# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #perl errors/and warnings are not currently wrapped. # This probably will be cleaned #up #Some known weird behaviors #creating new sqlite db files when only requested to read non-existant table, easy to fix, #class xcattable package xCAT::Table; use Sys::Syslog; use Data::Dumper; use IO::Socket::UNIX; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr'; } # if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path. # Needed to find perl dependencies shipped in deps tarball. if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2"; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; my $cachethreshold=16; #How many nodes in 'getNodesAttribs' before switching to full DB retrieval use DBI; use strict; #use Data::Dumper; use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/; require xCAT::Schema; require xCAT::NodeRange; use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed); require xCAT::NotifHandler; my $dbworkerpid; #The process id of the database worker my $dbworkersocket; my $dbsockpath; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::Table xCAT::Table - Perl module for xCAT configuration access =head2 SYNOPSIS use xCAT::Table; my $table = xCAT::Table->new("tablename"); my $hashref=$table->getNodeAttribs("nodename","columname1","columname2"); printf $hashref->{columname1}; =head2 DESCRIPTION This module provides convenience methods that abstract the backend specific configuration to a common API. Currently implements the preferred SQLite backend, as well as a CSV backend, postgresql and MySQL, using their respective perl DBD modules. NOTES The CSV backend is really slow at scale. Room for optimization is likely, but in general DBD::CSV is slow, relative to xCAT 1.2.x. The SQLite backend, on the other hand, is significantly faster on reads than the xCAT 1.2.x way, so it is recommended. BUGS This module is not thread-safe, due to underlying DBD thread issues. Specifically in testing, SQLite DBD leaks scalars if a thread where a Table object exists spawns a child and that child exits. The recommended workaround for now is to spawn a thread to contain all Table objects if you intend to spawn threads from your main thread. As long as no thread in which the new method is called spawns child threads, it seems to work fine. AUTHOR Jarrod Johnson xCAT::Table is released under an IBM license.... =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 Subroutines =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 buildcreatestmt Description: Build create table statement ( see new) Arguments: Table name Table schema ( hash of column names) Returns: Table creation SQL Globals: Error: Example: my $str = buildcreatestmt($self->{tabname}, $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}); =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub buildcreatestmt { my $tabn = shift; my $descr = shift; my $xcatcfg = shift; my $retv = "CREATE TABLE $tabn (\n "; my $col; my $types=$descr->{types}; my $pkset=0; foreach $col (@{$descr->{cols}}) { if (($types) && ($types->{$col})) { if ($types->{$col} =~ /INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT/) { if ($xcatcfg =~ /^SQLite:/) { $retv .= "\"$col\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT "; $pkset=1; } elsif ($xcatcfg =~ /^Pg:/) { $retv .= "\"$col\" SERIAL "; } elsif ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/){ $retv .= "\"$col\" INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT "; } elsif ($xcatcfg =~ /^db2:/){ $retv .= "\"$col\" INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY "; #have not tested on DB2 } else { } } else { $retv .= "\"$col\" " . $types->{$col}; } } else { if (isAKey(\@{$descr->{keys}},$col)) { # keys need defined length $retv .= "\"$col\" VARCHAR(128)"; } else { $retv .= "\"$col\" TEXT"; } } if (grep /^$col$/, @{$descr->{required}}) { $retv .= " NOT NULL"; } $retv .= ",\n "; } if ($pkset) { $retv =~ s/,\n $/\n)/; } else { $retv .= "PRIMARY KEY ("; foreach (@{$descr->{keys}}) { $retv .= "\"$_\"," } $retv =~ s/,$/)\n)/; } #print "retv=$retv\n"; return $retv; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 new Description: Constructor: Connects to or Creates Database Table Arguments: Table name 0 = Connect to table 1 = Create table Returns: Hash: Database Handle, Statement Handle, nodelist Globals: Error: Example: $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new("nodelist"); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { #Constructor takes table name as argument #Also takes a true/false value, or assumes 0. If something true is passed, create table #is requested my $self = {}; my $proto = shift; $self->{tabname} = shift; unless (defined($xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}})) { return undef; } $self->{schema} = $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}; $self->{colnames} = \@{$self->{schema}->{cols}}; $self->{descriptions} = \%{$self->{schema}->{descriptions}}; my %otherargs = @_; my $create = 1; if (exists($otherargs{'-create'}) && ($otherargs{'-create'}==0)) {$create = 0;} $self->{autocommit} = $otherargs{'-autocommit'}; unless (defined($self->{autocommit})) { $self->{autocommit} = 1; } my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; $self->{dbuser}=""; $self->{dbpass}=""; my $xcatcfg = (defined $ENV{'XCATCFG'} ? $ENV{'XCATCFG'} : ''); unless ($xcatcfg) { if (-r "/etc/xcat/cfgloc") { my $cfgl; open($cfgl,"<","/etc/xcat/cfgloc"); $xcatcfg = <$cfgl>; close($cfgl); chomp($xcatcfg); $ENV{'XCATCFG'}=$xcatcfg; #Store it in env to avoid many file reads } } if ($xcatcfg =~ /^$/) { if (-d "/opt/xcat/cfg") { $xcatcfg = "SQLite:/opt/xcat/cfg"; } else { if (-d "/etc/xcat") { $xcatcfg = "SQLite:/etc/xcat"; } } } ($xcatcfg =~ /^$/) && die "Can't locate xCAT configuration"; unless ($xcatcfg =~ /:/) { $xcatcfg = "SQLite:" . $xcatcfg; } if ($xcatcfg =~ /^SQLite:/) { $self->{backend_type} = 'sqlite'; my @path = split(':', $xcatcfg, 2); unless (-e $path[1] . "/" . $self->{tabname} . ".sqlite" || $create) { return undef; } $self->{connstring} = "dbi:" . $xcatcfg . "/" . $self->{tabname} . ".sqlite"; } elsif ($xcatcfg =~ /^CSV:/) { $self->{backend_type} = 'csv'; $xcatcfg =~ m/^.*?:(.*)$/; my $path = $1; $self->{connstring} = "dbi:CSV:f_dir=" . $path; } else #Generic DBI { ($self->{connstring},$self->{dbuser},$self->{dbpass}) = split(/\|/,$xcatcfg); $self->{connstring} =~ s/^dbi://; $self->{connstring} =~ s/^/dbi:/; #return undef; } my $oldumask= umask 0077; unless ($::XCAT_DBHS->{$self->{connstring},$self->{dbuser},$self->{dbpass},$self->{autocommit}}) { #= $self->{tabname}; $::XCAT_DBHS->{$self->{connstring},$self->{dbuser},$self->{dbpass},$self->{autocommit}} = DBI->connect($self->{connstring}, $self->{dbuser}, $self->{dbpass}, {AutoCommit => $self->{autocommit}}); } umask $oldumask; $self->{dbh} = $::XCAT_DBHS->{$self->{connstring},$self->{dbuser},$self->{dbpass},$self->{autocommit}}; #DBI->connect($self->{connstring}, $self->{dbuser}, $self->{dbpass}, {AutoCommit => $autocommit}); if ($xcatcfg =~ /^SQLite:/) { my $dbexistq = "SELECT name from sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = ?"; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($dbexistq); $sth->execute($self->{tabname}); my $result = $sth->fetchrow(); $sth->finish; unless (defined $result) { if ($create) { my $str = buildcreatestmt($self->{tabname}, $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}, $xcatcfg); $self->{dbh}->do($str); } else { return undef; } } } elsif ($xcatcfg =~ /^CSV:/) { $self->{dbh}->{'csv_tables'}->{$self->{tabname}} = {'file' => $self->{tabname} . ".csv"}; $xcatcfg =~ m/^.*?:(.*)$/; my $path = $1; if (!-e $path . "/" . $self->{tabname} . ".csv") { unless ($create) { return undef; } my $str = buildcreatestmt($self->{tabname}, $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}, $xcatcfg); $self->{dbh}->do($str); } } else { #generic DBI my $tbexistq = $self->{dbh}->table_info('','',$self->{tabname},'TABLE'); my $found = 0; while (my $data = $tbexistq->fetchrow_hashref) { if ($data->{'TABLE_NAME'} =~ /^\"?$self->{tabname}\"?\z/) { $found = 1; last; } } unless ($found) { unless ($create) { return undef; } my $str = buildcreatestmt($self->{tabname}, $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}, $xcatcfg); $self->{dbh}->do($str); } } updateschema($self); if ($self->{tabname} eq 'nodelist') { weaken($self->{nodelist} = $self); } else { $self->{nodelist} = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist',-create=>1); } bless($self, $class); return $self; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 updateschema Description: Alters table schema Arguments: Hash containing Database and Table Handle and schema Returns: None Globals: Error: Example: $self->{tabname} = shift; $self->{schema} = $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}; $self->{colnames} = \@{$self->{schema}->{cols}}; updateschema($self); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub updateschema { #This determines alter table statements required.. my $self = shift; my @columns; if ($self->{backend_type} eq 'sqlite') { my $dbexistq = "SELECT sql from sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = ?"; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($dbexistq); $sth->execute($self->{tabname}); my $cstmt = $sth->fetchrow(); $sth->finish; #my $cstmt = $result->{sql}; $cstmt =~ s/.*\(//; $cstmt =~ s/\)$//; my @entries = split /,/, $cstmt; foreach (@entries) { s/VARCHAR\(\d+\)/TEXT/; unless (/\(/) { #Filter out the PRIMARY KEY statement, but not if on a col my $colname = $_; $colname =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s+.*\s*$/$1/ ; #I don't understand why it won't work otherwise for " colname TEXT " $colname =~ s/^"//; $colname =~ s/"$//; push @columns, $colname; } } } else { #Attempt generic dbi.. #my $sth = $self->{dbh}->column_info('','',$self->{tabname},''); my $sth = $self->{dbh}->column_info(undef,undef,$self->{tabname},'%'); while (my $cd = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @columns,$cd->{'COLUMN_NAME'}; } foreach (@columns) { #Column names may end up quoted by database engin s/"//g; } } #Now @columns reflects the *actual* columns in the database my $dcol; foreach $dcol (@{$self->{colnames}}) { unless (grep /^$dcol$/, @columns) { #TODO: log/notify of schema upgrade? my $stmt = "ALTER TABLE " . $self->{tabname} . " ADD $dcol TEXT"; $self->{dbh}->do($stmt); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setNodeAttribs Description: Set attributes values on the node input to the routine Arguments: Hash: Database Handle, Statement Handle, nodelist Node name Attribute hash Returns: Globals: Error: Example: my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1); $mactab->setNodeAttribs($node,{mac=>$mac}); $mactab->close(); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setNodeAttribs { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; return $self->setAttribs({'node' => $node}, @_); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 addNodeAttribs Description: Add new attributes input to the routine to the nodes Arguments: Hash of new attributes Returns: Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub addNodeAttribs { my $self = shift; return $self->addAttribs('node', @_); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 addAttribs Description: add new attributes Arguments: Hash: Database Handle, Statement Handle, nodelist Key name Key value Hash reference of column-value pairs to set Returns: Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub addAttribs { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $keyval = shift; my $elems = shift; my $cols = ""; my @bind = (); @bind = ($keyval); $cols = "$key,"; for my $col (keys %$elems) { $cols = $cols . $col . ","; if (ref($$elems{$col})) { push @bind, ${$elems}{$col}->[0]; } else { push @bind, $$elems{$col}; } } chop($cols); my $qstring = 'INSERT INTO ' . $self->{tabname} . " ($cols) VALUES ("; for (@bind) { $qstring = $qstring . "?,"; } $qstring =~ s/,$/)/; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring); $sth->execute(@bind); #$self->{dbh}->commit; #notify the interested parties my $notif = xCAT::NotifHandler->needToNotify($self->{tabname}, 'a'); if ($notif == 1) { my %new_notif_data; $new_notif_data{$key} = $keyval; foreach (keys %$elems) { $new_notif_data{$_} = $$elems{$_}; } xCAT::NotifHandler->notify("a", $self->{tabname}, [0], \%new_notif_data); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 rollback Description: rollback changes Arguments: Database Handle Returns: none Globals: Error: Example: my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($table,-create =>1,-autocommit=>0); $tab->rollback(); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub rollback { my $self = shift; $self->{dbh}->rollback; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 commit Description: Commit changes Arguments: Database Handle Returns: none Globals: Error: Example: my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($table,-create =>1,-autocommit=>0); $tab->commit(); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub commit { my $self = shift; $self->{dbh}->commit; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setAttribs Description: Arguments: Key name Key value Hash reference of column-value pairs to set Returns: None Globals: Error: Example: my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc', -create=>1, -autocommit=>0 ); $keyhash{'node'} = $name; $updates{'type'} = lc($type); $updates{'id'} = $lparid; $updates{'hcp'} = $server; $updates{'profile'} = $prof; $updates{'frame'} = $frame; $updates{'mtms'} = "$model*$serial"; $tab->setAttribs( \%keyhash,\%updates ); $tab->commit; Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setAttribs { #Takes three arguments: #-Key name #-Key value #-Hash reference of column-value pairs to set my $self = shift; my $pKeypairs=shift; my %keypairs = (); if ($pKeypairs != undef) { %keypairs = %{$pKeypairs}; } #my $key = shift; #my $keyval=shift; my $elems = shift; my $cols = ""; my @bind = (); my $action; my @notif_data; my $qstring = "SELECT * FROM " . $self->{tabname} . " WHERE "; my @qargs = (); my $query; my $data; if (($pKeypairs != undef) && (keys(%keypairs)>0)) { foreach (keys %keypairs) { #$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND "; #mysql changes #push @qargs, $keypairs{$_}; $qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND "; push @qargs, $keypairs{$_}; } $qstring =~ s/ AND \z//; $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring); $query->execute(@qargs); #get the first row $data = $query->fetchrow_arrayref(); if (defined $data) { $action = "u"; } else { $action = "a"; } } else { $action = "a";} #prepare the notification data my $notif = xCAT::NotifHandler->needToNotify($self->{tabname}, $action); if ($notif == 1) { if ($action eq "u") { #put the column names at the very front push(@notif_data, $query->{NAME}); #copy the data out because fetchall_arrayref overrides the data. my @first_row = @$data; push(@notif_data, \@first_row); #get the rest of the rows my $temp_data = $query->fetchall_arrayref(); foreach (@$temp_data) { push(@notif_data, $_); } } } if ($query) { $query->finish(); } if ($action eq "u") { #update the rows $action = "u"; for my $col (keys %$elems) { $cols = $cols . $col . " = ?,"; push @bind, (($$elems{$col} =~ /NULL/) ? undef: $$elems{$col}); } chop($cols); my $cmd = "UPDATE " . $self->{tabname} . " set $cols where "; foreach (keys %keypairs) { if (ref($keypairs{$_})) { $cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_}->[0] . "' AND "; } else { $cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_} . "' AND "; } } $cmd =~ s/ AND \z//; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($cmd); unless ($sth) { return (undef,"Error attempting requested DB operation"); } my $err = $sth->execute(@bind); if (not defined($err)) { return (undef, $sth->errstr); } $sth->finish; } else { #insert the rows $action = "a"; @bind = (); $cols = ""; my %newpairs; #first, merge the two structures to a single hash foreach (keys %keypairs) { $newpairs{$_} = $keypairs{$_}; } for my $col (keys %$elems) { $newpairs{$col} = $$elems{$col}; } foreach (keys %newpairs) { #$cols .