#!/bin/sh # # "SystemImager" # # Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Brian Elliott Finley <brian@thefinleys.com> # # $Id: functions 4559 2011-07-05 21:04:36Z finley $ # vi: set filetype=sh et ts=4: # # Others who have contributed to this code: # Charles C. Bennett, Jr. <ccb@acm.org> # Sean Dague <japh@us.ibm.com> # Dann Frazier <dannf@dannf.org> # Curtis Zinzilieta <czinzilieta@valinux.com> # ################################################################################ # # Variables # PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/tmp LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib SCRIPTS=scripts SCRIPTS_DIR=/scripts TORRENTS=torrents TORRENTS_DIR=/torrents FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_DIR=/var/lib/systemimager/flamethrower BOEL_BINARIES_DIR=/tmp/boel_binaries VERSION="4.3.0" FLAVOR="standard" IMAGESERVER=$XCATMASTER # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Subroutines # ################################################################################ # # logmsg # # Usage: log a message, redirects to console / syslog depending on usage logmsg() { # log to console echo $@ # log to temporary file (which will go away when we reboot) # this is good for envs that have bad consoles local FILE=/tmp/si.log echo $@ >> $FILE || shellout # if syslog is running, log to it. In order to avoid hangs we have to # add the "logger: " part in case $@ is "" if [ ! -z $USELOGGER ] ; then logger "logger: $@" fi } ################################################################################ # # check_version # # Usage: check_version check_version() { logmsg logmsg check_version INITRD_VERSION=$VERSION KERNEL_VERSION=`uname -r | sed -e s/.*boel_v//` if [ "$INITRD_VERSION" != "$KERNEL_VERSION" ] ; then logmsg "FATAL: Kernel version ($KERNEL_VERSION) doesn't match initrd version ($INITRD_VERSION)!" shellout fi } # ################################################################################ # # get_arch # # Usage: get_arch; echo $ARCH get_arch() { logmsg logmsg get_arch ARCH=`uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ -e s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/sa110/arm/` } # ################################################################################ # # adjust_arch # # based on info in /proc adjust the ARCH variable. This needs to run # after proc is mounted. # adjust_arch() { logmsg logmsg adjust_arch if [ "ppc64" = "$ARCH" ] ; then # This takes a little bit of futzing with due to all the PPC platforms that exist. if [ -d /proc/iSeries ] ; then ARCH=ppc64-iSeries logmsg "Detected ppc64 is really an iSeries partition..." fi if grep -qs PS3 /proc/cpuinfo; then ARCH=ppc64-ps3 fi fi } # ################################################################################ # # write_variables # # Usage: write_variables write_variables() { logmsg logmsg write_variables # pass all variables set here on to the hostname.sh script rm -f /tmp/variables.txt echo "HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME" >> /tmp/variables.txt || shellout echo "DOMAINNAME=$DOMAINNAME" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "DEVICE=$DEVICE" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "IPADDR=$IPADDR" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "NETMASK=$NETMASK" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "NETWORK=$NETWORK" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BROADCAST=$BROADCAST" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "GATEWAY=$GATEWAY" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "GATEWAYDEV=$GATEWAYDEV" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "IMAGESERVER=$IMAGESERVER" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "IMAGENAME=$IMAGENAME" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "LOG_SERVER=$LOG_SERVER" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "LOG_SERVER_PORT=$LOG_SERVER_PORT" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "USELOGGER=$USELOGGER" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "TMPFS_STAGING=$TMPFS_STAGING" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "SSH=$SSH" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "SSHD=$SSHD" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "SSH_USER=$SSH_USER" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL=$SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE=$FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "MONITOR_SERVER=$MONITOR_SERVER" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "MONITOR_PORT=$MONITOR_PORT" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "MONITOR_CONSOLE=$MONITOR_CONSOLE" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BITTORRENT=$BITTORRENT" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BITTORRENT_STAGING=$BITTORRENT_STAGING" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BITTORRENT_POLLING_TIME=$BITTORRENT_POLLING_TIME" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BITTORRENT_SEED_WAIT=$BITTORRENT_SEED_WAIT" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "BITTORRENT_UPLOAD_MIN=$BITTORRENT_UPLOAD_MIN" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "GROUPNAMES=\"$GROUPNAMES\"" >> /tmp/variables.txt echo "GROUP_OVERRIDES=\"$GROUP_OVERRIDES\"" >> /tmp/variables.txt } # ################################################################################ # # Description: # watches the tmpfs filesystem (/) and gives warnings and/or does a shellout # # Usage: tmpfs_watcher # tmpfs_watcher() { logmsg logmsg tmpfs_watcher # Note: Transfer to staging area can fail if tmpfs runs out of inodes. { while :; do DF=`df -k / | egrep ' /$' | sed -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/.*[0-9] //' -e 's/%.*//'` [ $DF -ge 95 ] && logmsg "WARNING: Your tmpfs filesystem is ${DF}% full!" [ $DF -ge 99 ] && logmsg " Search the FAQ for tmpfs to learn about sizing options." [ $DF -ge 99 ] && shellout sleep 1 done unset DF }& TMPFS_WATCHER_PID=$! } # ################################################################################ # # Description: # Exit with the message stored in /etc/issue. # # Usage: $COMMAND || shellout # shellout() { logmsg "Last command exited with $?" COUNT="$RETRY" logmsg "Killing off running processes." kill -9 $TMPFS_WATCHER_PID >/dev/null 2>/dev/null killall -9 udp-receiver rsync >/dev/null 2>/dev/null write_variables cat /etc/issue if [ ! -z $USELOGGER ] ; then cat /etc/issue | logger fi if [ ! -z $MONITOR_SERVER ]; then logmsg "Installation failed!! Stopping report task." stop_report_task -1 fi exec sh > /dev/console 2>&1 } # ################################################################################ # # Description: # Count the specified number, printing each number, and exit only the count # loop when <ctrl>+<c> is hit (SIGINT, or Signal 2). Thanks to # CCB <ccb@acm.org> for this chunk of code. -BEF- # # Usage: # count_loop 35 # count_loop $ETHER_SLEEP # count_loop() { COUNT=$1 trap 'echo ; echo "Skipping ETHER_SLEEP -> Caught <ctrl>+<c>" ; I=$COUNT' INT I=0 while [ $I -lt $COUNT ]; do I=$(( $I + 1 )) logmsg -n "$I " sleep 1 done trap INT logmsg } # ################################################################################ # # Usage: get_torrents_directory # get_torrents_directory() { if [ ! "x$BITTORRENT" = "xy" ]; then return fi logmsg logmsg get_torrents_directory if [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE ]; then # # We're using Multicast, so we should already have a directory # full of scripts. Break out here, so that we don't try to pull # the scripts dir again (that would be redundant). # MODULE_NAME="autoinstall_torrents" DIR="${SCRIPTS_DIR}" RETRY=7 flamethrower_client else mkdir -p ${TORRENTS_DIR} CMD="rsync -a ${IMAGESERVER}::${TORRENTS}/ ${TORRENTS_DIR}/" logmsg "$CMD" $CMD fi } # ################################################################################ # # Usage: get_scripts_directory # get_scripts_directory() { logmsg logmsg get_scripts_directory if [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE ]; then # # We're using Multicast, so we should already have a directory # full of scripts. Break out here, so that we don't try to pull # the scripts dir again (that would be redundant). # MODULE_NAME="autoinstall_scripts" DIR="${SCRIPTS_DIR}" RETRY=7 flamethrower_client else mkdir -p ${SCRIPTS_DIR} CMD="rsync -a ${IMAGESERVER}::${SCRIPTS}/ ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" logmsg "$CMD" $CMD || shellout fi } # ################################################################################ # # Usage: get_flamethrower_directory # get_flamethrower_directory() { logmsg logmsg Using multicast... logmsg get_flamethrower_directory MODULE_NAME=flamethrower_directory DIR=${FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_DIR} RETRY=7 PORTBASE=9000 flamethrower_client } # ################################################################################ # # Usage: # # MODULE_NAME=my_module # Required # DIR=/my/destination/dir # Required # [RETRY=7] # Optional # [PORTBASE=9000] # Required if a sourceable file called $MODULE_NAME # # doesn't exist # [FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE] # If not empty, untar received data directly, # # without storing it to a temporary file # # flamethrower_client # flamethrower_client() { if [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE ]; then FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE=tarpipe fi logmsg logmsg "flamethrower_client(${MODULE_NAME}) $FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE " logmsg --------------------------------------------------------------------- # validate if [ -z $PORTBASE ]; then if [ -f ${FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME} ]; then . ${FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME} else logmsg WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING logmsg You must either set PORTBASE, or have a sourceable file called logmsg ${FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_DIR}/MODULE_NAME # allow for now to continue until overrides get their modules return #shellout fi fi if [ -z $DIR ]; then logmsg "Must set DIR !!!" shellout else mkdir -p $DIR fi # build command UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--interface ${DEVICE} --portbase $PORTBASE --nokbd" if [ ! -z $TTL ]; then UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS="$UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --ttl $TTL" fi if [ "$NOSYNC" = "on" ]; then UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS="$UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --nosync" fi if [ "$ASYNC" = "on" ]; then UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS="$UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --async" fi if [ ! -z $MCAST_ALL_ADDR ]; then UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS="$UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --mcast-all-addr $MCAST_ALL_ADDR" fi # Which tar opts should we use? If our tar has --overwrite capability, use it. # Summary: busybox tar doesn't (boel_binaries and prior). # Debian patched gnu tar does (image and on). # We want this option enabled for the image to ensure proper directory # permissions. -BEF- tar --help 2>&1 | grep -q overwrite && TAR_OPTS='--overwrite -xp' || TAR_OPTS='-x' # set vars [ -z $RETRY ] && RETRY=0 COUNT=0 FLAMETHROWER_CLIENT_SLEEP=3 # it's the new new style (loop) SUCCESS="Not Yet" until [ "$SUCCESS" = "yes" ] do # receive cast # example udp-receiver command: # udp-receiver --interface lo --portbase 9002 --nokbd --nosync --file /tmp/multicast.tar if [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE ]; then TAR_OPTS="$TAR_OPTS -f -" logmsg "udp-receiver $UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS | tar $TAR_OPTS -C $DIR" udp-receiver $UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS | tar $TAR_OPTS -C $DIR TAR_EXIT_STATUS=$? UDP_RECEIVER_EXIT_STATUS=0 else logmsg udp-receiver $UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --file /tmp/multicast.tar udp-receiver $UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS --file /tmp/multicast.tar UDP_RECEIVER_EXIT_STATUS=$? # untar it if [ "$UDP_RECEIVER_EXIT_STATUS" = "0" ]; then logmsg tar ${TAR_OPTS} -f /tmp/multicast.tar -C ${DIR} tar ${TAR_OPTS} -f /tmp/multicast.tar -C ${DIR} TAR_EXIT_STATUS=$? fi # discard used tarball like an old sock (recommended by: Ramon Bastiaans <bastiaans@sara.nl>) rm -f /tmp/multicast.tar fi # did everything work properly if [ $UDP_RECEIVER_EXIT_STATUS -eq 0 ] && [ $TAR_EXIT_STATUS -eq 0 ]; then SUCCESS=yes else if [ $COUNT -lt $RETRY ]; then COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1 )) logmsg "flamethrower_client: Proceeding with retry $COUNT of $RETRY" else logmsg logmsg "flamethrower_client: FATAL: Initial attempt and $RETRY retries failed!" shellout fi fi # sleep apnea sleep_loop $FLAMETHROWER_CLIENT_SLEEP done # done logmsg 'finished!' logmsg # Unset vars, so next module (which may not have them set) won't use then unintentially unset TTL unset NOSYNC unset ASYNC unset MCAST_ALL_ADDR unset RETRY unset COUNT unset DIR unset PORTBASE unset UDP_RECEIVER_EXIT_STATUS unset UDP_RECEIVER_OPTIONS unset TAR_EXIT_STATUS unset TAR_OPTS unset SUCCESS unset FLAMETHROWER_TARPIPE } # ################################################################################ # # Autodetect a staging directory for the bittorrent tarball # # Usage: bittorrent_autodetect_staging_dir torrent # bittorrent_autodetect_staging_dir() { torrent=$1 if [ ! -f $torrent ]; then logmsg "warning: torrent file $torrent does not exist!" return fi # List of preferred staging directory (/tmp = ramdisk staging) preferred_dirs="/tmp /a/tmp `df 2>/dev/null | sed '1d' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f6`" # Use a breathing room of 100MB (this should be enough for a lot of cases) breathing_room=102400 # Evaluate torrent size torrent_size=$((`/bin/torrentinfo-console $torrent | sed -ne 's/^file size\.