 * Global variables
var serviceTabs;
var nodeName;
var nodePath;
var nodeStatus;
var gangliaTimer;

 * Initialize service page
function initServicePage() {
	// Load theme
	var theme = $.cookie('xcat_theme');
	if (theme) {
		switch (theme) {
			case 'cupertino':
			case 'dark_hive':
			case 'redmond':
			case 'start':
			case 'sunny':
			case 'ui_dark':
	} else {

	// Load jQuery stylesheets
	// Load custom stylesheet
	// Reuqired JQuery plugins
    // Custom plugins
	// Enable settings link 	
	$('#xcat_settings').click(function() {
	// Show service page
	// Initialize tab index history
	$.cookie('tabindex_history', '0,0');

 * Load service page
function loadServicePage() {
	// If the page is loaded
	if ($('#content').children().length) {
		// Do not load again
	// Create manage and provision tabs
	serviceTabs = new Tab();
	var manageTabId = 'manageTab';
	serviceTabs.add(manageTabId, 'Manage', '', false);
	// Get nodes owned by user
	$.ajax( {
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'tabdump',
			tgt : '',
			args : 'nodetype',
			msg : ''

		success : function(data) {
	var provTabId = 'provisionTab';
	serviceTabs.add(provTabId, 'Provision', '', false);

	// Get OS image names
	if (!$.cookie('srv_imagenames')){
		$.ajax( {
			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
			dataType : 'json',
			data : {
				cmd : 'tabdump',
				tgt : '',
				args : 'osimage',
				msg : ''

			success : function(data) {
	// Get contents of hosts table
	if (!$.cookie('srv_groups')) {
		$.ajax( {
			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
			dataType : 'json',
			data : {
				cmd : 'tabdump',
				tgt : '',
				args : 'hosts',
				msg : ''

			success : function(data) {

 * Load the service portal's provision page
 * @param tabId
 * 			Tab ID where page will reside
 * @return Nothing
function loadServiceProvisionPage(tabId) {
	// Create info bar
	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Select a platform to provision a node on, then click Ok.');
	// Create provision page
	var provPg = $('<div class="form"></div>');
	$('#' + tabId).append(infoBar, provPg);

	// Create radio buttons for platforms
	var hwList = $('<ol>Platforms available:</ol>');
	var esx = $('<li><input type="radio" name="hw" value="esx" checked/>ESX</li>');
	var kvm = $('<li><input type="radio" name="hw" value="kvm"/>KVM</li>');
	var zvm = $('<li><input type="radio" name="hw" value="zvm"/>z\/VM</li>');

	 * Ok
	var okBtn = createButton('Ok');
	okBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
		var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
		var tmp = $.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes');
		// Get maximun number for nodes from cookie
		var nodes = '';
		var maxVM = 0;
		if (tmp.length) {
			nodes = tmp.split(',');
			maxVM = parseInt($.cookie(userName + '_maxvm'));
			// Do not allow user to clone if the maximum number of VMs is reached
			if (nodes.length >= maxVM) {
				var warn = createWarnBar('You have reached the maximum number of virtual machines allowed (' + maxVM + ').  Delete unused virtual machines or contact your system administrator request more virtual machines.');
				warn.prependTo($('#' + tabId));
		// Get hardware that was selected
		var hw = $(this).parent().find('input[name="hw"]:checked').val();
	    var newTabId = hw + 'ProvisionTab';

	    if ($('#' + newTabId).size() > 0){
	    } else {
	        var title = '';
	        // Create an instance of the plugin
	        var plugin;
	        switch (hw) {
	        case "kvm":
	            plugin = new kvmPlugin();
	            title = 'KVM';
	        case "esx":
	            plugin = new esxPlugin();
	            title = 'ESX';
	        case "blade":
	            plugin = new bladePlugin();
	            title = 'BladeCenter';
	        case "hmc":
	            plugin = new hmcPlugin();
	            title = 'System p';
	        case "ipmi":
	            plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
	            title = 'iDataPlex';
	        case "zvm":
	            plugin = new zvmPlugin();
	            title = 'z/VM';
	            // Get zVM host names
	        	if (!$.cookie('srv_zvm')){
	        		$.ajax( {
	        			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
	        			dataType : 'json',
	        			data : {
	        				cmd : 'webportal',
	        				tgt : '',
	        				args : 'lszvm',
	        				msg : ''

	        			success : function(data) {

	        // Select tab
	        serviceTabs.add(newTabId, title, '', true);

 * Load manage page
 * @param tabId
 * 			Tab ID where page will reside
 * @return Nothing
function loadManagePage(tabId) {
	// Create manage form
	var manageForm = $('<div></div>');

	// Append to manage tab
	$('#' + tabId).append(manageForm);

 * Get the user nodes definitions
function getUserNodesDef() {
	var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
	var userNodes = $.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes');
	if (userNodes) {	
		 // Get nodes definitions
	    $.ajax( {
	        url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
	        dataType : 'json',
	        data : {
	            cmd : 'lsdef',
	            tgt : '',
	            args : userNodes,
	            msg : ''
	        success : loadNodesTable
	} else {
		// Clear the tab before inserting the table
		$('#manageTab').append(createWarnBar('No nodes were found belonging to you!'));

 * Load user nodes definitions into a table
 * @param data
 *            Data from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function loadNodesTable(data) {
	// Clear the tab before inserting the table
	// Nodes datatable ID
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	// Hash of node attributes
	var attrs = new Object();
	// Node attributes
	var headers = new Object();
	var node, args;
	// Create hash of node attributes
	for (var i in data.rsp) {
		// Get node name
		if (data.rsp[i].indexOf('Object name:') > -1) {
			var temp = data.rsp[i].split(': ');
			node = jQuery.trim(temp[1]);

			// Create a hash for the node attributes
			attrs[node] = new Object();

		// Get key and value
		args = data.rsp[i].split('=', 2);
		var key = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
		var val = jQuery.trim(data.rsp[i].substring(data.rsp[i].indexOf('=') + 1, data.rsp[i].length));
		// Create a hash table
		attrs[node][key] = val;
		headers[key] = 1;

	// Sort headers
	var sorted = new Array();
	var attrs2hide = new Array('status', 'statustime', 'appstatus', 'appstatustime', 'usercomment');
	var attrs2show = new Array('arch', 'groups', 'hcp', 'hostnames', 'ip', 'os', 'userid', 'mgt');
	for (var key in headers) {
		// Show node attributes
		if (jQuery.inArray(key, attrs2show) > -1) {

	// Add column for check box, node, ping, power, monitor, and comments
	sorted.unshift('<input type="checkbox" onclick="selectAll(event, $(this))">', 
		'<span><a>status</a></span><img src="images/loader.gif" style="display: none;"></img>', 
		'<span><a>power</a></span><img src="images/loader.gif" style="display: none;"></img>',
		'<span><a>monitor</a></span><img src="images/loader.gif" style="display: none;"></img>',

	// Create a datatable
	var nodesDT = new DataTable(nodesDTId);
	// Go through each node
	for (var node in attrs) {
		// Create a row
		var row = new Array();
		// Create a check box, node link, and get node status
		var checkBx = $('<input type="checkbox" name="' + node + '"/>');
		var nodeLink = $('<a class="node" id="' + node + '">' + node + '</a>').bind('click', loadNode);
		// If there is no status attribute for the node, do not try to access hash table
		// Else the code will break
		var status = '';
		if (attrs[node]['status']) {
			status = attrs[node]['status'].replace('sshd', 'ping');
		// Push in checkbox, node, status, monitor, and power
		row.push(checkBx, nodeLink, status, '', '');
		// If the node attributes are known (i.e the group is known)
		if (attrs[node]['groups']) {
			// Put in comments
			var comments = attrs[node]['usercomment'];			
			// If no comments exists, show 'No comments' and set icon image source
			var iconSrc;
			if (!comments) {
				comments = 'No comments';
				iconSrc = 'images/nodes/ui-icon-no-comment.png';
			} else {
				iconSrc = 'images/nodes/ui-icon-comment.png';
			// Create comments icon
			var tipID = node + 'Tip';
			var icon = $('<img id="' + tipID + '" src="' + iconSrc + '"></img>').css({
				'width': '18px',
				'height': '18px'
			// Create tooltip
			var tip = createCommentsToolTip(comments);
			var col = $('<span></span>').append(icon);
			// Generate tooltips
				position: "center right",
				offset: [-2, 10],
				effect: "fade",	
				opacity: 0.8,
				relative: true,
				delay: 500
		} else {
			// Do not put in comments if attributes are not known
		// Go through each header
		for (var i = 6; i < sorted.length; i++) {
			// Add the node attributes to the row
			var key = sorted[i];
			// Do not put comments and status in twice
			if (key != 'usercomment' && key != 'status' && key.indexOf('statustime') < 0) {
    			var val = attrs[node][key];
    			if (val) {
    				row.push($('<span>' + val + '</span>'));
    			} else {

		// Add the row to the table
	// Create info bar
	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Manage and monitor your virtual machines.');
	// Insert action bar and nodes datatable
	// Turn table into a datatable
	$('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable({
		'iDisplayLength': 50,
		'bLengthChange': false,
		"sScrollX": "100%"
	// Set datatable header class to add color
	// $('.datatable thead').attr('class', 'ui-widget-header');
	// Do not sort ping, power, and comment column
	var cols = $('#' + nodesDTId + ' thead tr th').click(function() {		
	var checkboxCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(0)');
	var pingCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(2)');
	var powerCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(3)');
	var monitorCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(4)');
	var commentCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(5)');
	// Refresh the node ping, power, and monitor status on-click
	var nodes = getNodesShown(nodesDTId);
	pingCol.find('span a').click(function() {
	powerCol.find('span a').click(function() {
	monitorCol.find('span a').click(function() {
	// Create actions menu
	// Power on
	var powerOnLnk = $('<a>Power on</a>');
	powerOnLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
			powerNode(tgtNodes, 'on');
	// Power off
	var powerOffLnk = $('<a>Power off</a>');
	powerOffLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
			powerNode(tgtNodes, 'off');
	// Turn monitoring on
	var monitorOnLnk = $('<a>Monitor on</a>');
	monitorOnLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
			monitorNode(tgtNodes, 'on');

	// Turn monitoring off
	var monitorOffLnk = $('<a>Monitor off</a>');
	monitorOffLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
			monitorNode(tgtNodes, 'off');
	// Clone
	var cloneLnk = $('<a>Clone</a>');
	cloneLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
	// Delete
	var deleteLnk = $('<a>Delete</a>');
	deleteLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {

	// Unlock
	var unlockLnk = $('<a>Unlock</a>');
	unlockLnk.click(function() {
		var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked(nodesDTId);
		if (tgtNodes) {
	// Create action bar
	var actionBar = $('<div class="actionBar"></div>');
	// Prepend menu to datatable
	var actionsLnk = $('<a>Actions</a>');
	var refreshLnk = $('<a>Refresh</a>');
	refreshLnk.click(function() {
		// Get nodes owned by user
		$.ajax( {
			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
			dataType : 'json',
			data : {
				cmd : 'tabdump',
				tgt : '',
				args : 'nodetype',
				msg : ''

			success : function(data) {
				// Save nodes owned by user
				// Refresh nodes table
				var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
				var userNodes = $.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes');
				if (userNodes) {
					// Get nodes definitions
				    $.ajax( {
				        url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
				        dataType : 'json',
				        data : {
				            cmd : 'lsdef',
				            tgt : '',
				            args : userNodes,
				            msg : ''
				        success : loadNodesTable
				} else {
					// Clear the tab before inserting the table
					$('#manageTab').append(createWarnBar('You are not managing any node.  Try to provision a node.'));
	var actionMenu = createMenu([cloneLnk, deleteLnk, monitorOnLnk, monitorOffLnk, powerOnLnk, powerOffLnk, unlockLnk]);
	var menu = createMenu([[actionsLnk, actionMenu], refreshLnk]);
	// Set correct theme for action menu
	actionMenu.find('li').hover(function() {
	}, function() {
	// Create a division to hold actions menu
	var menuDiv = $('<div id="' + nodesDTId + '_menuDiv" class="menuDiv"></div>');
	$('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper').prepend(menuDiv);
	$('#' + nodesDTId + '_filter').appendTo(menuDiv);
	// Get power and monitor status
	var nodes = getNodesShown(nodesDTId);

 * Refresh ping status for each node
 * @param nodes
 * 			Nodes to get ping status
 * @return Nothing
function refreshNodeStatus(nodes) {
	// Show ping loader
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var pingCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(2)');
	// Get the node ping status
	$.ajax( {
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'nodestat',
			tgt : nodes,
			args : '-u',
			msg : ''

		success : loadNodePing

 * Load node ping status for each node
 * @param data
 * 			Data returned from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function loadNodePing(data) {
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var datatable = $('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable();
	var rsp = data.rsp;
	var args, rowPos, node, status;

	// Get all nodes within datatable
	for (var i in rsp) {
		args = rsp[i].split(':');
		// args[0] = node and args[1] = status
		node = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
		status = jQuery.trim(args[1]).replace('sshd', 'ping');
		// Get row containing node
		rowPos = findRow(node, '#' + nodesDTId, 1);

		// Update ping status column
		datatable.fnUpdate(status, rowPos, 2, false);
	// Hide status loader
	var pingCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(2)');

 * Refresh power status for each node
 * @param nodes
 * 			Nodes to get power status
 * @return Nothing
function refreshPowerStatus(nodes) {	
	// Show power loader
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var powerCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(3)');
	// Get power status
	$.ajax( {
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'rpower',
			tgt : nodes,
			args : 'stat',
			msg : ''

		success : loadPowerStatus

 * Load power status for each node
 * @param data
 *   		Data returned from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function loadPowerStatus(data) {
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var datatable = $('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable();
	var power = data.rsp;
	var rowPos, node, status, args;

	for (var i in power) {
		// power[0] = nodeName and power[1] = state
		args = power[i].split(':');
		node = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
		status = jQuery.trim(args[1]);
		// Get the row containing the node
		rowPos = findRow(node, '#' + nodesDTId, 1);

		// Update the power status column
		datatable.fnUpdate(status, rowPos, 3, false);
	// Hide power loader
	var powerCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(3)');

 * Refresh the status of Ganglia for each node
 * @param nodes
 * 			Nodes to get Ganglia status
 * @return Nothing
function refreshGangliaStatus(nodes) {
	// Show ganglia loader
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var gangliaCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(4)');
	// Get the status of Ganglia
	$.ajax( {
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'webrun',
			tgt : '',
			args : 'gangliastatus;' + nodes,
			msg : ''

		success : loadGangliaStatus

 * Load the status of Ganglia for a given group
 * @param data
 * 			Data returned from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function loadGangliaStatus(data) {
	// Get datatable
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var datatable = $('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable();
	var ganglia = data.rsp;
	var rowNum, node, status;

	for ( var i in ganglia) {
		// ganglia[0] = nodeName and ganglia[1] = state
		node = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][0]);
		status = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][1]);

		if (node) {
			// Get the row containing the node
			rowNum = findRow(node, '#' + nodesDTId, 1);

			// Update the power status column
			datatable.fnUpdate(status, rowNum, 4);

	// Hide Ganglia loader
	var gangliaCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(4)');

 * Load inventory for given node
 * @param e
 *            Windows event
 * @return Nothing
function loadNode(e) {
	if (!e) {
		e = window.event;
	// Get node that was clicked
	var node = (e.target) ? e.target.id : e.srcElement.id;

	// Create a new tab to show inventory
	var tabId = node + '_inventory';

	if(!$('#' + tabId).length) {
		// Add new tab, only if one does not exist
		var loader = createLoader(node + 'Loader');
		loader = $('<center></center>').append(loader);
		serviceTabs.add(tabId, node, loader, true);
		// Get node inventory
		var msg = 'out=' + tabId + ',node=' + node;
		$.ajax( {
			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
			dataType : 'json',
			data : {
				cmd : 'rinv',
				tgt : node,
				args : 'all',
				msg : msg

			success : function(data) {
				var args = data.msg.split(',');

				// Get node
				var node = args[1].replace('node=', '');
				// Get the management plugin
				var mgt = getNodeAttr(node, 'mgt');
				// Create an instance of the plugin
		        var plugin;
		        switch (mgt) {
		        case "blade":
		            plugin = new bladePlugin();
		        case "hmc":
		            plugin = new hmcPlugin();
		        case "ipmi":
		            plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
		        case "zvm":
		            plugin = new zvmPlugin();

