#!/bin/bash str_dir_name=`dirname $0` . $str_dir_name/xcatlib.sh #the nics' information contain: #1. ip address #2. nic network #3. nic type #4. custom scripts #all of them are saved by different variable #this function can split the varable for each nic, and svae the information for each nic #into an hash, the key is nic name, the value are all information, which joined by ',' function splitconfig(){ if [ ! "$1" ];then return fi old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$',' array_conf_temp=($1) IFS=$old_ifs for i in ${array_conf_temp[@]} do D= if [ `echo $i | grep "!"` ];then D="!" else D=":" fi key=`echo $i | cut -d"$D" -f 1` str_temp_value=`echo $i | cut -d"$D" -f 2` str_temp=$(hashget hash_defined_nics $key) if [ -n "$str_temp" ];then str_temp=$str_temp",${str_temp_value}" else str_temp="$str_temp_value" str_all_nics=$str_all_nics"$key " fi hashset hash_defined_nics $key $str_temp done } function findnetwork(){ local str_ip=$1 local str_network='' local flag_v6=0 echo "$str_ip" | grep ':' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then flag_v6=1 fi local num_i=1 while [ $num_i -le $NETWORKS_LINES ];do eval str_temp=\$NETWORKS_LINE$num_i str_net=`echo $str_temp | awk -F'net=' '{print $2}' | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'` str_mask=`echo $str_temp | awk -F'mask=' '{print $2}' | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' | sed 's:^/::'` echo $str_net | grep ':' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then if [ $flag_v6 -eq 0 ];then str_temp_net1=$(v4calcnet $str_ip $str_mask) str_temp_net2=$(v4calcnet $str_net $str_mask) else num_i=$((num_i+1)) continue fi else if [ $flag_v6 -eq 1 ];then str_temp_net1=$(v6calcnet $str_ip $str_mask) str_temp_net2=$(v6calcnet $str_net $str_mask) else num_i=$((num_i+1)) continue fi fi if [ "$str_temp_net1" = "$str_temp_net2" ];then str_network=`echo $str_temp | awk -F'netname=' '{print $2}' | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'` echo "$str_network" return fi num_i=$((num_i+1)) done echo "Error: Can not find the corresponding network defination for ip address: $str_ip ." } function checknetwork(){ old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'|' array_ip=($1) IFS=$old_ifs str_ret='' num_length=${#array_ip[@]} num_index=0 while [ $num_index -lt $num_length ] do str_ip=${array_ip[$num_index]} str_networkname=$(findnetwork $str_ip) echo "$str_networkname" | grep -i 'error' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "$str_networkname" return fi str_ret="${str_ret}${str_networkname}," num_index=$((num_index+1)) done str_ret=`echo $str_ret | sed 's/,$//'` echo "$str_ret" } bool_cfg_inst_nic=0 str_inst_nic='' str_ib_nics='' str_os_type=`uname | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ "$str_os_type" = "aix" ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.err "confignics: aix does not support in this build" echo "confignics: aix does not support in this build" exit 0 fi bool_remove=0 num_iba_ports= str_all_nics='' for arg in "$@" do if [ "$arg" = "-s" ];then bool_cfg_inst_nic=1 elif [ "$arg" = "-r" ];then bool_remove=1 elif [ "${arg:0:10}" = "--ibaports" ];then num_iba_ports=${arg#--ibaports=} fi done if [ "$SETINSTALLNIC" = "1" ] || [ "$SETINSTALLNIC" = "yes" ]; then bool_cfg_inst_nic=1 fi boot_myscript=0 if [ $# -eq 2 ] then if [ "$1" = "--script" ] then if [ $bool_cfg_inst_nic -eq 1 -o $bool_remove -eq 1 -o ! -z "$num_iba_ports" ] then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics --script <myscript> could Not be used with other options" echo "confignics --script <myscript> could Not be used with other options" exit -1 fi boot_myscript=1 myscript=$2; fi fi logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics is called: config install nic:$bool_cfg_inst_nic, remove: $bool_remove, iba ports: $num_iba_ports" echo "confignics on $NODE: config install nic:$bool_cfg_inst_nic, remove: $bool_remove, iba ports: $num_iba_ports" str_temp='' if [ ! $INSTALLNIC ];then str_temp="mac" else str_temp=$INSTALLNIC fi if [ "$str_temp" = "mac" ];then if [ "$str_os_type" = "aix" ];then old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$' ' str_temp=`ifconfig -l` array_nicnames_temp=($str_temp) IFS=$old_ifs for temp_nic in ${array_nicnames_temp[@]} do entstat -t $temp_nic | grep -i "$MACADDRESS" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then