#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::blade; #use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp INTEGER); use xCAT::Table; use IO::Socket; use SNMP; use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX "WNOHANG"; use Storable qw(freeze thaw); use IO::Select; use IO::Handle; sub handled_commands { return { findme => 'blade', rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt', rvitals => 'nodehm:vitals,mgt', rinv => 'nodehm:inv,mgt', rbeacon => 'nodehm:beacon,mgt', rbootseq => 'nodehm:bootseq,mgt', reventlog => 'nodehm:eventlog,mgt', }; } my %usage = ( "rpower" => "Usage: rpower [on|off|reset|stat|boot]", "rbeacon" => "Usage: rbeacon [on|off|stat]", "rvitals" => "Usage: rvitals [all|temp|voltage|fanspeed|power|leds]", "reventlog" => "Usage: reventlog [all|clear|]", "rinv" => "Usage: rinv [all|model|serial|vpd|mprom|deviceid|uuid]", "rbootseq" => "Usage: rbootseq [hd0|hd1|hd2|hd3|net|iscsi|usbflash|floppy|none],...", ); my %macmap; #Store responses from rinv for discovery my $mmprimoid = '';#mmPrimary my $beaconoid = ''; #ledBladeIdentity my $powerstatoid = '';#bladePowerState my $powerchangeoid = '';#powerOnOffBlade my $powerresetoid = '';#restartBlade my $mpresetoid = ''; #restartBladeSMP my $bladexistsoid = ''; #bladeExists my $bladeserialoid = ''; #bladeHardwareVpdSerialNumber my $blademtmoid = ''; #bladeHardwareVpdMachineType my $bladempveroid = ''; #bladeSysMgmtProcVpdRevision my $bladempaveroid = '';#mmMainApplVpdRevisonNumber my $bladempabuildidoid = '';#mmMainApplVpdBuildId my $bladempadateoid = '';#mmMainApplVpdBuildDate my $bladempbuildidoid = ''; #bladeSysMgmtProcVpdBuildId my $bladebiosveroid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdRevision my $bladebiosbuildidoid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdBuildId my $bladebiosdateoid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdDate my $bladediagveroid = ''; #bladeDiagsVpdRevision my $bladediagbuildidoid = ''; #bladeDiagsVpdBuildId my $bladediagdateoid = '';#bladeDiagsVpdDate my $eventlogoid = '';#readEventLogString my $clearlogoid = '.';#clearEventLog my @macoids = ( '', #bladeMACAddress1Vpd '', #bladeMACAddress2Vpd '', #bladeMACAddress3Vpd '', #bladeMACAddress4Vpd ); my @dcmacoids = ( '', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress1Vpd '', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress2Vpd '', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress3Vpd '', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress4Vpd ); my @hsdcmacoids = ( '', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress1Vpd '', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress2Vpd '', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress3Vpd '', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress4Vpd ); my @bootseqoids = ( '', #bootSequence1 '', #bootSequence2 '', #bootSequence3 '', #bootSequence4 ); my %bootdevices = ( 0 => 'none', 1 => 'floppy', 2 => 'cdrom', 3 => 'hd0', 4 => 'hd1', 5 => 'hd2', 6 => 'hd3', 7 => 'net', 8 => 'iscsi', 9 => 'iscsicrit', 10 => 'hd4', 11 => 'usbflash' ); my %bootnumbers = ( 'none' => 0, 'f' => 1, 'floppy' => 1, 'c' => 2, 'cd' => 2, 'dvd' => 2, 'cdrom' => 2, 'dvdrom' => 2, 'h' => 3, #in absence of an index, presuming hd0 intended 'hd' => 3, 'hardisk' => 3, 'hd0' => 3, 'harddisk0' => 3, 'hd1' => 4, 'harddisk1' => 4, 'hd2' => 5, 'harddisk2' => 5, 'hd3' => 6, 'harddisk3' => 6, 'n' => 7, 'network' => 7, 'net' => 7, 'iscsi' => 8, 'iscsicrit' => 9, 'hd4' => 10, 'harddisk4' => 10, 'usbflash' => 11, 'flash' => 11, 'usb' => 11 ); my $session; my $slot; my $didchassis = 0; my @eventlog_array = (); my $activemm; my %mpahash; my $mpa; my $allinchassis=0; sub fillresps { my $response = shift; my $mac = $response->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]; my $node = $response->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]; $macmap{$mac} = $node; #$macmap{$response->{node}->[0]->{data}->{contents}->[0]}=$response->{node}->[0]->{name}; } sub isallchassis { my $bladesinchassis = 0; if ($allinchassis) { return 1; } foreach (1..14) { my $tmp = $session->get([$bladexistsoid.".$_"]); if ($tmp eq 1) { $bladesinchassis++ } } my $count = keys %{$mpahash{$mpa}->{nodes}}; if ($count >= $bladesinchassis) { $allinchassis++; return 1 }; #commands that affect entire are okayed, i.e eventlog clear return 0; } sub resetmp { my $data; my $stat; my $rc; $data = $session->set($mpresetoid.".$slot", 1); #if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($data->{$mpresetoid.".$slot"} == 1) { return (0, "mpreset"); } else { return (1,"error"); } } sub walkelog { my $session = shift; my $oid = shift; unless ($oid =~ /^\./) { $oid = '.'.$oid; } my $retmap = undef; my $current = 1; my @bindlist; my $varbind; do { foreach ($current..$current+31) { #Attempt to retrive 32 ents at a time, seems to be working... push @bindlist,[$oid,$_]; } $current+=32; $varbind = new SNMP::VarList( @bindlist ); $session->get($varbind); foreach(@$varbind) { unless (${_}->[2]) {last;} if( ${_}->[2] =~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/) {last;} $retmap->{$_->[1]}=$_->[2]; } } while ($varbind->[31] and $varbind->[31]->[2] != 'NOSUCHINSTANCE' and ($current < 600)); return $retmap; print "Count was $current\n"; #print Dumper($varbind->[60]->[2]); print "\n\n"; return undef; my $count=0; while ($varbind->[0] =~ /^$oid\.?(.*)/) { $count++; if ($1) { $retmap->{$1.".".$varbind->[1]}=$varbind->[2]; #If $1 is set, means key should } else { $retmap->{$varbind->[1]}=$varbind->[2]; #If $1 is set, means key should } $session->getnext($varbind); } return $retmap; } sub eventlog { #Tried various optimizations, but MM seems not to do bulk-request #TODO: retrieval of non blade events, what should be syntax? #TODO: try retrieving 5 at a time, then 1 at a time when that stops working my $cmd=shift; my $data; my @output; my $oid = $eventlogoid; if ($cmd eq 'all') { $cmd=65535; #no MM has this many logs possible, should be a good number } if ($cmd =~ /^(\d+)$/) { my $requestednumber=$1; unless (@eventlog_array) { #my $varbind=new SNMP::Varbind([$oid,0]); #while ($data=$session->getnext($varbind)) { # print Dumper($data); # if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { printf $session->{ErrorStr}."\n"; } # foreach (keys %$data) { # $oid=$_; # } # unless (oid_base_match($eventlogoid,$oid)) { # last; # } my $logents = walkelog($session,$oid); foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %$logents)) { push @eventlog_array,$logents->{$_}."\n"; } #push @eventlog_array,$data->{$oid}; #TODO: filter against slot number, check for $allchassis for non-blade #} } my $numentries=0; #my $allchassis = isallchassis; foreach (@eventlog_array) { m/Severity:(\S+)\s+Source:(\S+)\s+Name:\S*\s+Date:(\S+)\s+Time:(\S+)\s+Text:(.+)/; my $sev=$1; my $source=$2; my $date=$3; my $time=$4; my $text=$5; my $matchstring; if ($slot > 0) { $matchstring=sprintf("BLADE_%02d",$slot); } else { $matchstring="^(?!BLADE).*"; } if ($source =~ m/$matchstring$/i) { #MM guys changed their minds on capitalization $numentries++; unshift @output,"$sev:$date $time $text"; #unshift to get it in a sane order } if ($numentries >= $requestednumber) { last; } } return (0,@output); } my $data; if ($cmd eq "clear") { unless (isallchassis) { return (1,"Cannot clear eventlogs except for entire chassis"); } if ($didchassis) { return 0, "eventlog cleared" } my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$clearlogoid,0,1,'INTEGER']); $data = $session->set($varbind); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $didchassis=1; if ($varbind->[2] eq 1) { return 0, "eventlog cleared"; } } } sub bootseq { my @args=@_; my $data; my @order=(); if ($args[0] eq "list" or $args[0] eq "stat") { foreach my $oid (@bootseqoids) { $data=$session->get([$oid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1, $session->{ErrorStr}); } push @order,$bootdevices{$data}; } return (0,join(',',@order)); } else { foreach (@args) { my @neworder=(split /,/,$_); push @order,@neworder; } my $number=@order; if ($number > 4) { return (1,"Only four boot sequence entries allowed"); } my $nonespecified=0; foreach (@order) { unless (defined($bootnumbers{$_})) { return (1,"Unsupported device $_"); } unless ($bootnumbers{$_}) { $nonespecified = 1; } if ($nonespecified and $bootnumbers{$_}) { return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' before a device"); } } unless ($bootnumbers{$order[0]}) { return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' as first device"); } foreach (3,2,1,0) { my $param = $bootnumbers{$order[$_]}; unless ($param) { $param = 0; my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$bootseqoids[$_],$slot,$param,'INTEGER']); $data = $session->set($varbind); #$session->set($bootseqoids[$_].".