#!/bin/bash # Update GSA Ubuntu Repositories or create a local repository # # Author: Leonardo Tonetto (tonetto@linux.vnet.ibm.com) # Revisor: Arif Ali (aali@ocf.co.uk) # # # Getting Started: # - Check out the xcat-core svn repository (either the trunk or a branch) into # a dir called <rel>/src/xcat-core, where <rel> is the same as the release dir it will be # uploaded to in sourceforge (e.g. devel, or 2.3). # - You probably also want to put root's pub key from the build machine onto sourceforge for # the upload user listed below, so you don't have to keep entering pw's. You can do this # at https://sourceforge.net/account/ssh # - make sure reprepro is installed on the build machine # - Run this script from the local svn repository you just created. It will create the other directories that are needed. # Usage: attr=value attr=value ... ./build-ubunturepo { -c | -d } # PROMOTE=1 - if the attribute "PROMOTE" is specified, means an official dot release. This does not # actually build xcat, just uploads the most recent snap build to https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/xcat/ . # If not specified, a snap build is assumed, which uploads to https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/yum/ # or https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/aix/. # PREGA=1 - use this option with PROMOTE=1 on a branch that already has a released dot release, but this build is # a GA candidate build, not to be released yet. This will result in the tarball being uploaded to # https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/yum/ or https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/aix/ # (but the tarball file name will be like a released tarball, not a snap build). When you are ready to # release this build, use PROMOTE=1 without PREGA # BUILDALL=1 - build all rpms, whether they changed or not. Should be used for snap builds that are in prep for a release. # UP=0 or UP=1 - override the default upload behavior # # For the dependency packages 1. please run the build-debs-all in xcat-dep svn first( there is usage detail in that script) # 2. run ./build-ubunturepo -d # ############################ printusage() { printf "Usage: %s {-c | -d} \n" $(basename $0) >&2 echo " -c : Build the xcat core packages and create the repo" echo " -d : Create the xcat dep repo. Building the xcat dep packages can refer \"build-debs-all\" from svn" } # For the purpose of getting the distribution name . /etc/lsb-release # Process cmd line variable assignments, assigning each attr=val pair to a variable of same name for i in $*; do echo $i | grep '=' if [ $? != 0 ];then continue fi # upper case the variable name varstring=`echo "$i"|cut -d '=' -f 1|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`=`echo "$i"|cut -d '=' -f 2` export $varstring done # Supported distributions dists="saucy trusty utopic" c_flag= # xcat-core (trunk-delvel) path d_flag= # xcat-dep (trunk) path r_flag= #genesis base rpm package path while getopts 'cdr:' OPTION do case $OPTION in c) c_flag=1 ;; d) d_flag=1 ;; r) r_flag=1 genesis_rpm_path="$OPTARG" ;; ?) printusage exit 2 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ -z "$c_flag" -a -z "$d_flag" ];then printusage exit 2 fi if [ "$c_flag" -a "$d_flag" ];then printusage exit 2 fi uploader="ligc" # Find where this script is located to set some build variables old_pwd=`pwd` cd `dirname $0` curdir=`pwd` #define the dep source code path, core build target path and dep build target path local_core_repo_path="$curdir/../../xcat-core" xcat_dep_path="$curdir/../../../xcat-dep/src/xcat-dep" local_dep_repo_path="$curdir/../../../xcat-dep/xcat-dep" #define the url used for creating the source list file #define the upload dir used for uploading packages sf_repo_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/ubuntu" sf_dir="/home/frs/project/x/xc/xcat" #use flock to only one person build at the same time # Get a lock, so can not do 2 builds at once exec 8>/var/lock/xcatbld.lock if ! flock -n 8; then echo "Can't get lock /var/lock/xcatbld.lock. Someone else must be doing a build right now. Exiting...." exit 1 fi export HOME=/root #sync the gpg key to the build machine local gsa_url=http://pokgsa.ibm.com/projects/x/xcat/build/linux mkdir -p $HOME/.gnupg for key_name in pubring.gpg secring.gpg trustdb.gpg; do if [ ! -f $HOME/.gnupg/$key_name ] || [ `wc -c $HOME/.gnupg/$key_name|cut -f 1 -d' '` == 0 ]; then rm -f $HOME/.gnupg/$key_name wget -P $HOME/.gnupg $gsa_url/keys/$key_name chmod 600 $HOME/.gnupg/$key_name fi done if [ "$c_flag" ] then # strip the /src/xcat-core from the end of the dir to get the next dir up and use as the release if [ -z "$REL" ]; then t=${curdir%/src/xcat-core} REL=`basename $t` fi ver=`cat Version` if [ "$PROMOTE" != 1 ]; then code_change=0 update_log='' #get the version if [ "$REL" = "xcat-core" ];then git_flag=1 REL=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` if [ "$REL" = "master" ]; then REL="devel" fi if [ -z "$GITUP" ];then update_log=../coregitup echo "git pull > $update_log" git pull > $update_log else update_log=$GITUP fi if ! grep -q 'Already up-to-date' $update_log; then code_change=1 fi else git_flag=0 if [ -z "$SVNUP" ]; then update_log=../coresvnup echo "svn up > $update_log" svn up > $update_log else update_log=$SVNUP fi if ! grep -q 'At revision' $update_log;then code_change=1 fi fi ver=`cat Version` short_ver=`cat Version|cut -d. -f 1,2` short_short_ver=`cat Version|cut -d. -f 1` package_dir_name=debs$REL #TODO: define the core path and tarball name tarball_name="core-debs-snap.tar.bz2" if [ $code_change == 0 -a "$UP" != 1 -a "$BUILDALL" != 1 ]; then echo "Nothing new detected" exit 0 fi echo "###############################" echo "# Building xcat-core packages #" echo "###############################" #the package type: local | snap | alpha #the build introduce stirng pkg_type="snap" build_string="Snap_Build" cur_date=`date +%Y%m%d` pkg_version="${short_ver}-${pkg_type}${cur_date}" if [ ! -d ../../$package_dir_name ];then mkdir -p "../../$package_dir_name" fi packages="xCAT-client xCAT-genesis-scripts perl-xCAT xCAT-server xCAT xCATsn xCAT-test xCAT-buildkit xCAT-vlan xCAT-confluent" target_archs=(amd64 ppc64el) for file in `echo $packages` do file_low=`echo $file | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` if [ "$file" = "xCAT" -o "$file" = "xCAT-genesis-scripts" ]; then target_archs="amd64 ppc64el" else target_archs="all" fi for target_arch in `echo $target_archs` do if grep -q $file $update_log || [ "$BUILDALL" == 1 -o "$file" = "perl-xCAT" ]; then rm -f ../../$package_dir_name/${file_low}_*.$target_arch.deb #genesis scripts package, don't remove genesis amd64 files #rm -f ../../$package_dir_name/${file_low}-amd64_*.deb cd $file dch -v $pkg_version -b -c debian/changelog $build_string if [ "$target_arch" = "all" ]; then dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us else dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -a$target_arch fi rc=$? if [ $rc -gt 0 ]; then echo "Error: $file build package failed exit code $rc" fi cd - find $file -maxdepth 3 -type d -name "${file_low}*" | grep debian | xargs rm -rf find $file -maxdepth 3 -type f -name "files" | grep debian | xargs rm -rf mv ${file_low}* ../../$package_dir_name/ fi done done find ../../$package_dir_name/* ! -name *.deb | xargs rm -f else if [ "$REL" = "xcat-core" ];then git_flag=1 REL=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` if [ "$REL" = "master" ]; then REL="devel" fi fi package_dir_name=debs$REL fi if [ "$PROMOTE" = 1 ]; then upload_dir="xcat-core" tar_name="xcat-core-$ver.tar.bz2" else upload_dir="core-snap" tar_name="core-debs-snap.tar.bz2" fi echo "#################################" echo "# Creating xcat-core repository #" echo "#################################" #clean the repo directory if [ -e $local_core_repo_path ]; then rm -rf $local_core_repo_path fi mkdir -p $local_core_repo_path cd $local_core_repo_path mkdir conf for dist in $dists; do if [ "$dist" = "trusty" ] || [ "$dist" = "utopic" ]; then tmp_out_arch="amd64 ppc64el" else tmp_out_arch="amd64" fi cat << __EOF__ >> conf/distributions Origin: xCAT internal repository Label: xcat-core bazaar repository Codename: $dist Architectures: $tmp_out_arch Components: main Description: Repository automatically genereted conf SignWith: yes __EOF__ done cat << __EOF__ > conf/options verbose ask-passphrase basedir . __EOF__ #import the deb packages into the repo amd_files=`ls ../$package_dir_name/*.deb | grep -v "ppc64el"` all_files=`ls ../$package_dir_name/*.deb` for dist in $dists; do if [ "$dist" = "trusty" ] || [ "$dist" = "utopic" ]; then deb_files=$all_files else