#!/bin/sh # This script is used by the xdcp MERGE: function to perform the # merge operation on the nodes for the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and # and /etc/group files. These are the only supported files for merge. # The MERGE function is also only supported on Linux. #First parameter is nodesyncfiledir #The next parameter is the MERGE clause put in the following format #mergefile1:currfile1 mergefile2:currfile2..... #For example: #/tmp/myusers:/etc/passwd /tmp/mypasswds:/etc/shadow /tmp/mygrps:/etc/group # #this is the base path to the merge directory logger -t xCAT "xdcp merge started" nodesyncfiledir=$1 #this is the backup copy of the original current file nodesyncfiledirorg="$nodesyncfiledir/org" #this is the path to merge working files nodesyncfiledirmerge="$nodesyncfiledir/merge" #this is the path to the files containing the merge data nodesynfiledirmergefiles="$nodesyncfiledir/merge/mergefiles" skip=0 # for each input parameter for i in $*; do # skip first parm if [ $skip -eq 0 ]; then skip=1 continue fi # get the merge file path and name, for example /tmp/myusers mergefilename=`echo "$i"|cut -d ':' -f 1` # get location on the node mergefile="$nodesynfiledirmergefiles$mergefilename" # get the file path and name to merge into, for example /etc/passwd curfile=`echo "$i"|cut -d ':' -f 2` # if curfile not /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow or /etc/group # exit error #if [ "$curfile" != "/etc/passwd" ] && [ "$curfile" != "/etc/shadow" ] && [ "$curfile" != "/etc/group" ]; then # `logger -t xCAT -p local4.err "Merge: $curfile is not /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow or /etc/group. It cannot be processes." ` # exit 1 #fi # get the directory to backup the original file curfiledir=`dirname $curfile` curfilename=`basename $curfile` filebackupdir="$nodesyncfiledirorg$curfiledir" # name of the path to the backup of original file filebackup="$nodesyncfiledirorg$curfile" # now do the work # make the necessary directories mkdir -p $filebackupdir # copy current to backup cp -p $curfile $filebackup # Go though the backup copy and remove duplicate lines that are # in the merge file and create a new backup # first get a list of duplicate lines to remove # based on only username: the first field in the file cut -d: -f1 $filebackup > $filebackup.userlist cut -d: -f1 $mergefile > $mergefile.userlist comm -12 <(sort $filebackup.userlist | uniq) <(sort $mergefile.userlist | uniq) > $filebackup.remove # now if there is a remove file, use it to remove the dup lines in backup # Need to buit a command like the following with all users #grep -v -E ^(root|bin|...) $filebackup > $filebackup.nodups if [ -s "$filebackup.remove" ]; then grepcmd="grep -v -E " removeusers=`cat $filebackup.remove` startlist="'^(" userlist=$startlist delim="|" for u in $removeusers do userlist=$userlist$u$delim done # remove the last delimiter userlisttmp="${userlist%?}" listend=")'" userlist=$userlisttmp$listend grepcmd=$grepcmd$userlist #set -x grepcmd="$grepcmd $filebackup > $filebackup.nodups" #echo "grepcmd=$grepcmd" # now run it eval $grepcmd # if no dups file created if [ -s "$filebackup.nodups" ]; then cp -p $filebackup.nodups $filebackup #echo "cp -p $filebackup.nodups $filebackup" rm $filebackup.nodups fi fi # Now update the currentfile cat $filebackup $mergefile > $curfile #echo "cat $filebackup $mergefile > $curfile" # now cleanup rm $filebackup.userlist # echo "rm $filebackup.userlist" rm $filebackup.remove # echo "rm $filebackup.remove" rm $mergefile.userlist # echo "rm $mergefile.userlist" done logger -t xCAT "xdcp merge complete" exit 0