#!/usr/bin/env perl 
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

# Used as a convience command combined of [nodech]-nodeset-rsetboot-rpower-[rcons/wcons] 
# to make ease of node OS provision

# This is the client front-end to rinstall/winstall commands

    $::XCATROOT =
      : -d '/opt/xcat'   ? '/opt/xcat'
      : '/usr';

use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::Client;
use Cwd;
use strict;

# build a request to go the rinstall plugin
my $bname = basename($0);
my $cmdref;
$cmdref->{command}->[0] = $bname;
$cmdref->{cwd}->[0] = cwd();
# allows our plugins to get the stdin of the cmd that invoked the plugin
my $data;
if ( (($^O =~ /^linux/i) && ($ENV{'SHELL'} =~ /\/ksh$/))  || !defined($ENV{'TERM'}) )
    my $rin="";
    my $rout;
    my $nfound=select($rout=$rin,"","",1);
    if ($nfound)
        while ( <STDIN> ) { $data.=$_; }
    if (-p STDIN) {
        while ( <STDIN> ) { $data.=$_; }
my $arg;
my @tmpargv = @ARGV;
# first
# first  1st non-hyphen arg is the noderange
while ($arg =~ /^-/) {
        push (@{$cmdref->{arg}}, $arg);
push (@{$cmdref->{arg}}, @ARGV);

my $noderange=$cmdref->{noderange}->[0];  # save the noderange

# ok call Client to run the plugin rinstall.pm

if ($xCAT::Client::EXITCODE == 0)  # no errors
 my $startconsole=$cmdref->{startconsole}->[0];
 # if startconsole requested ( -c flag) for rinstall always for winstall
 # This is set in the rinstall plugin
 if ($startconsole == 1) {
   if (basename($0) =~ /rinstall/) {

        exec("rcons $noderange");
    elsif (basename($0) =~ /winstall/) {
       # winstall can commence a wcons command to the noderange for monitoring the provision cycle

       exec("wcons $noderange");
exit $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE;