#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM(c) 2107 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #(C)IBM Corp #modified by jbjohnso@us.ibm.com #This module abstracts the session management aspects of IPMI package xCAT::IPMI; use Carp qw/confess cluck/; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use strict; use warnings "all"; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; use IO::Socket::INET qw/!AF_INET6 !PF_INET6/; my $initialtimeout=0.809; use constant STATE_OPENSESSION=>1; use constant STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP2=>2; use constant STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP4=>3; use constant STATE_ESTABLISHED=>4; #my $ipmidbg; #open($ipmidbg,">","/tmp/ipmidbg"); #sub dprint { # return; # my $self = shift; # foreach (@_) { # foreach (split /\n/,$_) { # print $ipmidbg $self->{bmc}.": ".$_."\n"; # } # } #} my $doipv6=eval { require Socket6; require IO::Socket::INET6; IO::Socket::INET6->import(); 1; }; use IO::Select; #use Data::Dumper; use Digest::MD5 qw/md5/; my $pendingpackets=0; my $maxpending; #determined dynamically based on rcvbuf detection my $ipmi2support = eval { require Digest::SHA1; Digest::SHA1->import(qw/sha1/); require Digest::HMAC_SHA1; Digest::HMAC_SHA1->import(qw/hmac_sha1/); 1; }; my $aessupport; if ($ipmi2support) { $aessupport = eval { require Crypt::Rijndael; require Crypt::CBC; 1; }; } sub hexdump { foreach (@_) { printf "%02X ",$_; } print "\n"; } my %payload_types = ( #help readability in certain areas of code by specifying payload by name rather than number 'ipmi' => 0, 'sol' => 1, 'rmcpplusopenreq' => 0x10, 'rmcpplusopenresponse' => 0x11, 'rakp1' => 0x12, 'rakp2' => 0x13, 'rakp3' => 0x14, 'rakp4' => 0x15, ); my $socket; #global socket for all sessions to share. Fun fun my $select = IO::Select->new(); my %bmc_handlers; #hash from bmc address to a live session management object. #only one allowed at a time per bmc my %sessions_waiting; #track session objects that may want to retry a packet, value is timestamp to 'wake' object for retransmit sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref $proto || $proto; my $self = {}; bless $self,$class; my %args = @_; unless ($ipmi2support) { $self->{ipmi15only} = 1; } unless ($args{'bmc'} and defined $args{'userid'} and defined $args{'password'}) { $self->{error}="bmc, userid, and password must be specified"; return $self; } foreach (keys %args) { #store all passed parameters $self->{$_} = $args{$_}; } unless ($args{'port'}) { #default to port 623 unless specified $self->{'port'} = 623; } unless ($socket) { if ($doipv6) { $socket = IO::Socket::INET6->new(Proto => 'udp'); } else { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp'); } if (-r "/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max") { # we can detect the maximum allowed socket, read it. my $sysctl; open ($sysctl,"<","/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max"); my $maxrcvbuf=<$sysctl>; my $rcvbuf = $socket->sockopt(SO_RCVBUF); if ($maxrcvbuf > $rcvbuf) { $socket->sockopt(SO_RCVBUF,$maxrcvbuf/2); } $maxpending=$maxrcvbuf/1500; #probably could have maxpending go higher, but just go with typical MTU as a guess } else { #We do not have a way to determine how high we could set RCVBUF, so read the current value and run with it my $rcvbuf = $socket->sockopt(SO_RCVBUF); $maxpending=$rcvbuf/1500; #probably could have maxpending go higher, but just go with typical MTU as a guess } $select->add($socket); } my $bmc_n; my ($family, $socktype, $protocol, $saddr, $name, $ip, $service); if ($doipv6) { ($family, $socktype, $protocol, $saddr, $name) = Socket6::getaddrinfo($self->{bmc},623,AF_UNSPEC,SOCK_DGRAM,0); ($ip,$service) = Socket6::getnameinfo($saddr,Socket6::NI_NUMERICHOST()); } unless ($saddr or $bmc_n = inet_aton($self->{bmc})) { $self->{error} = "Could not resolve ".$self->{bmc}." to an address"; return $self; } if ($ip and $ip =~ /::ffff:\d+\.\d+\.+\d+\.