*: \([0-9]\+\).*$/\1/p'` / 1024 + $breathing_room)) # Find a directory to host the image tarball for dir in $preferred_dirs; do [ ! -d $dir ] && continue; dir_space=`df $dir 2>/dev/null | sed '1d' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f4 | sed -ne '$p'` [ -z $dir_space ] && continue [ $torrent_size -lt $dir_space ] && echo $dir && return done } # ################################################################################ # # Download a file using bittorrent. # # Usage: bittorrent_get_file torrent destination # bittorrent_get_file() { torrent=$1 destination=$2 # Bittorrent log file bittorrent_log=/tmp/bittorrent-`basename ${torrent}`.log # Time to poll bittorrent events bittorrent_polling_time=${BITTORRENT_POLLING_TIME:-5} # Wait after the download is finished to seed the other peers bittorrent_seed_wait=${BITTORRENT_SEED_WAIT:-n} # Minimum upload rate threshold (in KB/s), if lesser stop seeding bittorrent_upload_min=${BITTORRENT_UPLOAD_MIN:-50} # Start downloading. /bin/bittorrent-console --no_upnp --no_start_trackerless_client --max_upload_rate 0 --display_interval 1 --rerequest_interval 1 --bind ${IPADDR} --save_in ${destination} ${torrent} > $bittorrent_log & pid=$! if [ ! -d /proc/$pid ]; then logmsg "error: couldn't run bittorrent-console!" shellout fi unset pid # Wait for BitTorrent log to appear. while [ ! -e $bittorrent_log ]; do sleep 1 done # Checking download... while :; do while :; do status=`grep 'percent done:' $bittorrent_log | sed -ne '$p' | sed 's/percent done: *//' | sed -ne '/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/p'` [ ! -z "$status" ] && break done logmsg "percent done: $status %" if [ "$status" = "100.0" ]; then # Sleep until upload rate reaches the minimum threshold while [ "$bittorrent_seed_wait" = "y" ]; do sleep $bittorrent_polling_time while :; do upload_rate=`grep 'upload rate:' $bittorrent_log | sed -ne '$p' | sed 's/upload rate: *\([0-9]*\)\.[0-9]* .*$/\1/' | sed -ne '/^\([0-9]*\)$/p'` [ ! -z $upload_rate ] && break done logmsg "upload rate: $upload_rate KB/s" [ $upload_rate -lt $bittorrent_upload_min ] && break done logmsg "Download completed" unset bittorrent_log upload_rate counter break fi sleep $bittorrent_polling_time done unset bittorrent_polling_time unset bittorrent_seed_wait unset bittorrent_upload_min unset torrent unset destination } # ################################################################################ # # Stop bittorrent client. # # Usage: bittorrent_stop # bittorrent_stop() { # Try to kill all the BitTorrent processes btclient="bittorrent-console" logmsg "killing BitTorrent client..." killall -15 $btclient >/dev/null 2>&1 # Forced kill after 5 secs. sleep 5 killall -9 $btclient >/dev/null 2>&1 # Remove bittorrent logs. rm -rf /tmp/bittorrent*.log unset btclient } # ################################################################################ # # Get other binaries, kernel module tree, and miscellaneous other stuff that # got put in the binaries tarball. -BEF- # get_boel_binaries_tarball() { logmsg logmsg get_boel_binaries_tarball # mkdir -p ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR} # # if [ ! -z $SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL ]; then # # If we're using SSH, get the boel_binaries from a web server. # logmsg "SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL variable is set, so we will install over SSH!" # # if [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE ]; then # logmsg "FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE is also set, but I will be conservative and proceed with SSH." # fi # # # Remove possible trailing / from URL # SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL=`echo $SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL | sed 's/\/$//'` # # cd ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR} # CMD="wget ${SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL}/${ARCH}/${FLAVOR}/boel_binaries.tar.gz" # logmsg "$CMD" # $CMD || shellout # # elif [ "x$BITTORRENT" = "xy" ]; then # # # Download BOEL binaries from peers # bittorrent_tarball="boel_binaries.tar.gz" # logmsg "Start downloading ${bittorrent_tarball} (${ARCH}) using bittorrent" # logmsg "" # logmsg "--> INFO: remember to start /etc/init.d/systemimager-server-bittorrent on the image server!" # logmsg "" # bittorrent_get_file ${TORRENTS_DIR}/${ARCH}-${bittorrent_tarball}.torrent ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR} # cd ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR} && mv ${ARCH}-${bittorrent_tarball} ${bittorrent_tarball} # unset bittorrent_tarball # # elif [ ! -z $FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE ]; then # # MODULE_NAME="boot-${ARCH}-${FLAVOR}" # DIR="${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR}" # RETRY=7 # flamethrower_client # # else # # Use rsync # CMD="rsync -av ${IMAGESERVER}::boot/${ARCH}/${FLAVOR}/boel_binaries.tar.gz ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR}" # logmsg "$CMD" # $CMD || shellout # fi # # # Untar the tarball # tar -C / -xzf ${BOEL_BINARIES_DIR}/boel_binaries.tar.gz || shellout # chown -R 0.0 /lib/modules || shellout } # ################################################################################ # # Parse tmpfs options from /proc/cpuinfo # parse_tmpfs_opts() { logmsg logmsg parse_tmpfs_opts tmpfs_size=$(tr ' ' '\n' < /proc/cmdline | grep tmpfs_size\= | sed 's/.*=//') tmpfs_nr_blocks=$(tr ' ' '\n' < /proc/cmdline | grep tmpfs_nr_blocks\= | sed 's/.*=//') tmpfs_nr_inodes=$(tr ' ' '\n' < /proc/cmdline | grep tmpfs_nr_inodes\= | sed 's/.*=//') tmpfs_mode=$(tr ' ' '\n' < /proc/cmdline | grep tmpfs_mode\= | sed 's/.*=//') if [ "$tmpfs_size" != "" ]; then tmpfs_opts="size=$tmpfs_size" fi if [ "$tmpfs_nr_blocks" != "" ]; then if [ "$tmpfs_opts" != "" ]; then tmpfs_opts="${tmpfs_opts},nr_blocks=$tmpfs_nr_blocks" else tmpfs_opts="nr_blocks=$tmpfs_nr_blocks" fi fi if [ "$tmpfs_nr_inodes" != "" ]; then if [ "$tmpfs_opts" != "" ]; then tmpfs_opts="${tmpfs_opts},nr_inodes=$tmpfs_nr_inodes" else tmpfs_opts="nr_inodes=$tmpfs_nr_inodes" fi fi if [ "$tmpfs_mode" != "" ]; then if [ "$tmpfs_opts" != "" ]; then tmpfs_opts="${tmpfs_opts},mode=$tmpfs_mode" else tmpfs_opts="mode=$tmpfs_mode" fi fi if [ "$tmpfs_opts" != "" ]; then tmpfs_opts="-o $tmpfs_opts" fi unset tmpfs_size unset tmpfs_nr_blocks unset tmpfs_nr_inodes unset tmpfs_mode } # ################################################################################ # # Switch root to tmpfs # #switch_root_to_tmpfs() { # local MODULE=tmpfs # logmsg # logmsg switch_root_to_tmpfs # logmsg "Loading $MODULE... " # modprobe $MODULE 2>/dev/null && logmsg "done!" || logmsg "Didn't load -- assuming it's built into the kernel." # parse_tmpfs_opts # # # Switch root over to tmpfs so we don't have to worry about the size of # # the tarball and binaries that users may decide to copy over. -BEF- # if [ -d /old_root ]; then # logmsg # logmsg "already switched to tmpfs..." # else # logmsg # logmsg "switching root to tmpfs..." # # mkdir -p /new_root || shellout # mount tmpfs /new_root -t tmpfs $tmpfs_opts || shellout # # cd / || shellout # cp -a `/bin/ls | grep -v -E '^(new_root|dev)$'` /new_root/ || shellout # # mkdir -p /new_root/dev || shellout # mount -t devtmpfs -o mode=0755 none /new_root/dev || shellout # # cd /new_root || shellout # mkdir -p old_root || shellout # pivot_root . old_root || switch_root # fi # # unset tmpfs_opts #} # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # mount_initial_filesystems() { # Much of this taken from "init" from an Ubuntu Lucid initrd.img logmsg logmsg mount_initial_filesystems [ -d /dev ] || mkdir -m 0755 /dev [ -d /root ] || mkdir -m 0700 /root [ -d /sys ] || mkdir /sys [ -d /proc ] || mkdir /proc [ -d /tmp ] || mkdir /tmp mkdir -p /var/lock mount -t sysfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid none /sys mount -t proc -o nodev,noexec,nosuid none /proc # Note that this only becomes /dev on the real filesystem if udev's scripts # are used; which they will be, but it's worth pointing out if ! mount -t devtmpfs -o mode=0755 none /dev; then mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 none /dev mknod -m 0600 /dev/console c 5 1 mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 3 mknod -m 0660 /dev/kmsg c 1 11 fi mkdir /dev/pts mount -t devpts -o noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620 none /dev/pts || true } # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # monitor_save_dmesg() { if [ -z $MONITOR_SERVER ]; then return fi logmsg logmsg monitor_save_dmesg dmesg -s 16392 > /tmp/si_monitor.log } # ################################################################################ # start_udevd() { logmsg logmsg start_udevd echo -n " " /etc/init.d/udev start # If udev failed fall back to a static /dev if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmsg "failed!" #XXX -delete me -BEF- - logmsg "Creating a static /dev..." # cd / && tar -xzf dev.tar.gz || shellout logmsg done fi } # ################################################################################ # # Configure loopback interface (may as well) ifconfig_loopback() { logmsg logmsg ifconfig_loopback ifconfig lo } # ################################################################################ # # Load any modules that were placed in the my_modules directory prior to # running "make initrd.gz". -BEF- load_my_modules() { logmsg logmsg load_my_modules cd /my_modules || shellout sh ./INSMOD_COMMANDS } # ################################################################################ # # read in varibles obtained from kernel appends # read_kernel_append_parameters() { logmsg logmsg read_kernel_append_parameters . /tmp/kernel_append_parameter_variables.txt } # ################################################################################ # # Variable-ize /proc/cmdline arguments # variableize_kernel_append_parameters() { logmsg logmsg variableize_kernel_append_parameters cat /proc/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n' | grep '=' > /tmp/kernel_append_parameter_variables.txt } # ################################################################################ # # Look for local.cfg file # This code inspired by Ian McLeod <ian@valinux.com> # read_local_cfg() { logmsg logmsg read_local_cfg if [ "x$SKIP_LOCAL_CFG" = "xy" ]; then logmsg "Skipping local.cfg: option SKIP_LOCAL_CFG=y has been specified" return fi # Try with local.cfg directly from initrd. if [ -f /local.cfg ]; then cp -f /local.cfg /tmp/local.cfg fi # # BEGIN try hard drive # if [ ! -z "$LAST_ROOT" ]; then logmsg logmsg "Checking for /local.cfg file on hard drive..." mkdir /last_root logmsg "Mounting hard drive..." mount $LAST_ROOT /last_root -o ro > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then logmsg "FATAL: Couldn't mount hard drive!" logmsg "Your kernel must have all necessary block and filesystem drivers compiled in" logmsg "statically (not modules) in order to use a local.cfg on your hard drive. The" logmsg "standard SystemImager kernel is modular, so you will need to compile your own" logmsg "kernel. See the SystemImager documentation for details. To proceed at this" logmsg "point, you will need to unset the LAST_ROOT append parameter by typing" logmsg ""systemimager LAST_ROOT=", or similar, at your boot prompt. This will not use" logmsg "the local.cfg file on your hard drive, but will still use one on a floppy." shellout fi if [ -f /last_root/local.cfg ]; then logmsg "Found /local.cfg on hard drive." logmsg "Copying /local.cfg settings to /tmp/local.cfg." cat /last_root/local.cfg >> /tmp/local.cfg || shellout else logmsg "No /local.cfg on hard drive." fi logmsg "Unmounting hard drive..." umount /last_root || shellout logmsg fi # END try hard drive ### BEGIN try floppy ### logmsg "Checking for floppy diskette." logmsg 'YOU MAY SEE SOME "wrong magic" ERRORS HERE, AND THAT IS NORMAL.' mkdir -p /floppy mount /dev/fd0 /floppy -o ro > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then logmsg "Found floppy diskette." if [ -f /floppy/local.cfg ]; then logmsg "Found /local.cfg on floppy." logmsg "Copying /local.cfg settings to /tmp/local.cfg." logmsg "NOTE: local.cfg settings from a floppy will override settings from" logmsg " a local.cfg file on your hard drive and DHCP." # We use cat instead of copy, so that floppy settings can # override hard disk settings. -BEF- cat /floppy/local.cfg >> /tmp/local.cfg || shellout else logmsg "No /local.cfg on floppy diskette." fi else logmsg "No floppy diskette in drive." fi ### END try floppy ### # /tmp/local.cfg may be created from a local.cfg file on the hard drive, or a # floppy. If both are used, settings on the floppy take precedence. -BEF- if [ -f /tmp/local.cfg ]; then logmsg "Reading configuration from /tmp/local.cfg" . /tmp/local.cfg || shellout fi } # ################################################################################ # # Configure network interface using local.cfg settings if possible, else # use DHCP. -BEF- # start_network() { logmsg logmsg start_network if [ ! -z $IPADDR ]; then # configure interface and add default gateway ifconfig $DEVICE $IPADDR netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST if [ $? != 0 ]; then logmsg logmsg "I couldn't configure the network interface using your pre-boot settings:" logmsg " DEVICE: $DEVICE" logmsg " IPADDR: $IPADDR" logmsg " NETMASK: $NETMASK" logmsg " BROADCAST: $BROADCAST" logmsg shellout fi if [ ! -z $GATEWAY ]; then route add default gw $GATEWAY if [ $? != 0 ]; then logmsg logmsg "The command \"route add default gw $GATEWAY\" failed." logmsg "Check your pre-boot network settings." logmsg shellout fi fi else ### try dhcp ### logmsg "IP Address not set with pre-boot settings." ### BEGIN ether sleep ### # Give the switch time to start passing packets. Some switches won't # forward packets until 30 seconds or so after an interface comes up. # This means the dhcp server won't even get the request for 30 seconds. # Many ethernet cards aren't considered "up" by the switch until the # driver is loaded. Because the driver is compiled directly into the # kernel here, the driver is definitely loaded at this point. # # Default is 0. The recommended setting of ETHER_SLEEP=35 can be set # with a local.cfg file. -BEF- # [ -z $ETHER_SLEEP ] && ETHER_SLEEP=0 logmsg logmsg "sleep $ETHER_SLEEP: This is to give your switch (if you're using one) time to" logmsg " recognize your ethernet card before we try the network." logmsg " Tip: You can use <ctrl>+<c> to pass the time (pun intended)." logmsg count_loop $ETHER_SLEEP logmsg ### END ether sleep ### # create directory to catch dhcp information DHCLIENT_DIR="/var/state/dhcp" mkdir -p $DHCLIENT_DIR # combine systemimager code to the stock debian dhclient-script # and make executable cat /etc/dhclient-script.si-prefix \ /etc/dhclient-script.debian-dist \ > /etc/dhclient-script chmod +x /etc/dhclient-script # be sure AF_PACKET is supported in the kernel [ -f /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep ] && modprobe af_packet &> /dev/null # get info via dhcp logmsg logmsg "dhclient" dhclient $DEVICE if [ ! -s ${DHCLIENT_DIR}/dhclient.leases ]; then logmsg logmsg "I couldn't configure the network interface using DHCP." logmsg shellout fi if [ -z ${DEVICE} ]; then # Figure out which interface actually got configured. # Suggested by James Oakley. # DEVICE=`grep interface ${DHCLIENT_DIR}/dhclient.leases | \ sed -e 's/^.*interface "//' -e 's/";//'` fi # read dhcp info in as variables -- this file will be created by # the /etc/dhclient-start script that is run automatically by # dhclient. . /tmp/dhcp_info.${DEVICE} || shellout ### END dhcp ### # Re-read configuration information from local.cfg to over-ride # DHCP settings, if necessary. -BEF- if [ -f /tmp/local.cfg ]; then logmsg logmsg "Overriding any DHCP settings with pre-boot local.cfg settings." . /tmp/local.cfg || shellout fi logmsg logmsg "Overriding any DHCP settings with pre-boot settings from kernel append" logmsg "parameters." read_kernel_append_parameters fi } # ################################################################################ # # Ping test ping_test() { logmsg logmsg ping_test # The reason we don't ping the IMAGESERVER if FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE # is set, is that the client may never be given, know, or need to know, the # IP address of the imageserver because the client is receiving _all_ of it's # data via multicast, which is more like listening to a channel, as compared # with connecting directly to a server. -BEF- # if [ ! -z "$FLAMETHROWER_DIRECTORY_PORTBASE" ]; then PING_DESTINATION=$GATEWAY HOST_TYPE="default gateway" else PING_DESTINATION=$IMAGESERVER HOST_TYPE="SystemImager server" fi logmsg logmsg "Pinging your $HOST_TYPE to ensure we have network connectivity." logmsg # Ping test code submitted by Grant Noruschat <grant@eigen.ee.ualberta.ca> # modified slightly by Brian Finley. PING_COUNT=1 PING_EXIT_STATUS=1 while [ "$PING_EXIT_STATUS" != "0" ] do logmsg "PING ATTEMPT $PING_COUNT: " ping -c 1 $PING_DESTINATION PING_EXIT_STATUS=$? if [ "$PING_EXIT_STATUS" = "0" ]; then logmsg logmsg " We have connectivity to your $HOST_TYPE!" fi PING_COUNT=$(( $PING_COUNT + 1 )) if [ "$PING_COUNT" = "4" ]; then logmsg logmsg " WARNING: Failed ping test." logmsg " Despite this seemingly depressing result, I will attempt" logmsg " to proceed with the install. Your $HOST_TYPE may be" logmsg " configured to not respond to pings, but it wouldn't hurt" logmsg " to double check that your networking equipment is" logmsg " working properly!" logmsg sleep 5 PING_EXIT_STATUS=0 fi done unset PING_DESTINATION unset HOST_TYPE } # ################################################################################ # start_syslogd() { logmsg logmsg start_syslogd if [ ! -z $LOG_SERVER ]; then logmsg "Starting syslogd..." [ -z $LOG_SERVER_PORT ] && LOG_SERVER_PORT="514" syslogd -R ${LOG_SERVER}:${LOG_SERVER_PORT} # as long as we are starting syslogd, start klogd as well, in case # there is a kernel issue that happens klogd # set USELOGGER=1 so logmsg knows to do the right thing USELOGGER=1 logmsg "Successfully started syslogd!" fi } # ################################################################################ # show_loaded_modules() { # Show loaded modules logmsg ">> Loaded kernel modules:" for m in `cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/modules`; do logmsg "$m" done } # ################################################################################ # get_hostname_by_hosts_file() { logmsg logmsg get_hostname_by_hosts_file # # Look in $FILE for that magic joy. # FILE=${SCRIPTS_DIR}/hosts if [ -e $FILE ]; then logmsg "Hosts file exists..." # add escape characters to IPADDR so that it can be used to find HOSTNAME below IPADDR_ESCAPED=`echo "$IPADDR" | sed -e 's/\./\\\./g'` # get HOSTNAME by parsing hosts file logmsg "Searching for this machine's hostname in $FILE by IP: $IPADDR" # Command summary by line: # 1: convert tabs to spaces -- contains a literal tab: <ctrl>+<v> then <tab> # 2: remove comments # 3: add a space at the beginning of every line # 4: get line with IP address (no more no less) # 5: strip out ip address # 6: strip out space(s) before first hostname on line # 7: remove any aliases on line # 8: remove domain name, leaving naught but the hostname, naked as the day it were born HOSTNAME=` sed 's/[[:space:]]/ /g' $FILE | \ grep -v '^ *#' | \ sed 's/^/ /' | \ grep " $IPADDR_ESCAPED " | \ sed 's/ [0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*//' | \ sed 's/ *//' | \ sed 's/ .*//' | \ sed 's/\..*$//g' ` else logmsg "No hosts file." fi } # ################################################################################ # get_hostname_by_dns() { logmsg logmsg get_hostname_by_dns # Get base hostname. For example, www7.domain.com will become www7. -BEF- HOSTNAME=`nslookup $IPADDR | sed -ne "s/^Address 1:[[:space:]]\+$IPADDR[[:space:]]\+\([^\.]\+\).*$/\1/p"` } # ################################################################################ # get_base_hostname() { BASE_HOSTNAME=`echo $HOSTNAME | sed "s/[.0-9].*$//"` } # ################################################################################ # get_group_name() { if [ -f ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.txt ]; then [ -z "$GROUPNAMES" ] && \ GROUPNAMES=`unique $(grep "^${HOSTNAME}:" ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.txt | cut -d: -f2 | tr "\n" ' ')` [ -z "$IMAGENAME" ] && \ IMAGENAME=`grep "^${HOSTNAME}:" ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.txt | cut -d: -f3 | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | sed -ne '1p'` if [ -z "$GROUP_OVERRIDES" ]; then GROUP_OVERRIDES=`reverse $(unique $(grep "^${HOSTNAME}:" ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.txt | cut -d: -f4 | tr "\n" ' '))` # Add the global override on top (least important). GROUP_OVERRIDES="`sed -ne 's/^# global_override=:\([^:]*\):$/\1/p' ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.txt` $GROUP_OVERRIDES" fi fi } # ################################################################################ # choose_autoinstall_script() { logmsg logmsg choose_autoinstall_script # # Get the base hostname for the last attempt at choosing an autoinstall # script. For example, if the hostname is compute99, then try to get # compute.master. -BEF- # get_base_hostname # Get group name (defined in /etc/systemimager/cluster.xml on the image # server). -AR- get_group_name # # If SCRIPTNAME is specified as a kernel append, or via local.cfg, then use that script. # if [ ! -z $SCRIPTNAME ]; then # # SCRIPTNAME was specified, but let's be flexible. Try explicit first, then .master, .sh. -BEF- # SCRIPTNAMES="${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${SCRIPTNAME} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}.sh ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}.master" else # # If SCRIPTNAME was not specified, choose one, in order of preference. First hit wins. # Order of preference is: # HOSTNAME (i.e. node001.sh) # GROUPNAMES (i.e. Login.sh) - see /etc/systemimager/cluster.xml on the image server # BASE_HOSTNAME (i.e. node.sh) # IMAGENAME (i.e. ubuntu7_04.sh) # [ ! -z $HOSTNAME ] && \ SCRIPTNAMES="${SCRIPTNAMES} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${HOSTNAME}.sh ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${HOSTNAME}.master" for GROUPNAME in $GROUPNAMES; do SCRIPTNAMES="${SCRIPTNAMES} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${GROUPNAME}.sh ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${GROUPNAME}.master" done unset GROUPNAME [ ! -z $BASE_HOSTNAME ] && \ SCRIPTNAMES="${SCRIPTNAMES} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${BASE_HOSTNAME}.sh ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${BASE_HOSTNAME}.master" [ ! -z $IMAGENAME ] && \ SCRIPTNAMES="${SCRIPTNAMES} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${IMAGENAME}.sh ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/${IMAGENAME}.master" fi # # Choose a winner! # for SCRIPTNAME in $SCRIPTNAMES do [ -e $SCRIPTNAME ] && break done # Did we really find one, or just exit the loop without a 'break' if [ ! -e $SCRIPTNAME ]; then logmsg "FATAL: couldn't find any of the following autoinstall scripts!" logmsg "---" logmsg ${SCRIPTNAMES} logmsg "---" logmsg "Be sure that at least one of the scripts above exists in" logmsg "the autoinstall scripts directory on your image server." logmsg logmsg "See also: si_mkautoinstallscript(8)." shellout fi logmsg "Using autoinstall script: ${SCRIPTNAME}" } # ################################################################################ # run_autoinstall_script() { logmsg logmsg run_autoinstall_script # Run the autoinstall script. chmod 755 $SCRIPTNAME || shellout logmsg ">>> $SCRIPTNAME" $SCRIPTNAME || shellout } # ################################################################################ # # Description: remove duplicated elements from a list, preserving the order. # unique() { ret= for i in $*; do flag=0 for j in $ret; do [ "$i" = "$j" ] && flag=1 && break done [ $flag -eq 0 ] && ret="$ret $i" done echo $ret unset i j flag ret } # ################################################################################ # # Description: reverse a list # reverse() { ret= for i in $*; do ret="$i $ret" done echo $ret unset i } # ################################################################################ # run_pre_install_scripts() { logmsg logmsg run_pre_install_scripts get_base_hostname # Get group name (defined in /etc/systemimager/cluster.xml on the image # server). -AR- get_group_name if [ -e "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/pre-install/" ]; then cd ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/pre-install/ PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]all\..*"`" PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${IMAGENAME}\..*"`" PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${BASE_HOSTNAME}\..*"`" for GROUPNAME in ${GROUPNAMES}; do PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${GROUPNAME}\..*"`" done unset GROUPNAME PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${HOSTNAME}\..*"`" # Now, to get rid of those pesky newlines. -BEF- PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=`echo $PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS | tr '\n' ' '` if [ ! -z "`echo ${PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS}|sed 's/ //'`" ]; then for PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT in `unique $PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS` do logmsg ">>> $PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT" chmod +x $PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT || shellout ./$PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT || shellout done else logmsg "No pre-install scripts found." fi if [ -e "/tmp/pre-install_variables.txt" ]; then . /tmp/pre-install_variables.txt fi fi } # ################################################################################ # run_post_install_scripts() { logmsg logmsg run_post_install_scripts get_base_hostname # Get group name (defined in /etc/systemimager/cluster.xml on the image # server). -AR- get_group_name if [ -e "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/post-install/" ]; then # make a copy of variables.txt available to post-install scripts -BEF- cp -f /tmp/variables.txt ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/post-install/ cd ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/post-install/ POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]all\..