=head1 NAME B<lsslp> - Discovers selected networked services information within the same subnet. =head1 SYNOPSIS I<lsslp [-h| --help]> I<lsslp [-v| --version]> I<lsslp [<noderange>] [-V| --verbose] [-i ip[,ip..]][-w][-r|-x|-z][-n][-s CEC|FRAME|MM|IVM|RSA|HMC][-t tries][-m][-I][-e command][-c [timeinterval[timeinterval,..]]][-C counts][-T timeout][--vpdtable][-M vpd|switchport][--updatehosts][-makedhcp]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The lsslp command discovers selected service types using the -s flag. All service types are returned if the -s flag is not specified. If a specific IP address is not specified using the -i flag, the request is sent out all available network adapters. The optional -r, -x, -z and --vpdtable flags format the output. NOTE: SLP broadcast requests will propagate only within the subnet of the network adapter broadcast IPs specified by the -i flag. =head1 OPTIONS B<noderange> The nodes which the user want to discover. If the user specify the noderange, lsslp will just return the nodes in the node range. Which means it will help to add the new nodes to the xCAT database without modifying the existed definitions. But the nodes' name specified in noderange should be defined in database in advance. The specified nodes' type can be frame/cec/hmc/fsp/bpa. If the it is frame or cec, lsslp will list the bpa or fsp nodes within the nodes(bap for frame, fsp for cec). Please do not use noderange with the flag -s. B<-c> Convergence timeout. A value-list of 32 bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds, to implement the convergence algorithm. Each value specifies the time to wait before sending the next request, or until nothing new has been learned from two successive requests. A maximum of 5 comma- seperated values are allowed. Note that specifying -c with no arguments will use the timeout values last specified. Not including -c will use the hardcoded defaults of 500,750,1000,1500,2000 milliseconds. B<-i> IP(s) the command will send out (defaults to all available adapters). B<-e> Path and command name of IBM SLP slp_query (defaults to OpenSLP - slptool). An IBM proprietary implementation of SLP can be also be used. Contact IBM for details. B<-h> Display usage message. B<-m> Multicast mode (defaults to broadcast). B<--makedhcp> Issue xCAT command makedhcp internally. B<-M> Matching mode, match the pre-defined node names from vpd table or switch table. Matching vpd table is the default setting whether the flag is specified. And matching switch table is not yet supported. B<-n> Only display and write the newly discovered hardwares. B<-r> Display Raw SLP response. B<-C> The number of the nodes expected to find, specified by the user. When using this flag, lsslp will not return until the it has found all the nodes or time out. The default max time is 5 minutes. The user can use -T flag the specify the time they want to use. A short time will limite the time costing, while a long time will help to find all the nodes. B<-T> The number in seconds to limite the time costing of lsslp. Must be used with the flag -C. See the help of flag -C for more details. B<-s> Service type interested in discovering. B<-t> Number or service-request attempts. B<--updatehosts> Display current IP address or write the ip address into xCAT DB. Please be aware that otherinterfaces column in hosts table saved the current ip address, ip column stores the new ip address that user defined. With this option, lsslp will write the current ip to ip column also, which means the ip user wants is the same as current ip address running on hardwares. This is to avoid useless network resetting that if ip and otherinterfaces are the same, lsslp will skip the network resetting for that node. B<--vpdtable> Output the SLP response in vpdtable formatting. Easy for writting data to vpd table. B<-v> Command Version. B<-V> Verbose output. B<-w> Writes output to xCAT database. B<-x> XML format. B<-z> Stanza formated output. B<-I> Give the warning message for the nodes in database which have no SLP responses. Please note that this flag noly can be used after the database migration finished successfully. =head1 RETURN VALUE 0 The command completed successfully. 