# IBM(c) 2008 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # Ver. 2.1 (3) - sf@mauricebrinkmann.de #------------------------------------------------------- package xCAT::vboxService; my %methods = ( IVirtualBox_getExtraData => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getExtraData ISerialPort_setHostMode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hostMode', type => 'vbox:PortMode', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setHostMode IHostFloppyDrive_getName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostFloppyDrive_getName IVHDImage_getCreated => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_getCreated IFloppyDrive_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_setEnabled IUSBDeviceFilter_getManufacturer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getManufacturer IParallelPort_setIOBase => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'IOBase', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_setIOBase ISystemProperties_getNetworkAdapterCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getNetworkAdapterCount IMachine_getName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getName IVRDPServer_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setEnabled IHardDisk_setDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'description', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_setDescription IVRDPServer_getNetAddress => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getNetAddress ISnapshot_getChildren => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getChildren IMachine_getOSTypeId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getOSTypeId IUSBDevice_getRevision => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getRevision IVirtualDiskImage_deleteImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_deleteImage IHardDisk_setType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'type', type => 'vbox:HardDiskType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_setType IVirtualBox_getHost => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getHost IMachine_setCurrentSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setCurrentSnapshot IUSBDevice_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getId IDVDDrive_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_getState IISCSIHardDisk_getLun => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getLun IConsole_getSharedFolders => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getSharedFolders IMachine_getVRAMSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getVRAMSize IMachine_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getId ISerialPort_setServer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'server', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setServer ISnapshot_setName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_setName IMachine_getPAEEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getPAEEnabled IVirtualBox_getDVDImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getDVDImage IUSBDevice_getProductId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getProductId ISnapshot_getTimeStamp => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getTimeStamp IVirtualBox_openFloppyImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openFloppyImage IHost_getFloppyDrives => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getFloppyDrives IMachine_getLogFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getLogFolder IMachine_getBIOSSettings => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getBIOSSettings ISystemProperties_getMinGuestVRAM => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMinGuestVRAM IVirtualBox_registerFloppyImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'image', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_registerFloppyImage IHardDisk_getStorageType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getStorageType INetworkAdapter_attachToInternalNetwork => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_attachToInternalNetwork ISerialPort_getPath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getPath ISATAController_getPortCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_getPortCount IHardDisk_getLocation => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getLocation IProgress_getResultCode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getResultCode ISystemProperties_getMaxBootPosition => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMaxBootPosition IMachine_getStateFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getStateFilePath IUSBController_getDeviceFilters => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_getDeviceFilters IVirtualBox_saveSettingsWithBackup => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_saveSettingsWithBackup IMachine_attachHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'bus', type => 'vbox:StorageBus', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'channel', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'device', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_attachHardDisk IMachine_getSettingsFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSettingsFilePath INetworkAdapter_setLineSpeed => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'lineSpeed', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setLineSpeed IConsole_pause => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_pause IMachine_getClipboardMode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getClipboardMode IVirtualBox_getMachines2 => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getMachines2 ISerialPort_setIOBase => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'IOBase', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setIOBase IMachine_setName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setName IMachine_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getState ISerialPort_getSlot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getSlot INetworkAdapter_setAdapterType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'adapterType', type => 'vbox:NetworkAdapterType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setAdapterType IConsole_takeSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'description', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_takeSnapshot IVirtualDiskImage_createFixedImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_createFixedImage IMachine_getCurrentSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getCurrentSnapshot IConsole_getRemoteUSBDevices => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getRemoteUSBDevices IVirtualBox_getFloppyImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getFloppyImage INetworkAdapter_setTraceEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'traceEnabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setTraceEnabled IProgress_getCompleted => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getCompleted IISCSIHardDisk_setUserName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'userName', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setUserName ISystemProperties_getMaxVDISize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMaxVDISize IConsole_getUSBDevices => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getUSBDevices IVRDPServer_getAuthType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getAuthType IMachine_discardSettings => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_discardSettings IHost_getUSBDeviceFilters => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getUSBDeviceFilters IParallelPort_setPath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'path', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_setPath