*" | grep -v "~$" `" POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${IMAGENAME}\..*" | grep -v "~$" `" POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${BASE_HOSTNAME}\..*" | grep -v "~$" `" for GROUPNAME in ${GROUPNAMES}; do POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${GROUPNAME}\..*" | grep -v "~$" `" done POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS="$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS `ls | grep "^[0-9][0-9]${HOSTNAME}\..*" | grep -v "~$" `" # Now, to get rid of those pesky newlines. -BEF- POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=`echo $POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS | tr '\n' ' '` if [ ! -z "`echo ${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS}|sed 's/ //'`" ]; then mkdir -p /a/tmp/post-install/ || shellout rsync -a ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/post-install/ /a/tmp/post-install/ || shellout for POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT in `unique $POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS` do if [ -e "$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT" ]; then logmsg ">>> $POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT" chmod +x /a/tmp/post-install/$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT || shellout chroot /a/ /tmp/post-install/$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT || shellout fi done else logmsg "No post-install scripts found." fi # Clean up post-install script directory. rm -rf /a/tmp/post-install/ || shellout fi } # ################################################################################ # # Stuff for SSH installs # start_sshd() { mkdir -p /root/.ssh/ || shellout # download ssh authorized_keys if it's not present into the initrd. if [ ! -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; then if [ -z $SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL ]; then logmsg logmsg "error: authorized_keys not found and SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL not defined in the installation parameters!" logmsg "sshd can't be started!" shellout fi CMD="wget ${SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL}/${ARCH}/ssh/authorized_keys" logmsg logmsg $CMD $CMD || shellout fi # set permissions to 600 -- otherwise, sshd will refuse to use it chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys || shellout # must be owned by root chown -R 0.0 /root/ # create a private host key for this autoinstall client logmsg logmsg "Using ssh-keygen to create this hosts private key" logmsg mkdir -p /var/empty || shellout if [ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key ]; then ssh-keygen -t dsa -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key || shellout fi if [ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key || shellout fi # try to mount devpts (sometimes it's not really necessary) mkdir -p /dev/pts mount -t devpts none /dev/pts >/dev/null 2>&1 # fire up sshd mkdir -p /var/run/sshd || shellout chmod 0755 /var/run/sshd || shellout /usr/sbin/sshd || shellout logmsg "sshd started" touch /tmp/sshd_started } # ################################################################################ # start_ssh() { # create root's ssh dir mkdir -p /root/.ssh ############################################################################ # # If a private key exists, put it in the right place so this autoinstall # client can use it to authenticate itself to the imageserver. # if [ -e /root/.ssh/id_dsa ]; then # (ssh2 dsa style user private key) PRIVATE_KEY=/root/.ssh/id_dsa chmod 600 $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout elif [ -e /root/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then # (ssh2 rsa style user private key) PRIVATE_KEY=/root/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 600 $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout elif [ -e /floppy/id_dsa ]; then # (ssh2 dsa style user private key) from floppy PRIVATE_KEY=/root/.ssh/id_dsa cp /floppy/id_dsa $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout chmod 600 $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout elif [ -e /floppy/id_rsa ]; then # # (ssh2 rsa style user private key) from floppy PRIVATE_KEY=/root/.ssh/id_rsa cp /floppy/id_rsa $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout chmod 600 $PRIVATE_KEY || shellout fi # ############################################################################ # If we have a private key from the media above, go ahead and open secure tunnel # to the imageserver and continue with the autoinstall like normal. if [ ! -z $PRIVATE_KEY ]; then # With the prep ready, start the ssh tunnel connection. # # Determine if we should run interactive and set redirection options appropriately. # So if the key is blank, go interactive. (Suggested by Don Stocks <don_stocks@leaseloan.com>) if [ -s $PRIVATE_KEY ]; then # key is *not* blank REDIRECTION_OPTIONS="> /dev/null 2>&1" else # key is blank - go interactive REDIRECTION_OPTIONS="" fi # Default ssh user is root. [ -z $SSH_USER ] && SSH_USER=root CMD="ssh -N -l $SSH_USER -n -f -L873: $IMAGESERVER $REDIRECTION_OPTIONS" logmsg $CMD $CMD || shellout # Since we're using SSH, change the $IMAGESERVER variable to reflect # the forwarded connection. IMAGESERVER= else ######################################################################## # # Looks like we didn't get a private key so let's just fire up # sshd and wait for someone to connect to us to initiate the # next step of the autoinstall. # if [ -z $HOSTNAME ]; then logmsg logmsg "Trying to get hostname via DNS..." logmsg get_hostname_by_dns fi if [ -z $HOSTNAME ]; then HOST_OR_IP=$IPADDR else HOST_OR_IP=$HOSTNAME fi if [ ! -f /tmp/sshd_started ]; then start_sshd # Give sshd time to initialize before we yank the parent process # rug out from underneath it. sleep 15 fi logmsg logmsg logmsg "Started sshd. You must now go to your imageserver and issue" logmsg "the following command:" logmsg logmsg " \"si_pushinstall --hosts ${HOST_OR_IP}\"." logmsg logmsg # Since we're using SSH, change the $IMAGESERVER variable to reflect # the forwarded connection. IMAGESERVER= while [ ! -f /tmp/si_pushupdate.completed ]; do sleep 5 done fi } # ################################################################################ # # send_monitor_msg # # Description: # Redirect a message to the monitor server. # # Usage: send_monitor_msg "var=$msg" # send_monitor_msg() { if [ -z $MONITOR_SERVER ]; then return fi if [ -z $MONITOR_PORT ]; then MONITOR_PORT=8181 fi # Message to send. msg=`echo "$@"` # Get the client mac address. if [ -z "$mac" ]; then mac=`ifconfig $DEVICE 2>/dev/null | sed -ne "s/.