# IBM(c) 2013 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::Cloud; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::MsgUtils; use xCAT::NodeRange; use xCAT::Utils; use xCAT::TableUtils; #use Data::Dumper; use strict; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getcloudinfo This function will be invoked by Postage.pm. get the chef cookbook repository for each cloud from the clouds table, and then get all the node --> cloud from the cloud table. The two type information will be stored in the %info If success, return the \%info. Arguments: none Returns: \%info Error: none Example: Comments: none =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getcloudinfo { my %info = (); my $tab = "clouds"; my $ptab = xCAT::Table->new($tab); unless ($ptab) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Unable to open $tab table"); return undef; } my @rs = $ptab->getAllAttribs('name','repository'); foreach my $r ( @rs ) { my $cloud = $r->{'name'}; my $repos = $r->{'repository'}; $info{ $cloud }{repository} = $repos; } $tab = "cloud"; $ptab = xCAT::Table->new($tab); unless ($ptab) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Unable to open $tab table"); return undef; } @rs = $ptab->getAllAttribs('node','cloudname'); my $pre; my $curr; foreach my $r ( @rs ) { my $node = $r->{'node'}; my $cloud = $r->{'cloudname'}; $info{ $node }{cloud} = $cloud; } return \%info; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getcloudres This function will be invoked by Postage.pm. And it's only for one chef-server. 1. get the chef cookbook repository for the clouds on one chef-server. All the clouds's repositoryies on one chef-server should be the same one. 2. get the cloud list for one chef-server 3. get the cloud name for each node on the same chef-server Arguments: $cloudinfo_hash -- This is from the getcloudinfo function. $clients -- an array which stores different cloud nodes(chef-client) Returns: $cloudres -- a string including cloud information Error: none Example: Comments: none =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getcloudres { my $cloudinfo_hash = shift; my $clients = shift; my $cloudres; my $cloudlist; my $repos; if( @$clients == 0 ) { return $cloudres; } foreach my $client (@$clients) { my $cloud; if( defined($cloudinfo_hash) && defined($cloudinfo_hash->{$client}) ) { $cloud = $cloudinfo_hash->{$client}->{cloud}; } #$cloudres .= "hput $client cloud $cloud\n"; $cloudres .= "HASH".$client."cloud='$cloud'\nexport HASH".$client."cloud\n"; if ( $cloudlist !~ $cloud ) { $cloudlist .="$cloud,"; } my $t = $cloudinfo_hash->{$cloud}->{repository}; if( !defined($repos) ) { $repos = $t; } if( defined($repos) && ( $repos != $t && "$repos/" != $t && $repos != "$t/" ) ) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Two cloud repositories: $repos and $t.\n There should be only one cloud repository one ont chef-server."); return undef; } } chop $cloudlist; $cloudres = "REPOSITORY='$repos'\nexport REPOSITORY\nCLOUDLIST='$cloudlist'\nexport CLOUDLIST\n$cloudres"; return $cloudres; } 1;