#! /usr/bin/perl package genrestapidoc; my @apigroups = ( { groupname => 'node', header => "Node Resources", desc => "The URI list which can be used to create, query, change and manage nodes.", resources => ['allnode', 'nodeallattr', 'nodeattr', 'power', 'energy', 'energyattr', 'serviceprocessor', 'nextboot', 'vitals', 'vitalsattr', 'inventory', 'inventoryattr', 'eventlog', 'beacon', 'bootstat', 'updating','filesyncing','software_maintenance','postscript', 'nodeshell', 'nodecopy',] }, { groupname => 'policy', header => "Policy Resources", desc => "URI list which can be used to create, query, change and manage policy entries.", resources => ['policy', 'policy_allattr', 'policy_attr'] }, { groupname => 'globalconf', header => "Global Configuration Resources", desc => "URI list which can be used to create, query, change global configuration.", resources => ['all_site'] }, { groupname => 'table', header => "Table Resources", desc => "URI list which can be used to create, query, change global configuration.", resources => ['table_nodes', 'table_rows'] }, { # groupname => 'network', resources => ['network', 'network_allattr'] }, ); my %formathdl = ( text => \&outtext, wiki => \&outwiki, ); my @errmsg; sub outtext { my $def = shift; my $opt = shift; my $res = shift; if ($res) { if (defined ($res->{'desc'})) { print "\n$res->{'desc'}\n"; } foreach (1..10) { if (defined ($res->{'desc'.$_})) { print $res->{'desc'.$_}."\n"; } } } my $postfix = "?userName=root&password=cluster&pretty=1"; if (defined ($def->{desc})) { print " $opt - $def->{desc}\n"; } foreach (1..10) { if (defined ($def->{'desc'.$_})) { print " ".$def->{'desc'.$_}."\n"; } } if (defined ($def->{usage})) { my @parts = split ('\|', $def->{usage}); if ($parts[1]) { print " Parameters: $parts[1]\n"; } if ($parts[2]) { print " Returns: $parts[2]\n"; } } if (defined ($def->{example})) { my @parts = split ('\|', $def->{example}); print " Example:\n"; if ($parts[1]) { print " $parts[1]\n"; } else { push @errmsg, "Error format in:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } if ($parts[2] && $parts[3] && $parts[4]) { my ($uri, $data); if ($parts[3] =~ /\s+/) { ($uri, $data) = split(/ /, $parts[3]); print " #curl -X $parts[2] -k \'$uri$postfix\' -H Content-Type:application/json --data \'$data\'\n"; } else { print " #curl -X $parts[2] -k \'$parts[3]$postfix\'\n"; } $parts[4] =~ s/\n/\n /g; print " $parts[4]\n"; } else { push @errmsg, "Error format in:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } } else { push @errmsg, "Error format in:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } } sub outwiki { my $def = shift; my $opt = shift; my $res = shift; if ($res) { if (defined ($res->{'desc'})) { print "===$res->{'desc'}===\n"; } foreach (1..10) { if (defined ($res->{'desc'.$_})) { print $res->{'desc'.$_}."\n\n"; } } } my $postfix = "?userName=root&password=cluster&pretty=1"; if (defined ($def->{desc})) { print "===='''$opt - $def->{desc}'''====\n"; } foreach (1..10) { if (defined ($def->{'desc'.$_})) { print $def->{'desc'.$_}."\n\n"; } } if (defined ($def->{cmd})) { my $manpath = search_manpage($def->{cmd}); if ($manpath) { print "Refer to the man page:[http://xcat.sourceforge.net".$manpath.".html ".$def->{cmd}."]\n\n"; } else { print "Refer to the man page of ".$def->{cmd}." command.\n\n"; } } if (defined ($def->{usage})) { my @parts = split ('\|', $def->{usage}); if ($parts[1]) { print "'''Parameters:'''\n\n*$parts[1]\n"; } if ($parts[2]) { print "'''Returns:'''\n\n*$parts[2]\n"; } } if (defined ($def->{example})) { my @parts = split ('\|', $def->{example}); print "'''Example:'''\n\n"; if ($parts[1]) { print "$parts[1]\n"; } else { push @errmsg, "Error format for:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } if ($parts[2] && $parts[3] && $parts[4]) { my ($uri, $data); if ($parts[3] =~ /\s+/) { ($uri, $data) = split(/ /, $parts[3]); print " #curl -X $parts[2] -k \'$uri$postfix\' -H Content-Type:application/json --data \'$data\'\n"; } else { print " #curl -X $parts[2] -k \'$parts[3]$postfix\'\n"; } $parts[4] =~ s/\n/\n /g; print " $parts[4]\n"; } else { push @errmsg, "Error format for:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } } else { push @errmsg, "Error format for:[".$def->{desc}."]\n"; } } sub search_manpage { my $cmd = shift; if (-d "/opt/xcat/share/man") { my $run = "cd /opt/xcat/share/man; find . | grep \'$cmd\\.\'"; my @output = `$run`; if (@output) { $output[0] =~ s/^\.//; chomp($output[0]); return $output[0]; } } return undef; } sub gendoc { my $URIdef = shift; my $format = shift; unless ($format) { $format = "text"; } foreach my $group (@apigroups) { my $groupname = $group->{'groupname'}; if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname})) { # display the head of resource group if ($format eq "text") { print "############################################\n"; print "##########".$group->{'header'}."\n"; print $group->{'desc'}."\n"; print "############################################\n"; } elsif ($format eq "wiki") { print "==".$group->{'header'}."==\n"; print $group->{'desc'}."\n"; } foreach my $res (@{$group->{'resources'}}) { if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res})) { my $headdone; if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{GET})) { $formathdl{$format}->($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{GET}, "GET", $URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}); $headdone = 1; } if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{PUT})) { if ($headdone) { $formathdl{$format}->($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{PUT}, "PUT"); } else { $formathdl{$format}->($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{PUT}, "PUT", $URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}); } } if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{POST})) { $formathdl{$format}->($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{POST}, "POST"); } if (defined ($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{DELETE})) { $formathdl{$format}->($URIdef->{$groupname}->{$res}->{DELETE}, "DELETE"); } } else { push @errmsg, "Cannot find the definition for resource [$res]\n"; } } } else { push @errmsg, "Cannot find the definition for resource group [$groupname]\n"; } } if (@errmsg) { print "\n\n\n================= Error Messages ===================\n"; print @errmsg; } } 1;