= $_ . ","; # mysql changes $cols .= "\"$_\"" . ","; push @bind, $newpairs{$_}; } chop($cols); my $qstring = 'INSERT INTO ' . $self->{tabname} . " ($cols) VALUES ("; for (@bind) { $qstring = $qstring . "?,"; } $qstring =~ s/,$/)/; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring); my $err = $sth->execute(@bind); if (not defined($err)) { return (undef, $sth->errstr); } $sth->finish; } #notify the interested parties if ($notif == 1) { #create new data ref my %new_notif_data = %keypairs; foreach (keys %$elems) { $new_notif_data{$_} = $$elems{$_}; } xCAT::NotifHandler->notify($action, $self->{tabname}, \@notif_data, \%new_notif_data); } return 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setAttribsWhere Description: This function sets the attributes for the rows selected by the where clause. Arguments: Where clause. Hash reference of column-value pairs to set Returns: None Globals: Error: Example: my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc', -create=>1, -autocommit=>1 ); $updates{'type'} = lc($type); $updates{'id'} = $lparid; $updates{'hcp'} = $server; $updates{'profile'} = $prof; $updates{'frame'} = $frame; $updates{'mtms'} = "$model*$serial"; $tab->setAttribs( "node in ('node1', 'node2', 'node3')", \%updates ); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setAttribsWhere { #Takes three arguments: #-Where clause #-Hash reference of column-value pairs to set my $self = shift; my $where_clause = shift; my $elems = shift; my $cols = ""; my @bind = (); my $action; my @notif_data; my $qstring = "SELECT * FROM " . $self->{tabname} . " WHERE " . $where_clause; my @qargs = (); my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring); $query->execute(@qargs); #get the first row my $data = $query->fetchrow_arrayref(); if (defined $data){ $action = "u";} else { return (0, "no rows selected."); } #prepare the notification data my $notif = xCAT::NotifHandler->needToNotify($self->{tabname}, $action); if ($notif == 1) { #put the column names at the very front push(@notif_data, $query->{NAME}); #copy the data out because fetchall_arrayref overrides the data. my @first_row = @$data; push(@notif_data, \@first_row); #get the rest of the rows my $temp_data = $query->fetchall_arrayref(); foreach (@$temp_data) { push(@notif_data, $_); } } $query->finish(); #update the rows for my $col (keys %$elems) { $cols = $cols . $col . " = ?,"; push @bind, (($$elems{$col} =~ /NULL/) ? undef: $$elems{$col}); } chop($cols); my $cmd = "UPDATE " . $self->{tabname} . " set $cols where " . $where_clause; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($cmd); my $err = $sth->execute(@bind); if (not defined($err)) { return (undef, $sth->errstr); } #notify the interested parties if ($notif == 1) { #create new data ref my %new_notif_data = (); foreach (keys %$elems) { $new_notif_data{$_} = $$elems{$_}; } xCAT::NotifHandler->notify($action, $self->{tabname}, \@notif_data, \%new_notif_data); } $sth->finish; return 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setNodesAttribs Description: Unconditionally assigns the requested values to tables for a list of nodes Arguments: 'self' (implicit in OO style call) Reference to a list of nodes (no noderanges, just nodes) A hash of attributes to set, like in 'setNodeAttribs' Returns: =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setNodesAttribs { #This is currently a stub to be filled out with at scale enhancements. It will be a touch more complex than getNodesAttribs, due to the notification #The three steps should be: #-Query table and divide nodes into list to update and list to insert #-Update intelligently with respect to scale #-Insert intelligently with respect to scale #Intelligently in this case means folding them to some degree. Update where clauses will be longer, but must be capped to avoid exceeding SQL statement length restrictions on some DBs. Restricting even all the way down to 256 could provide better than an order of magnitude better performance though my $self = shift; my $nodelist = shift; foreach (@$nodelist) { $self->setNodeAttribs($_,@_); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getNodesAttribs Description: Retrieves the requested attributes for a node list Arguments: Table handle ('self') List ref of nodes Attribute type array Returns: two layer hash reference (->{nodename}->{attrib} Globals: Error: Example: my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $ent = $ostab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['profile','os','arch']); if ($ent) { print $ent->{n1}->{profile} Comments: Using this function will clue the table layer into the atomic nature of the request, and allow shortcuts to be taken as appropriate to fulfill the request at scale. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getNodesAttribs { my $self = shift; my $nodelist = shift; my @attribs; if (ref $_[0]) { @attribs = @{shift()}; } else { @attribs = @_; } if (scalar($nodelist) > $cachethreshold) { $self->{_use_cache} = 0; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache}=0; if ($self->{tabname} eq 'nodelist') { #a sticky situation my @locattribs=@attribs; unless (grep(/^node$/,@locattribs)) { push @locattribs,'node'; } unless (grep(/^groups$/,@locattribs)) { push @locattribs,'node'; } $self->_build_cache(\@locattribs); } else { $self->_build_cache(\@attribs); $self->{nodelist}->_build_cache(['node','groups']); } $self->{_use_cache} = 1; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache}=1; } my $rethash; foreach (@$nodelist) { my @nodeentries=$self->getNodeAttribs($_,\@attribs); $rethash->{$_} = \@nodeentries; #$self->getNodeAttribs($_,\@attribs); } $self->{_use_cache} = 0; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache} = 0; return $rethash; } sub _build_cache { #PRIVATE FUNCTION, PLEASE DON'T CALL DIRECTLY my $self = shift; my $attriblist = shift; unless (grep /^node$/,@$attriblist) { push @$attriblist,'node'; } my @tabcache = $self->getAllAttribs(@$attriblist); $self->{_tablecache} = \@tabcache; $self->{_nodecache} = {}; if ($tabcache[0]->{node}) { foreach(@tabcache) { push @{$self->{_nodecache}->{$_->{node}}},$_; } } $self->{_cachestamp} = time; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getNodeAttribs Description: Retrieves the requested attribute Arguments: Table handle Noderange Attribute type array Returns: Attribute hash ( key attribute type) Globals: Error: Example: my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $ent = $ostab->getNodeAttribs($node,['profile','os','arch']); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getNodeAttribs { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my @attribs; if (ref $_[0]) { @attribs = @{shift()}; } else { @attribs = @_; } my $datum; my @data = $self->getNodeAttribs_nosub($node, \@attribs); #my ($datum, $extra) = $self->getNodeAttribs_nosub($node, \@attribs); #if ($extra) { return undef; } # return (undef,"Ambiguous query"); } defined($data[0]) || return undef; #(undef,"No matching entry found in configuration"); my $attrib; foreach $datum (@data) { foreach $attrib (@attribs) { unless (defined $datum->{$attrib}) { #skip undefined values, save time next; } if ($datum->{$attrib} =~ /^\/.*\/.*\/$/) { my $exp = substr($datum->{$attrib}, 1); chop $exp; my @parts = split('/', $exp, 2); $node =~ s/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/; $datum->{$attrib} = $node; } elsif ($datum->{$attrib} =~ /^\|.*\|.*\|$/) { #Perform arithmetic and only arithmetic operations in bracketed issues on the right. #Tricky part: don't allow potentially dangerous code, only eval if #to-be-evaled expression is only made up of ()\d+-/%$ #Futher paranoia? use Safe module to make sure I'm good my $exp = substr($datum->{$attrib}, 1); chop $exp; my @parts = split('\|', $exp, 2); my $curr; my $next; my $prev; my $retval = $parts[1]; ($curr, $next, $prev) = extract_bracketed($retval, '()', qr/[^()]*/); unless($curr) { #If there were no paramaters to save, treat this one like a plain regex $retval = $node; $retval =~ s/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/; $datum->{$attrib} = $retval; if ($datum->{$attrib} =~ /^$/) { #If regex forces a blank, act like a normal blank does delete $datum->{$attrib}; } next; #skip the redundancy that follows otherwise } while ($curr) { #my $next = $comps[0]; if ($curr =~ /^[\{\}()\-\+\/\%\*\$\d]+$/ or $curr =~ /^\(sprintf\(["'%\dcsduoxefg]+,\s*[\{\}()\-\+\/\%\*\$\d]+\)\)$/ ) { use integer ; #We only allow integer operations, they are the ones that make sense for the application my $value = $node; $value =~ s/$parts[0]/$curr/ee; $retval = $prev . $value . $next; } else { print "$curr is bad\n"; } ($curr, $next, $prev) = extract_bracketed($retval, '()', qr/[^()]*/); } #At this point, $retval is the expression after being arithmetically contemplated, a generated regex, and therefore #must be applied in total my $answval = $node; $answval =~ s/$parts[0]/$retval/; $datum->{$attrib} = $answval; #$retval; #print Data::Dumper::Dumper(extract_bracketed($parts[1],'()',qr/[^()]*/)); #use text::balanced extract_bracketed to parse earch atom, make sure nothing but arith operators, parans, and numbers are in it to guard against code execution } if ($datum->{$attrib} =~ /^$/) { #If regex forces a blank, act like a normal blank does delete $datum->{$attrib}; } } } return wantarray ? @data : $data[0]; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getNodeAttribs_nosub Description: Arguments: Returns: Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getNodeAttribs_nosub { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $attref = shift; my @data; my $datum; my @tents; my $return = 0; @tents = $self->getNodeAttribs_nosub_returnany($node, $attref); foreach my $tent (@tents) { $datum={}; foreach (@$attref) { if ($tent and defined($tent->{$_})) { $return = 1; $datum->{$_} = $tent->{$_}; } else { #attempt to fill in gapped attributes unless (scalar(@$attref) <= 1) { my $sent = $self->getNodeAttribs($node, [$_]); if ($sent and defined($sent->{$_})) { $return = 1; $datum->{$_} = $sent->{$_}; } } } } push(@data,$datum); } if ($return) { return wantarray ? @data : $data[0]; } else { return undef; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getNodeAttribs_nosub_returnany Description: Arguments: Returns: Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getNodeAttribs_nosub_returnany { #This is the original function my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my @attribs = @{shift()}; my @results; #my $recurse = ((scalar(@_) == 1) ? shift : 1); @results = $self->getAttribs({node => $node}, @attribs); my $data = $results[0]; if (!defined($data)) { my ($nodeghash) = $self->{nodelist}->getAttribs({node => $node}, 'groups'); unless (defined($nodeghash) && defined($nodeghash->{groups})) { return undef; } my @nodegroups = split(/,/, $nodeghash->{groups}); my $group; foreach $group (@nodegroups) { @results = $self->getAttribs({node => $group}, @attribs); $data = $results[0]; if ($data != undef) { foreach (@results) { if ($_->{node}) { $_->{node} = $node; } }; return @results; } } } else { #Don't need to 'correct' node attribute, considering result of the if that governs this code block? return @results; } return undef; #Made it here, config has no good answer } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAllEntries Description: Read entire table Arguments: Table handle "all" return all lines ( even disabled) Default is to return only lines that have not been disabled Returns: Hash containing all rows in table Globals: Error: Example: my $tabh = xCAT::Table->new($table); my $recs=$tabh->getAllEntries(); # returns entries not disabled my $recs=$tabh->getAllEntries("all"); # returns all entries Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAllEntries { my $self = shift; my $allentries = shift; my @rets; my $query; if ($allentries) { # get all lines $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname}); } else { # get only enabled lines $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')"); } $query->execute(); while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { foreach (keys %$data) { if ($data->{$_} =~ /^$/) { $data->{$_} = undef; } } push @rets, $data; } $query->finish(); return \@rets; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAllAttribsWhere Description: Get all attributes with "where" clause Arguments: Database Handle Where clause Returns: Array of attributes Globals: Error: Example: $nodelist->getAllAttribsWhere("groups like '%".$atom."%'",'node','group'); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAllAttribsWhere { #Takes a list of attributes, returns all records in the table. my $self = shift; my $whereclause = shift; my @attribs = @_; my @results = (); my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . ' WHERE (' . $whereclause . ") and (\"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('0','no','NO','no'))"); $query->execute(); while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { my %newrow = (); foreach (@attribs) { unless ($data->{$_} =~ /^$/ || !defined($data->{$_})) { #The reason we do this is to undef fields in rows that may still be returned.. $newrow{$_} = $data->{$_}; } } if (keys %newrow) { push(@results, \%newrow); } } $query->finish(); return @results; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAllNodeAttribs Description: Get all the node attributes values for the input table on the attribute list Arguments: Table handle Attribute list Returns: Array of attribute values Globals: Error: Example: my @entries = $self->{switchtab}->getAllNodeAttribs(['port','switch']); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAllNodeAttribs { #Extract and substitute every node record, expanding groups and substituting as getNodeAttribs does my $self = shift; my $attribq = shift; my $hashretstyle = shift; my $rethash; my @results = (); my %donenodes ; #Remember those that have been done once to not return same node multiple times my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT node FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')"); $query->execute(); xCAT::NodeRange::retain_cache(1); $self->{_use_cache} = 0; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache}=0; $self->_build_cache($attribq); $self->{nodelist}->_build_cache(['node','groups']); $self->{_use_cache} = 1; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache}=1; while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { unless ($data->{node} =~ /^$/ || !defined($data->{node})) { #ignore records without node attrib, not possible? my @nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($data->{node}) ; #expand node entry, to make groups expand #my $localhash = $self->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,$attribq); #NOTE: This is stupid, rebuilds the cache for every entry, FIXME foreach (@nodes) { if ($donenodes{$_}) { next; } my $attrs; my $nde = $_; #if ($self->{giveand}) { #software requests each attribute be independently inherited # foreach (@attribs) { # my $attr = $self->getNodeAttribs($nde,$_); # $attrs->{$_}=$attr->{$_}; # } #} else { my @attrs = $self->getNodeAttribs($_, $attribq);#@{$localhash->{$_}} #$self->getNodeAttribs($_, $attribq) ; #Logic moves to getNodeAttribs #} #populate node attribute by default, this sort of expansion essentially requires it. #$attrs->{node} = $_; foreach my $att (@attrs) { $att->{node} = $_; } $donenodes{$_} = 1; if ($hashretstyle) { $rethash->{$_} = \@attrs; #$self->getNodeAttribs($_,\@attribs); } else { push @results, @attrs; #$self->getNodeAttribs($_,@attribs); } } } } $self->{_use_cache} = 0; $self->{nodelist}->{_use_cache} = 0; xCAT::NodeRange::retain_cache(0); $query->finish(); if ($hashretstyle) { return $rethash; } else { return @results; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAllAttribs Description: Returns a list of records in the input table for the input list of attributes. Arguments: Table handle List of attributes Returns: Array of attribute values Globals: Error: Example: $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new("nodelist"); my @attribs = ("node"); @nodes = $nodelisttab->getAllAttribs(@attribs); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAllAttribs { #Takes a list of attributes, returns all records in the table. my $self = shift; #print "Being asked to dump ".