*HWaddr //p" | sed "s/ //g" | sed s/:/./g` fi # Collect some special info only after proc file system is mounted. if [ `mount 2>/dev/null | grep proc > /dev/null; echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then # Collect the CPU info. if [ -z "$cpu" ]; then cpu=$(echo `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu\|clock\|model name\|cpu MHz" | grep -v "cpu family" | sed -ne '1,2p' | sed "s/.*: //" | sed "s/^\([0-9\.]*\)MHz$/(\1 MHz)/" | sed "s/^\([0-9\.]*\)$/(\1 MHz)/"` | sed "s/\(MHz)\)/\1 |/g" | sed "s/ |$//") fi # Collect the number of CPUs. if [ -z "$ncpus" ]; then ncpus=$((`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "^processor" | sed -n '$p' | sed "s/.*: \([0-9]\)*$/\1/"` + 1)) fi # Collect the kernel information. if [ -z "$kernel_name" ]; then kernel_name=`uname -r` fi # Collect the amount of phyisical memory. if [ -z "$mem" ]; then mem=`cat /proc/meminfo | sed -ne "s/MemTotal: *//p" | sed "s/ kB//"` fi # Evaluate the amount of available RAM. tmpfs=`df | grep tmpfs | grep "/$" | sed "s/.* \([0-9]*%\) .*/\1/"` # Evaluate the uptime of the client. time=`cat /proc/uptime | sed "s/\..*//"` fi # Report the message to the monitor server. send_msg=`echo "mac=$mac:ip=$IPADDR:host=$HOSTNAME:cpu=$cpu:ncpus=$ncpus:kernel=$kernel_name:mem=$mem:os=$IMAGENAME:tmpfs=$tmpfs:time=$time:$msg"` # Send data to monitor server. echo "$send_msg" | nc $MONITOR_SERVER $MONITOR_PORT } # ################################################################################ # # send_monitor_stdout # # Description: # Redirect a stdout of a command to the monitor console. # # Usage: <cmd> | send_monitor_stdout # send_monitor_stdout() { while read l; do # echo to the console -AR- echo "$l" # Send the message to the monitor daemon. if [ "x$MONITOR_CONSOLE" = "xy" ]; then MONITOR_CONSOLE=yes fi if [ "x$MONITOR_CONSOLE" = "xyes" ]; then # Log message into the global monitor log. echo "$l" >> /tmp/si_monitor.log fi done } # ################################################################################ # # Initialize the monitor server # init_monitor_server() { # Send initialization status. send_monitor_msg "status=0:first_timestamp=on:speed=0" logmsg "Monitoring initialized." # Start client log gathering server: for each connection # to the local client on port 8181 the full log is sent # to the requestor. -AR- if [ "x$MONITOR_CONSOLE" = "xy" ]; then MONITOR_CONSOLE=yes fi if [ "x$MONITOR_CONSOLE" = "xyes" ]; then while :; do nc -p 8181 -l < /tmp/si_monitor.log; done & fi } # ################################################################################ # # Report installation status to the monitor server # start_report_task() { # Reporting interval (in sec). REPORT_INTERVAL=10 # Evaluate image size. logmsg "Evaluating image size..." if [ ! "x$BITTORRENT" = "xy" ]; then IMAGESIZE=`rsync -av --numeric-ids $IMAGESERVER::$IMAGENAME | grep "total size" | sed -e "s/total size is \([0-9]*\).*/\1/"` else if [ -f "${TORRENTS_DIR}/image-${IMAGENAME}.tar.torrent" ]; then torrent_file="${TORRENTS_DIR}/image-${IMAGENAME}.tar.torrent" elif [ -f "${TORRENTS_DIR}/image-${IMAGENAME}.tar.gz.torrent" ]; then torrent_file="${TORRENTS_DIR}/image-${IMAGENAME}.tar.gz.torrent" else logmsg "error: cannot find a valid torrent file for image ${IMAGENAME}" shellout fi IMAGESIZE=`/bin/torrentinfo-console $torrent_file | sed -ne "s/file size\.*: \([0-9]*\) .*$/\1/p"` fi IMAGESIZE=`expr $IMAGESIZE / 1024` logmsg " --> Image size = `expr $IMAGESIZE / 1024`MiB" # Evaluate disks size. LIST=`df 2>/dev/null | grep "/" | sed "s/ */ /g" | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed -ne 's/^\([0-9]*\)$/\1+/p'`0 DISKSIZE=`echo $LIST | bc` # Spawn the report task -AR- { TOT=0; CURR_SIZE=0 while :; do LIST=`df 2>/dev/null | grep "/" | sed "s/ */ /g" | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed -ne 's/^\([0-9]*\)$/\1+/p'`0 TOT=`echo $LIST | bc` # Evaluate bandwidth. speed=`echo "scale=2; (($TOT - $DISKSIZE) - $CURR_SIZE) / $REPORT_INTERVAL" | bc` speed=`echo "scale=2; if ($speed >= 0) { print $speed; } else { print 0; }" | bc` # Evaluate status. CURR_SIZE=$(($TOT - $DISKSIZE)) status=`echo "scale=2; $CURR_SIZE * 100 / $IMAGESIZE" | bc` if [ `echo "scale=2; $status <= 0" | bc` -eq 1 ]; then status=1 elif [ `echo "scale=2; $status >= 100" | bc` -eq 1 ]; then status=99 fi # Send status and bandwidth to the monitor server. send_monitor_msg "status=$status:speed=$speed" # Wait $REPORT_INTERVAL sec between each report -AR- sleep $REPORT_INTERVAL done }& logmsg "Report task started." REPORT_PID=$! } # ################################################################################ # # Stop to report installation status to the monitor server # stop_report_task() { if [ ! -z $REPORT_PID ]; then kill -9 $REPORT_PID logmsg "Report task stopped." fi # Try to report the error to the monitor server. send_monitor_msg "status=$1:speed=0" } # ################################################################################ # # Beep incessantly # beep_incessantly() { local SECONDS=1 local MINUTES local MINUTES_X_SIXTY { while :; do echo -n -e "\\a" if [ $SECONDS -lt 60 ]; then logmsg "I have been done for $SECONDS seconds. Reboot me already!" else MINUTES=`echo "$SECONDS / 60"|bc` MINUTES_X_SIXTY=`echo "$MINUTES * 60"|bc` if [ "$MINUTES_X_SIXTY" = "$SECONDS" ]; then logmsg "I have been done for $MINUTES minutes now. Reboot me already!" fi fi sleep 1 SECONDS=`echo "$SECONDS + 1"|bc` done } } # ################################################################################ # # Beep incessantly # # Usage: beep [$COUNT [$INTERVAL]] # Usage: beep beep() { local COUNT=$1 local INTERVAL=$2 [ -z $COUNT ] && COUNT=1 [ -z $INTERVAL ] && INTERVAL=1 local COUNTED=0 until [ "$COUNTED" = "$COUNT" ] do echo -n -e "\\a" sleep $INTERVAL COUNTED=$(( $COUNTED + 1 )) done } # ################################################################################ # # Print out dots while sleeping # # Usage: sleep_loop [[$COUNT [$INTERVAL]] $CHARACTER] # Usage: sleep_loop sleep_loop() { local COUNT=$1 local INTERVAL=$2 local CHARACTER=$3 local COUNTED [ -z $COUNT ] && COUNT=1 [ -z $INTERVAL ] && INTERVAL=1 [ -z $CHARACTER ] && CHARACTER=. COUNTED=0 until [ "$COUNTED" = "$COUNT" ] do echo -n "$CHARACTER" sleep $INTERVAL COUNTED=$(( $COUNTED + 1 )) done } # ################################################################################