\d+/) { $ip =~ s/::ffff://; } elsif (not $ip and $bmc_n) { $ip = inet_ntoa($bmc_n); } $bmc_handlers{$ip}=$self; if ($saddr) { $self->{peeraddr} = $saddr; } else { $self->{peeraddr} = sockaddr_in($self->{port},$bmc_n); } $self->init(); return $self; } sub login { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; if ($self->{logged}) { $args{callback}->("SUCCESS",$args{callback_args}); return; } $self->{onlogon} = $args{callback}; $self->{onlogon_args} = $args{callback_args}; $self->{logontries}=5; $self->get_channel_auth_cap(); } sub logout { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $self->{onlogout} = $args{callback}; $self->{onlogout_args} = $args{callback_args}; unless ($self->{logged}) { if ( $self->{onlogout}) { $self->{onlogout}->("SUCCESS",$self->{onlogout_args}); } return; } $self->{noretry}=1; $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x3c,data=>$self->{sessionid},callback=>\&logged_out,callback_args=>$self); $self->{logged}=0; #seeing as how we are going to take it on faith the logout happened, do the callback now if ( $self->{onlogout}) { $self->{onlogout}->("SUCCESS",$self->{onlogout_args}); } } sub logged_out { return; my $rsp = shift; my $self = shift; if (defined $rsp->{code} and $rsp->{code} == 0) { $self->{logged}=0; if ( $self->{onlogout}) { $self->{onlogout}->("SUCCESS",$self->{onlogout_args}); } } else { if ( $self->{onlogout}) { $self->{onlogout}->("ERROR:",$self->{onlogout_args}); } } } sub get_channel_auth_cap { #implement special case for session management command my $self = shift; if (defined $self->{ipmi15only}) { $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x38,data=>[0x0e,0x04],callback=>\&got_channel_auth_cap,callback_args=>$self); } else { $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x38,data=>[0x8e,0x04],callback=>\&got_channel_auth_cap,callback_args=>$self); } #0x8e, set bit to signify recognition of IPMI 2.0 and request channel 'e', current. #0x04, request administrator privilege } sub get_session_challenge { my $self = shift; my @user; if ($self->{userbytes}) { @user = @{$self->{userbytes}}; } else { @user = unpack("C*",$self->{userid}); for (my $i=scalar @user;$i<16;$i++) { $user[$i]=0; } $self->{userbytes} = \@user; } $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x39,data=>[2,@user],callback=>\&got_session_challenge,callback_args=>$self); #we only support MD5, we would have errored out if not supported } sub got_session_challenge { my $rsp = shift; my $self = shift; my @data = @{$rsp->{data}}; my %localcodes = ( 0x81 => "Invalid user name", 0x82 => "null user disabled" ); my $code = $rsp->{code}; #just to save me some typing if ($code) { my $errtxt = sprintf("ERROR: Get challenge failed with %02xh",$code); if ($localcodes{$code}) { $errtxt .= " ($localcodes{$code})"; } #TODO: generic codes $self->{onlogon}->($errtxt, $self->{onlogon_args}); return; } $self->{sessionid} = [splice @data,0,4]; $self->{authtype}=2; #switch to auth mode $self->activate_session(@data); } sub activate_session { my $self = shift; my @challenge = @_; my @data = (2,4,@challenge,1,0,0,0); $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x3a,data=>\@data,callback=>\&session_activated,callback_args=>$self); } sub session_activated { my $rsp = shift; my $self = shift; my $code = $rsp->{code}; #just to save me some typing my %localcodes = ( 0x81 => "No available login slots", 0x82 => "No available login slots for ".$self->{userid}, 0x83 => "No slot available as administrator", 0x84 => "Session sequence number out of range", 0x85 => "Invalid session ID", 0x86 => $self->{userid}. " is not allowed to be Administrator or Administrator not allowed over network", ); if ($code) { my $errtxt = sprintf("ERROR: Unable to log in to BMC due to code %02xh",$code); if ($localcodes{$code}) { $errtxt .= " ($localcodes{$code})"; } $self->{onlogon}->($errtxt, $self->{onlogon_args}); return; } if ($rsp->{error}) { $self->{onlogon}->($rsp->{error}, $self->{onlogon_args}); return; } my @data = @{$rsp->{data}}; $self->{sessionid} = [splice @data,1,4]; $self->{sequencenumber}=$data[1]+($data[2]<<8)+($data[3]<<16)+($data[4]<<24); $self->{sequencenumberbytes} = [splice @data,1,4]; $self->set_admin_level(); } sub set_admin_level { my $self= shift; $self->subcmd(netfn=>0x6,command=>0x3b,data=>[4],callback=>\&admin_level_set,callback_args=>$self); } sub admin_level_set { my $rsp = shift; my $self = shift; my %localcodes = ( 0x80 => $self->{userid}." is not allowed administrator access", 0x81 => "This user or channel is not allowed administrator access", 0x82 => "Cannot disable User Level authentication", ); my $code = $rsp->{code}; if ($code) { my $errtxt = sprintf("ERROR: Failed requesting administrator privilege %02xh",$code); if ($localcodes{$code}) { $errtxt .= " (".$localcodes{$code}.")"; } $self->{onlogon}->($errtxt,$self->{onlogon_args}); } else { $self->{logged}=1; $self->{onlogon}->("SUCCESS",$self->{onlogon_args}); } } sub got_channel_auth_cap { my $rsp = shift; my $self = shift; if ($rsp->{error}) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: ".