# # Select a zone # Add the --utc switch if your hardware clock is set to GMT # #timezone US/Hawaii #timezone US/Pacific #timezone US/Mountain #timezone US/Central #timezone US/Eastern timezone --utc "#TABLE:site:key=timezone:value#" # # Don't do X # #skipx # # To generate an encrypted root password use: # # perl -e 'print crypt("blah","Xa") . "\n";'p # openssl passwd -apr1 -salt xxxxxxxx password # # where "blah" is your root password. # rootpw --iscrypted #CRYPT:passwd:key=system,username=root:password# #partition / --ondisk=/dev/mapper/ibmpkvm_vg_root-ibmpkvm_lv_root partition / --ondisk=/dev/sda #the --devicename must specify right now, but without network command, it can also work, so we delete it. #network --bootproto dhcp %post touch "/startpost" #INCLUDE:#ENV:XCATROOT#/share/xcat/install/scripts/post.xcat# touch "/inpost" #sleep 1000000 %end