$self->{tabname}."for something\n"; my @attribs = @_; my @results = (); if ($self->{_use_cache}) { my @results; my $cacheline; CACHELINE: foreach $cacheline (@{$self->{_tablecache}}) { my $attrib; my %rethash; foreach $attrib (@attribs) { unless ($cacheline->{$attrib} =~ /^$/ || !defined($cacheline->{$attrib})) { #To undef fields in rows that may still be returned $rethash{$attrib} = $cacheline->{$attrib}; } } if (keys %rethash) { push @results, \%rethash; } } if (@results) { return @results; #return wantarray ? @results : $results[0]; } return undef; } my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')"); $query->execute(); while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { my %newrow = (); foreach (@attribs) { unless ($data->{$_} =~ /^$/ || !defined($data->{$_})) { #The reason we do this is to undef fields in rows that may still be returned.. $newrow{$_} = $data->{$_}; } } if (keys %newrow) { push(@results, \%newrow); } } $query->finish(); return @results; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 delEntries Description: Delete table entries Arguments: Table Handle Entry to delete Returns: Globals: Error: Example: my $table=xCAT::Table->new("notification", -create => 1,-autocommit => 0); my %key_col = (filename=>$fname); $table->delEntries(\%key_col); $table->commit; Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub delEntries { my $self = shift; my $keyref = shift; my %keypairs; if ($keyref) { %keypairs = %{$keyref}; } my $notif = xCAT::NotifHandler->needToNotify($self->{tabname}, 'd'); my @notif_data; if ($notif == 1) { my $qstring = "SELECT * FROM " . $self->{tabname}; if ($keyref) { $qstring .= " WHERE "; } my @qargs = (); foreach (keys %keypairs) { $qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND "; #mysql change #$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND "; push @qargs, $keypairs{$_}; } $qstring =~ s/ AND \z//; my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring); $query->execute(@qargs); #prepare the notification data #put the column names at the very front push(@notif_data, $query->{NAME}); my $temp_data = $query->fetchall_arrayref(); foreach (@$temp_data) { push(@notif_data, $_); } $query->finish(); } my @stargs = (); my $delstring = 'DELETE FROM ' . $self->{tabname}; if ($keyref) { $delstring .= ' WHERE '; } foreach (keys %keypairs) { #$delstring .= $_ . ' = ? AND '; $delstring .= "\"$_\"" . ' = ? AND '; #mysql change if (ref($keypairs{$_})) { #XML transformed data may come in mangled unreasonably into listrefs push @stargs, $keypairs{$_}->[0]; } else { push @stargs, $keypairs{$_}; } } $delstring =~ s/ AND \z//; my $stmt = $self->{dbh}->prepare($delstring); $stmt->execute(@stargs); $stmt->finish; #notify the interested parties if ($notif == 1) { xCAT::NotifHandler->notify("d", $self->{tabname}, \@notif_data, {}); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAttribs Description: Arguments: key List of attributes Returns: Hash of requested attributes Globals: Error: Example: $table = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); @tmp=$table->getAttribs({'key'=>'ipmi'},('username','password'); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAttribs { #Takes two arguments: #-Node name (will be compared against the 'Node' column) #-List reference of attributes for which calling code wants at least one of defined # (recurse argument intended only for internal use.) # Returns a hash reference with requested attributes defined. my $self = shift; #my $key = shift; #my $keyval = shift; my %keypairs = %{shift()}; my @attribs; if (ref $_[0]) { @attribs = @{shift()}; } else { @attribs = @_; } my @return; if ($self->{_use_cache}) { my @results; my $cacheline; if (scalar(keys %keypairs) == 1 and $keypairs{node}) { #99.9% of queries look like this, optimized case foreach $cacheline (@{$self->{_nodecache}->{$keypairs{node}}}) { my $attrib; my %rethash; foreach $attrib (@attribs) { unless ($cacheline->{$attrib} =~ /^$/ || !defined($cacheline->{$attrib})) { #To undef fields in rows that may still be returned $rethash{$attrib} = $cacheline->{$attrib}; } } if (keys %rethash) { push @results, \%rethash; } } } else { #SLOW WAY FOR GENERIC CASE CACHELINE: foreach $cacheline (@{$self->{_tablecache}}) { foreach (keys %keypairs) { if (not $keypairs{$_} and $keypairs{$_} ne 0 and $cacheline->{$_}) { next CACHELINE; } unless ($keypairs{$_} eq $cacheline->{$_}) { next CACHELINE; } } my $attrib; my %rethash; foreach $attrib (@attribs) { unless ($cacheline->{$attrib} =~ /^$/ || !defined($cacheline->{$attrib})) { #To undef fields in rows that may still be returned $rethash{$attrib} = $cacheline->{$attrib}; } } if (keys %rethash) { push @results, \%rethash; } } } if (@results) { return wantarray ? @results : $results[0]; } return undef; } #print "Uncached access to ".$self->{tabname}."