#!/usr/bin/env perl -w # IBM(c) 2013 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ##################################################### # # xCAT script resource for VIOS installation # ##################################################### use File::Path; use Getopt::Long; # script file name $::script = $0; $::script =~ s/.*\///; ##################################################### # # run the command # ##################################################### sub runcmd { my ($cmd) = @_; my $rc=0; $cmd .= ' 2>&1' ; msg("Running command $cmd"); $::outref = `$cmd`; if ($?) { $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc > 0) { print "$::sdate $0: $::outref\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate $0: $::outref\n"; } } return $rc; } sub msg { my $str = shift; $sdate = `/bin/date`; chomp $sdate; print "$sdate $::script $str\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$sdate $::script $str\n"; } # since we don't have syslog set up yet we'll # just save msgs in a local log file $logdir = "/var/log/xcat"; if (!-d $logdir) { mkpath($logdir); } my $logfile = $logdir . "/xcat.log"; # this log should not contain much so it might be ok to let it grow? # at least we'll have the errors preserved open(LOGFILE,">>",$logfile); $::LOG_FILE = \*LOGFILE; foreach my $env (keys %ENV) { msg("ENV{$env} = $ENV{$env}"); } my $cmd; my $hostname; my $ipaddr; my $servnode; # TODO: use the environment variable instead of reading /etc/niminfo # get the name of my service node/NIM master from the /etc/niminfo file if (-f "/etc/niminfo") { $cmd = "/bin/cat /etc/niminfo | /bin/grep 'NIM_HOSTNAME'"; &runcmd($cmd); my $hostline = $::outref; my $junk; ($junk, $hostname) = split(/=/, $hostline); $hostname =~ s/^\s*//; chomp $hostname; msg("Info: the hostname is $hostname"); $cmd = "host $hostname"; &runcmd($cmd); $ipaddr = $::outref; $ipaddr =~ s/.*is\s+//; chomp $ipaddr; msg("Info: the ip address is $ipaddr"); $cmd = "/bin/cat /etc/niminfo | /bin/grep 'NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME'"; &runcmd($cmd); my $SNline = $::outref; ($junk, $servnode) = split(/=/, $SNline); $servnode =~ s/^\s*//; chomp $servnode; my $xcatinfo="/etc/xcatinfo"; open(XCATINFO,">",$xcatinfo); print XCATINFO "XCATSERVER=$servnode\n"; close(XCATINFO); } else { msg("Error: could not find /etc/niminfo file, exiting..."); exit 1; } # Configure TCP/IP # Get the boot nic my $bootnic; if (defined($ENV{'BOOTDEV'})) { $bootnic = $ENV{'BOOTDEV'}; } if (!$bootnic) { $cmd = "/usr/sbin/bootinfo -b"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Error: could not get the boot nic, exiting..."); exit 1; } $bootnic = $::outref; chomp $bootnic; } msg("Info: bootnic is $bootnic"); my $skiptcpip = 0; if ($bootnic !~ /^en/) { msg("Error: bootnic $bootnic is not a nic, skipping the TCP/IP configuration"); $skiptcpip = 1; } $cmd = "lsdev -C -l $bootnic"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Warning: could not get information for $bootnic, skipping the TCP/IP configuration"); $skiptcpip = 1; } my @vir_nic = (); $cmd = qq~lsdev -c adapter \| grep ent \| grep "Virtual I\/O Ethernet Adapter" \| awk -F ' ' '{print \$1}'~; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Warning: could not find virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter"); msg("Error: $::outref"); $skiptcpip = 1; } else { if (!grep(/ent/, $::outref)) { msg("Error($cmd): $::outref"); $skiptcpip = 1; } else { @vir_nic = sort (split(/\n/, $::outref)); msg("Find virtual NIC: @vir_nic"); } } my %sea_adapters = (); if (defined($ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'}) and $ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'} =~ /bootnic/i) { msg("Info: Environment variable SEA_ADAPTERS is $ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'}"); if (scalar(@vir_nic) == 0) { msg("Warning: No Virtual Ethernet Adapter found"); $skiptcpip = 1; } else { my $xcatinfo="/etc/xcatinfo"; open(XCATINFO,">>",$xcatinfo); print XCATINFO "SEA_ADAPTERS=$bootnic:$vir_nic[0]:1:$ENV{'NIM_IPADDR'}:$ENV{'NIM_NETMASK'}:$hostname\n"; close(XCATINFO); my $lsicmd = "/usr/sbin/lsitab bootnicsea > /dev/null 2>&1"; if (&runcmd($lsicmd) != 0) { my $mkicmd = '/usr/sbin/mkitab "bootnicsea:2:wait:/xcatpost/config_bootnicsea > /dev/console 2>&1"'; if (&runcmd($mkicmd) != 0) { msg("Warning: config_bootnicsea: Could not add config_bootnicsea to /etc/inittab.\n") } } } } elsif (defined($ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'})) { msg("Info: Environment variable SEA_ADAPTERS is $ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'}"); my @sea_array = split(/\s+/, $ENV{'SEA_ADAPTERS'}); foreach my $sea (@sea_array) { my ($phy, $virt, $vlan, $ip, $mask) = split(/:/, $sea); if (!$phy || !$virt || !$vlan) { msg("Warning: incorrect SEA_ADAPTERS format, the syntax is physcial_adapter:virtual_adapter:vlan_id:ip_addr:netmask, where the ip_addr and netmask could be blank if you do not want to configure ip for this SEA adapter, skipping TCP/IP configuration"); $skiptcpip = 1; last; } $sea_adapters{$phy}{'phy'} = $phy; $sea_adapters{$phy}{'virt'} = $virt; $sea_adapters{$phy}{'vlan'} = $vlan; $sea_adapters{$phy}{'ip'} = $ip; $sea_adapters{$phy}{'mask'} = $mask; } } else { msg("Info: The environment variable SEA_ADAPTERS is not defined"); } if (!$skiptcpip) { my $bootnicsea = 0; my $netmask; if (defined($ENV{'NIM_NETMASK'})) { $netmask = $ENV{'NIM_NETMASK'}; } if (!$netmask) { msg("Warning: NIM_NETMASK is not specified, using the default"); $netmask = ""; } foreach my $phy (keys %sea_adapters) { my $phy = $sea_adapters{$phy}{'phy'}; my $virt = $sea_adapters{$phy}{'virt'}; my $vlan = $sea_adapters{$phy}{'vlan'}; my $ip = $sea_adapters{$phy}{'ip'}; my $mask = $sea_adapters{$phy}{'mask'}; if ($phy eq $bootnic) { $bootnicsea = 1; } { $cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli license -swma"; &runcmd($cmd); $cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli license -accept"; &runcmd($cmd); } { # detach bootnic if ($bootnicsea and $phy =~ /^ent(\d+)/) { my $phynic_id = $1; my $en_nic = "en".$phynic_id; my $ent_nic = "ent".$phynic_id; my $et_nic = "et".$phynic_id; $cmd = "ifconfig $en_nic down; ifconfig $en_nic detach; rmdev -dl $en_nic; rmdev -dl $ent_nic; rmdev -dl $et_nic; cfgmgr;"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Error: could not detach bootnic:$bootnic"); next; } } } #$cmd = qq~su - padmin "-c ioscli license -accept; ioscli mkvdev -sea $phy -vadapter $virt -default $virt -defaultid $vlan"~; $cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli mkvdev -sea $phy -vadapter $virt -default $virt -defaultid $vlan"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Error: could not create SEA with physical adapter $phy, virtual adapter $virt and vlan id $vlan"); next; } my $sea_out = $::outref; my $sea = undef; my @out_array = split (/\n/, $sea_out); foreach (@out_array) { if (/(ent\d+)\s*Available/) { $sea = $1; $sea =~ s/t//; } } unless ($sea) { msg("Error: did not get available SEA adapter, $sea_out==="); next; } msg("Info: The interface created with mkvdev is: $sea"); #$cmd = qq~su - padmin "-c ioscli license -accept; ioscli mktcpip -hostname $hostname -inetaddr $ip -interface $sea -netmask $mask"~; $cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli mktcpip -hostname $hostname -inetaddr $ip -interface $sea -netmask $mask"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Error: could not configure ip address for SEA $sea"); } } if (!