IParallelPort_setIRQ => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'IRQ', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_setIRQ IMouse_getAbsoluteSupported => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMouse_getAbsoluteSupported IUSBDeviceFilter_setRevision => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'revision', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setRevision IFloppyDrive_getHostDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_getHostDrive IMachine_getSerialPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'slot', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSerialPort IMachine_detachHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'bus', type => 'vbox:StorageBus', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'channel', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'device', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_detachHardDisk IHardDisk_getRoot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getRoot INetworkAdapter_detach => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_detach ISession_getMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISession_getMachine IMachine_getStatisticsUpdateInterval => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getStatisticsUpdateInterval ISerialPort_setPath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'path', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setPath IKeyboard_putCAD => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IKeyboard_putCAD IMachine_getParallelPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'slot', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getParallelPort ICustomHardDisk_setLocation => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'location', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_setLocation IMachine_getMemoryBalloonSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getMemoryBalloonSize IUSBDeviceFilter_setManufacturer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'manufacturer', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setManufacturer IVHDImage_deleteImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_deleteImage IFloppyDrive_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_getState IUSBController_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_setEnabled IMachine_getSnapshotCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSnapshotCount IVRDPServer_getAllowMultiConnection => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getAllowMultiConnection IVirtualBox_getGuestOSTypes => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getGuestOSTypes IMachine_createSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hostPath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'writable', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_createSharedFolder IVirtualBox_registerHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hardDisk', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_registerHardDisk ISession_close => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISession_close IVRDPServer_setAuthType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'authType', type => 'vbox:VRDPAuthType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setAuthType ISerialPort_setIRQ => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'IRQ', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setIRQ IMachine_getNetworkAdapter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'slot', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getNetworkAdapter IMachine_getSessionType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSessionType IVMDKImage_deleteImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_deleteImage IHost_createUSBDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_createUSBDeviceFilter IVirtualBox_createHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'storageType', type => 'vbox:HardDiskStorageType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_createHardDisk IHardDisk_getLastAccessError => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getLastAccessError ISATAController_setPortCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'portCount', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_setPortCount IISCSIHardDisk_setPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'port', type => 'xsd:unsignedShort', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setPort IVirtualDiskImage_getCreated => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_getCreated IVirtualBox_unregisterHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_unregisterHardDisk IFloppyDrive_mountImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'imageId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_mountImage INetworkAdapter_getLineSpeed => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getLineSpeed IConsole_getMouse => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getMouse INetworkAdapter_getCableConnected => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getCableConnected IVirtualBox_setExtraData => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'value', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_setExtraData IVirtualBox_getSystemProperties => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getSystemProperties IUSBController_getUSBStandard => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_getUSBStandard IMachine_setPAEEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'PAEEnabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setPAEEnabled IFloppyImage_getAccessible => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyImage_getAccessible IProgress_getOperation => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getOperation IVirtualBox_getSettingsFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getSettingsFilePath IHardDisk_getType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getType IMachine_showConsoleWindow => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_showConsoleWindow IConsole_detachUSBDevice => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_detachUSBDevice IMachine_getSATAController => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSATAController IUSBController_insertDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'position', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filter', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_insertDeviceFilter ISession_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISession_getState IVirtualBox_unregisterDVDImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_unregisterDVDImage ISystemProperties_getDefaultVDIFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getDefaultVDIFolder IHost_getOperatingSystem => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getOperatingSystem IHostDVDDrive_getName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostDVDDrive_getName IMachine_getHWVirtExEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getHWVirtExEnabled IMachine_setMemoryBalloonSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'memoryBalloonSize', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setMemoryBalloonSize IMachine_getLastStateChange => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getLastStateChange IConsole_powerDown => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_powerDown IAudioAdapter_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_getEnabled IMachine_setMemorySize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'memorySize', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setMemorySize IUSBDevice_getAddress => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getAddress