1 An error has occurred. =head1 EXAMPLES 1. To list all discovered HMC service types in tabular format with convergence timeouts of 5000,5000,2000,1000,1000 milliseconds, enter: lsslp -s HMC -c 5000,5000,2000,1000,1000 Output is similar to: device type-model serial-number ip-addresses hostname HMC 7310CR2 103F55A hmc01 HMC 7310CR2 105369A hmc02 HMC 7310CR3 KPHHK24 hmc03 2. list all discovered FSP service types in raw response format on subnet, enter: lsslp -i -s CEC -r Output is similar to: (type=cec-service-processor),(serial-number=10A3AEB),(machinetype-model=9117-570),(fru-serial-number=YL11C5338102),(hostname=),(frame-number=0),(cage-number=0),(ip-address=,,(web-url= ), (slot=1),(bpc-machinetype-model=0),(bpc-serial-number=0),(Image=fips240/b0630a_0623.240) (type=cec-service-processor),(serial-number=10A3E2B),(machinetype-model=9117-570),(fru-serial- number=YL11C5338250),(hostname=),(frame-number=0),(cage-number=0),(ip-address=,, (web-url= ),(slot=1),(bpc-machinetype-model=0),(bpc-serial-number=0),(Image=fips240/b0630a_0623.240) 3. To list all discovered MM service types in XML format and write the output to the xCAT database, enter: lsslp -s MM -x -w Output is similar to: <Node> <groups>mm,all</groups> <id>00:14:5E:E0:CB:1E</id> <mgt>blade</mgt> <mtm>029310C</mtm> <node>Server-029310C-SN100485A-A</node> <nodetype>mm</nodetype> <otherinterfaces></otherinterfaces> <serial>100485A</serial> </Node> 4. To list all discovered service types in stanza format and write the output to the xCAT database, enter: lsslp -z -w Output is similar to: c76v1hmc02: objtype=node hcp=c76v1hmc02 nodetype=hmc mtm=7315CR2 serial=10407DA ip= groups=hmc,all mgt=hmc mac=00:1a:64:fb:7d:50 hidden=0 objtype=node hcp= nodetype=fsp mtm=9125-F2A serial=0262662 side=A-0 ip= groups=fsp,all mgt=fsp id=4 parent=Server-9125-F2A-SN0262662 mac=00:1a:64:fa:01:fe hidden=1 Server-8205-E6B-SN1074CDP: objtype=node hcp=Server-8205-E6B-SN1074CDP nodetype=cec mtm=8205-E6B serial=1074CDP groups=cec,all mgt=fsp id=0 hidden=0 objtype=node hcp= nodetype=bpa mtm=9458-100 serial=99201WM side=B-0 ip= groups=bpa,all mgt=bpa id=0 mac=00:09:6b:ad:19:90 hidden=1 Server-9125-F2A-SN0262652: objtype=node hcp=Server-9125-F2A-SN0262652 nodetype=frame mtm=9125-F2A serial=0262652 groups=frame,all mgt=fsp id=5 hidden=0 5. To list all discovered service types in stanza format and display the IP address, enter: lsslp -w --updatehosts Output is similar to: mm01: objtype=node nodetype=fsp mtm=8233-E8B serial=1000ECP side=A-0 groups=fsp,all mgt=fsp id=0 mac=00:14:5E:F0:5C:FD ip= bpa01: objtype=node nodetype=bpa mtm=9A01-100 serial=0P1N746 side=A-1 groups=bpa,all mgt=bpa id=0 mac=00:1A:64:54:8C:A5 ip= 6. To list all the CECs, enter: lsslp -s CEC device type-model serial-number side ip-addresses hostname FSP 9117-MMB 105EBEP A-1 FSP 9117-MMB 105EBEP B-1 CEC 9117-MMB 105EBEP Server-9117-MMB-SN105EBEP 7. To list all the nodes defined in database which have no SLP response. lsslp -I Output is similar to: Warning: The node Server-8204-E8 has no response. Warning: The node Server-8203-E4 has no response. device type-model serial-number side ip-addresses hostname BPA 9458-100 99201WM B-1 FSP 9125-F2A 0262652 A-0 FSP 8233-E8B 1000ECP A-0 CEC 8205-E6B 1040C7P Server-8205-E6B-SN1040C7P 8. To find the nodes within the user specified. Please make sure the noderange input have been defined in xCAT database. lsslp CEC1-CEC3 or lsslp CEC1,CEC2,CEC3 device type-model serial-number side ip-addresses hostname FSP 9A01-100 0P1P336 A-0 FSP 9A01-100 0P1P336 B-0 FSP 9A01-100 0P1P336 A-1 FSP 9A01-100 0P1P336 B-1 CEC 9A01-100 0P1P336 CEC1 FSP 8233-E8B 1040C7P A-0 FSP 8233-E8B 1040C7P B-0 FSP 8233-E8B 1040C7P A-1 FSP 8233-E8B 1040C7P B-1 CEC 8233-E8B 1040C7P CEC2 FSP 8205-E6B 1000ECP A-0 FSP 8205-E6B 1000ECP B-0 FSP 8205-E6B 1000ECP A-1 FSP 8205-E6B 1000ECP B-1 CEC 8205-E6B 1000ECP CEC3 =head1 FILES /opt/xcat/bin/lsslp =head1 SEE ALSO L<rscan(1)|rscan.1>