# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

package xCAT::PPCinv;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::Usage;

# Maps HMC "lslic" attributes to text
my @licmap = (
    ["ecnumber",               "Release Level  "],
    ["activated_level",        "Active Level   "],
    ["installed_level",        "Installed Level"],
    ["accepted_level",         "Accepted Level "],
    ["curr_ecnumber_a",        "Release Level A"],
    ["curr_level_a",           "Level A        "],
    ["curr_ecnumber_b",        "Release Level B"],
    ["curr_level_b",           "Level B        "],
    ["curr_ecnumber_primary",  "Release Level Primary"],
    ["curr_level_primary",     "Level Primary  "],
    ["curr_ecnumber_secondary","Release Level Secondary"],
    ["curr_level_secondary",   "Level Secondary"]

# Parse the command line for options and operands 
sub parse_args {

    my $request = shift;
    my $command = $request->{command};
    my $args    = $request->{arg};
    my %opt     = ();
    my @rinv    = qw(bus config model serial firm all);

    # Responds with usage statement
    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
    # Process command-line arguments
    if ( !defined( $args )) {
        return(usage( "No command specified" )); 
    # Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
    # to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
    # at the first unrecognized option.
    @ARGV = @$args;
    $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

    if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|Verbose) )) { 
        return( usage() );
    # Check for "-" with no option
    if ( grep(/^-$/, @ARGV )) {
        return(usage( "Missing option: -" ));
    # Unsupported command
    my ($cmd) = grep(/^$ARGV[0]$/, @rinv );
    if ( !defined( $cmd )) {
        return(usage( "Invalid command: $ARGV[0]" ));
    # Check for an extra argument
    shift @ARGV;
    if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
        return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));
    # Set method to invoke 
    $request->{method} = $cmd; 
    return( \%opt );

# Returns VPD (model-type,serial-number) 
sub enumerate_vpd {

    my $exp     = shift;
    my $mtms    = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $filter  = "type_model,serial_num";
    my @vpd;

    my ($name) = keys %{$hash->{$mtms}};
    my $type   = @{$hash->{$mtms}->{$name}}[4];

    # BPAs  
    if ( $type =~ /^bpa$/ ) {
        my $filter = "type_model,serial_num";
        my $frame  = xCAT::PPCcli::lssyscfg( $exp, $type, $mtms, $filter );
        my $Rc = shift(@$frame);

        # Return error
        if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
            return( [$Rc,@$frame[0]] );
        # Success
        @vpd = split /,/, @$frame[0];
    # CECs and LPARs  
    else {
        # Send command for CEC only
        my $cec = xCAT::PPCcli::lssyscfg( $exp, "fsp", $mtms, $filter );
        my $Rc = shift(@$cec);

        # Return error
        if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
            return( [$Rc,@$cec[0]] );
        # Success 
        @vpd = split /,/, @$cec[0];
    my %outhash = (
        model  => $vpd[0],
        serial => $vpd[1]   
    return( [SUCCESS,\%outhash] );

# Returns memory/processor information for CEC/LPARs 
sub enumerate_cfg {

    my $exp     = shift;
    my $mtms    = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my %outhash = ();
    my $sys     = 0;
    my @cmds    = (
        [ "sys", "proc", "installed_sys_proc_units" ],
        [ "sys", "mem",  "installed_sys_mem" ],
        [ "lpar","proc", "lpar_id,curr_procs" ],
        [ "lpar","mem",  "lpar_id,curr_mem" ]
    my $cec;
    my ($name) = keys %{$hash->{$mtms}};
    my $type   = @{$hash->{$mtms}->{$name}}[4];

    # Invalid target hardware
    if ( $type !~ /^(fsp|lpar)$/ ) {
        return( [RC_ERROR,"Information only available for CEC/LPAR"] );
    # Check for CECs in list
    while (my ($name,$d) = each(%{$hash->{$mtms}}) ) { 
        if ( @$d[4] eq "fsp" ) {
            $cec = $name;
    # No CECs - Skip command for CEC
    if ( !defined( $cec )) {
        shift @cmds;
        shift @cmds;
    # No LPARs - Skip command for LPAR
    if (( keys %{$hash->{$mtms}} == 1 ) and ( scalar(@cmds) == 4 )) {
        pop @cmds;
        pop @cmds;
    foreach my $cmd( @cmds ) {
        my $result = xCAT::PPCcli::lshwres( $exp, $cmd, $mtms ); 
        my $Rc = shift(@$result);

        # Expect error
        if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
            return( [$Rc,@$result[0]] );
        # Success...
        # lshwres does not return CEC name
        if ( @$cmd[0] eq "sys" ) {
            foreach ( @$result[0] ) {
        # Save by CEC/LPAR id 
        foreach ( @$result ) {
            my ($id,$value) = split /,/;
            push @{$outhash{$id}}, $value;
    return( [SUCCESS,\%outhash] );

# Returns I/O bus information  
sub enumerate_bus {

    my $exp     = shift;
    my $mtms    = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my %outhash = ();
    my @res     = qw(lpar);
    my $filter  = "drc_name,bus_id,description";
    my @cmds    = (
        "io --rsubtype slot", 
    my $cec;
    my ($name) = keys %{$hash->{$mtms}};
    my $type   = @{$hash->{$mtms}->{$name}}[4];

