# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

package xCAT::FSPbootseq;
use Socket;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::FSPUtils;
#use Data::Dumper;

# Parse the command line for options and operands 
sub parse_args {

    my $request = shift;
    my %opt     = ();
    my $cmd     = $request->{command};
    my $args    = $request->{arg};
    my $node    = $request->{node};
    my $vers = 
    my @VERSION = qw( 2.6 );
    my @dev     = qw(hfi net);
    # Responds with usage statement
    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($cmd);
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
    # Process command-line arguments
    if ( !defined( $args )) {
        $request->{method} = $cmd;
        return( \%opt );
    # Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
    # to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
    # at the first unrecognized option.
    @ARGV = @$args;
    $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

    if ( !GetOptions( \%opt,qw(h|help V|Verbose v|version ))) { 
        return( usage() );
    # Option -h for Help
    #if ( exists( $opt{h} )) {
    #    return( usage() );
    # Option -v for version
    if ( exists( $opt{v} )) {
        return( \@VERSION );
    # Check for "-" with no option
    #if ( grep(/^-$/, @ARGV )) {
    #    return(usage( "Missing option: -" ));

    # Check for an extra argument
    #if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
    #    return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));

    my $command = grep(/^$ARGV[0]$/, @dev ); 
    if ( !defined( $command )) {
        return(usage( "Invalid command: $ARGV[0]" )); 

    if( $ARGV[0]  =~/^hfi$/) {
        $opt{hfi} = 1;
    } elsif ( $ARGV[0] =~/^net$/) {
        $opt{net} = 1;
    } else {
        return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));

    shift @ARGV;
    if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
        return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));
    #print "in parse_args:\n";
    #print $command;
    #print Dumper(\%opt);    

    # Set method to invoke 
    $request->{method} = $cmd; 
    return( \%opt );

# set hfi/eth boot string
sub rbootseq {

    my $request = shift;
    my $d       = shift;
    my $opt     = $request->{opt};
    my @output ;
    my $tooltype = 0; 
    my $parameter;
    my $bootp_retries = 5;
    my $tftp_retries  = 5;
    my $blksize       = 512;
    my $hash;
    my $node_name     =  @$d[6]; 
    my $o   =  @$d[7];
    #print "in setbootseq:\n";
    #print "request\n";
    #print Dumper($request);
    #print "d"; 
    #print Dumper($d);
    if (!($$d[4] =~ /^lpar$/)) { 
        push @output, [$node_name, "\'boot\' command not supported for CEC or BPA", -1 ];
        return (\@output);
    if( $opt->{net} ) {
        my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new( 'mac');
        unless($mactab) {
            push @output, [$node_name, "Cannot open mac table", -1 ];  
            return (\@output);		 
        my $mac_hash    = $mactab->getNodeAttribs( $node_name,[qw(mac)]);	
	my $mac         = $mac_hash->{mac};
	if( !defined($mac) ) {
	    push @output, [$node_name, "No mac address in mac table", -1 ];	

	if( $mac =~ /\| /) {
	    my @mac_t = split(/\|/,$mac);
	    my $m;
	    my $m_t;
	    foreach $m (@mac_t) {
	        if($m =~ /([\w:]{14})!$node_name/) {
	            $m_t = $1;

	    if( !defined($m_t)) {
	        $mac = $mac_t[0];
	     } else {
	        $mac = $m_t;

     if( $mac =~ /\:/) {
         $mac =~ s/\://g;
         $parameter = "mac=$mac:speed=auto,duplex=auto,$o->{server},,$o->{client},$o->{gateway},$bootp_retries,$tftp_retries,$o->{netmask},$blksize";	      

       if( $opt->{hfi}) {
           $parameter = "/hfi-iohub/hfi-ethernet:$o->{server},,$o->{client},$o->{gateway},$bootp_retries,$tftp_retries,$o->{netmask},$blksize";	      

       my $res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action ($node_name, $d, "set_lpar_bootstring", $tooltype, $parameter);
       #print "In boot, state\n";
       #print Dumper($res);
       my $Rc = @$res[2];
       my $data = @$res[1];
       # Output error
       if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
	       push @output, [$node_name,$data,$Rc];
	   push @output,[$node_name, "Success", 0];	  

        return( \@output );

