#!/bin/sh # Package up all the xCAT open source dependencies, setting up yum repos and # also tar it all up. This assumes that individual rpms have already been built for # all relevant architectures from the src & spec files in svn. # When running this script to package xcat-dep: # - You need to install gsa-client on the build machine. # - You probably want to put root's pub key from the build machine onto sourceforge for # the upload user listed below, so you don't have to keep entering pw's. You can do this # at https://sourceforge.net/account/ssh # - Also make sure createrepo is installed on the build machine # Usage: builddep.sh [attr=value attr=value ...] # DESTDIR=<dir> - the dir to place the dep tarball in. The default is ../../../xcat-dep, relative # to where this script is located. # UP=0 or UP=1 - override the default upload behavior # you can change this if you need to UPLOADUSER=bp-sawyers GSA=/gsa/pokgsa/projects/x/xcat/build/linux/xcat-dep export HOME=/root # This is so rpm and gpg will know home, even in sudo # Process cmd line variable assignments, assigning each attr=val pair to a variable of same name for i in $*; do declare `echo $i|cut -d '=' -f 1`=`echo $i|cut -d '=' -f 2` done if [ ! -d $GSA ]; then echo "builddep: It appears that you do not have gsa installed to access the xcat-dep pkgs." exit 1; fi set -x cd `dirname $0` XCATCOREDIR=`/bin/pwd` if [ -z "$DESTDIR" ]; then DESTDIR=../../../xcat-dep fi # Sync from the GSA master copy of the dep rpms mkdir -p $DESTDIR/xcat-dep rsync -ilrtpu --delete $GSA/ $DESTDIR/xcat-dep # Get gpg keys in place mkdir -p $HOME/.gnupg for i in pubring.gpg secring.gpg trustdb.gpg; do if [ ! -f $HOME/.gnupg/$i ] || [ `wc -c $HOME/.gnupg/$i|cut -f 1 -d' '` == 0 ]; then rm -f $HOME/.gnupg/$i cp $GSA/../keys/$i $HOME/.gnupg chmod 600 $HOME/.gnupg/$i fi done # Tell rpm to use gpg to sign MACROS=$HOME/.rpmmacros if ! $GREP -q '%_signature gpg' $MACROS 2>/dev/null; then echo '%_signature gpg' >> $MACROS fi if ! $GREP -q '%_gpg_name' $MACROS 2>/dev/null; then echo '%_gpg_name Jarrod Johnson' >> $MACROS fi # Sign the rpms that are not already signed. The "standard input reopened" warnings are normal. cd $DESTDIR/xcat-dep $XCATCOREDIR/build-utils/rpmsign.exp `find . -type f -name '*.rpm'` # Create the repodata dirs for i in `find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d `; do createrepo $i; done # Get the permissions correct. Have to have all dirs/files with a group of xcat # and have them writeable by group, so any member of the xcat can build. chgrp -R xcat * chmod -R g+w * # Build the tarball VER=`cat $XCATCOREDIR/Version` DFNAME=xcat-dep-$VER-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.tar.bz2 cd .. tar jcvf $DFNAME xcat-dep cd xcat-dep if [ "$UP" == 0 ]; then exit 0; fi # Upload the dir structure to SF yum area. Currently we do not have it preserving permissions # because that gives errors when different users try to do it. while ! rsync -rlv --delete * $UPLOADUSER,xcat@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/yum/xcat-dep/ do : ; done #ssh jbjohnso@shell1.sf.net "cd /home/groups/x/xc/xcat/htdocs/yum/; rm -rf dep-snap; tar jxvf $DFNAME" # Upload the tarball to the SF FRS Area #scp ../$DFNAME $UPLOADUSER@web.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/x/xc/xcat/xcat-dep/2.x_Linux/ while ! rsync -v ../$DFNAME $UPLOADUSER,xcat@web.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/x/xc/xcat/xcat-dep/2.x_Linux/ do : ; done