str_inst_nic=$temp_nic break fi done else str_inst_nic=`ifconfig -a | grep -i "$MACADDRESS" | awk '{print $1;}'` fi elif [ `echo $str_temp | grep -E "e(n|th)[0-9]+"` ];then str_inst_nic=$str_temp fi if [ $bool_cfg_inst_nic -eq 1 ];then configeth -s $str_inst_nic fi bool_exit_flag=0 #check the required attributes if [ -z "$NICIPS" ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: nicips attribute is not defined. " echo "confignics on $NODE: nicips attribute is not defined. " exit 0 fi splitconfig $NICIPS splitconfig $NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS if [ $boot_myscript -eq 1 ];then . $str_dir_name/$myscript if [ $? -ne 0 ];then exit -1 fi exit 0 fi #get state of nic in "UP" status #If bonded redhat then "SLAVE" or "MASTER" will be in the first line of stanza #do not configure the loopback nic if [ $bool_remove -eq 1 ];then if [ "$str_os_type" = "aix" ];then str_temp=`ifconfig -a | grep flags | grep -vi loopback | grep -v SALVE | grep -v MASTER | awk -F: {'print $1'}` else str_temp=`ip link show | grep -v link | grep -vi loopback | grep -v SALVE | grep -v MASTER | awk {'print $2'} | sed s/://` fi old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'\n' array_nics_temp=($str_temp) IFS=$old_ifs for str_temp_nic in ${array_nics_temp[@]} do #the nic type should be ethernet echo $str_temp_nic | grep -E "e(n|th)[0-9]+" if [ $? -ne 0 ];then continue fi if [ "$str_os_type" != "aix" ];then brctl show 2>/dev/null | grep $str_temp_nic #the nic belongs to a bridge, go to next if [ $? -eq 0 ];then continue fi fi #the nic is defined this time str_temp=$(hashget hash_defined_nics $str_temp_nic) if [ -n "$str_temp" ];then continue fi if [ "$str_temp_nic" = "$str_inst_nic" ];then continue fi #ignore the vlan interface echo $str_temp_nic | grep "\." if [ $? -eq 0 ];then continue fi logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: remove nic $str_temp_nic" echo "confignics on $NODE: remove nic $str_temp_nic" configeth -r $str_temp_nic done fi old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$' ' array_nics_temp=($str_all_nics) IFS=$old_ifs for key in ${array_nics_temp[@]} do key=`echo $key | sed 's/^ \+//' | sed 's/ \+$//'` str_nic_type= str_value=$(hashget hash_defined_nics $key) if [ "$key" = "$str_inst_nic" ];then continue fi old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$',' array_temp=($str_value) IFS=$old_ifs if [ -n "${array_temp[1]}" ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: processing custom scripts: ${array_temp[1]} for interface $key" echo "confignics on $NODE: processing custom scripts: ${array_temp[1]} for interface $key" ${array_temp[1]} else if [ `echo $key | grep -E '(eth|en)[0-9]+'` ];then str_nic_type="ethernet" elif [ `echo $KEY | grep -E 'ib[0-9]+'` ];then str_nic_type="infiniband" else logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: unknown nic type for $key: $str_value ." echo "confignics on $NODE: unknown nic type for $key: $str_value ." continue fi str_network=$(checknetwork ${array_temp[0]}) echo "$str_network" | grep -i 'error' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "$str_network" echo "confignics on $NODE: $str_network" continue fi if [ "$str_nic_type" = "ethernet" ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: call 'configeth $key ${array_temp[0]} $str_network'" echo "confignics on $NODE: call 'configeth $key ${array_temp[0]} $str_network'" configeth $key ${array_temp[0]} $str_network elif [ "$str_nic_type" = "infiniband" ];then if [ $str_ib_nics ];then str_ib_nics=$str_ib_nics","$key else str_ib_nics=$key fi else logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: unknown type $str_nic_type for NIC: $key" echo "confignics on $NODE: unknown type $str_nic_type for NIC: $key" fi fi done if [ -n "$str_ib_nics" ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: executed script: configib for nics: $str_ib_nics, ports: $num_iba_ports" echo "confignics on $NODE: executed script: configib for nics: $str_ib_nics, ports: $num_iba_ports" NIC_IBNICS=$str_ib_nics NIC_IBAPORTS=$num_iba_ports configib else if [ $bool_remove -eq 1 ];then logger -t xcat -p local4.info "confignics: executed script: 'configib -u' to remove all ib nics and configuration files" echo "confignics on $NODE: executed script: 'configib -r' to remove all ib nics and configuration files" configib fi fi