		        // Select tab

	// Select new tab

 * Set a cookie for disk pool names
 * @param data
 *            Data from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function setGroupCookies(data) {
	if (data.rsp) {
		var groups = new Array();
		// Index 0 is the table header
		var cols, name, ip, hostname, desc, comments, tmp;
		for (var i = 1; i < data.rsp.length; i++) {
			// Split into columns:
			// node, ip, hostnames, otherinterfaces, comments, disable
			cols = data.rsp[i].split(',');
			name = cols[0].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			ip = cols[1].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			hostname = cols[2].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			// It should return: "description: All machines; network:;"
			comments = cols[4].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			tmp = comments.split(';');
			for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) {
				if (tmp[j].indexOf('description:') > -1) {
					desc = tmp[j].replace('description:', '');
					desc = jQuery.trim(desc);
			groups.push(name + ':' + ip + ':' + hostname + ':' + desc);
		// Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
		var exDate = new Date();
		exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
		$.cookie('srv_groups', groups, { expires: exDate });

 * Set a cookie for the OS images
 * @param data
 *            Data from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function setOSImageCookies(data) {
	// Get response
	var rsp = data.rsp;

	var imageNames = new Array;
	var profilesHash = new Object();
	var osVersHash = new Object();
	var osArchsHash = new Object();
	var imagePos = 0;
	var profilePos = 0;
	var osversPos = 0;
	var osarchPos = 0;
	var provMethodPos = 0;
	var comments = 0;
	// Get the column value
	var colNameArray = rsp[0].substr(1).split(',');
	for (var i in colNameArray){
		switch (colNameArray[i]){
			case 'imagename': {
				imagePos = i;
			case 'profile':{
				profilePos = i;
			case 'osvers':{
				osversPos = i;
			case 'osarch':{
				osarchPos = i;
			case 'comments':{
				comments = i;
			case 'provmethod':{
				provMethodPos = i;
			default :
	// Go through each index
	for (var i = 1; i < rsp.length; i++) {
		// Get image name
		var cols = rsp[i].split(',');
		var osImage = cols[imagePos].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		var profile = cols[profilePos].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		var provMethod = cols[provMethodPos].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		var osVer = cols[osversPos].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		var osArch = cols[osarchPos].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		var osComments = cols[comments].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
		// Only save install boot
		if (provMethod.indexOf('install') > -1) {
			if (!osComments)
				osComments = 'No descritption';
			imageNames.push(osImage + ':' + osComments);
			profilesHash[profile] = 1;
			osVersHash[osVer] = 1;
			osArchsHash[osArch] = 1;

	// Save image names in a cookie
	$.cookie('srv_imagenames', imageNames);

	// Save profiles in a cookie
	var tmp = new Array;
	for (var key in profilesHash) {
	$.cookie('srv_profiles', tmp);

	// Save OS versions in a cookie
	tmp = new Array;
	for (var key in osVersHash) {
	$.cookie('srv_osvers', tmp);

	// Save OS architectures in a cookie
	tmp = new Array;
	for (var key in osArchsHash) {
	$.cookie('srv_osarchs', tmp);

 * Set a cookie for user nodes
 * @param data
 *            Data from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function setUserNodes(data) {
	if (data.rsp) {
		// Get user name that is logged in
		var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
		var usrNodes = new Array();
		// Ignore first columns because it is the header
		for ( var i = 1; i < data.rsp.length; i++) {
			// Go through each column
			// where column names are: node, os, arch, profile, provmethod, supportedarchs, nodetype, comments, disable
			var cols = data.rsp[i].split(',');
			var node = cols[0].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			var owner = cols[7].replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '');
			owner = owner.replace('owner:', '');
			if (owner == userName) {
		} // End of for
		// Set cookie to expire in 240 minutes
		var exDate = new Date();
		exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
		$.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes', usrNodes, { expires: exDate });
	} // End of if

 * Power on a given node
 * @param tgtNodes
 *            Node to power on or off
 * @param power2
 *            Power node to given state
 * @return Nothing
function powerNode(tgtNodes, power2) {
	// Show power loader
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var powerCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(3)');
	var nodes = tgtNodes.split(',');
	for (var n in nodes) {
		// Get hardware that was selected
		var hw = getUserNodeAttr(nodes[n], 'mgt');
		// Change to power softoff (to gracefully shutdown)
        switch (hw) {
        case "blade":
        case "hmc":
        case "ipmi":
        case "zvm":
        	if (power2 == 'off') {
        		power2 = 'softoff';
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'rpower',
			tgt : tgtNodes,
			args : power2,
			msg : tgtNodes

		success : updatePowerStatus

 * Update power status of a node in the datatable
 * @param data
 *            Data from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function updatePowerStatus(data) {
	// Get datatable
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var dTable = $('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable();

	// Get xCAT response
	var rsp = data.rsp;
	// Loop through each line
	var node, status, rowPos, strPos;
	for (var i in rsp) {
		// Get node name
		node = rsp[i].split(":")[0];

		// If there is no error
		if (rsp[i].indexOf("Error") < 0 || rsp[i].indexOf("Failed") < 0) {
			// Get the row containing the node link
			rowPos = findRow(node, '#' + nodesDTId, 1);

			// If it was power on, then the data return would contain "Starting"
			strPos = rsp[i].indexOf("Starting");
			if (strPos > -1) {
				status = 'on';
			} else {
				status = 'off';

			// Update the power status column
			dTable.fnUpdate(status, rowPos, 3, false);
		} else {
			// Power on/off failed
	var powerCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(3)');

 * Turn on monitoring for a given node
 * @param node
 *            Node to monitor on or off
 * @param monitor
 *            Monitor state, on or off
 * @return Nothing
function monitorNode(node, monitor) {
	// Show ganglia loader
	var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
	var gangliaCol = $('#' + nodesDTId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead .datatable thead tr th:eq(4)');
	if (monitor == 'on') {
		if (node) {
			// Check if ganglia RPMs are installed
			$.ajax( {
				url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
				dataType : 'json',
				data : {
					cmd : 'webrun',
					tgt : '',
					args : 'gangliacheck;' + node,
					msg : node	// Node range will be passed along in data.msg

				 * Start ganglia on a given node range
				 * @param data
				 *            Data returned from HTTP request
				 * @return Nothing
				success : function(data) {
					// Get response
					var out = data.rsp[0].split(/\n/);

					// Go through each line
					var warn = false;
					var warningMsg = '';
					for (var i in out) {
						// If an RPM is not installed
						if (out[i].indexOf('not installed') > -1) {
							warn = true;
							if (warningMsg) {
								warningMsg += '<br>' + out[i];
							} else {
								warningMsg = out[i];
					// If there are warnings
					if (warn) {
						// Create warning bar
						var warningBar = createWarnBar(warningMsg);
						warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
					} else {
						$.ajax( {
							url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
							dataType : 'json',
							data : {
								cmd : 'webrun',
								tgt : '',
								args : 'gangliastart;' + data.msg,
								msg : data.msg

							success : function(data) {
								// Remove any warnings
					} // End of if (warn)
				} // End of function(data)
	} else {
		var args;
		if (node) {
			args = 'gangliastop;' + node;
			$.ajax( {
				url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
				dataType : 'json',
				data : {
					cmd : 'webrun',
					tgt : '',
					args : args,
					msg : node

				success : function(data) {

 * Open a dialog to clone node
 * @param tgtNodes
 *            Nodes to clone
 * @return Nothing
function cloneNode(tgtNodes) {	
	var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');	
	var nodes = tgtNodes.split(',');
	var tmp = $.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes');
	var usrNodes = tmp.split(',');
	var maxVM = parseInt($.cookie(userName + '_maxvm'));
	// Do not allow user to clone if the maximum number of VMs is reached
	if (usrNodes.length >= maxVM) {
		var warn = createWarnBar('You have reached the maximum number of virtual machines allowed (' + maxVM + ').  Delete un-used virtual machines or contact your system administrator request more virtual machines.');
	for (var n in nodes) {
		// Get hardware that was selected
		var hw = getUserNodeAttr(nodes[n], 'mgt');
		// Create an instance of the plugin
        var plugin;
        switch (hw) {
        case "blade":
            plugin = new bladePlugin();
        case "hmc":
            plugin = new hmcPlugin();
        case "ipmi":
            plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
        case "zvm":
            plugin = new zvmPlugin();	        	

        // Clone node

 * Open a dialog to delete node
 * @param tgtNodes
 *            Nodes to delete
 * @return Nothing
function deleteNode(tgtNodes) {
	var nodes = tgtNodes.split(',');
	// Loop through each node and create target nodes string
	var tgtNodesStr = '';
	for (var i in nodes) {		
		if (i == 0 && i == nodes.length - 1) {
			// If it is the 1st and only node
			tgtNodesStr += nodes[i];
		} else if (i == 0 && i != nodes.length - 1) {
			// If it is the 1st node of many nodes, append a comma to the string
			tgtNodesStr += nodes[i] + ', ';
		} else {
			if (i == nodes.length - 1) {
				// If it is the last node, append nothing to the string
				tgtNodesStr += nodes[i];
			} else {
				// Append a comma to the string
				tgtNodesStr += nodes[i] + ', ';
	// Confirm delete
	var confirmMsg = $('<p>Are you sure you want to delete ' + tgtNodesStr + '?</p>').css({
		'display': 'inline',
		'margin': '5px',
		'vertical-align': 'middle',
		'word-wrap': 'break-word'
	var style = {
		'display': 'inline-block',
		'margin': '5px',
		'vertical-align': 'middle'

	var dialog = $('<div></div>');
	var icon = $('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>').css(style);
	// Open dialog
		title: "Confirm",
		modal: true,
		width: 400,
		buttons: {
			"Yes": function(){ 
				// Create status bar and append to tab
				var instance = 0;
				var statBarId = 'deleteStat' + instance;
				while ($('#' + statBarId).length) {
					// If one already exists, generate another one
					instance = instance + 1;
					statBarId = 'deleteStat' + instance;
				var statBar = createStatusBar(statBarId);
				var loader = createLoader('');
				// Delete the virtual server
				$.ajax( {
					url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
					dataType : 'json',
					data : {
						cmd : 'rmvm',
						tgt : tgtNodes,
						args : '',
						msg : 'out=' + statBarId + ';cmd=rmvm;tgt=' + tgtNodes

					success : function(data) {
						var args = data.msg.split(';');
						var statBarId = args[0].replace('out=', '');
						var tgts = args[2].replace('tgt=', '').split(',');
						// Get data table
						var nodesDTId = 'userNodesDT';
						var dTable = $('#' + nodesDTId).dataTable();
						var failed = false;

						// Create an info box to show output
						var output = writeRsp(data.rsp, '');
						output.css('margin', '0px');
						// Remove loader and append output
						$('#' + statBarId + ' img').remove();
						$('#' + statBarId + ' div').append(output);
						// If there was an error, do not continue
						if (output.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
							failed = true;