$rsp->{error}, $self->{onlogon_args}); return; } my $code = $rsp->{code}; #just to save me some typing if ($code == 0xcc and not defined $self->{ipmi15only}) { #ok, most likely a stupid ipmi 1.5 bmc $self->{ipmi15only}=1; return $self->get_channel_auth_cap(); } if ($code != 0) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: Get channel capabilities failed with $code", $self->{onlogon_args}); return; } my @data = @{$rsp->{data}}; $self->{currentchannel} = $data[0]; if (($data[1] & 0b10000000) and ($data[3] & 0b10)) { $self->{ipmiversion} = '2.0'; } if ($self->{ipmiversion} eq '1.5') { unless ($data[1] & 0b100) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: MD5 is required but not enabeld or available on target BMC",$self->{onlogon_args}); } $self->get_session_challenge(); } elsif ($self->{ipmiversion} eq '2.0') { #do rmcp+ $self->open_rmcpplus_request(); } } sub open_rmcpplus_request { my $self = shift; $self->{'authtype'}=6; unless ($self->{localsid}) { $self->{localsid}=358098297; } #this is an arbitrary number of no significance $self->{localsid}+=1; #new session ID if we are relogging my @sidbytes = unpack("C4",pack("N",$self->{localsid})); $self->{sidm} = \@sidbytes; unless ($self->{rmcptag}) { $self->{rmcptag} = 1; } $self->{rmcptag}+=1; my @payload = ($self->{rmcptag},#message tag, 0, #requested privilege role, 0 is highest allowed 0,0, #reserved @sidbytes, 0,0,0,8,1,0,0,0, #table 13-17, request sha 1,0,0,8,1,0,0,0); #sha integrity if ($aessupport) { push @payload,(2,0,0,8,1,0,0,0); } else { push @payload,(2,0,0,8,0,0,0,0); } $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} = STATE_OPENSESSION; $self->sendpayload(payload=>\@payload,type=>$payload_types{'rmcpplusopenreq'}); } sub checksum { my $self = shift; my $sum = 0; foreach(@_) { $sum += $_; } $sum = ~$sum + 1; return($sum&0xff); } sub subcmd { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $rsaddr=0x20; #figrue 13-4, rssa by old code my @rnl = ($rsaddr,$args{netfn}<<2); my @rest = ($self->{rqaddr},$self->{seqlun},$args{command},@{$args{data}}); my @payload=(@rnl,$self->checksum(@rnl),@rest,$self->checksum(@rest)); $self->{ipmicallback} = $args{callback}; $self->{ipmicallback_args} = $args{callback_args}; my $type = $payload_types{'ipmi'}; if ($self->{integrityalgo}) { $type = $type | 0b01000000; #add integrity } if ($self->{confalgo}) { $type = $type | 0b10000000; #add secrecy } $self->{expectedcmd}=$args{command}; $self->{expectednetfn}=$args{netfn}+1; $self->sendpayload(payload=>\@payload,type=>$type,delayxmit=>$args{delayxmit}); } sub waitforrsp { my $self=shift; my %args=@_; my $data; my $peerport; my $peerhost; my $timeout; #TODO: code to scan pending objects to find soonest retry deadline my $curtime=time(); if (defined $args{timeout}) { $timeout = $args{timeout}; } foreach (keys %sessions_waiting) { if (defined $timeout and $timeout == 0) { last; } #once we get to zero, then there is no lower and anything else is a waste if ($sessions_waiting{$_}->{timeout} <= $curtime) { $timeout=0; #this waitforrsp must go as quickly to retry as possible, but give it a chance this iteration to clear without timedout being called #if something defferred entry into waitforrsp so long that there was no chance to check for response, this grants at least one shot at getting data } if (defined $timeout) { if ($timeout < $sessions_waiting{$_}->{timeout}-$curtime) { next; } } $timeout = $sessions_waiting{$_}->{timeout}-$curtime; } unless (defined $timeout) { return scalar (keys %sessions_waiting); } if ($select->can_read($timeout)) { while ($select->can_read(0)) { my @ipmiq=(); while ($select->can_read(0)) { $peerport = $socket->recv($data,1500,0); push @ipmiq,[$peerport,$data]; } while (@ipmiq) { my $datagram = shift @ipmiq; ($peerport,$data) = @$datagram; route_ipmiresponse($peerport,unpack("C*",$data)); while ($select->can_read(0)) { $peerport = $socket->recv($data,1500,0); push @ipmiq,[$peerport,$data]; } } } } foreach (keys %sessions_waiting) { #now that we have given all incoming packets a chance, if some sessions were past due when we entered #take timeout response action now if ($sessions_waiting{$_}->{timeout} <= $curtime) { my $session = $sessions_waiting{$_}->{ipmisession}; delete $sessions_waiting{$_}; $pendingpackets-=1; $session->timedout(); next; } } return scalar (keys %sessions_waiting); } sub timedout { my $self = shift; unless (ref $self->{pendingargs}) { return; } $self->{nowait}=1; $self->{timeout} = $self->{timeout}*1.5; if ($self->{noretry}) { return; } if ($self->{timeout} > 7) { #giveup, really $self->{timeout}=$initialtimeout; my $rsp={}; $rsp->{error} = "timeout"; $self->{ipmicallback}->($rsp,$self->{ipmicallback_args}); $self->{nowait}=0; return; } if ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} == STATE_OPENSESSION) { #in this particular case, we want to craft a new rmcp session request with a new client side session id, to aid in distinguishing retry from new $self->open_rmcpplus_request(); #experimintation has showed rakp1 and 3 are best done with a straightforward retry, not something fancy... #stale rakp3 in a ipmi2 implementation that can't handle it will be detected through rmcp status code rather than assuming we must start over. } elsif ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} == STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP2) { #in this particular case, we want to craft a new rmcp session request with a new client side session id, to aid in distinguishing retry from new $self->relog(); } elsif ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} == STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP4) { #in this particular case, we want to craft a new rmcp session request with a new client side session id, to aid in distinguishing retry from new $self->relog(); } else { $self->sendpayload(%{$self->{pendingargs}},nowait=>1); #do not induce the xmit to wait for packets, just spit it out. timedout is in a wait-for-packets loop already, so it's fine } $self->{nowait}=0; } sub route_ipmiresponse { my $sockaddr=shift; my @rsp = @_; unless ( $rsp[0] == 0x6 and $rsp[2] == 0xff and $rsp[3] == 0x07) { return; #ignore non-ipmi packets } my $host; my $port; #($port,$host) = sockaddr_in6($sockaddr); #$host = inet_ntoa($host); if ($doipv6) { ($host,$port) = Socket6::getnameinfo($sockaddr,Socket6::NI_NUMERICHOST()); } else { ($port,$host) = sockaddr_in($sockaddr); $host = inet_ntoa($host); } if ($host =~ /::ffff:\d+\.\d+\.+\d+\.\d+/) { $host =~ s/::ffff://; } if ($bmc_handlers{$host}) { $pendingpackets-=1; $bmc_handlers{$host}->handle_ipmi_packet(@rsp); } } sub handle_ipmi_packet { #return zero if we like the response my $self = shift; my @rsp = @_; if ($rsp[4] == 0 or $rsp[4] == 2) { #IPMI 1.5 (check 0 assumption...) my $remsequencenumber=$rsp[5]+$rsp[6]>>8+$rsp[7]>>16+$rsp[8]>>24; if ($self->{remotesequencenumber} and $remsequencenumber < $self->{remotesequencenumber} ) { return 5; #ignore malformed sequence number } $self->{remotesequencenumber}=$remsequencenumber; $self->{remotesequencebytes} = [@rsp[5..8]]; if ($rsp[4] != $self->{authtype}) { return 2; # not thinking about packets that do not match our preferred auth type } unless ($rsp[9] == $self->{sessionid}->[0] and $rsp[10] == $self->{sessionid}->[1] and $rsp[11] == $self->{sessionid}->[2] and $rsp[12] == $self->{sessionid}->[3]) { return 1; #this response does not match our current session id, ignore it } my @authcode=(); if ($rsp[4] == 2) { @authcode = splice @rsp,13,16; } my @payload = splice (@rsp,14,$rsp[13]); if (@authcode) { #authcode is longer than 0, check it $self->{checkremotecode}=1; my @expectedauthcode = $self->ipmi15authcode(@payload); $self->{checkremotecode}=0; foreach (0..15) { if ($expectedauthcode[$_] != $authcode[$_]) { return 3; #invalid authcode } } } return $self->parse_ipmi_payload(@payload); } elsif ($rsp[4] == 6) { #IPMI 2.0 if (($rsp[5]& 0b00111111) == 0x11) { return $self->got_rmcp_response(splice @rsp,16); #the function always leaves ourselves waiting, no need to deregister } elsif (($rsp[5]& 0b00111111) == 0x13) { return $self->got_rakp2(splice @rsp,16); #same as above } elsif (($rsp[5]& 0b00111111) == 0x15) { return $self->got_rakp4(splice @rsp,16); #same as above } elsif (($rsp[5]& 0b00111111) == 0x0) { #ipmi payload, sophisticated logic to follow my $encrypted; if ($rsp[5]&0b10000000) { $encrypted=1; } unless ($rsp[5]&0b01000000) { return 3; #we refuse to examine unauthenticated packets in this context } splice (@rsp,0,4); #ditch the rmcp header my @authcode = splice(@rsp,-12);#strip away authcode and remember it my @expectedcode = unpack("C*",hmac_sha1(pack("C*",@rsp),$self->{k1})); splice (@expectedcode,12); foreach (@expectedcode) { unless ($_ == shift @authcode) { return 3; #authcode bad, pretend it never existed } } my $thissid = unpack("N",pack("C*",$rsp[2],$rsp[3],$rsp[4],$rsp[5])); unless ($thissid==$self->{localsid}) { return 1; #this response does not match our current session id, ignore it } my $remsequencenumber=$rsp[6]+$rsp[7]>>8+$rsp[8]>>16+$rsp[9]>>24; if ($self->{remotesequencenumber} and $remsequencenumber < $self->{remotesequencenumber} ) { return 5; #ignore malformed sequence number } $self->{remotesequencenumber}=$remsequencenumber; my $psize = $rsp[10]+($rsp[11]<<8); my @payload = splice(@rsp,12,$psize); if ($encrypted) { my $iv = pack("C*",splice @payload,0,16); my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-literal_key => 1,-key=>$self->{aeskey},-cipher=>"Crypt::Rijndael",-header=>"none",-iv=>$iv,-keysize=>16,-blocksize=>16,-padding=>\&cbc_pad); my $crypted = pack("C*",@payload); @payload = unpack("C*",$cipher->decrypt($crypted)); } return $self->parse_ipmi_payload(@payload); } else { return 6; #unsupported payload } } else { return 7; #unsupported ASF traffic } } sub cbc_pad { my $block = shift; my $size = shift; my $mode = shift; if ($mode eq 'e') { my $neededpad=$size-length($block)%$size; $neededpad -= 1; my @pad=unpack("C*",$block); foreach (1..$neededpad) { push @pad,$_; } push @pad,$neededpad; return pack("C*",@pad); } elsif ($mode eq 'd') { my @block = unpack("C*",$block); my $count = pop @block; unless ($count) { return pack("C*",@block); } splice @block,0-$count; return pack("C*",@block); } } sub got_rmcp_response { my $self = shift; my @data = @_; my $byte = shift @data; unless ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} and $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} != STATE_ESTABLISHED) { #we would ignore an RMCP+ open session response if we are not in an IPMI2 negotiation, so we have to have *some* state that isn't established for this to be kosher return 9; #now's not the time for this response, ignore it } unless ($byte == $self->{rmcptag}) { #make sure this rmcp response is specifically the last one we sent.... we don't want to happily proceed with the risk a retry request blew up our temp session id without letting us know return 9; } $byte = shift @data; unless ($byte == 0x00) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: $byte code on opening RMCP+ session",$self->{onlogon_args}); #TODO: errors return 9; } $byte = shift @data; unless ($byte >= 4) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: Cannot acquire sufficient privilege",$self->{onlogon_args}); return 9; } splice @data,0,5; $self->{pendingsessionid} = [splice @data,0,4]; #TODO: if we retried, and the first answer comes back but the second answer is dropped, log in will fail as we do not know our correct session id #basically, we would have to retry open session requested until RAKP2 *confirmed* good $self->send_rakp1(); return 0; } sub send_rakp3 { #TODO: this is the point where OPEN RMCP SESSION REQUEST should have retry stopped, not send_rakp1 my $self = shift; $self->{rmcptag}+=1; my @payload = ($self->{rmcptag},0,0,0,@{$self->{pendingsessionid}}); my @user = unpack("C*",$self->{userid}); push @payload,unpack("C*",hmac_sha1(pack("C*",@{$self->{remoterandomnumber}},@{$self->{sidm}},4,scalar @user,@user),$self->{password})); $self->sendpayload(payload=>\@payload,type=>$payload_types{'rakp3'}); } sub send_rakp1 { my $self = shift; $self->{rmcptag}+=1; my @payload = ($self->{rmcptag},0,0,0,@{$self->{pendingsessionid}}); $self->{randomnumber}=[]; foreach (1..16) { my $randomnumber = int(rand(255)); push @{$self->{randomnumber}},$randomnumber; } push @payload, @{$self->{randomnumber}}; push @payload,(4,0,0); # request admin my @user = unpack("C*",$self->{userid}); push @payload,scalar @user; push @payload,@user; $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} = STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP2; $self->sendpayload(payload=>\@payload,type=>$payload_types{'rakp1'}); } sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} = 0; $self->{'sequencenumber'} = 0; #init sequence number $self->{'sequencenumberbytes'} = [0,0,0,0]; #init sequence number $self->{'sessionid'} = [0,0,0,0]; # init session id $self->{'authtype'}=0; # first messages will have auth type of 0 $self->{'ipmiversion'}='1.5'; # send first packet as 1.5 $self->{'timeout'}=$initialtimeout; #start at a quick timeout, increase on retry $self->{'seqlun'}=0; #the IPMB seqlun combo, increment by 4s $self->{rqaddr}=0x81; #Per table '5-4' system sofware ids in the ipmi spec, we are allowed 0x81-0x8d software ids #A problem with ipmi is that chatty commands (rinv) can mistake stale data for new if sequence number overflows #for example, if 'get firmware information' command is retried, and happens to have sequence number 4, #64 transactions later a reply to the retry comes up, the data is passed into the callback function because of ambiguity introduced by the #overflowed sequence number #to mitigate this, we will iterate rqaddr every time the seqlun counter overflows #of course, this still means that rqaddr will, itself, overflow, but it mitigates things because: #448 instead of 64 transactions are now required before ambiguity is possible #A stale reply has to come in after the conversation has advanced at least 448 transactions, meaning longer delay on extraneous reply before this is a problem #even if a stale reply comes in at *about* the right time, it has to match an exact multiple of 448 instead of 64, which is significantly less likely. $self->{'logged'}=0; } sub relog { my $self=shift; $self->init(); $self->{logontries} -= 1; $self->get_channel_auth_cap(); } sub got_rakp4 { my $self = shift; my @data = @_; my $byte = shift @data; unless ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} == STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP4) { #ignore rakp4 unless we are explicitly expecting RAKP4 return 9; #now's not the time for this response, ignore it } unless ($byte == $self->{rmcptag}) { #make sure this rmcp response is specifically the last one we sent.... we don't want to happily proceed with the risk a retry request blew up our temp session id without letting us know return 9; } $byte = shift @data; unless ($byte == 0x00) { if (($byte == 0x02) and $self->{logontries}) { #ok, turns out an IPMI2 device may optimistically assume that since it has transmitted RAKP4, it's done with this whole RAKP exchange, thus #code 2 can happen.... To workaround this, code 2 is taken as a cue to start over if we haven't got an rakp2 yet $self->relog(); } if (($byte == 0x02 or $byte == 15) and $self->{logontries}) { # most likely scenario is that a retry earlier in the process invalided the flow this packet came in on, ignore it and hope the retries all sort out #UPDATE: turns out open rmcp session request shenanigans were to blame, rakp2 straight retransmits seems safe #the biggest risk: that we did not receive the correct rakp2, so the prudent thing to be doing in this time interval would be retrying RAKP1... #ipmi2 session negotiation is a bit weird in how retries can corrupt state and we effectively should be rewinding a bit... #TODO: think about retry logic hard to decide how many packets we can retry #thought: can we match a failed RAKP2 to the last RAKP1 we transmitted? If we can, and we see the last RAKP1 was in fact the one this response is for, that #would definitely mean we should rewinnd to open session rquest.. #ditto for rakp4, if we can confirm rakp is for the last transmitted rakp3, then we need to rewind to send_rakp1... #$self->relog(); return; } $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: $byte code on opening RMCP+ session",$self->{onlogon_args}); #TODO: errors return 9; } splice @data,0,6; #discard reserved bytes and session id my @expectauthcode = unpack("C*",hmac_sha1(pack("C*",@{$self->{randomnumber}},@{$self->{pendingsessionid}},@{$self->{remoteguid}}),$self->{sik})); foreach (@expectauthcode[0..11]) { unless ($_ == (shift @data)) { #we'll just ignore this transgression...... *this time* #$self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: failure in final rakp exchange message",$self->{onlogon_args}); return 9; } } $self->{sessionid} = $self->{pendingsessionid}; $self->{integrityalgo}='sha1'; if ($aessupport) { $self->{confalgo} = 'aes'; } $self->{sequencenumber}=1; $self->{sequencenumberbytes}=[1,0,0,0]; $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} = STATE_ESTABLISHED; #will move on to relying upon session sequence number $self->set_admin_level(); return 0; } sub got_rakp2 { my $self=shift; my @data = @_; my $byte = shift @data; unless ($self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} >= STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP2 and $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} != STATE_ESTABLISHED) { #we will bail out unless the state is either EXPECTINGRAKP2 or EXPECTINGRAKP4. #the reason being that if an old rakp1 retry actually made it and we were just too aggressive, then a previous rakp2 is invalidated and invalid session id or the integrity check