    # Invalid target hardware 
    if ( $type !~ /^(fsp|lpar)$/ ) {
        return( [RC_ERROR,"Bus information only available for CEC/LPAR"] );
    # Send command for CEC only 
    my $cecs = xCAT::PPCcli::lshwres( $exp, \@cmds, $mtms );
    my $Rc = shift(@$cecs);

    # Return error
    if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
        return( [$Rc,@$cecs[0]] );
    # Success 
    my @bus = @$cecs;

    # Check for CECs in list
    foreach ( keys %{$hash->{$mtms}} ) {
        if ( @{$hash->{$mtms}->{$_}}[4] eq "fsp" ) {
            $cec = $_;
    # Get LPAR ids 
    my $lpars = xCAT::PPCcli::lssyscfg( $exp, "lpar", $mtms, "lpar_id" );
    $Rc = shift(@$lpars);

    # Return error
    if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
        return( [$Rc,@$lpars[0]] );
    # Save LPARs by id 
    foreach ( @$lpars ) {
        $outhash{$_} = \@bus;
    # Save CEC by id
    if ( defined( $cec )) {
        $outhash{"0"} = \@bus;
    return( [SUCCESS,\%outhash] );

# Returns I/O bus information 
sub bus {

    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my @result  = ();

    while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
        # Get information for this CEC
        my $bus = enumerate_bus( $exp, $mtms, $hash );
        my $Rc = shift(@$bus);
        my $data = @$bus[0];

        while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
            # Look up by lparid
            my $type = @$d[4];
            my $id   = ($type=~/^fsp$/) ? 0 : @$d[0];

            # Output header 
            push @result, [$name,"I/O Bus Information"];

            # Output error 
            if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
                push @result, [$name,@$bus[0],$Rc];
            # Node not found 
            if ( !exists( $data->{$id} )) {
                push @result, [$name,"Node not found",1];
            # Output values 
            foreach ( @{$data->{$id}} ) {
                push @result, [$name,$_,$Rc];
    return( \@result );

# Returns VPD information 
sub vpd {

    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my @cmds    = $request->{method};
    my @result  = ();
    my %prefix  = (
       model  => ["Machine Type/Model",0],
       serial => ["Serial Number",     1]

    # Convert "all"
    if ( $cmds[0] eq "all" )  {
        @cmds = qw( model serial );
    while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
        # Get information for this CEC
        my $vpd = enumerate_vpd( $exp, $mtms, $hash );
        my $Rc = shift(@$vpd);
        my $data = @$vpd[0];

        while (my ($name) = each(%$h) ) {
            foreach ( @cmds ) {
                # Output error
                if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
                    push @result, [$name,"@{$prefix{$_}}[0]: @$vpd[0]",$Rc];  
                # Output value 
                my $value = "@{$prefix{$_}}[0]: $data->{$_}"; 
                push @result, [$name,$value,$Rc];   
    return( \@result );

# Returns FSP/BPA firmware information
sub firmware {

    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my $hwtype  = @$exp[2];
    my @result;

    while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
        while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {

            # Command only supported on FSP/BPAs 
            if ( @$d[4] !~ /^(fsp|bpa)$/ ) {
                push @result, 
                    [$name,"Information only available for CEC/BPA",RC_ERROR];
            my $values = xCAT::PPCcli::lslic( $exp, $d );
            my $Rc = shift(@$values);
            # Return error
            if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
                push @result, [$name,@$values[0],$Rc];
            # Success - format IVM results
            if ( $hwtype eq "ivm" ) {
                if ( @$values[0] !~ 
                      /^system:(\w+)\s+\(t\)\s+(\w+)\s+\(p\)\s+(\w+)\s+/ ) {
                    push @result, [$name,@$values[0],$Rc];
                push @result, [$name,"Activated Level: $1",$Rc]; 
                push @result, [$name,"Permanent Level: $2",$Rc]; 
                push @result, [$name,"Temporary Level: $3",$Rc]; 
            # Format HMC results
            foreach ( @licmap ) {  
                if ( @$values[0] =~ /@$_[0]=(\w+)/ ) {
                    push @result, [$name,"@$_[1]: $1",$Rc];
    return( \@result );

# Returns memory/processor information 
sub config {

    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my @result  = ();
    my @prefix  = ( 
        "Number of Processors: %s", 
        "Total Memory (MB): %s"

    while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
        # Get information for this CEC
        my $cfg = enumerate_cfg( $exp, $mtms, $hash );
        my $Rc = shift(@$cfg);
        my $data = @$cfg[0];
        while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
            # Look up by lparid
            my $type = @$d[4];
            my $id   = ($type=~/^fsp$/) ? 0 : @$d[0];

            # Output header
            push @result, [$name,"Machine Configuration Info"];
            my $i;

            foreach ( @prefix ) {
                # Output error
                if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
                    my $value = sprintf( "$_", $data );
                    push @result, [$name,$value,$Rc];
                # Node not found
                if (!exists( $data->{$id} )) {
                    push @result, [$name,"Node not found",1];
                # Output value
                my $value = sprintf( $_, @{$data->{$id}}[$i++] );
                push @result, [$name,$value,$Rc];
    return( \@result );

# Returns firmware version 
sub firm {
    return( firmware(@_) );

# Returns serial-number
sub serial {
    return( vpd(@_) );

# Returns machine-type-model
sub model {
    return( vpd(@_) );

# Returns all inventory information
sub all {

    my @result = ( 
    return( \@result );
