/** * Execute when the DOM is fully loaded */ $(document).ready(function() { // Load utility scripts (if any) }); /** * Constructor * * @return Nothing */ var ipmiPlugin = function() { }; /** * Clone node (service page) * * @param node * Node to clone * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.serviceClone = function(node) { }; /** * Load provision page (service page) * * @param tabId * Tab ID where page will reside * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadServiceProvisionPage = function(tabId) { }; /** * Show node inventory (service page) * * @param data * Data from HTTP request * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadServiceInventory = function(data) { }; /** * Load node inventory * * @param data * Data from HTTP request * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadInventory = function(data) { var args = data.msg.split(','); var tabId = args[0].replace('out=', ''); var node = args[1].replace('node=', ''); // Get node inventory var inv = data.rsp; // Remove loader $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove(); // Create division to hold inventory var invDivId = tabId + 'Inventory'; var invDiv = $('<div></div>'); // Create a fieldset var fieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>'); var legend = $('<legend>Hardware</legend>'); fieldSet.append(legend); var oList = $('<ol></ol>'); fieldSet.append(oList); invDiv.append(fieldSet); // Loop through each line var item; for (var k = 0; k < inv.length; k++) { // Remove node name var attr = inv[k].replace(node + ': ', ''); attr = jQuery.trim(attr); // Append attribute to list item = $('<li></li>'); item.append(attr); oList.append(item); } // Append to inventory form $('#' + tabId).append(invDiv); }; /** * Load clone page * * @param node * Source node to clone * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadClonePage = function(node) { // Get nodes tab var tab = getNodesTab(); var newTabId = node + 'CloneTab'; // If there is no existing clone tab if (!$('#' + newTabId).length) { // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Not supported'); // Create clone form var cloneForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); cloneForm.append(infoBar); // Add clone tab tab.add(newTabId, 'Clone', cloneForm, true); } tab.select(newTabId); }; /** * Load provision page * * @param tabId * The provision tab ID * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadProvisionPage = function(tabId) { // Get OS image names $.ajax( { url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'tabdump', tgt : '', args : 'osimage', msg : '' }, success : setOSImageCookies }); // Get groups $.ajax( { url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'extnoderange', tgt : '/.*', args : 'subgroups', msg : '' }, success : setGroupsCookies }); // Get provision tab instance var inst = tabId.replace('ipmiProvisionTab', ''); // Create provision form var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision an iDataPlex. This will install an operating system onto the iDataPlex.'); provForm.append(infoBar); // Append to provision tab $('#' + tabId).append(provForm); // Create provision existing node division var provExisting = createIpmiProvisionExisting(inst); provForm.append(provExisting); }; /** * Load resources * * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadResources = function() { // Get resource tab ID var tabId = 'ipmiResourceTab'; // Remove loader $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove(); // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Under construction'); // Create resource form var resrcForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); resrcForm.append(infoBar); $('#' + tabId).append(resrcForm); }; /** * Add node range * * @return Nothing */ ipmiPlugin.prototype.addNode = function() { var diag = $('<div id="addIdplx" class="form"></div>'); var info = createInfoBar('Add a node range'); diag.append(info); // Create node inputs var nodeFieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>'); var legend = $('<legend>Node</legend>'); nodeFieldSet.append(legend); diag.append(nodeFieldSet); var nodeInputs = '<div><label>Node: </label><input type="text"></div>' + '<div><label>MAC:</label><input type="text"></div>' + '<div><label>IP: </label><input type="text"></div>' + '<div><label>Groups: </label><input type="text"></div>'; nodeFieldSet.append(nodeInputs); var bmcFieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>'); var legend = $('<legend>BMC</legend>'); bmcFieldSet.append(legend); diag.append(bmcFieldSet); // Create BMC inputs var bmcInputs = '<div><label>BMC:</label><input type="text"></div>' + '<div><label>IP:</label><input type="text"></div>' + '<div><label>Groups:</label><input type="text"></div>'; bmcFieldSet.append(bmcInputs); diag.dialog({ title: 'Add node', modal: true, width: 