|reset|stat|softoff] ", "rbeacon" => "Usage: rbeacon [on|off|stat] [-V|--verbose] rbeacon [-h|--help|-v|--version]", "rvitals" => "Usage: Common: rvitals [-h|--help|-v|--version] FSP/LPAR (with HMC) specific: rvitals noderange {temp|voltage|lcds|all} CEC/LPAR/Frame (using Direct FSP Management)specific: rvitals noderange {rackenv|lcds|all} MPA specific: rvitals noderange {temp|voltage|wattage|fanspeed|power|leds|summary|all} Blade specific: rvitals noderange {temp|wattage|fanspeed|leds|summary|all} BMC specific: rvitals noderange {temp|voltage|wattage|fanspeed|power|leds|lcds|summary|all}", "reventlog" => "Usage: reventlog [all|clear|] [-V|--verbose] reventlog [-h|--help|-v|--version]", "rinv" => "Usage: Common: rinv [all|model|serial] [-V|--verbose] rinv [-h|--help|-v|--version] BMC specific: rinv [vpd|mprom|deviceid|uuid|guid] MPA specific: rinv [firm|bios|diag|mprom|sprom|mparom|mac|mtm] PPC specific(with HMC): rinv [bus|config|serial|model|firm|all] PPC specific(using Direct FSP Management): rinv [firm] rinv [deconfig [-x]] Blade specific: rinv [mtm|serial|mac|bios|diag|mprom|mparom|firm|all] IBM Flex System Compute Node specific: rinv [firm] VMware specific: rinv zVM specific: rinv noderange [all|config]", "rsetboot" => "Usage: rsetboot [net|hd|cd|floppy|def|stat] [-V|--verbose] rsetboot [-h|--help|-v|--version]", "rbootseq" => "Usage: Common: rbootseq [-h|--help|-v|--version|-V|--verbose] Blade specific: rbootseq [hd0|hd1|hd2|hd3|net|iscsi|usbflash|floppy|none],... PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: rbootseq [hfi|net]", "rscan" => "Usage: rscan [-u][-w][-x|-z] [-V|--verbose] rscan [-h|--help|-v|--version]", "rspconfig" => "Usage: Common: rspconfig [-h|--help|-v|--version|-V|--verbose] BMC/MPA Common: rspconfig [snmpdest|alert|community] [-V|--verbose] rspconfig [snmpdest=|alert=|community=] BMC specific: rspconfig [ip|netmask|gateway|backupgateway|garp] rspconfig [garp=] iDataplex specific: rspconfig [thermprofile] rspconfig [thermprofile=] MPA specific: rspconfig [sshcfg|snmpcfg|pd1|pd2|network|swnet|ntp|textid|frame] rspconfig [textid=name] rspconfig [frame=number] rspconfig [USERID=passwd] [updateBMC=] rspconfig [sshcfg=| snmpcfg=| pd1=| pd2=| network=<*|[ip],[host],[gateway],[netmask]>| swnet=<[ip],[gateway],[netmask]>| textid=<*>| frame=<*>| ntp=<[ntp],[ip],[frequency],[v3]> FSP/BPA Common: rspconfig [autopower|iocap|decfg|memdecfg|procdecfg|time|date|spdump|sysdump|network|hostname] rspconfig autopower=| iocap=| decfg=:,...| memdecfg=::::id,...| procdecfg=::id,...| date=| time=| network=<*|[ip],[host],[gateway],[netmask]>| HMC_passwd=| admin_passwd=| general_passwd=| *_passwd=| hostname=<*|hostname> FSP/CEC (using Direct FSP Management) Specific: rspconfig HMC_passwd= rspconfig admin_passwd= rspconfig general_passwd= rspconfig *_passwd= rspconfig [sysname] rspconfig [sysname=<*|name>] rspconfig [pending_power_on_side] rspconfig [pending_power_on_side=] rspconfig [cec_off_policy] rspconfig [cec_off_policy=] rspconfig [huge_page] rspconfig [huge_page=] rspconfig [BSR] rspconfig [setup_failover] rspconfig [setup_failover=] rspconfig [force_failover] rspconfig --resetnet BPA/Frame (using Direct FSP Management)specific: rspconfig HMC_passwd= rspconfig admin_passwd= rspconfig general_passwd= rspconfig *_passwd= rspconfig [frame] rspconfig frame=<*|frame> rspconfig [sysname] rspconfig [sysname=<*|name>] rspconfig [pending_power_on_side] rspconfig [pending_power_on_side=] rspconfig --resetnet HMC specific: rspconfig [sshcfg] rspconfig [sshcfg=] CEC|Frame(using ASM)Specific: rspconfig [dev|celogin1] rspconfig [dev=]| rspconfig [celogin1=] ", "getmacs" => "Usage: Common: getmacs [-h|--help|-v|--version] PPC specific: getmacs [-F filter] getmacs [-M] getmacs [-V| --verbose] [-f] [-d] [--arp] | [-D [-S server] [-G gateway] [-C client]] blade specific: getmacs [-V| --verbose] [-d] [--arp] [-i ethN|enN] ", "mkvm" => "Usage: Common: mkvm [-h|--help|-v|--version] For PPC(with HMC): mkvm noderange -i id -l singlenode [-V|--verbose] mkvm noderange -c destcec -p profile [-V|--verbose] mkvm noderange --full [-V|--verbose] For KVM mkvm noderange -m|--master mastername -s|--size disksize -f|--force For zVM mkvm noderange directory_entry_file_path mkvm noderange source_virtual_machine pool=disk_pool pw=multi_password", "lsvm" => "Usage: Common: lsvm [-V|--verbose] lsvm [-h|--help|-v|--version] PPC (with HMC) specific: lsvm [-a|--all] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: lsvm [-l|--long] zVM specific: lsvm noderange lsvm noderange --getnetworknames lsvm noderange --getnetwork network_name lsvm noderange --diskpoolnames lsvm noderange --diskpool pool_name", "chvm" => "Usage: Common: chvm [-h|--help|-v|--version] PPC (with HMC) specific: chvm [-p profile][-V|--verbose] chvm = [=...] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: chvm [-p ] chvm [lparname=<*|name>] chvm -i [-m ] -r VMware specific: chvm [-a size][-d disk][-p disk][--resize disk=size][--cpus count][--mem memory] zVM specific: chvm noderange [--add3390 disk_pool device_address cylinders mode read_password write_password multi_password] chvm noderange [--add3390active device_address mode] chvm noderange [--add9336 disk_pool virtual_device block_size mode blocks read_password write_password multi_password] chvm noderange [--adddisk2pool function region volume group] chvm noderange [--addnic address type device_count] chvm noderange [--addprocessor address] chvm noderange [--addprocessoractive address type] chvm noderange [--addvdisk userID] device_address size] chvm noderange [--connectnic2guestlan address lan owner] chvm noderange [--connectnic2vswitch address vswitch] chvm noderange [--copydisk target_address source_node source_address] chvm noderange [--dedicatedevice virtual_device real_device mode] chvm noderange [--deleteipl] chvm noderange [--formatdisk disk_address multi_password] chvm noderange [--disconnectnic address] chvm noderange [--grantvswitch VSwitch] chvm noderange [--removedisk virtual_device] chvm noderange [--resetsmapi] chvm noderange [--removediskfrompool function region group] chvm noderange [--removenic address] chvm noderange [--removeprocessor address] chvm noderange [--replacevs directory_entry] chvm noderange [--setipl ipl_target load_parms parms] chvm noderange [--setpassword password]", "rmvm" => "Usage: rmvm [--service][-V|--verbose] rmvm [-h|--help|-v|--version], rmvm [-p] [-f]", "lsslp" => "Usage: lsslp [-h|--help|-v|--version] lsslp [][-V|--verbose][-i ip[,ip..]][-w][-r|-x|-z][-n][-I][-s FRAME|CEC|MM|IVM|RSA|HMC|CMM] [-t tries][--vpdtable][-C counts][-T timeout]", "rflash" => "Usage: rflash [ -h|--help|-v|--version] PPC (with HMC) specific: rflash -p [--activate concurrent | disruptive][-V|--verbose] rflash [--commit | --recover] [-V|--verbose] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: rflash -p --activate [-d ] rflash [--commit | --recover] [-V|--verbose] rflash [--bpa_acdl]", "mkhwconn" => "Usage: mkhwconn [-h|--help] PPC (with HMC) specific: mkhwconn noderange -t [--bind] [-V|--verbose] mkhwconn noderange -p single_hmc [-P HMC passwd] [-V|--verbose] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: mkhwconn noderange -t [-T tooltype] [--port