# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::windows; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use Storable qw(dclone); use Sys::Syslog; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::Utils; use Socket; use xCAT::MsgUtils; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); use File::Path; use File::Copy; my @cpiopid; sub handled_commands { return { copycd => "windows", mkinstall => "nodetype:os=(win.*|imagex)", mkwinshell => "windows", mkimage => "nodetype:os=imagex", }; } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my $distname = undef; my $arch = undef; my $path = undef; my $installroot; $installroot = "/install"; if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'copycd') { return copycd($request, $callback, $doreq); } elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkwinshell') { return winshell($request,$callback,$doreq); } elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkinstall') { return mkinstall($request, $callback, $doreq); } elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkimage') { return mkimage($request, $callback, $doreq); } } sub mkimage { #NOTES ON IMAGING: #-System must be sysprepped before capture, with /generalize #-EMS settings appear to be lost in the process #-If going to /audit, it's more useful than /oobe. # audit complains about incorrect password on first boot, without any login attempt # audit causes a 'system preparation tool' dialog on first boot that I close my $installroot = "/install"; my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my @nodes = @{$request->{node}}; my $node; my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $oshash = $ostab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['profile','arch']); my $shandle; foreach $node (@nodes) { $ent = $oshash->{$node}->[0]; unless ($ent->{arch} and $ent->{profile}) { $callback->( { error => ["No profile defined in nodetype for $node"], errorcode => [1] } ); next; #No profile } open($shandle,">","$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd"); print $shandle "if exist c:\\xcatimgcred.txt move c:\\xcatimgcred.txt c:\\xcatimgcred.cmd\r\n"; print $shandle "if not exist c:\\xcatimgcred.cmd (\r\n"; print $shandle " echo ERROR: C:\\xcatimgcred.txt was missing, can't authenticate to server to store image\r\n"; print $shandle ")\r\n"; print $shandle "call c:\\xcatimgcred.cmd\r\n"; print $shandle "del c:\\xcatimgcred.cmd\r\n"; print $shandle "x:\r\n"; print $shandle "cd \\xcat\r\n"; print $shandle "net use /delete i:\r\n"; print $shandle 'net use i: %IMGDEST% %PASSWORD% /user:%USER%'."\r\n"; print $shandle 'mkdir i:\images'."\r\n"; print $shandle 'mkdir i:\images'."\\".$ent->{arch}."\r\n"; print $shandle "imagex /capture c: i:\\images\\".$ent->{arch}."\\".$ent->{profile}.".wim ".$ent->{profile}."_".$ent->{arch}."\r\n"; print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 GOTO x64\r\n"; print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x64 GOTO x64\r\n"; print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 GOTO x86\r\n"; print $shandle ":x86\r\n"; print $shandle "i:\\postscripts\\upflagx86 %XCATD% 3002 next\r\n"; print $shandle "GOTO END\r\n"; print $shandle ":x64\r\n"; print $shandle "i:\\postscripts\\upflagx64 %XCATD% 3002 next\r\n"; print $shandle ":END\r\n"; print $shandle "pause\r\n"; close($shandle); mkwinlinks($node,$ent); } } sub mkwinlinks { my $node = shift; my $ent = shift; foreach (getips($node)) { link "$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd","$installroot/autoinst/$_.cmd"; unlink "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; if ($ent->{arch} =~ /64/) { symlink "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.64","/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; } else { symlink "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.32","/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; } } } sub winshell { my $installroot = "/install"; my $request = shift; my $script = "cmd"; my @nodes = @{$request->{node}}; my $node; my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $oshash = $ostab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['profile','arch']); foreach $node (@nodes) { open($shandle,">","$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd"); print $shandle $script; close $shandle; mkwinlinks($node,$oshash->{$node}->[0]); my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1); $bptab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { kernel => "Boot/pxeboot.0", initrd => "", kcmdline => "" } ); } } sub applyimagescript { #Applying will annoy administrator with password change and sysprep tool #in current process #EMS settings loss also bad.. #require/use setup.exe for 2k8 to alleviate this? my $arch=shift; my $profile=shift; my $applyscript=<<ENDAPPLY echo select disk 0 > x:/xcat/diskprep.prt echo clean >> x:/xcat/diskprep.prt echo create partition primary >> x:/xcat/diskprep.prt echo format quick >> x:/xcat/diskprep.prt echo active >> x:/xcat/diskprep.prt echo assign >> x:/xcat/diskprep.prt if exist i:/images/$arch/$profile.prt copy i:/images/$arch/$profile.prt x:/xcat/diskprep.prt diskpart /s x:/xcat/diskprep.prt x:/xcat/imagex /apply i:/images/$arch/$profile.wim 1 c: IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 GOTO x64 IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x64 GOTO x64 IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 GOTO x86 :x86 i:/postscripts/upflagx86 %XCATD% 3002 next GOTO END :x64 i:/postscripts/upflagx64 %XCATD% 3002 next :END ENDAPPLY } #Don't sweat os type as for mkimage it is always 'imagex' if it got here sub mkinstall { my $installroot; $installroot = "/install"; my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my @nodes = @{$request->{node}}; my $tftpdir="/tftpboot"; my $node; my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my %doneimgs; my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1); my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm'); unless (-r "$tftpdir/Boot/pxeboot.0" ) { $callback->( {error => [ "The Windows netboot image is not created, consult documentation on how to add Windows deployment support to xCAT"],errorcode=>[1] }); return; } require xCAT::Template; foreach $node (@nodes) { my $osinst; my $ent = $ostab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['profile', 'os', 'arch']); unless ($ent->{os} and $ent->{arch} and $ent->{profile}) { $callback->( { error => ["No profile defined in nodetype for $node"], errorcode => [1] } ); next; #No profile } my $os = $ent->{os}; my $arch = $ent->{arch}; my $profile = $ent->{profile}; if ($os eq "imagex") { unless ( -r "$installroot/images/$arch/$profile.wim" ) { $callback->({error=>["$installroot/images/$profile.$arch.wim not found, run rimage on a node to capture first"],errorcode=>[1]}); next; } my $script=applyimagescript($arch,$profile); my $shandle; open($shandle,">","$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd"); print $shandle $script; close($shandle); mkwinlinks($node,$ent); if ($arch =~ /x86/) { $bptab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { kernel => "Boot/pxeboot.0", initrd => "", kcmdline => "" } ); } next; } my $tmplfile=get_tmpl_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/windows", $profile, $os, $arch); if (! $tmplfile) { $tmplfile=get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/windows", $profile, $os, $arch); } unless ( -r "$tmplfile") { $callback->( { error => ["No unattended template exists for " . $ent->{profile}], errorcode => [1] } ); next; } #Call the Template class to do substitution to produce an unattend.xml file in the autoinst dir my $tmperr; if (-r "$tmplfile") { $tmperr = xCAT::Template->subvars( $tmplfile, "/install/autoinst/$node", $node ); } if ($tmperr) { $callback->( { node => [ { name => [$node], error => [$tmperr], errorcode => [1] } ] } ); next; } # create the node-specific post script DEPRECATED, don't do #mkpath "/install/postscripts/"; #xCAT::Postage->writescript($node, "/install/postscripts/".$node, "install", $callback); if (! -r "/tftpboot/Boot/pxeboot.0" ) { $callback->( {error => [ "The Windows netboot image is not created, consult documentation on how to add Windows deployment support to xCAT"],errorcode=>[1] }); } elsif (-r $installroot."