400, close: function(){$(this).remove();}, buttons: { "OK" : function(){addIdataplex();}, "Cancel": function(){$(this).dialog('close');} } }); }; /** * Add iDataPlex node range * * @return Nothing */ function addIdataplex(){ var tempArray = new Array(); var errorMessage = ''; var attr = ''; var args = ''; // Remove existing warnings $('#addIdplx .ui-state-error').remove(); // Get input values $('#addIdplx input').each(function(){ attr = $(this).val(); if (attr) { tempArray.push($(this).val()); } else { errorMessage = "You are missing some inputs!"; return false; } }); if (errorMessage) { $('#addIdplx').prepend(createWarnBar(errorMessage)); return; } // Create loader $('#addIdplx').append(createLoader()); // Change dialog buttons $('#addIdplx').dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'Close':function(){ $('#addIdplx').dialog('close'); } }); // Generate chdef arguments args = '-t;node;-o;' + tempArray[0] + ';mac=' + tempArray[1] + ';ip=' + tempArray[2] + ';groups=' + tempArray[3] + ';mgt=ipmi;chain="runcmd=bmcsetup";netboot=xnba;nodetype=osi;profile=compute;' + 'bmc=' + tempArray[4]; $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'chdef', tgt : '', args : args, msg : '' } }); // Generate chdef arguments for BMC args = '-t;node;-o;' + tempArray[4] + ';ip=' + tempArray[5] + ';groups=' + tempArray[6]; $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'chdef', tgt : '', args : args, msg : '' }, success: function(data) { $('#addIdplx img').remove(); var message = ''; for (var i in data.rsp) { message += data.rsp[i]; } if (message) { $('#addIdplx').prepend(createInfoBar(message)); } } }); } /** * Create provision existing node division * * @param inst * Provision tab instance * @return Provision existing node division */ function createIpmiProvisionExisting(inst) { // Create provision existing division var provExisting = $('<div></div>'); // Create group input var group = $('<div></div>'); var groupLabel = $('<label for="provType">Group:</label>'); group.append(groupLabel); // Turn on auto complete for group var dTableDivId = 'ipmiNodesDatatableDIV' + inst; // Division ID where nodes datatable will be appended var groupNames = $.cookie('groups'); if (groupNames) { // Split group names into an array var tmp = groupNames.split(','); // Create drop down for groups var groupSelect = $('<select></select>'); groupSelect.append('<option></option>'); for ( var i in tmp) { // Add group into drop down var opt = $('<option value="' + tmp[i] + '">' + tmp[i] + '</option>'); groupSelect.append(opt); } group.append(groupSelect); // Create node datatable groupSelect.change(function() { // Get group selected var thisGroup = $(this).val(); // If a valid group is selected if (thisGroup) { createNodesDatatable(thisGroup, dTableDivId); } // End of if (thisGroup) }); } else { // If no groups are cookied var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>'); group.append(groupInput); } provExisting.append(group); // Create node input var node = $('<div></div>'); var nodeLabel = $('<label for="nodeName">Nodes:</label>'); var nodeDatatable = $('<div id="' + dTableDivId + '" style="display: inline-block; max-width: 800px;"><p>Select a group to view its nodes</p></div>'); node.append(nodeLabel); node.append(nodeDatatable); provExisting.append(node); // Create boot method drop down var method = $('<div></div>'); var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>'); var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>'); methodSelect.append('<option value=""></option>' + '<option value="boot">boot</option>' + '<option value="install">install</option>' + '<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>' + '<option value="netboot">netboot</option>' + '<option value="statelite">statelite</option>' ); method.append(methodLabel); method.append(methodSelect); provExisting.append(method); // Create operating system input var os = $('<div></div>'); var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>'); var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>'); osInput.one('focus', function() { var tmp = $.cookie('osvers'); if (tmp) { // Turn on auto complete $(this).autocomplete({ source: tmp.split(',') }); } }); os.append(osLabel); os.append(osInput); provExisting.append(os); // Create architecture input var arch = $('<div></div>'); var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>'); var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>'); archInput.one('focus', function() { var tmp = $.cookie('osarchs'); if (tmp) { // Turn on auto complete $(this).autocomplete({ source: tmp.split(',') }); } }); arch.append(archLabel); arch.append(archInput); provExisting.append(arch); // Create profile input var profile = $('<div></div>'); var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>'); var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>'); profileInput.one('focus', function() { var