=head1 NAME

B<makeroutes> - add routes to connect the mn to the nodes via the service nodes.


B<makeroutes> [B<-r>|B<--routename> I<r1>[I<,r2...>]] 

B<makeroutes> B<-d>|B<--delete> [B<-r>|B<--routenames> I<r1>[I<,r2...>]]

B<makeroutes> [B<-n>|B<--net> I<net>] [B<-g>|B<--gateway> I<gw>] [B<-m>|B<--mask> I<netmask>]

B<makeroutes>  B<-d>|B<--delete> [B<-n>|B<--net> I<net>] [B<-g>|B<--gateway> I<gw>] [B<-m>|B<--mask> I<netmask>]

B<makeroutes> [B<-h> B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>]


The B<makeroutes> command adds routes to connect the mn to the nodes via the service nodes. It first reads the routing info from xCAT's B<routes> table and then adds the routes to the Kernel IP routing table for the os. It also gets all the gateways from the table. If a gateway is a service node, it sets b<servicenode.ipforward> to 1 and then goes to the service node to enable the ipforwarding.  

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 10

=item B<-d|--delete>

Specifies to delete the given routes. If not specified, the action is to add routes.

=item B<-r|--routename>  

Specifies a list of comma separated route names defined in the B<routes> table. If omitted, all routes defined in the B<routes> table will be used.

=item B<-n|--net>

Specifies the network address. 

=item B<-g|--gateway>

Specifies the gateway that routes the ip traffic from the mn to the nodes.

=item B<-m|--mask>

Specified the network mask.

=item B<-h|--help>

Display usage message.

=item B<-v|--version>

Command Version.



=over 3

=item 1.

To add all routes from the B<routes> table to the os route table:


=item 2.

To add route rr1 and rr2 to the os route table.

 makeroutes -r rr1,rr2

=item 3.

To delete route rr1 and rr2 from the os route table.

 makeroutes -d -r rr1,rr2

=item 4.

To add a specific route to the os route table.

 makeroutes -n

 The netrwork must be defined in the xCAT's routes table.


=head1 FILES


=head1 SEE ALSO