IConsole_getKeyboard => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getKeyboard INetworkAdapter_setTraceFile => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'traceFile', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setTraceFile IProgress_getCancelable => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getCancelable IConsole_reset => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_reset IVirtualBox_registerDVDImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'image', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_registerDVDImage IISCSIHardDisk_setServer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'server', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setServer IProgress_getCanceled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getCanceled ISystemProperties_getParallelPortCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getParallelPortCount INetworkAdapter_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getEnabled IDVDImage_getSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDImage_getSize IMachine_getSessionState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSessionState ISession_getConsole => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISession_getConsole INetworkAdapter_getAttachmentType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getAttachmentType IMouse_putMouseEventAbsolute => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'x', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'y', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'dz', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'buttonState', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMouse_putMouseEventAbsolute IWebsessionManager_logon => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => 'username', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'password', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IWebsessionManager_logon IParallelPort_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_getEnabled INetworkAdapter_attachToHostInterface => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_attachToHostInterface IParallelPort_getIRQ => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_getIRQ IVirtualBox_openHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'location', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openHardDisk IUSBDeviceFilter_getName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getName IConsole_resume => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_resume IFloppyImage_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyImage_getId IVHDImage_setFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_setFilePath IHost_getDVDDrives => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getDVDDrives IVirtualBox_registerMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'machine', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_registerMachine IManagedObjectRef_release => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IManagedObjectRef_release INetworkAdapter_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setEnabled IMachine_setHWVirtExEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'HWVirtExEnabled', type => 'vbox:TSBool', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setHWVirtExEnabled IParallelPort_getIOBase => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_getIOBase IISCSIHardDisk_getServer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getServer IConsole_adoptSavedState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'savedStateFile', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_adoptSavedState IMachine_saveSettingsWithBackup => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_saveSettingsWithBackup IVRDPServer_setAuthTimeout => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'authTimeout', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setAuthTimeout IMachine_getHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'bus', type => 'vbox:StorageBus', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'channel', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'device', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getHardDisk IVRDPServer_getAuthTimeout => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getAuthTimeout IISCSIHardDisk_setTarget => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'target', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setTarget IFloppyDrive_unmount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_unmount IMachine_getFloppyDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getFloppyDrive ISnapshot_setDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'description', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_setDescription IUSBDeviceFilter_setProductId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'productId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setProductId IUSBDevice_getPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getPort IProgress_getOperationDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getOperationDescription IVRDPServer_setNetAddress => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'netAddress', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setNetAddress IDVDDrive_setPassthrough => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'passthrough', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_setPassthrough IUSBDevice_getProduct => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getProduct ISystemProperties_getMaxGuestRAM => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMaxGuestRAM IHost_removeUSBDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'position', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_removeUSBDeviceFilter IMachine_getHardDiskAttachments => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getHardDiskAttachments IMachine_getSnapshotFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSnapshotFolder IVirtualDiskImage_getFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_getFilePath IConsole_discardCurrentState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_discardCurrentState IFloppyDrive_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_getEnabled IConsole_sleepButton => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_sleepButton IMouse_putMouseEvent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'dx', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'dy', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'dz', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'buttonState', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMouse_putMouseEvent IUSBDeviceFilter_setActive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'active', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setActive IVirtualBox_openMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'settingsFile', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openMachine IConsole_discardSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_discardSnapshot ISystemProperties_setLogHistoryCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'LogHistoryCount', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setLogHistoryCount IHost_getUSBDevices => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getUSBDevices IVirtualBox_unregisterFloppyImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_unregisterFloppyImage IISCSIHardDisk_getUserName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getUserName IHost_insertUSBDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'position', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filter', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_insertUSBDeviceFilter