port_value] mkhwconn noderange -s [hmcnode] [-P HMC passwd] [-V|--verbose]", "rmhwconn" => "Usage: rmhwconn [-h|--help] PPC (with HMC) specific: rmhwconn noderange [-V|--verbose] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: rmhwconn noderange [-T tooltype] rmhwconn noderange -s", "lshwconn" => "Usage: lshwconn [-h|--help] PPC (with HMC) specific: lshwconn noderange [-V|--verbose] PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific: lshwconn noderange [-T tooltype] lshwconn noderange -s", "renergy" => "Usage: renergy [-h | --help] renergy [-v | --version] Power 6 server specific : renergy noderange [-V] { all | { [savingstatus] [cappingstatus] [cappingmaxmin] [cappingvalue] [cappingsoftmin] [averageAC] [averageDC] [ambienttemp] [exhausttemp] [CPUspeed] } } renergy noderange [-V] { {savingstatus}={on | off} | {cappingstatus}={on | off} | {cappingwatt}=watt | {cappingperc}=percentage } Power 7 server specific : renergy noderange [-V] { all | { [savingstatus] [dsavingstatus] [cappingstatus] [cappingmaxmin] [cappingvalue] [cappingsoftmin] [averageAC] [averageDC] [ambienttemp] [exhausttemp] [CPUspeed] [syssbpower] [sysIPLtime] [fsavingstatus] [ffoMin] [ffoVmin] [ffoTurbo] [ffoNorm] [ffovalue] } } renergy noderange [-V] { {savingstatus}={on | off} | {dsavingstatus}={on-norm | on-maxp | off} | {fsavingstatus}={on | off} | {ffovalue}=MHZ | {cappingstatus}={on | off} | {cappingwatt}=watt | {cappingperc}=percentage } Blade specific : renergy noderange [-V] { all | pd1all | pd2all | { [pd1status] [pd2status] [pd1policy] [pd2policy] [pd1powermodule1] [pd1powermodule2] [pd2powermodule1] [pd2powermodule2] [pd1avaiablepower] [pd2avaiablepower] [pd1reservedpower] [pd2reservedpower] [pd1remainpower] [pd2remainpower] [pd1inusedpower] [pd2inusedpower] [availableDC] [averageAC] [thermaloutput] [ambienttemp] [mmtemp] } } renergy noderange [-V] { all | { [averageDC] [capability] [cappingvalue] [CPUspeed] [maxCPUspeed] [savingstatus] [dsavingstatus] } } renergy noderange [-V] { {savingstatus}={on | off} | {dsavingstatus}={on-norm | on-maxp | off} }", "updatenode" => "Usage: updatenode [-h|--help|-v|--version] or updatenode [-V|--verbose] [-k|--security] [-s|--sn] or updatenode [-V|--verbose] [-F|--sync | -f|--snsync] [-S|--sw] [-P|--scripts [script1,script2,...]] [-s|--sn] [-A|--updateallsw] [-c|--cmdlineonly] [-d alt_source_dir] [attr=val [attr=val...]] or updatenode [-V|--verbose] [script1,script2,...] Options: A list of nodes or groups. [-k|--security] Update the security keys and certificates for the target nodes. [-F|--sync] Perform File Syncing. [-f|--snsync] Performs File Syncing to the service nodes that service the nodes in the noderange. [-S|--sw] Perform Software Maintenance. [-P|--scripts] Execute postscripts listed in the postscripts table or parameters. [-c|--cmdlineonly] Only use AIX software maintenance information provided on the command line. (AIX only) [-s|--sn] Set the server information stored on the nodes. [-A|--updateallsw] Install or update all software contained in the source directory. (AIX only) [-d ] Used to indicate a source directory other than the standard lpp_source directory specified in the xCAT osimage definition. (AIX only) [script1,script2,...] A comma separated list of postscript names. If omitted, all the post scripts defined for the nodes will be run. [attr=val [attr=val...]] Specifies one or more 'attribute equals value' pairs, separated by spaces. (AIX only)", "lsflexnode" => "Usage: lsflexnode [-h|--help|-v|--version] lsflexnode ", "mkflexnode" => "Usage: mkflexnode [-h|--help|-v|--version] mkflexnode ", "nodeset" => "Usage: Common: nodeset [-h|--help|-v|--version] nodeset [install|shell|boot|runcmd=bmcsetup|netboot|iscsiboot|osimage[=]|statelite|offline]", "rmflexnode" => "Usage: rmflexnode [-h|--help|-v|--version] rmflexnode ", "lsve" => "Usage: lsve [-t type] [-m manager] [-o object] -t: dc - 'Data Center', cl - 'Cluster', sd - 'Storage Domain', nw - 'Network', tpl -'Template' -m: FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the rhev manager -o: Target object to display", "cfgve" => "Usage: cfgve -t dc -m manager -o object [-c -k nfs|localfs | -r] cfgve -t cl -m manager -o object [-c -p cpu type | -r -f] cfgve -t sd -m manager -o object [-c | -g | -s | -a | -b | -r -f] -t: sd - 'Storage Domain', nw - 'Network', tpl -'Template' -m: FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the rhev manager -o: Target object to configure cfgve -t nw -m manager -o object [-c -d data center -n vlan ID | -a -l cluster| -b | -r] cfgve -t tpl -m manager -o object [-r]", "chhypervisor" => "Usage: chhypervisor noderange [-a | -n | -p | -e | -d | -h]", "rmhypervisor" => "Usage: rmhypervisor noderange [-f | -h]", "clonevm" => "Usage: clonevm noderange [-t createmaster -f | -b basemaster -d | -h]", ); my $vers = xCAT::Utils->Version(); my %version = ( "rnetboot" => "$vers", "rpower" => "$vers", "rbeacon" => "$vers", "rvitals" => "$vers", "reventlog" => "$vers", "rinv" => "$vers", "rsetboot" => "$vers", "rbootseq" => "$vers", "rscan" => "$vers", "rspconfig" => "$vers", "getmacs" => "$vers", "mkvm" => "$vers", "lsvm" => "$vers", "chvm" => "$vers", "rmvm" => "$vers", "lsslp" => "$vers", "rflash" => "$vers", "renergy" => "$vers", "lsflexnode" => "$vers", "mkflexnode" => "$vers", "rmflexnode" => "$vers", "nodeset" => "$vers", "lsve" => "$vers", "cfgve" => "$vers", "chhypervisor" => "$vers", "rmhypervisor" => "$vers", "clonevm" => "$vers", ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getUsage It returns the usage string for the given command. Arguments: command Returns: the usage string for the command. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getUsage { my ($class, $command)=@_; if (exists($usage{$command})) { return $usage{$command};} else { return "Usage for command $command cannot be found\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getVersion It returns the version string for the given command. Arguments: command Returns: the version string for the command. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getVersion { my ($class, $command)=@_; if (exists($version{$command})) { return $version{$command};} else { return "Version string for command $command cannot be found\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 parseCommand This function parses the given command to see if the usage or version string need to be returned. Arguments: command arguments Returns: the usage or the version string for the command. The caller need to display the string and then exit. none, if no usage or version strings are needed. The caller can keep going. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parseCommand { my $command=shift; if ($command =~ /xCAT::Usage/) { $command=shift; } my @exargs=@_; @ARGV=@exargs; #print "command=$command, args=@exargs, ARGV=@ARGV\n"; Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through','no_ignore_case'); # parse the options if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'v|version' => \$::VERSION)) { return ""; } if ($::HELP) { return xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command); } if ($::VERSION) { return xCAT::Usage->getVersion($command); } return ""; }