/$os/$arch/sources/install.wim") { if ($arch =~ /x86/) { $bptab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { kernel => "Boot/pxeboot.0", initrd => "", kcmdline => "" } ); } } else { $callback->( { error => [ "Failed to detect copycd configured install source at /$installroot/$os/$arch/sources/install.wim" ], errorcode => [1] } ); } my $shandle; my $sspeed; my $sport; if ($hmtab) { my $sent = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,"serialport","serialspeed"); if ($sent and defined($sent->{serialport}) and $sent->{serialspeed}) { $sport = $sent->{serialport}; $sspeed = $sent->{serialspeed}; } } open($shandle,">","$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd"); if ($sspeed) { $sport++; print $shandle "i:\\$os\\$arch\\setup /unattend:i:\\autoinst\\$node /emsport:COM$sport /emsbaudrate:$sspeed /noreboot\r\n"; } else { print $shandle "i:\\$os\\$arch\\setup /unattend:i:\\autoinst\\$node /noreboot\r\n"; } #print $shandle "i:\\postscripts\ print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 GOTO x64\r\n"; print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x64 GOTO x64\r\n"; print $shandle "IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 GOTO x86\r\n"; print $shandle ":x86\r\n"; print $shandle "i:\\postscripts\\upflagx86 %XCATD% 3002 next\r\n"; print $shandle "GOTO END\r\n"; print $shandle ":x64\r\n"; print $shandle "i:\\postscripts\\upflagx64 %XCATD% 3002 next\r\n"; print $shandle ":END\r\n"; close($shandle); foreach (getips($node)) { link "$installroot/autoinst/$node.cmd","$installroot/autoinst/$_.cmd"; unlink "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; if ($arch =~ /64/) { link "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.64","/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; } else { link "/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.32","/tftpboot/Boot/BCD.$_"; } } } } sub getips { #TODO: all the possible ip addresses my $node = shift; my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($node));; return ($ip); } sub copycd { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my $distname = ""; my $installroot; $installroot = "/install"; my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); if ($sitetab) { (my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => installdir}, value); if ($ref and $ref->{value}) { $installroot = $ref->{value}; } } @ARGV = @{$request->{arg}}; GetOptions( 'n=s' => \$distname, 'a=s' => \$arch, 'p=s' => \$path ); unless ($path) { #this plugin needs $path... return; } if ($distname and $distname !~ /^win.*/) { #If they say to call it something other than win<something>, give up? return; } if (-d $path . "/sources/6.0.6000.16386_amd64" and -r $path . "/sources/install.wim") { $darch = x86_64; unless ($distname) { $distname = "win2k8"; } } unless ($distname) { return; } if ($darch) { unless ($arch) { $arch = $darch; } if ($arch and $arch ne $darch) { $callback->( { error => ["Requested Windows architecture $arch, but media is $darch"], errorcode => [1] } ); return; } } %{$request} = (); #clear request we've got it. $callback->( {data => "Copying media to $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber"}); my $omask = umask 0022; mkpath("$installroot/$distname/$arch"); umask $omask; my $rc; $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { foreach(@cpiopid){ kill 2, $_; } if ($::CDMOUNTPATH) { chdir("/"); system("umount $::CDMOUNTPATH"); } }; my $kid; chdir $path; my $numFiles = `find . -print | wc -l`; my $child = open($kid,"|-"); unless (defined $child) { $callback->({error=>"Media copy operation fork failure"}); return; } if ($child) { push @cpiopid,$child; my @finddata = `find .`; for (@finddata) { print $kid $_; } close($kid); $rc = $?; } else { my $c = "nice -n 20 cpio -vdump $installroot/$distname/$arch"; my $k2 = open(PIPE, "$c 2>&1 |") || $callback->({error => "Media copy operation fork failure"}); push @cpiopid, $k2; my $copied = 0; my ($percent, $fout); while(<PIPE>){ next if /^cpio:/; $percent = $copied / $numFiles; $fout = sprintf "%0.2f%%", $percent * 100; $callback->({sinfo => "$fout"}); ++$copied; } exit; } chmod 0755, "$installroot/$distname/$arch"; if ($rc != 0) { $callback->({error => "Media copy operation failed, status $rc"}); } else { $callback->({data => "Media copy operation successful"}); } } sub get_tmpl_file_name { my $base=shift; my $profile=shift; my $os=shift; my $arch=shift; if (-r "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl") { return "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl"; } elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl") { return "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl"; } elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl") { return "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl"; } elsif (-r "$base/$profile.tmpl") { return "$base/$profile.tmpl"; } return ""; } 1;