IMachine_canShowConsoleWindow => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_canShowConsoleWindow IUSBDeviceFilter_getProduct => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getProduct ISnapshot_getMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getMachine IParallelPort_getSlot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_getSlot IConsole_discardSavedState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_discardSavedState IMachine_saveSettings => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_saveSettings ICustomHardDisk_deleteImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_deleteImage ISerialPort_getIRQ => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getIRQ IHardDisk_getChildren => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getChildren IDVDDrive_captureHostDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'drive', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_captureHostDrive IConsole_createSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hostPath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'writable', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_createSharedFolder IHardDisk_getMachineId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getMachineId IMachine_getVRDPServer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getVRDPServer IConsole_removeSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_removeSharedFolder IVMDKImage_getFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_getFilePath IMachine_getSettingsFileVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSettingsFileVersion IVirtualBox_createLegacyMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'settingsFile', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_createLegacyMachine IVirtualBox_findVirtualDiskImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_findVirtualDiskImage IVirtualBox_getFloppyImageUsage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'usage', type => 'vbox:ResourceUsage', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getFloppyImageUsage IVirtualDiskImage_setFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_setFilePath IUSBDeviceFilter_getRemote => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getRemote INetworkAdapter_setMACAddress => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'MACAddress', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setMACAddress ISystemProperties_getRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary INetworkAdapter_setInternalNetwork => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'internalNetwork', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setInternalNetwork IHardDisk_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getId IDVDDrive_getImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_getImage ICustomHardDisk_getFormat => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_getFormat ISystemProperties_getSerialPortCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getSerialPortCount ISATAController_GetIDEEmulationPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'devicePosition', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_GetIDEEmulationPort INetworkAdapter_getTraceFile => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getTraceFile ISystemProperties_getDefaultMachineFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getDefaultMachineFolder IISCSIHardDisk_setLun => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'lun', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setLun IFloppyImage_getFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyImage_getFilePath INetworkAdapter_getNATNetwork => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getNATNetwork ISnapshot_getOnline => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getOnline IVRDPServer_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getEnabled IManagedObjectRef_getInterfaceName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IManagedObjectRef_getInterfaceName ICustomHardDisk_createFixedImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_createFixedImage ISnapshot_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getId IConsole_getRemoteDisplayInfo => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getRemoteDisplayInfo IISCSIHardDisk_setPassword => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'password', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_setPassword IHardDisk_getActualSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getActualSize IVirtualBox_removeSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_removeSharedFolder IConsole_attachUSBDevice => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_attachUSBDevice IISCSIHardDisk_getPassword => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getPassword IVirtualBox_getGuestOSType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getGuestOSType ISnapshot_getName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getName IHardDisk_getAccessible => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getAccessible IParallelPort_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_setEnabled IConsole_getPowerButtonHandled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getPowerButtonHandled IAudioAdapter_getAudioDriver => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_getAudioDriver ISerialPort_getHostMode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getHostMode IConsole_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getState IMachine_setSnapshotFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'snapshotFolder', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setSnapshotFolder IVRDPServer_setPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'port', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setPort IVirtualBox_waitForPropertyChange => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'what', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'timeout', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_waitForPropertyChange IVirtualBox_getSharedFolders => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getSharedFolders ICustomHardDisk_createDynamicImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_createDynamicImage IVirtualBox_getMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getMachine IKeyboard_putScancode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'scancode', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IKeyboard_putScancode IMachine_deleteSettings => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_deleteSettings IHostDVDDrive_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostDVDDrive_getDescription IVirtualBox_findFloppyImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_findFloppyImage ISATAController_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_getEnabled ICustomHardDisk_getCreated => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_getCreated IVirtualBox_openDVDImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openDVDImage IFloppyDrive_getImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_getImage IConsole_getDeviceActivity => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'type', type => 'vbox:DeviceType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getDeviceActivity ISerialPort_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getEnabled ISystemProperties_getLogHistoryCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getLogHistoryCount ISnapshot_getParent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getParent IVirtualBox_getDVDImageUsage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'usage', type => 'vbox:ResourceUsage', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getDVDImageUsage