						// Update data table
						var rowPos;						
						for (var i in tgts) {
							if (!failed) {
								// Get row containing the node link and delete it
								rowPos = findRow(tgts[i], '#' + nodesDTId, 1);
						// Refresh nodes owned by user
						$.ajax( {
							url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
							dataType : 'json',
							data : {
								cmd : 'tabdump',
								tgt : '',
								args : 'nodetype',
								msg : ''

							success : function(data) {
			"No": function() {

 * Unlock a node by setting the ssh keys
 * @param tgtNodes
 *            Nodes to unlock
 * @return Nothing
function unlockNode(tgtNodes) {
	var nodes = tgtNodes.split(',');
	// Loop through each node and create target nodes string
	var tgtNodesStr = '';
	for (var i in nodes) {		
		if (i == 0 && i == nodes.length - 1) {
			// If it is the 1st and only node
			tgtNodesStr += nodes[i];
		} else if (i == 0 && i != nodes.length - 1) {
			// If it is the 1st node of many nodes, append a comma to the string
			tgtNodesStr += nodes[i] + ', ';
		} else {
			if (i == nodes.length - 1) {
				// If it is the last node, append nothing to the string
				tgtNodesStr += nodes[i];
			} else {
				// Append a comma to the string
				tgtNodesStr += nodes[i] + ', ';

	var dialog = $('<div></div>');
	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Give the root password for this node range to setup its SSH keys.');
	var unlockForm = $('<div class="form"></div>').css('margin', '5px');
	unlockForm.append('<div><label>Target node range:</label><input type="text" id="node" name="node" readonly="readonly" value="' + tgtNodes + '" title="The node or node range to unlock"/></div>');
	unlockForm.append('<div><label>Password:</label><input type="password" id="password" name="password" title="The root password to unlock this node"/></div>');
	dialog.find('div input').css('margin', '5px');
	// Generate tooltips
	unlockForm.find('div input[title]').tooltip({
		position: "center right",
		offset: [-2, 10],
		effect: "fade",
		opacity: 0.7,
		predelay: 800,
		events : {
			def : "mouseover,mouseout",
			input : "mouseover,mouseout",
			widget : "focus mouseover,blur mouseout",
			tooltip : "mouseover,mouseout"
	// Open dialog
		title: "Confirm",
		modal: true,
		width: 450,
		buttons: {
			"Ok": function(){
				// Create status bar and append to tab
				var instance = 0;
				var statBarId = 'unlockStat' + instance;
				while ($('#' + statBarId).length) {
					// If one already exists, generate another one
					instance = instance + 1;
					statBarId = 'unlockStat' + instance;
				var statBar = createStatusBar(statBarId);
				var loader = createLoader('');
				// If a password is given
				var password = unlockForm.find('input[name=password]:eq(0)');
				if (password.val()) {
					// Setup SSH keys
		    		$.ajax( {
		    			url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		    			dataType : 'json',
		    			data : {
		    				cmd : 'webrun',
		    				tgt : '',
		    				args : 'unlock;' + tgtNodes + ';' + password.val(),
		    				msg : 'out=' + statBarId + ';cmd=unlock;tgt=' + tgtNodes
		    			success : function(data) {
							// Create an info box to show output
							var output = writeRsp(data.rsp, '');
							output.css('margin', '0px');
							// Remove loader and append output
							$('#' + statBarId + ' img').remove();
							$('#' + statBarId + ' div').append(output);
			"Cancel": function() {

 * Get nodes current load information
function getNodesCurrentLoad(){
	var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
	var nodes = $.cookie(userName + '_usrnodes');
    // Get nodes current status
    	url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
        dataType : 'json',
        data : {
        	cmd : 'webrun',
            tgt : '',
            args : 'gangliacurrent;node;' + nodes,
            msg : ''
        success: saveNodeLoad

 * Save node load data
 * @param status
 * 			Data returned from HTTP request
function saveNodeLoad(status){
	// Save node path and status for future use
	nodePath = new Object();
	nodeStatus = new Object();
	// Get nodes status
    var nodes = status.rsp[0].split(';');
    var i = 0, pos = 0;
    var node = '', tmpStr = '';
    var tmpArry;   
    for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
        tmpStr = nodes[i];
        pos = tmpStr.indexOf(':');
        node = tmpStr.substring(0, pos);
        tmpArry = tmpStr.substring(pos + 1).split(',');
            case 'UNKNOWN':{
                nodeStatus[node] = -2;
            case 'ERROR':{
                nodeStatus[node] = -1;
            case 'WARNING':{
                nodeStatus[node] = 0;
                nodePath[node] = tmpArry[1];
            case 'NORMAL':{
                nodeStatus[node] = 1;
                nodePath[node] = tmpArry[1];

 * Get monitoring metrics and load into inventory fieldset
 * @param node
 * 			Node to collect metrics
 * @return Nothing
function getMonitorMetrics(node) {
	// Inventory tab should have this fieldset already created
	// e.g. <fieldset id="gpok123_monitor"></fieldset>
	$('#' + node + '_monitor').children('div').remove();
	// Before trying to get the metrics, check if Ganglia is running
        url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
        dataType : 'json',
        data : {
            cmd : 'webrun',
            tgt : '',
            args : 'gangliastatus;' + node,
            msg : ''
        success: function(data) {
        	var ganglia = data.rsp;
        	var node, status;

        	// Get the ganglia status
        	for ( var i in ganglia) {
        		// ganglia[0] = nodeName and ganglia[1] = state
        		node = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][0]);
        		status = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][1]);
        		if (node && status == 'on') {
        			// Get monitoring metrics
                        url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
                        dataType : 'json',
                        data : {
                            cmd : 'webrun',
                            tgt : '',
                            args : 'gangliashow;' + nodePath[node] + ';hour;_summary_',
                            msg : node
                        success: drawMonitoringCharts
        		} else if (node && status == 'off') {
        			var info = createInfoBar('Ganglia monitoring is disabled for this node');
        			$('#' + node + '_monitor').append(info.css('width', '300px'));
        	} // End of for
        } // End of function