value is bad return 9; #now's not the time for this response, ignore it } unless ($byte == $self->{rmcptag}) { #make sure this rmcp response is specifically the last one we sent.... we don't want to happily proceed with the risk a retry request blew up our temp session id without letting us know return 9; } $byte = shift @data; unless ($byte == 0x00) { if ($byte == 0x02) { #invalid session id is almost certainly because a retry on rmcp+ open session response rendered our session id invalid, ignore this in the hope that we'll get an answer for our retry that invalidated us.. #$self->relog(); #TODO: probably should disable RAKP1 retry here... high likelihood that we'll just spew a bad RAKP1 and Open Session Request retry would be more appropriate to try to discern a valid session id return; } $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: $byte code on opening RMCP+ session",$self->{onlogon_args}); #TODO: errors return 9; } splice @data,0,6; # throw away reserved bytes, and session id, might need to check $self->{remoterandomnumber} = []; foreach (1..16) { push @{$self->{remoterandomnumber}},(shift @data); } $self->{remoteguid} = []; foreach (1..16) { push @{$self->{remoteguid}},(shift @data); } #Data now represents authcode.. sha1 only.. my @user = unpack("C*",$self->{userid}); my $ulength = scalar @user; my $hmacdata = pack("C*",(@{$self->{sidm}},@{$self->{pendingsessionid}},@{$self->{randomnumber}},@{$self->{remoterandomnumber}},@{$self->{remoteguid}},4,$ulength,@user)); my @expectedhash = (unpack("C*",hmac_sha1($hmacdata,$self->{password}))); foreach (0..(scalar(@expectedhash)-1)) { if ($expectedhash[$_] != $data[$_]) { $self->{onlogon}->("ERROR: Incorrect password provided",$self->{onlogon_args}); return 9; } } $self->{sik} = hmac_sha1(pack("C*",@{$self->{randomnumber}},@{$self->{remoterandomnumber}},4,$ulength,@user),$self->{password}); $self->{k1} = hmac_sha1(pack("C*",1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),$self->{sik}); if ($aessupport) { $self->{k2} = hmac_sha1(pack("C*",2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),$self->{sik}); my @aeskey = unpack("C*",$self->{k2}); $self->{aeskey} = pack("C*",(splice @aeskey,0,16)); } $self->{sessionestablishmentcontext} = STATE_EXPECTINGRAKP4; $self->send_rakp3(); return 0; } sub parse_ipmi_payload { my $self=shift; my @payload = @_; #for now, just trash the headers, this has been validated to death anyway #except seqlun, that one is important unless ($payload[4] == $self->{seqlun} and $payload[0] == $self->{rqaddr} and $payload[1]>>2 == $self->{expectednetfn} and $payload[5] == $self->{expectedcmd} ) { #both sequence number and arqaddr must match, because we are using rqaddr to extend the sequence number #print "Successfully didn't get confused by stale response ".$payload[4]." and ".($self->{seqlun}-4)."\n"; #hexdump(@payload); return 1; #response mismatch } #set to impossible values to reflect the fact we expect *no* command/nnetfn at the moment $self->{expectednetfn}=0x1ff; $self->{expectedcmd}=0x1ff; $self->{seqlun} += 4; #increment by 1<<2 if ($self->{seqlun} > 0xff) { #overflow case #Problem with rqaddr iteration strategy to get more sequence numbers, changing swid invalidates reservation ids for some BMCs... # if ($self->{rqaddr} == 0x8d) { #rqaddr itself is forced to overflow # $self->{rqaddr}=0x81; # } else { # $self->{rqaddr}+=2; #table 5-4 demands rqaddr be odd for software ids, so we must increment by 2 #} $self->{seqlun} &= 0xff; #keep it one byte } delete $sessions_waiting{$self}; #deregister self as satisfied, callback will reregister if appropriate delete $self->{pendingargs}; splice @payload,0,5; #remove rsaddr/netfs/lun/checksum/rq/seq/lun pop @payload; #remove checksum my $rsp; $rsp->{cmd} = shift @payload; $rsp->{code} = shift @payload; $rsp->{data} = \@payload; $self->{timeout}=$initialtimeout; $self->{ipmicallback}->($rsp,$self->{ipmicallback_args}); return 0; } sub ipmi15authcode { my $self = shift; #per table 22-22 'authcode algorithms' my @data = @_; my @password; my @code; if ($self->{passbytes}) { @password = @{$self->{passbytes}}; } else { @password = unpack("C*",$self->{password}); for (my $i=scalar @password;$i<16;$i++) { $password[$i]=0; } $self->{passbytes} = \@password; } my @sequencebytes = @{$self->{sequencenumberbytes}}; if ($self->{checkremotecode}) { @sequencebytes = @{$self->{remotesequencebytes}}; } if ($self->{authtype} == 0) { return (); } elsif ($self->{authtype} == 2) { return