IConsole_powerButton => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_powerButton IHost_getMemorySize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getMemorySize IHardDisk_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getDescription ISerialPort_getIOBase => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getIOBase IMachine_setMonitorCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'MonitorCount', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setMonitorCount ISerialPort_getServer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_getServer IMachine_getCurrentStateModified => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getCurrentStateModified IUSBDeviceFilter_setProduct => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'product', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setProduct INetworkAdapter_setCableConnected => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'cableConnected', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setCableConnected IMachine_getExtraData => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getExtraData IVHDImage_createFixedImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_createFixedImage IVHDImage_getFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_getFilePath IVirtualBox_openSession => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'session', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'machineId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openSession IConsole_getMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_getMachine IVirtualBox_unregisterMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_unregisterMachine INetworkAdapter_setNATNetwork => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'NATNetwork', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setNATNetwork IHost_getProcessorCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getProcessorCount INetworkAdapter_attachToNAT => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_attachToNAT IDVDImage_getFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDImage_getFilePath IAudioAdapter_setAudioController => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'audioController', type => 'vbox:AudioControllerType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_setAudioController IVirtualBox_findDVDImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_findDVDImage IMachine_setClipboardMode => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'clipboardMode', type => 'vbox:ClipboardMode', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setClipboardMode IHostFloppyDrive_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostFloppyDrive_getDescription IUSBDeviceFilter_setName => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setName IDVDDrive_getPassthrough => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_getPassthrough IConsole_powerUp => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_powerUp ISATAController_SetIDEEmulationPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'devicePosition', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'portNumber', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_SetIDEEmulationPort IUSBDevice_getManufacturer => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getManufacturer IProgress_getPercent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getPercent IDVDImage_getAccessible => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDImage_getAccessible IVirtualBox_getFloppyImages => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getFloppyImages IWebsessionManager_logoff => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => 'refIVirtualBox', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IWebsessionManager_logoff IUSBDevice_getSerialNumber => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getSerialNumber IProgress_getOperationPercent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getOperationPercent IVirtualDiskImage_createDynamicImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualDiskImage_createDynamicImage IMachine_getNextExtraDataKey => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getNextExtraDataKey IHost_getProcessorSpeed => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getProcessorSpeed IVirtualBox_saveSettings => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_saveSettings ISnapshot_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISnapshot_getDescription INetworkAdapter_getMACAddress => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getMACAddress IVirtualBox_findHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'location', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_findHardDisk ISession_getType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISession_getType IVirtualBox_getHardDisks => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getHardDisks IUSBDeviceFilter_getVendorId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getVendorId IUSBController_getEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_getEnabled IDVDDrive_getHostDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_getHostDrive IVRDPServer_setAllowMultiConnection => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'allowMultiConnection', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_setAllowMultiConnection IVRDPServer_getPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVRDPServer_getPort IHostUSBDeviceFilter_setAction => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'action', type => 'vbox:USBDeviceFilterAction', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostUSBDeviceFilter_setAction ISystemProperties_setHWVirtExEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'HWVirtExEnabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setHWVirtExEnabled IAudioAdapter_getAudioController => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_getAudioController IVMDKImage_createFixedImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_createFixedImage IUSBDeviceFilter_setPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'port', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setPort IVirtualBox_getVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getVersion IUSBDevice_getPortVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getPortVersion IUSBController_getEnabledEhci => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_getEnabledEhci IISCSIHardDisk_getTarget => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getTarget IUSBDeviceFilter_getPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getPort IMachine_getSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSnapshot IFloppyDrive_captureHostDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'drive', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyDrive_captureHostDrive IConsole_saveState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_saveState IVirtualBox_findMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_findMachine IParallelPort_getPath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IParallelPort_getPath IVMDKImage_getCreated => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_getCreated IMachine_setExtraData => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'value', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setExtraData IMachine_getAccessible => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getAccessible IVirtualBox_getProgressOperations => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getProgressOperations INetworkAdapter_getSlot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getSlot IVirtualBox_openVirtualDiskImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openVirtualDiskImage