deb_files=$amd_files fi for file in $deb_files; do reprepro -b ./ includedeb $dist $file; done done #create the mklocalrepo script cat << '__EOF__' > mklocalrepo.sh . /etc/lsb-release cd `dirname $0` host_arch=`uname -m` if [ "$host_arch" != "ppc64le" ];then host_arch="amd64" else host_arch="ppc64el" fi echo deb [arch=$host_arch] file://"`pwd`" $DISTRIB_CODENAME main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xcat-core.list __EOF__ chmod 775 mklocalrepo.sh #create the xcat-core.list file #echo "deb ${sf_repo_url}/${REL}/${upload_dir}/ precise main" > xcat-core.list cd ../ if ! grep xcat /etc/group ; then groupadd xcat fi chgrp -R root xcat-core chmod -R g+w xcat-core #build the tar ball tar -hjcf $tar_name xcat-core chgrp root $tar_name chmod g+w $tar_name if [ ! -e core-snap ]; then ln -s xcat-core core-snap fi # Decide whether to upload or not if [ -n "$UP" ] && [ "$UP" == 0 ]; then echo "No need to upload" cd $old_pwd exit 0 fi #upload the deb packages if [ "$REL" = "devel" -o "$PREGA" != 1 ]; then i=0 echo "Uploading RPMs from $upload_dir to ${sf_dir}/ubuntu/${REL}/ ..." while [ $((i+=1)) -le 5 ] && ! rsync -urLv --delete $upload_dir ${uploader},xcat@web.sourceforge.net:${sf_dir}/ubuntu/${REL}/ do : ; done fi #upload the tar ball #for the GA build, upload to https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/xcat/<version>.x_Ubuntu/ #for other scenario, upload to https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/ubuntu/<version> if [ "$PROMOTE" = 1 -a "$REL" != "devel" -a "$PREGA" != 1 ]; then i=0 echo "Uploading $tar_name to ${sf_dir}/xcat/${REL}.x_Ubuntu/ ..." while [ $((i+=1)) -le 5 ] && ! rsync -v $tar_name ${uploader},xcat@web.sourceforge.net:${sf_dir}/xcat/${REL}.x_Ubuntu/ do : ; done else i=0 echo "Uploading $tar_name to ${sf_dir}/ubuntu/${REL}/ ..." while [ $((i+=1)) -le 5 ] && ! rsync -v $tar_name ${uploader},xcat@web.sourceforge.net:${sf_dir}/ubuntu/${REL}/ do : ; done fi cd $old_pwd fi if [ "$d_flag" ] then echo "################################" echo "# Creating xcat-dep repository #" echo "################################" #clean all old files if [ -e $local_dep_repo_path ];then rm -rf $local_dep_repo_path fi mkdir -p $local_dep_repo_path cd $local_dep_repo_path mkdir conf #create the conf/distributions file for dist in $dists; do if [ "$dist" = "trusty" ] || [ "$dist" = "utopic" ]; then tmp_out_arch="amd64 ppc64el" else tmp_out_arch="amd64" fi cat << __EOF__ >> conf/distributions Origin: xCAT internal repository Label: xcat-dep bazaar repository Codename: $dist Architectures: $tmp_out_arch Components: main Description: Repository automatically genereted conf SignWith: yes __EOF__ done cat << __EOF__ > conf/options verbose ask-passphrase basedir . __EOF__ #import the deb packages into the repo amd_files=`ls ../debs/*.deb | grep -v "ppc64el"` all_files=`ls ../debs/*.deb` for dist in $dists; do if [ "$dist" = "trusty" ] || [ "$dist" = "utopic" ]; then deb_files=$all_files else deb_files=$amd_files fi for file in $deb_files; do reprepro -b ./ includedeb $dist $file; done done cat << '__EOF__' > mklocalrepo.sh . /etc/lsb-release cd `dirname $0` host_arch=`uname -m` if [ "$host_arch" != "ppc64le" ];then host_arch="amd64" else host_arch="ppc64el" fi echo deb [arch=$host_arch] file://"`pwd`" $DISTRIB_CODENAME main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xcat-dep.list __EOF__ chmod 775 mklocalrepo.sh #echo ""deb ${sf_repo_url}/xcat-dep/ precise main"" > xcat-dep.list cd .. if ! grep xcat /etc/group ; then groupadd xcat fi chgrp -R root xcat-dep chmod -R g+w xcat-dep #create the tar ball dep_tar_name=xcat-dep-ubuntu-snap`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz tar -hjcf $dep_tar_name xcat-dep chgrp root $dep_tar_name chmod g+w $dep_tar_name if [ -n "$UP" ] && [ "$UP" == 0 ];then echo "No need to upload the dep packages" cd $old_pwd exit 0 fi #upload the dep packages i=0 echo "Uploading debs from xcat-dep to ${sf_dir}/ubuntu/xcat-dep/ ..." while [ $((i+=1)) -le 5 ] && ! rsync -urLv --delete xcat-dep ${uploader},xcat@web.sourceforge.net:${sf_dir}/ubuntu/ do : ; done #upload the tarball i=0 echo "Uploading $dep_tar_name to ${sf_dir}/xcat-dep/2.x_Ubuntu/ ..." while [ $((i+=1)) -le 5 ] && ! rsync -v $dep_tar_name ${uploader},xcat@web.sourceforge.net:${sf_dir}/xcat-dep/2.x_Ubuntu/ do : ; done cd $old_pwd fi exit 0