unpack("C*",md5(pack("C*",@password,@{$self->{sessionid}},@data,@sequencebytes,@password))); #ignoring single-session channels } #Not supporting plaintext passwords, that would be asinine } #this function accepts a generic ipmi command and applies current session data and handles the 1.5<->2.0 differences sub sendpayload { #implementation used section 13.6, examle ipmi over lan packet my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my @msg = (0x6,0x0,0xff,0x07); #RMCP header is constant in IPMI my $type = $args{type} & 0b00111111; my @payload = @{$args{payload}}; $self->{pendingargs} = \%args; push @msg,$self->{'authtype'}; # add authtype byte (will support 0 only for session establishment, 2 for ipmi 1.5, 6 for ipmi2 if ($self->{'ipmiversion'} eq '2.0') { #TODO: revisit this to see if assembly makes sense push @msg, $args{type}; if ($type == 2) { push @msg,@{$self->{'iana'}},0; push @msg,@{$self->{'oem_payload_id'}}; } push @msg,@{$self->{sessionid}}; } push @msg,@{$self->{sequencenumberbytes}}; if ($self->{'ipmiversion'} eq '1.5') { #ipmi 2.0 for some reason swapped session id and seq number location push @msg,@{$self->{sessionid}}; unless ($self->{authtype} == 0) { push @msg,$self->ipmi15authcode(@payload); } push @msg,scalar(@payload); push @msg,@payload; #TODO: sweat a pad or not? spec isn't crystal clear on the 'legacy pad' and it sounds like it is just for some old crappy nics that have no business in a good server } elsif ($self->{'ipmiversion'} eq '2.0') { #TODO: my $size = scalar(@payload); if ($self->{confalgo}) { my $pad = ($size+1)%16; if ($pad) { $pad = 16-$pad; } my $newsize =$size+$pad+17; push @msg,($newsize&0xff,$newsize>>8); my @iv; foreach (1..16) { #generate a new iv for outbound packet my $num = int(rand(255)); push @msg,$num; push @iv, $num; } my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-literal_key => 1,-key=>$self->{aeskey},-cipher=>"Rijndael",-header=>"none",-iv=>pack("C*",@iv),-keysize=>16,-padding=>\&cbc_pad); push @msg,(unpack("C*",$cipher->encrypt(pack("C*",@payload)))); } else { push @msg,($size&0xff,$size>>8); push @msg,@payload; } if ($self->{integrityalgo}) { my @integdata = @msg[4..(scalar @msg)-1]; my $neededpad=((scalar @integdata)+2)%4; if ($neededpad) { $neededpad = 4-$neededpad; } for (my $i=0;$i<$neededpad;$i++) { push @integdata,0xff; push @msg,0xff; } push @msg,$neededpad; push @integdata,$neededpad; push @msg,7; push @integdata,7; my $intdata = pack("C*",@integdata); my @acode = unpack("C*",hmac_sha1($intdata,$self->{k1})); push @msg,splice @acode,0,12; #push integrity pad #push @msg,0x7; #reserved byte in 2.0 #push integrity data } } unless ($args{nowait} or $self->{nowait}) { #if nowait indicated, the packet will be sent regardless of maxpending #primary use case would be retries that should represent no delta to pending sessions in aggregate and therefore couldn't exceed maxpending anywy #if we did do this on timedout, waitforrsp may recurse, which is a complicated issue. Theoretically, if waitforrsp protected itself, it #would act the same, but best be explicit about nowait if practice does not match theory #another scenario is if we have urgent payload for a BMC (PET acknowledge, negotiating login if temp session id is very short lived $self->waitforrsp(timeout=>0); #the intent here is to interrupt outgoing activity to give a chance to respond to incoming data #until we send, the ball is in our court so things are less time critical while ($pendingpackets > $maxpending) { #if we hit our ceiling, wait until a slot frees up, which can't happen until either a packet is received or someone gives up $self->waitforrsp(); } } $socket->send(pack("C*",@msg),0,$self->{peeraddr}); $sessions_waiting{$self}={}; $sessions_waiting{$self}->{ipmisession}=$self; if ($args{delayxmit}) { $sessions_waiting{$self}->{timeout}=time()+$args{delayxmit}; $self->{timeout}=$initialtimeout/1.5; #since we are burning one of the retry attempts, start the backoff algorithm faster to make it come out even undef $args{delayxmit}; return; #don't actually transmit packet, use retry timer to start us off } else { $sessions_waiting{$self}->{timeout}=time()+$self->{timeout}; } $pendingpackets+=1; if ($self->{sequencenumber}) { #if using non-zero, increment, otherwise.. $self->{sequencenumber} += 1; $self->{sequencenumberbytes} = [$self->{sequencenumber}&0xff,($self->{sequencenumber}>>8)&0xff,($self->{sequencenumber}>>16)&0xff,($self->{sequencenumber}>>24)&0xff]; } } 1;