\n"; my $statement = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . ' WHERE '; my @exeargs; foreach (keys %keypairs) { if ($keypairs{$_}) { $statement .= "\"".$_ . "\" = ? and "; if (ref($keypairs{$_})) { #correct for XML process mangling if occurred push @exeargs, $keypairs{$_}->[0]; } else { push @exeargs, $keypairs{$_}; } } else { $statement .= "\"$_\" is NULL and "; } } $statement .= "(\"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('0','no','NO','No','nO'))"; my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($statement); unless (defined $query) { return undef; } $query->execute(@exeargs); my $data; while ($data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $attrib; my %rethash; foreach $attrib (@attribs) { unless ($data->{$attrib} =~ /^$/ || !defined($data->{$attrib})) { #To undef fields in rows that may still be returned $rethash{$attrib} = $data->{$attrib}; } } if (keys %rethash) { push @return, \%rethash; } } $query->finish(); if (@return) { return wantarray ? @return : $return[0]; } return undef; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getTable Description: Read entire Table Arguments: Table Handle Returns: Array of table rows Globals: Error: Example: my $table=xCAT::Table->new("notification", -create =>0); my @row_array= $table->getTable; Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getTable { # Get contents of table # Takes no arguments # Returns an array of hashes containing the entire contents of this # table. Each array entry contains a pointer to a hash which is # one row of the table. The row hash is keyed by attribute name. my $self = shift; my @return; my $statement = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname}; my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($statement); $query->execute(); my $data; while ($data = $query->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $attrib; my %rethash; foreach $attrib (keys %{$data}) { $rethash{$attrib} = $data->{$attrib}; } if (keys %rethash) { push @return, \%rethash; } } $query->finish(); if (@return) { return @return; } return undef; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 close Description: Close out Table transaction Arguments: Table Handle Returns: Globals: Error: Example: my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac'); $mactab->setNodeAttribs($macmap{$mac},{mac=>$mac}); $mactab->close(); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub close { my $self = shift; #if ($self->{dbh}) { $self->{dbh}->disconnect(); } #undef $self->{dbh}; if ($self->{tabname} eq 'nodelist') { undef $self->{nodelist}; } else { $self->{nodelist}->close(); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 open Description: Connect to Database Arguments: Empty Hash Returns: Data Base Handle Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open { my $self = shift; $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect($self->{connstring}, "", ""); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 DESTROY Description: Disconnect from Database Arguments: Database Handle Returns: Globals: Error: Example: Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->{dbh} = ''; undef $self->{dbh}; #if ($self->{dbh}) { $self->{dbh}->disconnect(); undef $self->{dbh};} undef $self->{nodelist}; #Could be circular } =head3 getTableList Description: Returns a list of the table names in the xCAT database. =cut sub getTableList { return keys %xCAT::Schema::tabspec; } =head3 getTableSchema Description: Returns the db schema for the specified table. Returns: A reference to a hash that contains the cols, keys, etc. for this table. (See Schema.pm for details.) =cut sub getTableSchema { return $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$_[1]}; } =head3 getTableList Description: Returns a summary description for each table. Returns: A reference to a hash. Each key is the table name. Each value is the table description. =cut sub getDescriptions { my $classname = shift; # we ignore this because this function is static # List each table name and the value for table_desc. my $ret = {}; #my @a = keys %{$xCAT::Schema::tabspec{nodelist}}; print 'a=', @a, "\n"; foreach my $t (keys %xCAT::Schema::tabspec) { $ret->{$t} = $xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$t}->{table_desc}; } return $ret; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isAKey Description: Checks to see if table field is a table key Arguments: Table field List of keys Returns: 1= is a key 0 = not a key Globals: Error: Example: if(isaKey($key_list, $col)); =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isAKey { my ($keys,$col) = @_; my @key_list = @$keys; foreach my $key (@key_list) { if ( $col eq $key) { # it is a key return 1; } } return 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getAutoIncrementColumns get a list of column names that are of type "INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT". Returns: an array of column names that are auto increment. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getAutoIncrementColumns { my $self=shift; my $descr=$xCAT::Schema::tabspec{$self->{tabname}}; my $types=$descr->{types}; my @ret=(); foreach my $col (@{$descr->{cols}}) { if (($types) && ($types->{$col})) { if ($types->{$col} =~ /INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT/) { push(@ret,$col); } } } return @ret; } 1;