$slot",$param); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } } } foreach (0,1,2,3) { my $param = $bootnumbers{$order[$_]}; if ($param) { my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$bootseqoids[$_],$slot,$param,'INTEGER']); $data = $session->set($varbind); #$session->set($bootseqoids[$_].".$slot",$param); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } } } return bootseq('list'); } } sub inv { my @invitems; my $data; my @output; foreach (@_) { push @invitems,split( /,/,$_); } my $item; while (my $item = shift @invitems) { if ($item =~ /^all/) { push @invitems,(qw(mtm serial mac firm)); next; } if ($item =~ /^firm/) { push @invitems,(qw(bios diag mprom mparom)); next; } if ($item =~ /^bios/) { my $biosver; my $biosbuild; my $biosdate; $biosver=$session->get([$bladebiosveroid.".$slot"]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $biosbuild=$session->get([$bladebiosbuildidoid.".$slot"]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $biosdate=$session->get([$bladebiosdateoid.".$slot"]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } push @output,"BIOS: $biosver ($biosbuild $biosdate)"; } if ($item =~ /^diag/) { my $diagver; my $diagdate; my $diagbuild; $data=$session->get([$bladediagveroid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $diagver = $data; $data=$session->get([$bladediagbuildidoid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $diagbuild = $data; $data=$session->get([$bladediagdateoid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $diagdate = $data; push @output,"Diagnostics: $diagver ($diagbuild $diagdate)"; } if ($item =~ /^[sm]prom/) { my $spver; my $spbuild; $data=$session->get([$bladempveroid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $spver=$data; $data=$session->get([$bladempbuildidoid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $spbuild=$data; push @output,"BMC/Mgt processor: $spver ($spbuild)"; } if ($item =~ /^mparom/) { my $mpabuild; my $mpaver; my $mpadate; $data=$session->get([$bladempaveroid,$activemm]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $mpaver=$data; $data=$session->get([$bladempabuildidoid,$activemm]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $mpabuild=$data; $data=$session->get([$bladempadateoid,$activemm]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $mpadate=$data; push @output,"Management Module firmware: $mpaver ($mpabuild $mpadate)"; } if ($item =~ /^model/ or $item =~ /^mtm/) { $data=$session->get([$blademtmoid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } push @output,"Machine Type/Model: ".$data; } if ($item =~ /^serial/) { $data=$session->get([$bladeserialoid,$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } push @output,"Serial Number: ".$data; } if ($item =~ /^mac/) { foreach (0..3) { $data=$session->get([$macoids[$_],$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($data =~ /:/) { push @output,"MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data; } } foreach (0..3) { my $oid=$hsdcmacoids[$_].".$slot"; $data=$session->get([$hsdcmacoids[$_],$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($data =~ /:/) { push @output,"HS Daughter card MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data; } } foreach (0..3) { $data=$session->get([$dcmacoids[$_],$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($data =~ /:/) { push @output,"Daughter card 1 MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data; } } } } return (0,@output); } sub power { my $subcommand = shift; my $data; my $stat; if ($subcommand eq "stat" or $subcommand eq "boot") { $data = $session->get([$powerstatoid.".".