ISystemProperties_getMaxGuestVRAM => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMaxGuestVRAM IVirtualBox_openRemoteSession => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'session', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'machineId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'type', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'environment', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openRemoteSession IHostFloppyDrive_getUdi => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostFloppyDrive_getUdi INetworkAdapter_getInternalNetwork => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getInternalNetwork IVirtualBox_getNextExtraDataKey => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'key', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getNextExtraDataKey IHost_getProcessorDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getProcessorDescription IFloppyImage_getSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IFloppyImage_getSize IMachine_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getDescription IHardDisk_getParent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getParent ISystemProperties_setDefaultMachineFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'defaultMachineFolder', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setDefaultMachineFolder INetworkAdapter_getAdapterType => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getAdapterType ISystemProperties_setDefaultVDIFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'defaultVDIFolder', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setDefaultVDIFolder IVirtualBox_getHomeFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getHomeFolder IAudioAdapter_setAudioDriver => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'audioDriver', type => 'vbox:AudioDriverType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_setAudioDriver IUSBDeviceFilter_getActive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getActive IHost_getUTCTime => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getUTCTime IWebsessionManager_getSessionObject => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => 'refIVirtualBox', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IWebsessionManager_getSessionObject IISCSIHardDisk_getPort => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IISCSIHardDisk_getPort INetworkAdapter_setHostInterface => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hostInterface', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_setHostInterface IUSBDeviceFilter_setMaskedInterfaces => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'maskedInterfaces', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setMaskedInterfaces IMachine_getMemorySize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getMemorySize ISystemProperties_getMinGuestRAM => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getMinGuestRAM IDVDDrive_unmount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_unmount IVHDImage_createDynamicImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVHDImage_createDynamicImage IUSBDeviceFilter_getSerialNumber => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getSerialNumber INetworkAdapter_getTraceEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getTraceEnabled IHost_getOSVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getOSVersion IUSBController_setEnabledEhci => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabledEhci', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_setEnabledEhci IUSBDeviceFilter_getMaskedInterfaces => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getMaskedInterfaces IMachine_setBootOrder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'position', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'device', type => 'vbox:DeviceType', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setBootOrder IMachine_getAudioAdapter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getAudioAdapter IMachine_getDVDDrive => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getDVDDrive ISATAController_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISATAController_setEnabled IMachine_removeSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_removeSharedFolder IUSBDevice_getRemote => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getRemote INetworkAdapter_getHostInterface => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end INetworkAdapter_getHostInterface IUSBDeviceFilter_setVendorId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'vendorId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setVendorId IUSBDeviceFilter_setSerialNumber => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'serialNumber', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setSerialNumber IMachine_getSettingsModified => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSettingsModified IProgress_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getId IVirtualBox_getSettingsFormatVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getSettingsFormatVersion IUSBDeviceFilter_setRemote => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'remote', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_setRemote ISerialPort_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISerialPort_setEnabled IDVDDrive_mountImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'imageId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDDrive_mountImage IProgress_getOperationCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getOperationCount IMachine_setStatisticsUpdateInterval => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'statisticsUpdateInterval', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setStatisticsUpdateInterval IAudioAdapter_setEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'enabled', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IAudioAdapter_setEnabled IVirtualBox_getDVDImages => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getDVDImages IVMDKImage_setFilePath => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_setFilePath ICustomHardDisk_getLocation => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ICustomHardDisk_getLocation IHost_getMemoryAvailable => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHost_getMemoryAvailable IMachine_getBootOrder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'order', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getBootOrder IKeyboard_putScancodes => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'scancodes', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'count', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IKeyboard_putScancodes IMachine_getParent => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getParent IUSBDevice_getVendorId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getVendorId IHostUSBDeviceFilter_getAction => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostUSBDeviceFilter_getAction IProgress_waitForOperationCompletion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'operation', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'timeout', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_waitForOperationCompletion IHardDisk_getSnapshotId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getSnapshotId IDVDImage_getId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IDVDImage_getId IMachine_getSharedFolders => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSharedFolders IMachine_setDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'description', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setDescription IMachine_findSnapshot => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_findSnapshot