* Global variables
var origAttrs = new Object(); // Original image attributes
var defAttrs; // Definable image attributes
var imgTableId = 'imagesDatatable'; // Images datatable ID
var softwareList = {
"rsct" : ["rsct.core.utils", "rsct.core", "src"],
"pe" : ["IBMJava2-142-ppc64-JRE", "ibm_lapi_ip_rh6p", "ibm_lapi_us_rh6p", "IBM_pe_license", "ibm_pe_rh6p", "ppe_pdb_ppc64_rh600", "sci_ppc_32bit_rh600", "sci_ppc_64bit_rh600", "vac.cmp",
"vac.lib", "vac.lic", "vacpp.cmp", "vacpp.help.pdf", "vacpp.lib", "vacpp.man", "vacpp.rte", "vacpp.rte.lnk", "vacpp.samples", "xlf.cmp", "xlf.help.pdf", "xlf.lib", "xlf.lic", "xlf.man",
"xlf.msg.rte", "xlf.rte", "xlf.rte.lnk", "xlf.samples", "xlmass.lib", "xlsmp.lib", "xlsmp.msg.rte", "xlsmp.rte"],
"gpfs" : ["gpfs.base", "gpfs.gpl", "gpfs.gplbin", "gpfs.msg.en_US"],
"essl" : ["essl.3232.rte", "essl.3264.rte", "essl.6464.rte", "essl.common", "essl.license", "essl.man", "essl.msg", "essl.rte", "ibm-java2", "pessl.common", "pessl.license", "pessl.man",
"pessl.msg", "pessl.rte.ppe"],
"loadl" : ["IBMJava2", "LoadL-full-license-RH6", "LoadL-resmgr-full-RH6", "LoadL-scheduler-full-RH6"],
"ganglia" : ["rrdtool", "ganglia", "ganglia-gmetad", "ganglia-gmond"],
"base" : ["createrepo"]
* Load images page
* @return Nothing
function loadImagesPage() {
// Set padding for images page
$('#imagesTab').css('padding', '20px 60px');
// Get images within the database
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'lsdef',
tgt : '',
args : '-t;osimage;-l',
msg : ''
success : loadImages
* Load images within the database
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function loadImages(data) {
// Data returned
var rsp = data.rsp;
// Image attributes hash
var attrs = new Object();
// Image attributes
var headers = new Object();
// Clear hash table containing image attributes
origAttrs = '';
var image;
var args;
for (var i in rsp) {
// Get the image
var pos = rsp[i].indexOf('Object name:');
if (pos > -1) {
var temp = rsp[i].split(': ');
image = jQuery.trim(temp[1]);
// Create a hash for the image attributes
attrs[image] = new Object();
// Get key and value
args = rsp[i].split('=');
var key = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
var val = jQuery.trim(args[1]);
// Create a hash table
attrs[image][key] = val;
headers[key] = 1;
// Save attributes in hash table
origAttrs = attrs;
// Sort headers
var sorted = new Array();
for (var key in headers) {
// Add column for check box and image name
sorted.unshift('', 'imagename');
// Create a datatable
var dTable = new DataTable(imgTableId);
// Go through each image
for (var img in attrs) {
// Create a row
var row = new Array();
// Create a check box
var checkBx = '';
// Push in checkbox and image name
row.push(checkBx, img);
// Go through each header
for (var i = 2; i < sorted.length; i++) {
// Add the node attributes to the row
var key = sorted[i];
var val = attrs[img][key];
if (val) {
} else {
// Add the row to the table
// Clear the tab before inserting the table
// Create info bar for images tab
var info = createInfoBar('Click on a cell to edit. Click outside the table to save changes. Hit the Escape key to ignore changes.');
* The following actions are available for images:
* copy Linux distribution and edit image properties
// Create copy CD link
var copyCDLnk = $('Copy CD');
copyCDLnk.click(function() {
// Create image link
var newLnk = $('Create image');
newLnk.click(function() {
// Create edit link
var editBtn = $('Edit');
editBtn.click(function() {
var tgtImages = getNodesChecked(imgTableId).split(',');
for (var i in tgtImages) {
// Insert table
// Turn table into a datatable
var myDataTable = $('#' + imgTableId).dataTable({
'iDisplayLength': 50,
'bLengthChange': false,
"sScrollX": "100%",
"bAutoWidth": true,
"fnInitComplete": function() {
