#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
    $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use locale;
use Getopt::Std;
#                                                                   #
# Module: xdshbak                                                   #
#                                                                   #
#                                                                   #
# Description: Filters output from multiple nodes by listing        #
#              each distinct set of lines only once, or formats     #
#              output from multiple nodes preceded by the hostname  #
#                                                                   #
# Inputs:                                                           #
#  -c : list distinct output only once                              #
#                                                                   #
# Ouputs:                                                           #
#       Filtered output                                             #
#                                                                   #
# Syntax (example):                                                 #
#       xdsh host1,host2 -vi ls | xdshbak                           #
#                                                                   #
# External Ref: None                                                #
#                                                                   #
# Internal Ref: None                                                #
#                                                                   #

# Main line code. First, error checking.

$::dsh_command = 'xdshbak';

# Process the command line...
if (!getopts('cxh'))
{    # Gather options; if errors

if ($::opt_h)

if ($::opt_c && $::opt_x)
}    # these 2 options are mutually exclusive

if ($::opt_c)

# Read stdin until eof. If compaction is not specified, create an array
# of the following data structures, one element per host:
# hostname: line1.line2...linen
# newlines are left in.
# If compaction is specified, create a binary tree with one element per
# distinct hostname output. Associated with each tree element is an
# string of hostnames. Each of these hostnames had output corresponding
# to the line1.sepchar.line2.sepchar.....linen element in the tree.
# Input is hostname: line
# Assumption is made that all lines have this format - if not, they are
# ignored, or the hostname may be invalid

$| = 1;

while (<STDIN>)

    # feedback on lines processed
    if ($::opt_x) { $num_lines % 100 == 0 && print STDOUT "."; }
    else { $num_lines % 1000 == 0 && print STDOUT "."; }

    if (/: /)
        @fields = split(': ', $_);
        $hn     = shift(@fields);
        $ln     = join(': ', @fields);
        if (!defined($cur_hn))
            $cur_hn = $hn;
            push(@hs, $hn);
            $long_ln = $ln;
            next LINE;
        if ($hn eq $cur_hn)
            $long_ln = $long_ln . $ln;
            next LINE;
            if ($compress)
                if ($long_ln eq $prev_ln)
                    $hdr{$prev_index} = $hdr{$prev_index} . ":" . $cur_hn;
                    $prev_index = &insert_tree($cur_hn, $long_ln);
                    $prev_ln = $long_ln;
                $long_ln = $ln;
                $cur_hn  = $hn;
                push(@hs, $hn);
                $ls{$cur_hn} = $long_ln;
                $long_ln     = $ln;
                $cur_hn      = $hn;
                push(@hs, $hn);

# If compression specified:
# Print the lines for each set of hosts with identical output preceded
# by the hostnames in [ hostname - hostname ] format.
# The hostnames are not sorted.
# If compression not specified:
# Print the lines for each host preceded by an underlined host name
# The hostnames are sorted alphabetically

$num_lines > 999 && print STDOUT "\n";
if ($compress)
    if ($long_ln eq $prev_ln)
        $hdr{$prev_index} = $hdr{$prev_index} . ":" . $cur_hn;
        &insert_tree($cur_hn, $long_ln);
    $ls{$cur_hn} = $long_ln;

# d_syntax
# Display help info

sub d_syntax
    my $usage1 = "Usage: xdshbak   [-c | -x | -h] \n";
    my $usage2 =
      "-c : compresses the output by listng unique output only once.\n";
    my $usage3 = "-h : help  \n";
    my $usage4 =
      "-x : omit extra header output for each node.  Can not be used with -c. \n";
    my $usage = $usage1 .= $usage2 .= $usage3 .= $usage4;
    xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $usage);


# print_list
# Print the host output, by sorted host, in the following format:
# HOST: hostname
# --------------
# line
# line
# Two global data structures are used. @hs is an array of all the
# hostnames found. %ls{} is an associative array of (concatenated)
# lines, indexed on hostnames.
sub print_list

    local (@lines, $numhosts, $hn_string, $l_string);

    foreach $hostname (sort @hs)
        if (!$::opt_x) { ($num_hosts >= 1) && print "\n"; }

        if ($::opt_x) { print "$hostname: $ls{$hostname}"; }

            #$hn_string = `$SPMSG DSH $MSGCAT  INFO510 'HOST: %1\$s\n' $hostname`;
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "HOST:$hostname\n");

            printf '%.' . (6 + length($hostname)) . "s\n",
            print "$ls{$hostname}";

# display_wc
# Display the hostnames returning output.

sub display_wc

    local ($i);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i <= $#wc - 1)
        print "$wc[$i], ";
    print "$wc[$#wc]\n";

# print_tree
# Print the host output, in the following format:
# HOSTS --------------------------------------
# hostname  hostname hostname
# --------------------------------------------
# line
# line

sub print_tree

    local ($num_hosts, $hn_string, $pager);

    foreach my $index (@indices)
        ($num_hosts >= 1) && print "\n";
        @wc = split(/:/, $hdr{$index});
        @wc = sort(@wc);

        #system "$SPMSG DSH $MSGCAT  INFO511 'HOSTS '";
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "HOSTS:");

        print $str{$index};

# insert_tree
# This routine implements a binary search tree for keeping previously
# found strings, to keep the number of string comparisons from
# growing exponentially by host.
# This routine creates the following data structures:
# 1. An array of characters strings , @indices[0..n], that contains the indices
#    into the binary search tree array for the strings. These array is
#    in the order of the strings coming in.
#    The indices are used as the key to the associative arrays, %str and %hdr.
#    The character strings for indices are of the form "p" to designate
#    the parent  and "l" for left children  and "r" for the  right children.
#    The indices are concatenated together to form a character string.
#    Therefore the binary tree node "pl" designates the  left subtree
#    of the parent.The character string "plr" denotes the right subtree
#    node of the  left subtree of the  parent. A node that is at a depth
#    of 10  would be represented by a unique 10 character string.
# 2. An associative array of strings, %strs{characters},
#    consisting of all the output to be displayed. Each element is
#    all the distinct output from a host or set of hosts with lines
#    concatenated together and separated with $sepchar.
# 3. An associative array of strings, %hdrs{characters}, consisting of the
#    header strings to be output prior to each set of distinct output
#    lines. These strings are of the form: hostname:hostname
sub insert_tree

    local ($h, $l, $i) = @_;
    local ($no_match);

    $i = "p";    # start binary search at parent which is the root of the tree

    while (1)
        if (!defined($str{$i}))
        {        # found no match, insert new
            $str{$i} = $l;
            $hdr{$i} = $h;
            push(@indices, $i);
            return $i;
        $no_match = ($l cmp $str{$i});
        if (!$no_match)
        {        # found match, update host hdr
            $hdr{$i} = $hdr{$i} . ":" . $h;
            return $i;
        elsif ($no_match == -1)
        {        # keep looking
            $i = $i . "l";    # concatenate "l" for the left subtree
            $i = $i . "r";    # concatenate "r" for the right subtree