IUSBController_removeDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'position', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_removeDeviceFilter ISystemProperties_setWebServiceAuthLibrary => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'webServiceAuthLibrary', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setWebServiceAuthLibrary IHardDisk_getSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getSize IProgress_cancel => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_cancel IUSBController_createDeviceFilter => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBController_createDeviceFilter IMachine_setVRAMSize => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'VRAMSize', type => 'xsd:unsignedInt', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setVRAMSize IMachine_setOSTypeId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'OSTypeId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_setOSTypeId IProgress_getDescription => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_getDescription IHardDisk_cloneToImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'filePath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_cloneToImage IVirtualBox_createSharedFolder => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'hostPath', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'writable', type => 'xsd:boolean', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_createSharedFolder IVirtualBox_getHardDisk => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getHardDisk IVirtualBox_getMachines => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getMachines ISystemProperties_getHWVirtExEnabled => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getHWVirtExEnabled IMachine_getUSBController => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getUSBController IVMDKImage_createDynamicImage => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'size', type => 'xsd:unsignedLong', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVMDKImage_createDynamicImage IHostDVDDrive_getUdi => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostDVDDrive_getUdi IUSBDeviceFilter_getProductId => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getProductId IHostUSBDevice_getState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHostUSBDevice_getState IVirtualBox_getSettingsFileVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_getSettingsFileVersion IUSBDeviceFilter_getRevision => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDeviceFilter_getRevision IUSBDevice_getVersion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IUSBDevice_getVersion ISystemProperties_setRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'remoteDisplayAuthLibrary', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_setRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary IMachine_getMonitorCount => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getMonitorCount ISystemProperties_getWebServiceAuthLibrary => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end ISystemProperties_getWebServiceAuthLibrary IHardDisk_getAllAccessible => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IHardDisk_getAllAccessible IMachine_getSessionPid => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IMachine_getSessionPid IConsole_discardCurrentSnapshotAndState => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IConsole_discardCurrentSnapshotAndState IProgress_waitForCompletion => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'timeout', type => 'xsd:int', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IProgress_waitForCompletion IVirtualBox_openExistingSession => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'session', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'machineId', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_openExistingSession IVirtualBox_createMachine => { endpoint => 'http://localhost:18083/', soapaction => '', namespace => 'http://www.virtualbox.org/', parameters => [ SOAP::Data->new(name => '_this', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'baseFolder', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'name', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), SOAP::Data->new(name => 'id', type => 'xsd:string', attr => {}), ], # end parameters }, # end IVirtualBox_createMachine ); # end my %methods #require SOAP::Lite; # vbox.pm requires SOAP::Lite before requiring vboxService.pm, so we can check for SOAP::Lite dynamically require Exporter; use Carp (); use vars qw(@ISA $AUTOLOAD @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); @ISA = qw(Exporter SOAP::Lite); @EXPORT_OK = (keys %methods); %EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [@EXPORT_OK]); sub _call { ####################################################################################################################################################### # save the additional parameter "vboxhost" which contains an URL with Port information my ($self, $method, $vboxhost) = (shift, shift, shift); my $name = UNIVERSAL::isa($method => 'SOAP::Data') ? $method->name : $method; my %method = %{$methods{$name}}; ####################################################################################################################################################### # set the proxy to $vboxhost instead of $method{endpoint} -> in future vboxhost could contain something like "[*P*<proxyurl>*P*]<hosturl>" $self->proxy($vboxhost || Carp::croak "No server address (proxy) specified") unless $self->proxy; my @templates = @{$method{parameters}}; my @parameters = (); foreach my $param (@_) { if (@templates) { my $template = shift @templates; my ($prefix,$typename) = SOAP::Utils::splitqname($template->type); my $method = 'as_'.$typename; # TODO - if can('as_'.$typename) {...} my $result = $self->serializer->$method($param, $template->name, $template->type, $template->attr); push(@parameters, $template->value($result->[2])); } else { push(@parameters, $param); } } ####################################################################################################################################################### # set the endpoint to $vboxhost instead of $method{endpoint} -> in future vboxhost could contain something like "[*P*<proxyurl>*P*]<hosturl>" $self->endpoint($vboxhost) ->ns($method{namespace}) ->on_action(sub{qq!"$method{soapaction}"!}); $self->serializer->register_ns("urn:vbox","interface"); $self->serializer->register_ns("http://www.virtualbox.org/","vbox"); $self->serializer->register_ns("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/","soap"); my $som = $self->SUPER::call($method => @parameters); if ($self->want_som) { return $som; } UNIVERSAL::isa($som => 'SOAP::SOM') ? wantarray ? $som->paramsall : $som->result : $som; } sub BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; for my $method (qw(want_som)) { my $field = '_' . $method; *$method = sub { my $self = shift->new; @_ ? ($self->{$field} = shift, return $self) : return $self->{$field}; } } } no strict 'refs'; for my $method (@EXPORT_OK) { my %method = %{$methods{$method}}; *$method = sub { my $self = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0] => __PACKAGE__) ? ref $_[0] ? shift # OBJECT # CLASS, either get self or create new and assign to self : (shift->self || __PACKAGE__->self(__PACKAGE__->new)) # function call, either get self or create new and assign to self : (__PACKAGE__->self || __PACKAGE__->self(__PACKAGE__->new)); $self->_call($method, @_); } } sub AUTOLOAD { my $method = substr($AUTOLOAD, rindex($AUTOLOAD, '::') + 2); return if $method eq 'DESTROY' || $method eq 'want_som'; die "Unrecognized method '$method'. List of available method(s): @EXPORT_OK\n"; } 1;