// Set datatable width
$('#' + imgTableId + '_wrapper').css({
'width': '880px'
// Actions
var actionBar = $('
var actionsLnk = 'Actions';
var actsMenu = createMenu([copyCDLnk, newLnk, editBtn]);
// Create an action menu
var actionsMenu = createMenu([ [ actionsLnk, actsMenu ] ]);
actionsMenu.css('display', 'inline-block');
// Set correct theme for action menu
actionsMenu.find('li').hover(function() {
}, function() {
// Create a division to hold actions menu
var menuDiv = $('');
$('#' + imgTableId + '_wrapper').prepend(menuDiv);
$('#' + imgTableId + '_filter').appendTo(menuDiv);
* Enable editable columns
// Do not make 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th column editable
$('#' + imgTableId + ' td:not(td:nth-child(1),td:nth-child(2))').editable(
function(value, settings) {
// Get column index
var colPos = this.cellIndex;
// Get row index
var dTable = $('#' + imgTableId).dataTable();
var rowPos = dTable.fnGetPosition(this.parentNode);
// Update datatable
dTable.fnUpdate(value, rowPos, colPos);
// Get image name
var image = $(this).parent().find('td:eq(1)').text();
// Get table headers
var headers = $('#' + imgTableId).parents('.dataTables_scroll').find('.dataTables_scrollHead thead tr:eq(0) th');
// Get attribute name
var attrName = jQuery.trim(headers.eq(colPos).text());
// Get column value
var value = $(this).text();
// Build argument
var args = attrName + '=' + value;
// Send command to change image attributes
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'chdef',
tgt : '',
args : '-t;osimage;-o;' + image + ';' + args,
msg : 'out=imagesTab;tgt=' + image
success: showChdefOutput
return value;
}, {
onblur : 'submit', // Clicking outside editable area submits changes
type : 'textarea', // Input type to use
placeholder: ' ',
height : '30px' // The height of the text area
// Get definable node attributes
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'lsdef',
tgt : '',
args : '-t;osimage;-h',
msg : ''
success : setImageDefAttrs
* Set definable image attributes
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function setImageDefAttrs(data) {
// Clear hash table containing definable image attributes
defAttrs = new Array();
// Get definable attributes
var attrs = data.rsp[2].split(/\n/);
// Go through each line
var attr, key, descr;
for (var i in attrs) {
attr = attrs[i];
// If the line is not empty
if (attr) {
// If the line has the attribute name
if (attr.indexOf(':') && attr.indexOf(' ')) {
// Get attribute name and description
key = jQuery.trim(attr.substring(0, attr.indexOf(':')));
descr = jQuery.trim(attr.substring(attr.indexOf(':') + 1));
descr = descr.replace(new RegExp('<', 'g'), '[').replace(new RegExp('>', 'g'), ']');
// Set hash table where key = attribute name and value = description
defAttrs[key] = descr;
} else {
// Append description to hash table
defAttrs[key] = defAttrs[key] + '\n' + attr.replace(new RegExp('<', 'g'), '[').replace(new RegExp('>', 'g'), ']');
} // End of if
} // End of for
* Load create image page
function loadCreateImage() {
// Get nodes tab
var tab = getProvisionTab();
var tabId = 'createImageTab';
// Generate new tab ID
if ($('#' + tabId).size()) {
var imageOsVers = $.cookie("osvers").split(",");
var imageArch = $.cookie("osarchs").split(",");
var profiles = $.cookie("profiles").split(",");
var createImgForm = $('');
var createImgFS = $('').append('');
// Show info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar('Specify the parameters for the image (stateless or statelite) you want to create, then click Create.');
// Drop down for OS versions
var osVerSelect = $('');
for (var i in imageOsVers)
// Drop down for OS architectures
var imgSelect = $('');
for (var i in imageArch)
// Netboot interface input
// Profile selector
var profileSelect = $('