 * Draw monitoring charts based on node metrics
 * @param data
 * 			Data returned from HTTP request
 * @return Nothing
function drawMonitoringCharts(data){
	var nodeMetrics = new Object();
	var metricData = data.rsp[0].split(';');
	var node = data.msg;
    var metricName = '';
    var metricVal = '';
    var pos = 0;
    // Go through the metrics returned
    for (var m = 0; m < metricData.length; m++){
        pos = metricData[m].indexOf(':');

        // Get metric name
        metricName = metricData[m].substr(0, pos);
        nodeMetrics[metricName] = new Array();
        // Get metric values
        metricVal = metricData[m].substr(pos + 1).split(',');
        // Save node metrics
        for (var i = 0; i < metricVal.length; i++){
    drawLoadFlot(node, nodeMetrics['load_one'], nodeMetrics['cpu_num']);
    drawCpuFlot(node, nodeMetrics['cpu_idle']);
    drawMemFlot(node, nodeMetrics['mem_free'], nodeMetrics['mem_total']);
    drawDiskFlot(node, nodeMetrics['disk_free'], nodeMetrics['disk_total']);
    drawNetworkFlot(node, nodeMetrics['bytes_in'], nodeMetrics['bytes_out']);

 * Draw load metrics flot
 * @param node
 * 			Node name
 * @param loadpair
 * 			Load timestamp and value pair
 * @param cpupair
 * 			CPU number and value pair
 * @return Nothing
function drawLoadFlot(node, loadPair, cpuPair){
    var load = new Array();
    var cpu = new Array();
    var i = 0;
    var yAxisMax = 0;
    var interval = 1;
    // Append flot to node monitoring fieldset
    var loadFlot = $('<div id="' + node + '_load"></div>').css({
    	'float': 'left',
	    'height': '150px',
	    'margin': '0 0 10px',
	    'width': '300px'
    $('#' + node + '_monitor').append(loadFlot);
    $('#' + node + '_load').empty();
    // Parse load pair where:
    // timestamp must be mutiplied by 1000 and Javascript timestamp is in ms
    for (i = 0; i < loadPair.length; i += 2){
        load.push([loadPair[i] * 1000, loadPair[i + 1]]);
        if (loadPair[i + 1] > yAxisMax){
            yAxisMax = loadPair[i + 1];
    // Parse CPU pair
    for (i = 0; i < cpuPair.length; i += 2){
        cpu.push([cpuPair[i] * 1000, cpuPair[i + 1]]);
        if (cpuPair[i + 1] > yAxisMax){
            yAxisMax = cpuPair[i + 1];
    interval = parseInt(yAxisMax / 3);
    if (interval < 1){
        interval = 1;
    $.jqplot(node + '_load', [load, cpu],{
        title: ' Loads/Procs Last Hour',
                renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
                numberTicks: 4,
                tickOptions : {
                    formatString : '%R',
                    show : true
            yaxis: {
                min : 0,
                tickInterval : interval
        legend : {
            show: true,
            location: 'nw'
        series:[{label:'Load'}, {label: 'CPU Number'}],
        seriesDefaults : {showMarker: false}

 * Draw CPU usage flot
 * @param node
 * 			Node name
 * @param cpuPair 
 * 			CPU timestamp and value pair
 * @return Nothing
function drawCpuFlot(node, cpuPair){
    var cpu = new Array();
	// Append flot to node monitoring fieldset
    var cpuFlot = $('<div id="' + node + '_cpu"></div>').css({
    	'float': 'left',
	    'height': '150px',
	    'margin': '0 0 10px',
	    'width': '300px'
    $('#' + node + '_monitor').append(cpuFlot);
    $('#' + node + '_cpu').empty();
    // Time stamp should by mutiplied by 1000
    // CPU idle comes from server, subtract 1 from idle
    for(var i = 0; i < cpuPair.length; i +=2){
        cpu.push([(cpuPair[i] * 1000), (100 - cpuPair[i + 1])]);
    $.jqplot(node + '_cpu', [cpu],{
        title: 'CPU Use Last Hour',
                renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
                numberTicks: 4,
                tickOptions : {
                    formatString : '%R',
                    show : true
            yaxis: {
                min : 0,
                max : 100,
                tickOptions:{formatString : '%d\%'}
        seriesDefaults : {showMarker: false}

 * Draw memory usage flot
 * @param node
 * 			Node name
 * @param freePair 
 * 			Free memory timestamp and value pair
 * @param totalPair 
 * 			Total memory timestamp and value pair
 * @return Nothing
function drawMemFlot(node, freePair, totalPair){
    var used = new Array();
    var total = new Array();
    var size = 0;
	// Append flot to node monitoring fieldset
    var memoryFlot = $('<div id="' + node + '_memory"></div>').css({
    	'float': 'left',
	    'height': '150px',
	    'margin': '0 0 10px',
	    'width': '300px'
    $('#' + node + '_monitor').append(memoryFlot);
    $('#' + node + '_memory').empty();
    if(freePair.length < totalPair.length){
        size = freePair.length;
    } else {
        size = freePair.length;
    var tmpTotal, tmpUsed;
    for(var i = 0; i < size; i+=2){
        tmpTotal = totalPair[i+1];
        tmpUsed = tmpTotal-freePair[i+1];
        tmpTotal = tmpTotal/1000000;
        tmpUsed = tmpUsed/1000000;
        total.push([totalPair[i]*1000, tmpTotal]);
        used.push([freePair[i]*1000, tmpUsed]);
    $.jqplot(node + '_memory', [used, total],{
        title: 'Memory Use Last Hour',
                renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
                numberTicks: 4,
                tickOptions : {
                    formatString : '%R',
                    show : true
            yaxis: {
                min : 0,
                tickOptions:{formatString : '%.2fG'}
        legend : {
            show: true,
            location: 'nw'
        series:[{label:'Used'}, {label: 'Total'}],
        seriesDefaults : {showMarker: false}

 * Draw disk usage flot
 * @param node
 * 			Node name
 * @param freePair 
 * 			Free disk space (Ganglia only logs free data)
 * @param totalPair 
 * 			Total disk space
 * @return Nothing
function drawDiskFlot(node, freePair, totalPair) {
	var used = new Array();
	var total = new Array();
	var size = 0;

	// Append flot to node monitoring fieldset
	var diskFlot = $('<div id="' + node + '_disk"></div>').css({
		'float' : 'left',
		'height' : '150px',
		'margin' : '0 0 10px',
		'width' : '300px'
	$('#' + node + '_monitor').append(diskFlot);
	$('#' + node + '_disk').empty();

	if (freePair.length < totalPair.length) {
		size = freePair.length;
	} else {
		size = freePair.length;

	var tmpTotal, tmpUsed;
	for ( var i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {
		tmpTotal = totalPair[i + 1];
		tmpUsed = tmpTotal - freePair[i + 1];
		total.push([ totalPair[i] * 1000, tmpTotal ]);
		used.push([ freePair[i] * 1000, tmpUsed ]);

	$.jqplot(node + '_disk', [ used, total ], {
		title : 'Disk Use Last Hour',
		axes : {
			xaxis : {
				renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
				numberTicks : 4,
				tickOptions : {
					formatString : '%R',
					show : true
			yaxis : {
				min : 0,
				tickOptions : {
					formatString : '%.2fG'
		legend : {
			show : true,
			location : 'nw'
		series : [ {
			label : 'Used'
		}, {
			label : 'Total'
		} ],
		seriesDefaults : {
			showMarker : false

 * Draw network usage flot
 * @param node
 *            Node name
 * @param freePair
 *            Free memory timestamp and value pair
 * @param totalPair
 *            Total memory timestamp and value pair
 * @return Nothing
function drawNetworkFlot(node, inPair, outPair) {
	var inArray = new Array();
	var outArray = new Array();
	var maxVal = 0;
	var unitName = 'B';
	var divisor = 1;

	// Append flot to node monitoring fieldset
	var diskFlot = $('<div id="' + node + '_network"></div>').css({
		'float' : 'left',
		'height' : '150px',
		'margin' : '0 0 10px',
		'width' : '300px'
	$('#' + node + '_monitor').append(diskFlot);
	$('#' + node + '_network').empty();
	for (var i = 0; i < inPair.length; i += 2) {
		if (inPair[i + 1] > maxVal) {
			maxVal = inPair[i + 1];

	for (var i = 0; i < outPair.length; i += 2) {
		if (outPair[i + 1] > maxVal) {
			maxVal = outPair[i + 1];

	if (maxVal > 3000000) {
		divisor = 1000000;
		unitName = 'GB';
	} else if (maxVal >= 3000) {
		divisor = 1000;
		unitName = 'MB';
	} else {
		// Do nothing

	for (i = 0; i < inPair.length; i += 2) {
		inArray.push([ (inPair[i] * 1000), (inPair[i + 1] / divisor) ]);

	for (i = 0; i < outPair.length; i += 2) {
		outArray.push([ (outPair[i] * 1000), (outPair[i + 1] / divisor) ]);

	$.jqplot(node + '_network', [ inArray, outArray ], {
		title : 'Network Last Hour',
		axes : {
			xaxis : {
				renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
				numberTicks : 4,
				tickOptions : {
					formatString : '%R',
					show : true
			yaxis : {
				min : 0,
				tickOptions : {
					formatString : '%d' + unitName
		legend : {
			show : true,
			location : 'nw'
		series : [ {
			label : 'In'
		}, {
			label : 'Out'
		} ],
		seriesDefaults : {
			showMarker : false

 * Get an attribute of a given node
 * @param node
 *            The node
 * @param attrName
 *            The attribute
 * @return The attribute of the node
function getNodeAttr(node, attrName) {
	// Get the row
	var row = $('[id=' + node + ']').parents('tr');

	// Search for the column containing the attribute
	var attrCol;
	var cols = row.parents('.dataTables_scroll').find('.dataTables_scrollHead thead tr:eq(0) th');
	// Loop through each column
	for (var i in cols) {
		// Find column that matches the attribute
		if (cols.eq(i).html() == attrName) {
			attrCol = cols.eq(i);
	// If the column containing the attribute is found
	if (attrCol) {
		// Get the attribute column index
		var attrIndex = attrCol.index();

		// Get the attribute for the given node
		var attr = row.find('td:eq(' + attrIndex + ')');
		return attr.text();
	} else {
		return '';

 * Set the maximum number of VMs a user could have
function setMaxVM() {
	var userName = $.cookie('xcat_username');
	$.ajax( {
		url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
		dataType : 'json',
		data : {
			cmd : 'webportal',
			tgt : '',
			args : 'getmaxvm;' + userName,
			msg : ''

		success : function(data) {
			// Get response
			var rsp = jQuery.trim(data.rsp);
			rsp = rsp.replace('Max allowed:', '');
			// Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
			var exDate = new Date();
			exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
			$.cookie(userName + '_maxvm', rsp, { expires: exDate });