$bootnicsea) { # ent1 -> en1 if ($bootnic =~ /^ent/) { $bootnic =~ s/t//; } $cmd = "mktcpip -h \"$hostname\" -a $ipaddr -m $netmask -i $bootnic -A 'no' -t 'N/A' -s ''"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { msg("Error: could not configure IP for nic $bootnic, exiting ..."); exit 1; } } } # create the xcatpost dir $cmd = "/bin/mkdir -m 755 -p /xcatpost"; if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not make the /xcatpost directory.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not make the /xcatpost directory.\n"; } # Set a temporary root password # - the user-provided root passwd will be set by xcataixpost my $padmin_passwd; if(defined($ENV{'PADMIN_PASSWD'})) { $padmin_passwd = $ENV{'PADMIN_PASSWD'}; } if(!$padmin_passwd) { msg("Warning: padmin password is not specified, using the default password \"cluster\""); $padmin_passwd = "cluster"; } my $pwcmd = qq~/bin/echo "padmin:$padmin_passwd" | /bin/chpasswd -c >/dev/null 2>&1~; if (&runcmd($pwcmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcatvio.script: Could not set password for padmin.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcatvio.script: Could not set password for padmin.\n"; } # The license accept does not work in postscript phase, # should be done in postbootscript phase # my $liccmd = qq~su - padmin "-c ioscli license -accept"~; # if (&runcmd($liccmd) != 0) { # msg("Error: failed to run license accept command"); # } # # # need fix to support INSTALLDIR !!!!! # socket doesn't work at this point of install so need another # way to get INSTALLDIR value!!! my $installdir; if (!$installdir) { $installdir="/install"; } # get the contents of the $installdir/postscripts dir on the server # - mount dir from server and copy files # IPv6, should only use NFS version 4 mount my $mcmd; my $snipcmd = "host $servnode"; if (((&runcmd($snipcmd) == 0) && ($::outref =~ /:/)) || ($ENV{'USENFSV4ONAIX'} && ($ENV{'USENFSV4ONAIX'} =~ /1|Yes|yes|YES|Y|y/))) { $mcmd = "mkdir -p /xcatmnt; mount -o nolock -o vers=4 $servnode:$installdir/postscripts /xcatmnt"; } else { $mcmd = "mkdir -p /xcatmnt; mount -o nolock $servnode:$installdir/postscripts /xcatmnt"; } if (&runcmd($mcmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not mount $installdir/postscripts from $servnode.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not mount $installdir/postscripts from $servnode.\n"; } my $cpcmd; if ((@ARGV==0) || ($ARGV[0] != 2)) { $cpcmd = "/bin/cp -r /xcatmnt/* /xcatpost >/dev/null 2>&1"; } else { # when argv[1]=2, there is only one postscript file, # user wants only download it to save time $cpcmd= "/bin/cp /xcatmnt/$ARGV[1] /xcatpost >/dev/null 2>&1"; } if (&runcmd($cpcmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not copy postscripts to /xcatpost.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not copy postscripts to /xcatpost.\n"; } # make sure all are executable my $chcmd = "/bin/chmod +x /xcatpost/*"; if (&runcmd($chcmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n"; } my $ucmd = "/usr/sbin/umount /xcatmnt; /bin/rmdir /xcatmnt"; if (&runcmd($ucmd) != 0) { print "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not unmount $installdir.\n"; print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixscript: Could not unmount $installdir/postscripts.\n"; } # Setup remote shell if (-f "/xcatpost/_ssh/authorized_keys") { runcmd("cat /xcatpost/_ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/padmin/.ssh/authorized_keys2"); } close($::LOG_FILE); exit 0;