$slot]); if ($data == 1) { $stat = "on"; } elsif ( $data == 0) { $stat = "off"; } else { $stat= "error"; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "off") { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerchangeoid,$slot,0,'INTEGER'])); unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $stat = "off"; } if ($subcommand eq "on" or ($subcommand eq "boot" and $stat eq "off")) { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerchangeoid,$slot,1,'INTEGER'])); unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $stat = ($data ? "on" : "off"); } elsif ($subcommand eq "reset" or ($subcommand eq "boot" and $stat eq "on")) { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerresetoid,$slot ,1,'INTEGER'])); unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } $stat = "reset"; } if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($stat) { return (0,$stat); } } sub beacon { my $subcommand = shift; my $data; if ($subcommand eq "stat") { } elsif ($subcommand eq "on") { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 1,'INTEGER'])); } elsif ($subcommand eq "off") { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 0,'INTEGER'])); } elsif ($subcommand eq "blink") { $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 2,'INTEGER'])); } else { return (1,"$subcommand unsupported"); } my $stat = $session->get([$beaconoid.".".$slot]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } if ($stat==0) { return (0,"off"); } elsif ($stat==1) { return (0,"on"); } elsif ($stat==2) { return (0,"blink"); } elsif ($stat==3) { return (0,"unsupported"); } } sub bladecmd { $mpa = shift; $slot = shift; #my $user = shift; #my $pass = shift; my $command = shift; my @args = @_; my $error; if ($slot > 0) { my $tmp = $session->get([$bladexistsoid.".$slot"]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); } unless ($tmp eq 1) { return (1,"Target bay empty"); } } if ($command eq "rbeacon") { return beacon(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rpower") { return power(@args); } elsif ($command =~ /r[ms]preset/) { return resetmp(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rbootseq") { return bootseq(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rinv") { return inv(@args); } elsif ($command eq "reventlog") { return eventlog(@args); } return (1,"$command not a supported command by blade method"); } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my $noderange = $request->{node}; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my @exargs; unless ($noderange or $command eq "findme") { if ($usage{$command}) { $callback->({data=>$usage{$command}}); $request = {}; } return; } if (ref($request->{arg})) { @exargs = @{$request->{arg}}; } else { @exargs = ($request->{arg}); } my $bladeuser = 'USERID'; my $bladepass = 'PASSW0RD'; my $blademaxp = 64; my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa'); my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp'); my $tmp; if ($sitetab) { ($tmp)=$sitetab->getAttribs({'key'=>'blademaxp'},'value'); if (defined($tmp)) { $blademaxp=$tmp->{value}; } } my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); if ($passtab) { ($tmp)=$passtab->getAttribs({'key'=>'blade'},'username','password'); if (defined($tmp)) { $bladeuser = $tmp->{username}; $bladepass = $tmp->{password}; } } if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "findme") { my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp"); unless ($mptab) { return 2; } my @bladents = $mptab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]); my @blades; foreach (@bladents) { push @blades,$_->{node}; } my %invreq; $invreq{node} = \@blades; $invreq{arg} = ['mac']; $invreq{command} = ['rinv']; my $mac; my $ip = $request->{'!xcat_clientip'}; my $arptable = `/sbin/arp -n`; my @arpents = split /\n/,$arptable; foreach (@arpents) { if (m/^($ip)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/) { $mac=$2; last; } } unless ($mac) { return }; unless ($macmap{$mac}) { process_request(\%invreq,\&fillresps); } unless ($macmap{$mac}) { return 1; #failure } my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1); $mactab->setNodeAttribs($macmap{$mac},{mac=>$mac}); $mactab->close(); my %request = ( command => ['makedhcp'], node => [$macmap{$mac}] ); $doreq->(\%request); $request->{command}=['discovered']; $request->{noderange} = [$macmap{$mac}]; $doreq->($request); %{$request}=(); #Clear request. it is done undef $mactab; return 0; } my $children = 0; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; } }; my $inputs = new IO::Select;; foreach (@$noderange) { my $node=$_; my $user=$bladeuser; my $pass=$bladepass; my $nodeid; my $mpa; my $ent; if (defined($mptab)) { $ent=$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa','id']); if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { $mpa=$ent->{mpa}; } if (defined($ent->{id})) { $nodeid = $ent->{id}; } } if (defined($mpatab)) { ($ent)=$mpatab->getAttribs({'mpa'=>$mpa},'username','password'); if (defined($ent->{password})) { $pass = $ent->{password}; } if (defined($ent->{username})) { $user = $ent->{username}; } } $mpahash{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node}=$nodeid; $mpahash{$mpa}->{username} = $user; $mpahash{$mpa}->{password} = $pass; } my $sub_fds = new IO::Select; foreach $mpa (sort (keys %mpahash)) { while ($children > $blademaxp) { sleep (0.1); } $children++; my $cfd; my $pfd; pipe $cfd, $pfd; $cfd->autoflush(1); $pfd->autoflush(1); my $cpid = fork; unless (defined($cpid)) { die "Fork error"; } unless ($cpid) { close($cfd); dompa($pfd,$mpa,\%mpahash,$command,-args=>@exargs); exit(0); } close ($pfd); $sub_fds->add($cfd); } while ($children > 0) { forward_data($callback,$sub_fds); } while (forward_data($callback,$sub_fds)) {} } sub forward_data { my $callback = shift; my $fds = shift; my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1); my $rfh; my $rc = @ready_fds; foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) { my $data; if ($data = <$rfh>) { while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) { $data .= <$rfh>; } my $responses=thaw($data); foreach (@$responses) { $callback->($_); } } else { $fds->remove($rfh); close($rfh); } } return $rc; } sub dompa { my $out = shift; $mpa = shift; my $mpahash = shift; my $command=shift; my %namedargs=@_; my @exargs=$namedargs{-args}; my $node; $session = new SNMP::Session( DestHost => $mpa, Version => '3', SecName => $mpahash->{$mpa}->{username}, AuthProto => 'SHA', AuthPass => $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password}, PrivProto => 'DES', SecLevel => 'authPriv', UseNumeric => 1, Retries => 2, # Give up sooner to make commands go smoother Timeout=>1200000, #Beacon, for one, takes a bit over a second to return PrivPass => $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password}); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return 1,$session->{ErrorStr}; } my $tmp = $session->get([$mmprimoid.".1"]); if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { print $session->{ErrorStr}; } $activemm = ($tmp ? 1 : 2); my @outhashes; if ($command eq "reventlog" and isallchassis) { #Add a dummy node for eventlog to get non-blade events $mpahash{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$mpa}=-1; } foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) { my ($rc,@output) = bladecmd($mpa,$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node},$command,@exargs); my @output_hashes; foreach(@output) { my %output; (my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2); unless ($text) { $text=$desc; } else { $desc =~ s/^\s+//; $desc =~ s/\s+$//; if ($desc) { $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0]=$desc; } } $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; $output{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]=$node; $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]=$text; print $out freeze([\%output]); print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n"; } } #my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes); # = XMLout(\%output,RootName => 'xcatresponse'); #print $out $msgtoparent; #$node.": $_\n"; } 1;