tmp = $.cookie('profiles'); if (tmp) { // Turn on auto complete $(this).autocomplete({ source: tmp.split(',') }); } }); profile.append(profileLabel); profile.append(profileInput); provExisting.append(profile); /** * Provision existing */ var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision'); provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) { // Remove any warning messages $(this).parents('.ui-tabs-panel').find('.ui-state-error').remove(); var ready = true; var errorMessage = ''; // Get provision tab ID var thisTabId = 'ipmiProvisionTab' + inst; // Get nodes that were checked var dTableId = 'ipmiNodesDatatable' + inst; var tgts = getNodesChecked(dTableId); if (!tgts) { errorMessage += 'You need to select a node. '; ready = false; } // Check booth method var boot = $('#' + thisTabId + ' select[name=bootMethod]'); if (!boot.val()) { errorMessage += 'You need to select a boot method. '; boot.css('border', 'solid #FF0000 1px'); ready = false; } else { boot.css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px'); } // Check operating system image var os = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=os]'); if (!os.val()) { errorMessage += 'You need to select a operating system image. '; os.css('border', 'solid #FF0000 1px'); ready = false; } else { os.css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px'); } // Check architecture var arch = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=arch]'); if (!arch.val()) { errorMessage += 'You need to select an architecture. '; arch.css('border', 'solid #FF0000 1px'); ready = false; } else { arch.css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px'); } // Check profile var profile = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=profile]'); if (!profile.val()) { errorMessage += 'You need to select a profile. '; profile.css('border', 'solid #FF0000 1px'); ready = false; } else { profile.css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px'); } // If all inputs are valid, ready to provision if (ready) { // Disable provision button $(this).attr('disabled', 'true'); // Prepend status bar var statBar = createStatusBar('ipmiProvisionStatBar' + inst); statBar.append(createLoader('')); statBar.prependTo($('#' + thisTabId)); // Disable all inputs var inputs = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input'); inputs.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // Disable all selects var selects = $('#' + thisTabId + ' select'); selects.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); /** * (1) Set operating system */ $.ajax( { url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'nodeadd', tgt : '', args : tgts + ';noderes.netboot=xnba;nodetype.os=' + os.val() + ';nodetype.arch=' + arch.val() + ';nodetype.profile=' + profile.val() + ';nodetype.provmethod=' + boot.val(), msg : 'cmd=nodeadd;out=' + inst }, success : updateIpmiProvisionExistingStatus }); } else { // Show warning message var warn = createWarnBar(errorMessage); warn.prependTo($(this).parent().parent()); } }); provExisting.append(provisionBtn); return provExisting; } /** * Update the provision existing node status * * @param data * Data returned from HTTP request * @return Nothing */ function updateIpmiProvisionExistingStatus(data) { // Get ajax response var rsp = data.rsp; var args = data.msg.split(';'); // Get command invoked var cmd = args[0].replace('cmd=', ''); // Get provision tab instance var inst = args[1].replace('out=', ''); // Get provision tab and status bar ID var statBarId = 'ipmiProvisionStatBar' + inst; var tabId = 'ipmiProvisionTab' + inst; /** * (2) Remote install */ if (cmd == 'nodeadd') { // Write ajax response to status bar var prg = writeRsp(rsp, ''); $('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg); // Get parameters var os = $('#' + tabId + ' input[name="os"]').val(); var profile = $('#' + tabId + ' input[name="profile"]').val(); var arch = $('#' + tabId + ' input[name="arch"]').val(); // Get nodes that were checked var dTableId = 'ipmiNodesDatatable' + inst; var tgts = getNodesChecked(dTableId); // Begin installation $.ajax( { url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'rinstall;' + os + ';' + profile + ';' + arch + ';' + tgts, msg : 'cmd=rinstall;out=' + inst }, success : updateIpmiProvisionExistingStatus }); } /** * (3) Done */ else if (cmd == 'rinstall') { // Write ajax response to status bar var prg = writeRsp(rsp, ''); $('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg); $('#' + statBarId).find('img').remove(); // If installation was successful if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') == -1) { $('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>It will take several minutes before the nodes are up and ready. Use nodestat to check the status of the install.</pre>'); } } }